Edge of the Apocalypse

Chapter 1213: Visitor

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"His Royal Highness means that the Federation may seek the help of Idahua. Without the Gemini locator, it can accurately open the exit of the speed channel in the outer space near the heaven star?" Edward said in a deep voice. Said: "Idahuaxing's Rainbow Bridge technology does not need Gemini for positioning and guidance?"

"As early as a hundred years ago, the Rainbow Bridge technology has been updated and upgraded. Now we only need to grasp the coordinates of the destination. Even without the guidance and correction of the Gemini, we can also set the exit of the curved channel near the destination. There is an error, but the error range is completely acceptable." Lucy said: "We were at the King Snake base that day, and used the base system to send the signal back, so my home planet has the coordinates of the heaven star. If you say The Twilight Sons were leaked to the Earth Federation by our people, so in this matter, it is likely that the two sides will cooperate to some extent."

"In other words, they will come to Paradise Star soon, and take away Master Ellen again?" Edward finally frowned: "That would be quite troublesome. There are many strong men in the empire against the Federation and even Star Idahua. . But that person must be at least the ten holy level. The ones who are hopeful to help us are a Midian and the night shadow of the Boleyn family. But it is still unknown whether they will make a move. Of course I Julian can be pulled in so they will have to take action."

"But this is not enough. The Ten Saints are at best a general. The Federation will send at least one general. If Idahuaxing also has a Duke or higher combat power, we will be at a disadvantage even in the battlefield of the top power. Not to mention that there are too many empires, federations and Idahuastars, and they are only beaten in the middle and low-level battlefields. In other words, even if the power of the empire is brought on, it is difficult to compete with the federation and Idahuaxing's armies..."

Edward's analysis caused everyone to fall into silence. Originally, without the intervention of Idahua, the loss of the guidance of the Gemini could at least push the Federation for a few months, so they still have a little initiative here anyway. But now that this is the case, this active advantage is also erased. If the things Edward said are realized, then Allen will face a completely unequal force!

"I don't care." Willick said: "Without Master Ellen, there would be no me as I am now, let alone my fellow who can be protected by Beth Kod. So no matter who wants to be against the Master, you have to ask first. Pass my fist."

"And my hammer." Broy stood up and said.

"And my sword." Laura said calmly.

Belmode smiled and said, "My Chaos Blade."

Hubble roared: "Don't forget my axe, oh no, my axe has been lost..."

Lucy looked at these people, she was really proud of Alan's so many loyal followers. But this is what Allen deserves, just as they never gave up Allen, Allen never gave up any of them.

At this time Edward coughed lightly: "Be quiet, it's not time for despair. If you really need to work hard, then the situation is truly desperate."

"...I just said that the empire can hardly compete with the alliance between the Federation and Idahua, but don’t forget that this planet is not only the Balegun Empire. It also has the shadow bus, and the homeland of the dragon, which is on the other side of the sea. Empire. There is also Saint Ophra that is still the last to be seen, and I believe that there are many more creatures on this planet. What we have seen and heard is only the tip of the iceberg of the heavenly star." Edward stood up. Said: "As you can see, the celestial beings are not a secret to the natives of this planet. At least some creatures realize that there are outsiders coming to this planet from time to time. This has been confirmed by the dragon himself, and the empire has never been there. Stopped the excavation of the remains of the heavens and humans. Then, if they perceive the threat of the heavens and humans, how do you think the creatures on this planet will react?"

Lucy frowned and said: "You mean to make things big and use the power of the entire planet to fight against the Federation, and even our Idahua stars? No, Edward, this will trigger an all-out war."

"Trust me, Your Highness. I don't want to do this, but if there is no better way, then we have no choice but to do this. Unless, you want to hand over Master Ellen."

"How could that be possible." Lucy denied this possibility without even thinking about it.

"I was just in case, but I had to prepare immediately so that when needed, all the creatures of this planet could be dragged in." Edward's tone was cold to the point of no emotion.

The door of the hall knocked suddenly, and the housekeeper opened the door and bowed to Lucy: "I'm sorry to bother you, miss. A guest wanted to see you, and I wanted to refuse her, but she asked me to pass on a name. "

"who is it?"

The butler raised his head: "Xia Gelin."

Lucy jumped up like an electric shock: "Teacher Xaglin? Why is she here, please come in."

Seeing Lucy attaching such importance, the butler hurriedly left. It didn't take long for the footsteps to sound, and the butler returned to the hall, and there was indeed a figure behind. When she walked in, the entire hall seemed to lose its color, and she naturally became the only color in the hall. The light falling on her became soft and beautiful, just like the dusk of the sky, her whole person seemed to emit a faint light in the dim place, even if the stars could not rob her a little.

She is Xia Gelin, the woman who was awarded the title of Dusk.

There was silence in the hall, and both men and women were shocked by the beauty of Charglin, and Lucy was no exception. I don't know if it is an illusion, she thinks Xia Gelin is more glorious than ever. Hubble pushed Belmode even more: "I seem to be drunk." The latter shrugged and smiled speechlessly.

As the hostess of the hotel, Lucy came back to her senses and hurriedly left her seat and walked towards the beautiful woman. She opened her hands and said sincerely: "Welcome to you, Teacher Xia Gelin. But I never expected that she would At this time, this planet sees you. IMHO, you haven't been to the heaven star, right?"

Xia Gelin blinked her eyes. At this moment, she showed the playfulness of a little girl~www.wuxiaspot.com~, which was completely different from the dignified beauty like a goddess, but also eye-catching: "To get the coordinates of the heaven star It’s not difficult. As for finding you, don’t forget what my abilities are. It’s as natural as breathing to me. Okay, please tell me, is Alan here?"

"You were late, he went to it. Can you tell me what you are here? Teacher Xia Gelin."

Xia Gelin shook her head and said, "Don't be wary of me, my little Lucy. I'm here to help, to help Allen escape your father's sight."


"Ofascius the Great?"

Lucy and Edward whispered at the same time, and the two exchanged glances, and both saw a deep worry in each other's eyes.

The thing they worry about the most has happened. Read this chapter on mobile phone:

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