Edge of the Apocalypse

Chapter 1197: Alien warrior

"The small energy pile that can move freely can obscure the unknown barrier of wave energy detection. How can this tactic look so familiar..." Stark frowned, he thought about it, and knocked on the light key. . Another window opened, and green light intertwined quickly to build a model, which is a certain kind of human life. He looked like a human man with a bald head and no ears, wearing a smooth streamlined metal armor. The right hand is wrapped in a hand cannon type weapon, which has two energy conduits connected to the back of the armor. And on the shoulders, chest, left wrist armor and even legs, there are various weapon terminals. From pocket missiles to twin light energy high-speed guns.

Looking at this model, Stark touched his chin and said: "Yes, that's it. The Balm people's favorite tactical armor is driven by a small built-in energy pile, which can provide enough energy for high-energy particle hand cannons. It also has wave energy interception barriers and various weapon terminals. Using this tactical armor, they have sufficient combat effectiveness without revealing their source power..."

"But how come there are Balm people in the Iron Prison?" This is the question that Diego is puzzled by.

Iron Hell.

Stark raised his head, and the ceiling above his head gradually turned blush, which was a sign that the metal was overheated. On his left side, there was also such a red spot. Stark snorted coldly and stomped his feet in place, and the surrounding passages immediately vibrated like ripples in the water. He drifted back with the power of this foot, and now stepped on a shock wave that affected the opponent's attack.

Sure enough, a hot energy light wave blasted from the ceiling and the left wall at the same time, but the light wave that should have hit Stark's position just now was inclined, but it did not prevent them from forming a huge cross. Then the two light waves twisted and burst into an orange flame! The temperature in the passage rose sharply, the fire wave rolled towards Stark, and a tall figure suddenly appeared in the flame. The opponent was wearing a cloak, but after breaking the flame, many parts of the cloak began to burn, sparks were flying, revealing the metal armor under the cloak.

A hand protruded from the cloak. The hand in the armored glove had a round spar embedded in the phalanx of the fist. These spars light up at the same time, and high-energy beams of light pop out from inside. The beam was 20 centimeters long, buzzing, and the four beams grabbed Stark like claws.

Stark turned a little bit and gave way, even if the opponent hit the air. He took the opportunity to fit into the cloak man's arms, blowing up a wave of gray air. The other party knocked him back and flew back, seeing that he was about to fall into the still extinguished flame behind. Suddenly the cloak rose up behind him, and two blue electric fires spouted back, offsetting the body's inertia. The cloak man moved sideways in mid-air, and from behind him, a dozen light beams with thick fingers and five or six pocket missiles shot over. It turned out that behind him, another companion came out of the flame.

Raising his arm, Stark's fingers popped out of an empty gap, and this turning band of light flickered away, colliding with the flying beams and missiles. The beam disappeared in the gap, and the missile detonated, exploding several fireballs. The light led to castration, and still flashed to two uninvited guests. The two cloaked people flew up and down, and then the electric fire blasted from behind, spraying the smallpox

(This chapter is not finished, please turn the page) The board and the ground rush towards Stark at the same time.

The cloak man on the ceiling accelerated suddenly and fell over Stark's head to a place ten meters away behind him. The right hand was raised from the cloak, and the particle light cannon that had been hidden was ready for charging. Countless fluorescent particles gathered at the muzzle, and a group of hot brilliance burst out, forming a dazzling light wave blasting towards Stark.

The man in the cloak who flew close to the floor supported on the ground with one hand, the man bounced, and the bare claw of his left hand grabbed Stark again. At the same time, the wrist armor raised the high-speed beam gun, and the beam gun blasted out dozens of fingers with thick beams. The two fought back and forth, which meant that Stark had nowhere to escape.

Stark sneered.

He turned his body sideways, while raising his hand to punch left and right. Immediately the space on both sides of the passage sounded subtle but dense tremors, and Stark's fists each ejected an electric fire, and the electric fire continued to split, forming a twisted and twisted pattern, as if space gave him both fists. It must be cracked. These two lines flickered at the same time, and a frantic energy storm appeared on both sides of the passage.

In these two energy storms, both the blasting particle light waves and the flying light beams on the other side shattered and detonated. In the flames of the explosion, the two cloakers were blown out, and they could no longer besiege Stark.

This is another ability of Stark, "Space Shock". By shaking the natural source force of space, it makes it chaotic and violent, and finally forms an energy storm that causes damage. The strength of the energy storm depends on the source power content of the space. If it is on a planet rich in source power like the heaven star, these two energy storms are more than simply destroying the passage within 30 meters. Up.

