Edge of the Apocalypse

Chapter 1211: Deferment

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In a seemingly monotonous space, apart from the blue planet of Heaven in the distance, which appears to be alive, there are no other planets that can breed life in the surrounding space. Seen from space, the Heavenly Star is lonely, at least in the vast star field around it, it is the only planet that has nurtured civilization. But in this day and age, the distant star road is no longer the fundamental reason for blocking the pace of explorers, so the so-called loneliness is only relative.

Some space has been distorted, and things around it stretched and deformed, as if looking through a convex mirror. Then at the middle point of the distorted space, something else enters the space, it stretches with the space, and returns to normal as the space shrinks. When this phenomenon stopped, a starship that had just left the warp channel appeared in this space.

The star-like porthole baffle began to rise, and the passengers inside saw the scenery outside, even if there was nothing worth admiring in this space. But when the corner of the distant heaven star shone on the porthole window, Allen couldn't help but look at the blue planet.

"We are back." Edward said, "But we have other things to do before returning to the heaven star."

Allen glanced at him, but didn't ask what was the matter. The starship had already begun to move, and when it passed a group of meteorites, the Gemini locator erected near a death star could be seen from a distance. The locator flashes in space, and this unmanned machine acts as a medium for communication with the lunar space station. Allen and his party relied on it to return to the earth. Now that he sees it, Allen has basically guessed what other things Edward said.

Although it is a merchant ship, the starship is also equipped with a weapon system, but it is not comparable to the various types of combat ships specifically used for combat. Two missile launchers were raised on the front of the starship, and then several fires were emitted, and several missiles were shot out. Dragging the orange tail flame across the space, Allen in the passenger cabin saw that the missile hit the locator after a few seconds, and the Gemini star instantly turned into a splendid firework, with countless burning metal fragments. Flying in all directions.

After exploding the locator, the bottom of the merchant ship's hull opened, and five or six barrels were ejected out of the starship. As soon as they left the starship, lights began to flicker on the surface. Then a circle of blue electric fire spewed from the tail, and then flew away in different directions. After a while, these things have become points of light that keep going away.

"Those are signal transmitters." Edward explained: "Blow up the Gemini, then the earth will lose the specific coordinates of the heaven star. They can open the warp channel in this star field, but the position is random. It takes a lot of effort to search for the heaven star again. As for those signal transmitters, they will interfere and mislead them, if the Federation wants to track us through the signal of this starship."

Allen nodded, Edward's plan remained prudent. Just the destruction of the Gemini stars also means that they will not be able to return to Earth in a short time.

After ejecting the signal transmitters, the starship turned its direction, and the tail engine gushed out, pushing the starship toward the heaven star. At the same time, in an unknown space, after a while, several starships appeared in the void. Judging from the starship's style, it belongs to the Earth Federation, and the black wing logo on the main ship indicates that these starships belong to the "Black Wings" of the ace army.

In the command room of the main ship, Silfa looked listless. Even if the fleet suddenly left the speed channel, it seemed that the young admiral didn't care much, he just asked casually: "What happened?"

Someone replied below: "Report to the general. The guidance signal of Gemini suddenly disappeared, causing the speed channel to close quickly. We are now locating the surrounding space in order to confirm our position."

"The Gemini signal disappeared?" Silfa sat up a little bit and asked, "Then can we reach the heaven star?"

"We can allow the lunar space station to reopen the channel, but without the signal guidance of the Gemini stars, we can only reach the star field where the heaven star is located. After that, we need to search by ourselves, which may take some time."

"more specific."

"It depends on the size of the star field and the location of the heaven star. Even if we dispatch an unmanned aircraft to search, it will take at least three to five months to find the heaven star..."

"That's it." Silfa asked again: "Is there any way to find the signal of the opponent's starship?"

"We have done this just now, but the radar showed six signal sources, which appeared in different directions and were still moving."

Silfa laughed: "That's it."

The adjutant next to him was confused and asked, "General, what do you think?"

"My opinion is that now we can't track the target, this time the mission has failed, and we return home."

The adjutant was startled. He had followed Silfa for a while, and he knew that this gentle-looking young general was not the kind of person who gave up easily. It is unique for this mission to announce abandonment before it even starts, so the adjutant confirmed: "Are we no longer tracking?"

