Edge of the Apocalypse

Chapter 1212: Go to the cemetery

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When they came to the door, Edward nodded to Lucy and left first. Lucy took a deep breath, then gently opened the door with both hands. The light in the door was dim, and the hanging curtains danced and flicked in the sunlight. The sunlight through the curtains left unpredictable shadows in the room. Alan sat under the edge of the bed by the window, leaving Lucy a path. Blurred silhouette.

He didn't speak, but looked at a pocket watch in his hand intently. He looked so seriously, the light flowing past his eyes was full of sadness. One of the softest parts of Lucy's heart hurts, and then her vision becomes blurred. She quickly wiped away the tears that hadn't had time to drop, and then coughed lightly.

The light in Allen's eyes suddenly became cold, like an ice rock suddenly falling and sealing his mind. Then when he raised his head and saw Lucy, the indifference in his eyes faded slightly, and a smile appeared on his face, but the smile did not make him look lighter, but rather tired. He patted the edge of the bed, and Lucy walked quietly, only to see a photo in her pocket watch. In the yellow photo, there was a girl with a stubborn expression, which looked a little similar to Ellen.

"This is a photo of my mother when she was a child. It has been kept by my grandfather. It was not until our first expedition that my grandfather gave it to me. He said that there is this pocket watch, just like my mother will always be with me. I know It is very important to Grandpa, but he still gave me the watch. I am grateful for everything he has done for me. But now, I may never see him again."

Lucy put her hand on Alan's thigh. She didn't know what to say, so she didn't say anything at all. Perhaps as Edward said, company is the best comfort.

Allen smiled, closed his pocket watch, and put it in his arms preciously. He looked at the girl and stroked her hair: "I know what you want to say. Edward is so anxious to find you back, so he wants you to comfort me? He is really interested, but you don't have to worry about me too much. . That’s right, grandpa’s affairs made me very sad, but at the same time I was also very angry. And now the anger exceeds the sadness, I will not let myself fall. Otherwise, I will not have the opportunity to settle with some people."

"Ellen..." Lucy said, holding his face, "There is only me here, you know, I am willing to share everything with you. Whether it is happy or sad."

"I know, but Lucy, I don't even have time to be sad or decadent. Edward only bought me a few months, no more than half a year, before the federal army will appear. Before that, I must do enough. Get ready." Allen grabbed her hand and said, "Edward calls you back, I can say goodbye to you now."

"Farewell?" Lucy was surprised: "Where are you going?"

"Blood King Cemetery!" Allen said: "When I went north, I felt that something was calling in the Blood King Cemetery more than once. I had to go there to see, even once. And I needed strength, It needs the power to fight against the Federation and avenge some people. The Blood King Cemetery should be a good choice. I will go deep into the ruins, explore areas that the empire has never set foot in, and sharpen myself. This time, I will go alone. "

"That's too dangerous!"

"I know, but Lucy, besides sharpening myself, I need a space to be alone. You all care about me, but there are some things that I have to face." Alan closed his eyes and pressed them to Lucy's cheek Side: "I need you to believe me as always, that's enough."

Lucy squeezed his hand: "Of course I believe you, this has never changed!"

The two looked at each other speechlessly. At this moment, no words could convey their hearts as well as a single look. The atmosphere in the room became calm and quiet, and Lucy leaned on Alan's shoulder, feeling his breath lingering around her. How she wished she could rely on each other like this until eternity. But that was impossible after all. After a while, Allen broke the silence.

"Tell me, I'm not in this period of time, did anything major happen to the Empire?"

Lucy said "um," and her stagnant thoughts began to turn, flowing into the distance like flowing water. She left Alan’s warm and powerful shoulders, her voice was like a breeze blowing over the treetops: "Two days ago, Mason came. He and Julian met alone, and just yesterday, Julian announced that he was leaving for Iron Spear Ridge. Huo. Yi also went back, and Mason accompanied him. They did not specifically say. However, Julian revealed some details when saying goodbye to everyone. It seems that in Tieqiangling in half a month, the nobles will be called in the names of Hoy and Elizabeth. Men. At that time, Mason will come forward to confirm that the new imperial prime minister is the murderer who assassinated Tangerio. He wants me to say, if everything goes well. After the Shadow Principality is repelled, Julian will be able to return to the imperial capital smoothly."

"Mason's wife?"

