Edge of the Apocalypse

Chapter 1214: Lost ahead

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[Thank you book friend 23080628 for the rudder award, plus more! Brothers had better change the name. And thank you wi2kj5, Wulifanfan and other brothers and friends for their support. Yogurt asked about the update. Basically there are two shifts, morning and evening respectively. However, I can't mention it recently, and there are still dozens of them. So tomorrow I plan to integrate the contents of the two chapters into one chapter, reduce and update the number of chapters and order them, and return to normal after reaching the standard. It's really helpless, if it's not too little, I don't want to make a bad move, I can only ask you to understand more~~]

After Xia Gelin took her seat, the dining table was cleared, and the butler asked the servants to deliver black tea, coffee and delicate desserts, and then closed the hall door for everyone. Xia Gelin took a sip of black tea with impeccable grace and grace. After putting down the tea cup, she said: "This sudden visit is really uncomfortable. I don't know who sent the Twilight Son to the Great Emperor. I concealed something from the Great Emperor about this matter. When I was in Moon Lake Zhipan foresaw that the emperor had been aware of this and could only leave one step earlier."

"Teacher, please elaborate. You mean, you knew what the son of twilight is Ellen?" Lucy asked.

"Yes." Xia Gelin lowered her head and looked at her slightly raised abdomen. Her voice was soft as the echo of a valley: "Don't forget that I am the one who made the prediction of the cosmic twilight. When I first saw Ai in the Garden of Eden, When Lun, I knew he was the son of dusk."

Lucy whispered: "The universe is twilight, and everything ends. This is the prediction you made at the time. If Allen is related to this prediction, why didn't you tell the father?"

"Because when I am concentrating on Alan's future, there are some fragments that cannot be seen clearly. You must know my little Lucy, the future I see is only one of many fragments. Think of time as a river, the universe Any one of these factors may cause this river to have different branches. What I can see is only a certain tributary. In many cases, foreseeing things need to be corrected in combination with current information to get infinitely close to the facts. The result. The farther the foreseen time, the more variables." Xia Gelin shook her head and said: "I saw Alan that day, and could not see through his clear future, only some broken pieces. In other words, Allen’s future is full of many possibilities. Even though he is the son of twilight, he may not stage the cosmic twilight."

"Because of these pieces, I chose to hide the emperor. And because of the one or two pieces in there, I am willing to make him the only man in my life..."

Lucy coughed dryly: "Teacher, don't bring up this kind of personal matter here."

Everyone in the hall turned their heads away, or bowed their heads and smiled, but Xia Gelin was generous and natural. She smiled slightly: "You will know from now on, I did this for your sake, little Lucy."

"Going back to the topic again, I originally planned to observe it in secret, and guide Allen at the right time to avoid him on the road that I don't like. But this is the fate, accidents often happen suddenly. The emperor was very nervous when he learned of Ellen’s identity, because he knew what the Twilight Son was." Xia Gelin’s voice gradually became ethereal and ethereal: "About the Twilight Son, I’m afraid even Little Lucy doesn’t know it. But I, Ada The ancestors of Huaxing have long discovered clues about the Son of Twilight from some sufficiently old planets in the universe. Even before that distant time, multiple races of higher civilizations dispatched their own powerful men to jointly kill that The Twilight Son of the age, finally succeeded in preventing the end of the universe."

"Yes, the cosmic twilight can be stopped, as long as you kill the twilight child. Although the twilight child cannot be completely extinct, it will appear every time, but as long as you kill him, you can delay a long enough period. Time. It’s so long that we won’t be able to see the next dusk."

The whole hall became extremely quiet. No one, including Lucy, thought that the Son of Twilight was the messenger who ended the entire universe, not to mention that Twilight could be stopped, but the means to stop it was too cruel. Lucy trembled: "Then father means he wants to kill Alan?"

"No, no..." Charlene shook her head, her eyes softly looked at the girl and said: "Lucy, you have to believe that the emperor loves you. Even if he knows that Ellen is the son of dusk, he will consider you Feelings. The news I got through my own channels shows that the emperor wants the Federation to transfer Alan to him. He wants to bring Alan back to our home planet for observation. At the end of the day, it is determined that he has completely transformed into the son of twilight, and the emperor will not It will hurt his life. Allen can move freely on the home planet, but he can't leave."

"That is to say, it was the father that made the Federation recall Allen? But does he know what the Federation did to Allen!" Lucy said angrily.

"Even if I did not foresee this, let alone the emperor, what the Federation did was not what he hoped for, shouldn't you know it?"

"Miss Xaglin, I noticed that you mentioned the word transformation just now?" Edward asked, "Can you explain it in detail for us?"