In the dull sound of collision, the man in the cloak who had been behind Stark before fell to the ground. Before he had time to adjust his posture, his eyes suddenly went dark. Stark flashed in front of him and kicked it, causing the man to fly. He popped out a few more spatial bands of light flashing across the cloak man's body, the cloak man was obviously stiff in the air, and then his body fell apart. Together with the armor he was wearing, it shattered, and the pieces fell to the ground, and it took a moment for blood to flow out of blue fluorescent light. Seeing the strange blue blood, Stark frowned, and tore off the hat covering his head with one hand, revealing a bare head. Looking at the gray skin, as well as the thread-like nerves on the eyelids and lips, Stark snorted: "It turns out that it is the Nirm, who does not develop his own resources, but pursues those things outside. No wonder You can only invade some low-level civilization planets, waste!"

The Nirm's rank in the middle of the chaotic battlefield, and their average combat power is actually below the violent Catu. However, their organization is far from the Catu civilization that is still in the form of a tribe. In the Yorton Star Region, even a weak race like the Blade Devil is quite disdainful of the Nirm. To a large extent, the Nirm people can be regarded as vassals of the Kidd people. They declared their allegiance to the mechanical star Omisga in exchange for the technical support of the Kidd people.

The basic technology of the tactical armor commonly used by the Nirm is derived from the biological transformation of the Kidd. These aliens not only sell weapons and ships to other planets in the Yorton star field, but also have many contacts with other star fields. As an interstellar pirate

(This chapter is not finished, please turn the page) The emperor, Stark naturally also knows the existence of these aliens. In the long past, he even had several weapon deals with the Nirm.

The remaining Nirm flew back when his companion died tragically. But at the same time he entered a set of commands on his left wrist armor, and the tactical armor worn on him suddenly disengaged on its own. The gray-skinned alien wearing only a pair of shorts broke away from the armor, stared fiercely at Stark, and flew towards the other end of the passage at full speed. As for the tactical armor he took off, all the parts were combined. Under the action of the propeller behind it, it smashed into Stark, and the built-in small reactor was overloaded, and the strong light was transmitted from the gap of the tactical armor. All phenomena showed that the armor was blew up.

Stark squinted his eyes, he knew exactly what damage the small reactor explosion could cause. If it is left in peacetime, even if the Iron Prison is blown up to the sky, it doesn't matter to him. But now Alan is still in prison, Stark didn't want him to be threatened by any external force for the brother who could only die in his hands. This demon-like man pointed towards the flying tactical armor, and circles of spatial light emerged around it, wrapping it tightly from top to bottom. Then all the light belts contracted together, and they quickly pressed into the tactical armor, and the material in the parts of the light belt passed by was quickly annihilated.

In the end, the light band shrank into a brilliant light group the size of a fist. This light group suddenly rose, and an extremely strong light escaped from the inside. That was the energy brilliance produced after the explosion of the tactical armored reactor, but that group of devastating energy was tightly wrapped by the space light belt. They were enough to lift the terror energy of the iron hell, but they were continuously absorbed and annihilated by the space cracks.

When the light group dimmed, an explosion capable of destroying the prison disappeared in this way. Stark snorted, snapped his fingers, and the space gap disappeared. There was only an inconspicuous black spot on the ground of the explosion point, and who knew that there was almost a powerful explosion at this location. Only then did Stark continue to move forward and contact Diego through the brain on his wrist.

After a while, Diego’s voice rang from the communication port: “It’s so happy to be able to receive your message again~www.wuxiaspot.com~Master Stark, I suspect that Nirm might be the one who attacked you. people."

"It's not possible, it's them. I killed one and the other ran away."

Diego blew his whistle: "It's really a Nirm, this is wonderful. How can there be these aliens in federal prisons, and they also take the initiative to attack you, it looks like the federal guards will do it. Thing."

"How can I know this kind of thing, you haven't found Alan's place yet?"

Of course Stark didn't know that the two Nirms were originally brought by Alan to prepare for Horn. They were lying in ambush at this level of prison, but Horn used extremely domineering methods to directly reach the bottom level prison, leaving the two Nirms useless. Afterwards, Stark accidentally broke into their battle zone, but it was to treat them as Horn's gang that attracted the attack of aliens.

It's just that the reasons for this are extremely complicated, why does Stark know so much. Fortunately, Stark took the shot, replaced by Horn, and in the face of the self-destructive tactical armor, he would never be able to handle it as beautifully as Stark.

(End of this chapter)


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