Edge of the Apocalypse

Chapter 1220: Federal offense

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A highland flying eagle hovered in the mountains. After centuries of evolution, this bird of prey has evolved a lot more than its counterparts in the old days. The pollution of the surface after the war of dawn is a severe test for all life. The creatures that can survive in such a harsh environment all become extremely powerful and fierce. Take the highland flying eagle as an example. Its size is at least twice the size of its counterparts in the old age. The black and shiny feathers can not only reflect the strong rays from the sun, but also give it the ability to fly in a short period of time in rainy weather. . Its power is 3.2 times that of its counterparts in the old age, which allows it to easily catch an adult elk and fly a long enough distance.

Everything is competing in a harsh environment, the weak and small have been eliminated by the times, and all that survived are strong enough.

The highland flying eagle stared at an elk, even though it was not a small distance away from its prey, but after centuries of evolution, its vision has also increased a lot. Even if it is just a small black spot in its eyes, the prey will be clearly shown in its eyes after adjusting the viewing distance. The flying eagle hovered, and its body was slightly depressed to prepare to dive. It dived fast enough to catch the prey even after it was discovered. This is a unique skill of high-altitude hunters, and it has been tried repeatedly in the process of hunting countless times in the past.

But the bird of prey suddenly cancelled its hunting plan. It seemed to be feeling something, making a few panic calls, and then circled and flew to other directions. After a while, there was a buzzing noise coming from the clouds on the mountain peak. An unspeakable sense of oppression made the animals on the ground scramble to flee, if the highland eagle could fly higher. Then when it drills through the clouds, it will see a fleet flying over this mountainous area above the sea of ​​clouds.

The sun was shining on the sea of ​​clouds, and the metal shell of the spaceship refracted the sunlight, flashing golden rays between the sky and the earth. The fleet is headed by one battleship and consists of twenty high-speed combat ships. The battleship is located in the middle of the team, and the other battleships lined up left and right, leaving a herringbone shadow on the sea of ​​clouds, which is very spectacular. Whether it is a battleship or a battleship, there is a golden lion logo on the ship.

At this moment, in the command room of the battleship, Kaprow was standing on the bridge, holding the bridge rails and looking at the front center screen. On the screen is a picture of a cloud peak, which is the destination of this operation. Capulo raised his hand and touched his beard and said: "The Guanghide Society is indeed unusual. Who would have thought that a base that has been marked as damaged by the Federation is their home. Hey, how long will we get there? ?"

This time, the adjutant Serway was not with him, so in this operation, the Golden Lion sent an excellent officer in the garrison on the earth to act as Capulo's adjutant. The adjutant was still very young. He looked at the marshal with admiration in his eyes. He stood upright and replied a little nervously: "There are ten minutes left, Marshal. But if you need it, we can cut it in half. time."

"No, just move forward at this speed." Capulo said, shaking his head.

The young officer opened his mouth, his expression hesitant. Although Capro didn't look at him directly, he seemed to know what was on his mind, and said: "If you have something to say directly, don't hesitate in front of me."

"Yes, Marshal!" the officer said loudly, "I think this action plan is not perfect."

"Oh, interesting. You think there is something wrong with my plan, talk about it." Kaprow encouraged.

The young officer nodded and said excitedly: "I think the other links are perfect. It's just that the marshal missed one of the exits on the part of the evacuation channel. Of course, or the marshal did this deliberately, just as Adjutant, I think it is necessary to remind you."

Capro laughed and finally looked at the young man: "I still wonder when you will come up with it, you know? If you make this plan because of me, you obviously think it’s inappropriate but you insist on it. If you don’t dare to mention your identity, then you can pack your bags and go home after this operation, because there is no need for such a person in the Golden Lion."

"It's different now. You still dare to question. This is a very important quality for an adjutant. If you follow your boss too blindly, the post of adjutant is not necessary at all." Capro nodded and said: "You That's right, I deliberately missed an exit on the evacuation channel that hit the Doomsday Bunker, just to see which big fish would come out of that gap."