Xia Gelin nodded: "First of all, you have to understand that the Twilight Sons are not like humans, unlike our Idahua star people. They do not have a fixed race. In the research of the ancestors, there are a few different clues. The sons of Twilight in the age are from different races. The ancestors believed that the appearance of Twilight Sons was not determined by race, but by genes."

"Before the genes of the Twilight Sons appear, they will not even know their identity. Only when they basically appear will they be completely transformed. At this time, they will be like their ancestors, with obvious changes in their physical characteristics, and they will be separated from the original. Racial appearance, restore its ancient posture..." Xia Gelin said in the tone of recitation: "He came from the flame, and the fire worshipped him. Lava is his armor, and the black smoke is his banner. Flowing magma decorates his body, and the shadow that covers the sky under the fire light is his wings; his breath is the end of all things, I hope that the light of evening will never come."

"This is the description of the ancestors of the Twilight Son. The elements that appear the most are flames and high temperature. That should be the characteristics of the Twilight Son after transformation."

The silver spoon in Adele's hand suddenly fell on the table, and she quickly picked it up. People were all absorbed by Xia Glin's description, but no one noticed her little gaffe. The girl lowered her head because many others saw her unusual expression. She still clearly remembered that Allen had gone out of control in Storm City that day, and when the flames covered Allen's figure, Adele saw a majestic and domineering figure. She thought that it was Ellen's original ancestor, but now listening to Xia Gelin's description, that figure is very close. It turned out that she had seen Alan's true posture early in the morning, but until today, she did not know what she saw at that time.

"Well, these are things you don’t know, and now you know. As for the things that happened to Alan on Earth, you know better than me. I also know that your locator exploded, which is indeed a good thing. The method can delay the army of the Federation, but it cannot stop the people from our home planet. I believe Lucy also knows this." Xia Gelin said with a smile.

Edward asked, "Then Miss Charglin, do you have any suggestions?"

"When I came, I brought out some gadgets, such as the partial guide that interferes with the positioning coordinates of the home star. They can be delayed for a period of time, but it will never be too long. If there is no federal farce, I might let Ai It’s not a bad thing for Ellen to let the emperor take him away. At least he can know his identity. But now it’s not possible. The Federation has already sprinkled salt on Ellen’s wound. His character is absolutely not. Will accept the emperor’s invitation again. If the emperor’s attitude is tough, it will only cause the whole situation to get out of control, so now I don’t want Allen to go to the home planet. But..." Xia Gelin sighed: "This is not a long-term solution, Ai Lun cannot stay on this planet for long, he must find another place."

Everyone was silent, the earth would definitely not be able to go back, and Idahua star was also impossible, and now even the heaven star could not live long, they didn't know where else Ellen could go.

Xia Gelin looked at Lucy at this time and said: "I have something to talk to you alone. Do you have time?"

Lucy nodded and left her seat, and left with Xia Gelin.

When everyone on the planet of heaven was worried about where Alan would go next, some people on the earth were also busy with Alan's whereabouts on the other side of the universe. Alan is definitely one of them. He is sitting in the speeding car and is returning to the White House. In the past two hours, he has just concluded an unpleasant meeting with the nobleman. The three giants all sent their own representatives. The current patriarch Roddy of Bethkod and the old Kate of the Morsen family attended the event in person. The other families that ranked first in Babylon were either the patriarchs or sent representatives to observe. .

It is the first time that so many nobles have participated in political talks in the four hundred years since the founding of the Federation. Such a grand occasion can not be called the best, but it is absolutely unprecedented.

Everything is as Alan thought, the nobles are coming fiercely, and they constantly condemn the Federation. Among these condemnations, most have nothing to do with Allen. It can be said that the Allen incident was only a fuse, completely detonating the contradiction between the nobility and the Federation. In the whole meeting, the three giants and Roddy were quiet a little strangely. It is understandable that the representatives of the three wealthy families chose to silence Alan. Roddy has always had a bad temper, but apart from a stinking face in the meeting ~www.wuxiaspot.com~, there was no fierce words, which surprised Alan. Up.

In the end, Alan reached a number of agreements on behalf of the Federation and the nobles, and offered to take on the responsibility of finding Allen. After this meeting, the two sides finally did not completely tear their faces. The key is that Alan put all the blame on Fendi and accused Fendi of detaining Allen without his knowledge. Anyway, now that Fendi is no longer there, Alan has no evidence to say anything.

In fact, the nobles who participated in the meeting also knew that Alan was causing trouble, but after all, no family wanted to completely separate from the Federation, so Alan's doing so also gave both sides a step down. Only after this incident, the relationship between the nobility and the Federation has dropped to a freezing point. The partnership has not been dismantled yet, and it is only based on their own interests, but the split is a matter of time.

But these are not what Alan cares about. Temporarily appease the nobles and avoid immediate conflict. This is enough for Alan. He wants to use this buffer time for other actions. Read this chapter on mobile phone:

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