"Yes, we at Black Wing no longer accept any similar tasks. We have more important responsibilities. I will personally report this to Mr. President. If he wants to track the target, please ask him to send another one. The other legions are ready to execute." Silfa stood up and said, "I'm tired. Please apply for the return route to the lunar space station. You will notify me when you return to the earth."

Then, ignoring the adjutant and other crew members' faces, Silfa walked out of the control room. He went to his room alone, but recalled that after Alan was taken to the Iron Prison that day, he went to Mobit for a clear explanation. But the president did not want to see him at the time, and only left him a message: obey the order.

Silfa laughed as he thought about it: "Mr. President, what are you thinking about? This is different from what Orfascism agreed."

Heaven star.

Since the last time a foreign army invaded, but the federal army that came out halfway was wiped out, the Principality of Shadow seems to have abandoned the frontier of the southern border. More than half a month has passed since the war ended, but half of the aliens have never been seen again. Saron's stag army was still stationed in the unicorn collar, and even asked Keller to bring an army back to the mountain city.

Just as Salong thought, the mountain city did not see the shadow of the foreign race. It seemed that the sudden attack frightened them, and the Shadow Principality completely gave up its plan to invade the empire from this border. As a result, Keller simply stationed in the mountain city and rebuilt the fortifications. The people in the mountain city had proposed to move back more than once, but Saron refused, so Remington could only appease the leader and stay in Allen's territory temporarily.

As Alan and Edward both left one after another, the responsibility of managing the territory fell to Lucy. As Allen's closest woman, she is almost duty-bound, but fortunately there is a dragon who is familiar with territorial affairs to assist her. These days, Lucy is also well managed. That day, after reviewing the budget application from Rongguang College, she had no other jobs. In the study room of the lord's mansion of Dawn Castle, the afternoon sun fell on this dark desk, illuminating the golden rose ring on Lucy's finger. She turned the ring, and suddenly missed that person.

After Ellen returned to Earth, Lucy had no news of him. It's just that she has a lot of work on weekdays, and she spends almost all her energy on the management of the territory. It is only now that I have free time, my thoughts for him have come out of my heart.

There was a knock on the door, and after Lucy's permission, the dragon pushed in. The tall and thin Eastern man said solemnly, "Miss Lucy, please go back now, Lord Ellen and they are back."

Lucy's blue eyes lit up with green light, and she stood up and beckoned to the silver spider lying on the table in the sun. The silver spider jumped up, turned into thousands of silver threads and fell on Lucy's wrist, turning it into a silver bracelet. Lucy walked quickly out of the lord's mansion, and got on a carriage back to the hall that had just been built. The pavilion was a project that had been started before the aliens invaded. Edward built a pavilion on multiple territories for Alan and others to settle down.

Back to this hotel located on the hill to the north of Shuguang Castle. The environment here is quiet. The hotel is built on a hill covered with green grass, overlooking the city in the distance. A small road connecting the city and two rows of street lights on the side of the road were built together with this hotel. The carriage passed the gate of the hall and stopped in the small square in front of the main building. Lucy saw Edward when she got out of the carriage, but she sank when she saw Alan.

"Where is Ellen?"

"He's in the room." Edward walked into the main building with Lucy, and the two walked up the lobby stairs to the second floor. After turning into a corridor, Edward said: "His Royal Highness, Master Ellen's experience on the earth is not very good this time. Some bad things have happened."

"Can you tell me?"

"Of course, I don’t think the young master will take most of those things to heart, but there is one thing that he definitely can’t let go of ~ www.wuxiaspot.com~ Edward said in a nutshell: "When the young master was imprisoned by the Federation for no reason, Mr. Go and rescue him personally. But Mr. Horn couldn't come back. He was probably killed in the prison explosion. "

"Oh my God." Lucy covered her mouth and whispered. She knew Alan's feelings for Horn, and knew what losing Horn meant to Allen. Without seeing Alan, she could already feel the sadness in the air in this hotel.

"What can I do for him?"

Edward shook his head: "You don't have to do anything. As long as you stay with him and listen to him, it is the greatest comfort. On the way back, although Master Ellen said that he was fine, as long as he was not blind, he could tell that he was hurt. It's very heavy." He pointed to his chest and continued: "He is just holding on, but this kind of emotion is not good for the young master. I think now, only you can help him release it."

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