"Well, I heard that I have passed away." Lucy said again: "One more thing, Woodrick has led the dragon army to Sardin. Currently, he is cooperating with General Sirin in Sardin to resist the army of the Principality of Shadow. If you are going to the blood king cemetery, you will pass through Sardinia. You may be able to see Woodrick by then. The situation in the south is fairly stable, and several fronts are invincible and undefeated. However, the battle on the northern defense line It’s not very optimistic. Originally, there were Dragon Army and Black Wolf Army in the North, plus the Bucks Army, and the three armies together, the North is like a piece of iron. Unfortunately, because of Howson’s relationship, the Dragon Army Going south, the remnant remains in vain, temporarily taken over by the Black Wolf Army."

"At present, the Bucks Army has divided a part of its troops to the south, and the remaining troops plus a Black Wolf Army are obviously insufficient. But what is important is that of the three Great Warlords of the Shadow Duchy, two of them are stuck on the North Front. Go. But the generals of the Lion King Army and the Dragon Army are in the south. At present, there are only a few strong players in the North, and only Rodek is supported in the army. I heard that Rodek is already quite dissatisfied. Arkham’s self-sweeping behavior required him to fight with the Bear Armies on several occasions, but Arkham’s command of the Marshal went against him. He sent an army to the north to support him, not to mention that he did not go, even the elite The tyrant bear army did not send out, which made Rodke quite dissatisfied."

"In the old days, there was Tangriou, and the emperor's prestige was enough to suppress any uneasy thoughts." Allen sighed: "Unfortunately he is no longer there, and the two princes, whether Hausen or Julian, are not enough to convince the public. Zhu Li Ann Hoy and Elizabeth insisted, and the reputation was relatively better. But Howson drove the Bolling family out because of his eagerness for quick success and quick profit, he was greatly disappointed, let alone hope that he could suppress other voices. As for Rodke, he always It's just an imperial marshal, and Arkham is completely capable of not buying his account at this time."

"I hope that Ma Sen's presence can restore the imperial domination. The empire must first fight inside before it can settle down. When the time comes, a full counterattack may be impossible to repel the Shadow Principality." Allen said: "At first I was worried about choosing to go to blood at this time. The King’s Cemetery will bother you, but in this situation, at least for a short time, our territory should not be affected by war. Then I will feel a little relieved."

Lucy nodded and said, "The Stag Army on the unicorn collar is still garrisoned, and Midian has no plans to leave. Whether it's the strong or the army, it shouldn't be a problem to defend this line of defense. I won't stop you from bleeding. Wang’s cemetery, but I still recommend that you bring white. He looks like a fourteen or five-year-old boy, but he is more like a child in his mind. If you let him know that you don’t take him in the cemetery, I bet him It must be sad."

"Okay, okay, I listen to you."

"Then it's settled, I'll call Bai back."

In the afternoon, after Bai returned to the hotel, he quietly left with Allen. The two did not disturb the others, put on the hooded cloak Lucy prepared for them, brought enough dry food and water, and left the Dawning Castle like two ordinary adventurers. Allen didn't say goodbye to too many people when he left this time. When Father Milo and Vera and others came to the hall when they heard the news, Allen had already left, and they were a little embarrassed. Lucy simply left them. Anyway, everyone hasn't been together for a long time, and it is necessary to let others know what Alan has gone through on earth so that he can plan for the future.

A small dinner was held in the hotel that evening, and the protagonists of the banquet were naturally core personnel like priests. While enjoying the rich and delicious food at the dinner, Edward recounted Allen's experience of returning to Earth in a calm tone. From the time they arrived on Earth, they talked about returning to the Paradise Star, and General Mirren returned to the interstellar defense line. until.

The dinner lasted three hours, and by the end, everyone knew the ins and outs of the matter. Everyone was angry when they heard that Allen had been privately detained by the Federation for experimentation. Especially Willick, who knocked the table off the corner with one punch. And when they heard that Horn may have passed away, everyone was even more emotional. During the whole process, Lucy didn't say a word, only the change in her eyes could tell the mixed feelings at this moment.

After Edward told the whole story~www.wuxiaspot.com~Lucy asked: "You said they called Alan the Son of the Twilight?"

"Well, does your Highness know anything about this title?"

Lucy closed her eyes, as if thinking about something, and then whispered softly after a moment: "Remember, I have seen this word in the Royal Library. However, there are not many related records of the Twilight Son, and I only I have seen this term. As for the relevant information, even Idahuaxing is classified."

"Confidential?" Edward used a silver spoon to gently prop up the corn soup in the bowl: "This is strange. If the information related to the Twilight Son is also classified on Idahua, how does the Federation know. If It’s not that they found something on their own, then the Son of Twilight was leaked to the Federation by a third party. I boldly assume that if the third party is Ida Huaxing..."

Lucy stood up suddenly: "Then your plan may not have been delayed for that long." Read this chapter on mobile phone:

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