Edge of the Apocalypse

Chapter 1198: Doomed reunion

c_t; "Actually, I just found some clues. (

Located in the speeding car in the ruins of the town, Diego drew his fingers. Several videos were playing on the screen in front of him, including the scene of Allen killing towards the prison warehouse after leaving the laboratory. Diego looked at a newly opened window, which showed a three-dimensional map of the prison. A green dotted line is swimming around the map, which is the clue left by the brain root Allen and then deduced the route afterwards.

"I have sent the information to your brain. You can see the deduction route."

Stark, who was in the prison, looked at the brain screen, and sure enough, he was prompted to receive new information. After he opened it, he saw a map and a route deduced by Zhi Nao. Diego's voice continued to ring through the communication port: "According to the brain's deduction, the accuracy of this route is more than 70%. I hope it can help you, Lord Stark."

"You are doing well, Mr. Diego, I will not forget what I promised." Stark glanced at the course of the route and said: "After tonight, it won't be long before you will belong to the Grant family. Patriarch."

"I'm looking forward to it." Diego seemed to burst out this sentence from between his teeth.

Stark closed the communication, and another red dotted line appeared on the brain, which was the route that the brain instructed Stark to move forward. According to Wisdom’s demonstration, the two routes will eventually overlap. Stark looked into the distance: "Wait for me, brother."

He swiftly moved in according to the route given by Wisdom Brain, during which he passed many prisons, and the prisoners who heard the movement inside were yelling, hoping that Stark would let them out. Stark naturally ignored it, so the request turned into a scolding, and after Stark scribbled a light strip of space, several cells were quiet at the same time. (The bodies of the prisoners in those rooms lay on the ground, and the two prisoners who were lucky enough not to be slipped by the space light were frightened and incontinent. After that, Stark passed through a medical room again and encountered two waves of attacks, but none Can prevent him from coming to the place where he will meet Alan.

When he came out of a passage, the space suddenly opened up. Here is the activity area where prisoners usually release the wind. There are two basketball courts, a circle of chairs around, and a passage in each of the other three directions. There are still some long wooden boxes stacked on the east wall. I don't know what is inside. Stark frowned. The space here was a little too open and there were many branches. If Allen could choose to escape from the battle, he would be troubled.

Before he came up with a sure solution, Stark suddenly felt it and looked towards the south passage. Almost as soon as he turned his head, a golden curtain of light was drawn out, and the ground where he was passing cracked. There was a figure in front of the light curtain, and he was resisting the impact of the light curtain. The man's whole body was wrapped in a layer of dark red armor, and the surface of the armor wriggled from time to time, looking like another life form, which was really disgusting. He plowed two ravines with his feet on the ground, and was pushed by the light curtain to the middle of the arena before stopping. The man screamed, pressing his hands in the middle at the same time. The light curtain flickered, shattered into countless pieces of light, and exploded into continuous flames.

At this time, another person walked out in the southbound passage reads;. It was a man of some age, walking with a knife in one hand, looking extraordinary. Stark's intellectual brain suddenly sounded Diego's whisper: "You have to be careful, those two are not ordinary people."

In the speed car, Diego had controlled the monitoring point of the square where Stark was located through the management system, and he could easily see the two people entering the square. The images of the two were zoomed in each window, and Diego looked at them cautiously: "The one with the red armor on his body is General Fendi of the Federation. He is a general and the person in charge of the Iron Prison. An old grandfather is Ellen's grandfather, Bethkod's former patriarch Horn!"

"Oh, why are they here?" Stark said to himself: "But it doesn't matter, as long as they don't interfere with me."

Stark noticed the two Fendi, and Horn and the others hadn't found Stark, a man who didn't belong to either party. Neither Horn nor Fendi knew which side Stark was on, so they warned each other and temporarily formed a confrontational situation.

At this moment, a low roar sounded from the eastward passage. Then the light in the entire space of the venue began to dim, and a layer of flames rose up, and all the things in the venue were stained with a blush.

The temperature keeps rising.

Stark shook his whole body, and the world became dark before his eyes. Whether it was Horne or General Admiral of the Federation, people and things were eliminated from the world in his eyes. Then there was blood flowing from the feet, meandering forward, like a red carpet spreading in this dark world to the other side. When a flame rose under the blood path, he saw Aifen.

The vision disappeared in a moment.

Although Horn and Fendi didn't see Alan, they heard the sound of drumbeats coming from far and near at the same time. In the muffled sound, a stern intention of killing was stepped on. Under the influence of this terrible murderous intent, it seemed that even the air had condensed. Fendi even forgot Horn and moved his eyes to the eastward passage. The passage suddenly stretched far and wide in his eyes, and the passage was dark in darkness. Suddenly a fire light rose, and then the fire wave roared from the passage!

The eyes of the three people lit up at the same time, and the fire waves from the exit of the eastward passage illuminate the eyes of the three people. In the flames, a figure of a wolf-headed human figure came out first. It was a werewolf covered with rock formations. It had sparks floating all over its body, and its chest was constantly turning with one eye, as if looking for something. When the line of sight fell on Fendi, the werewolf roared upward ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ the roar contained endless anger.

Fendi flickered away instinctively when he was stared at by that one-eyed. When he stopped, his face was hot. That action was suspected of showing weakness, and in his capacity, it was really unbearable. He squinted his eyes, and finally got another figure out of the tunnel. The silver Cangfa was reddened by the fire, and his handsome face was indifferent like ice rocks. Even though he was wearing the uniform of a Union soldier, that figure with a long knife in his hand was definitely not something that any soldier could have. He looked at Fendi, and then squeezed a word from his mouth: "I found you, Fendi!"


Fendi and Horne screamed at the same time. Hearing Horne's voice, Alan's mind was slightly divided on the Admiral. He looked to the other side, his gaze fell on Horn, the cold and murderous eyes that made Horn feel strange. Horn was relieved until Alan's eyes softened a little. Just as Allen vomited the word "Grandpa" from his mouth, he was on the north side of the passageway and suddenly an aura soared into the sky. Allen turned his head and saw Stark's black hair upside down and he was laughing at him.

He didn't expect that he would meet Stark again under such circumstances.



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