The officer didn't quite understand Capulo's intentions, but he didn't question him either. On the contrary, he was very excited, and Capulo said this to him here today. After returning, he must be impressed by his boss, which is of great significance to his future.

In the Doomsday Bunker, the three Vincent sat on the sofa set of chairs. Among them was a crystal table with wine bottles and glasses, and each of them had a goblet in their hands, which was already filled with fine wine. J smelled the scent of wine in his nose, and said, "Is K too sensitive? Even if A was not killed by the federal army, he will definitely have no relationship with Alan."

"Alan is the master behind the scenes with at least a 90% chance of this, but even so, we can't ignore the methods he used." Vincent shook the glass, watching the amber liquid in the glass rippling circles. , Making his face reflected in the cup blurred. He said: "K has an inside line in the federal army. If Alan mobilizes the army to deal with A, he cannot have no news. This is what he is worried about. If Alan has other means to deal with A, it means that he has what we have. Don't know the hole cards."

"K went to investigate in order to find out Alan's hole cards." The woman code-named Q took over and said: "If you can't figure out his hole cards and rashly shot, I'm afraid we will lose badly."

"I think you are all worrying too much. There is no need to send everyone to the Doomsday Bunker." J sneered: "Let me go to Babylon to kill the fake president. Anyway, we also prepared other substitutes. Can replace Alan's work? But this time, these doubles can no longer be allowed to make their own claims. We need to increase control over them, Vincent."

Vincent nodded.

Suddenly an alarm sounded in the hall, and the faces of all three changed. Vincent calmly pressed a light button on the table and asked: "What happened?"

A small screen was opened on the desktop, and inside was an officer from the Guanghui Society. He said solemnly: "Sir, we found a federal fleet flying in our direction and will soon arrive over the bunker. ."

"Will it be the usual inspection team?" Vincent frowned.

The officer shook his head: "I hope so too, but if this fleet does not change its orbit, then it must pass through the bunker. The route is as precise as it is coming towards us. The most important thing is that it is a fleet of golden lions, golden lions. I never participate in aerial inspections on the surface."

"Activate the first level alert, we will come to the command center immediately." Vincent turned off the screen, flicked his ten fingers, and typed a set of commands on the light keys. After a while, the area where they were, together with the sofa and the table, sank down. After stopping, the three had arrived at the command center of the bunker. Vincent stood up, took the other two and walked quickly to the command platform.

Looking down, the big screen of the command center is reflecting the majestic appearance of the golden lion fleet emptied. When a shield appeared on each ship, Vincent's last hope was shattered. The opponent was ready for battle, and he was definitely coming towards the Doomsday Bunker.

J loudly said: "How could this be? How could the Federation know the Doomsday Bunker, and by such a coincidence, when we gather in the bunker, the Federation army will kill it, and it is still the Golden Lion!"

"Someone here betrayed the organization." Vincent said with an ugly expression.

Q lost his voice: "Is it K?"

"It shouldn't be wrong, only he didn't come." J gritted his teeth and said, "Don't let me see him again, or I will kill him!"

Vincent frowned, and suddenly said: "It may not be K. I need to confirm something. Please tell us our identity code." After he said, he took out a tablet brain and opened a certain The interface of the system, and then enter a set of codes. As soon as the screen changed, Vincent's portrait and other detailed information appeared on the screen.

"Each senior member gets a set of identification codes when they join, in order to identify each other's identity under special circumstances. Only we know this set of codes, in other words..." Vincent raised his head and looked at the two Humanity: "If it's a stand-in or something, you don't know this set of codes, right?"

"I don't have the habit of using a substitute." J said, then entered the code on the screen and the authentication was correct.

When they looked at Q, the woman's face became extremely bad, she stepped back and screamed: "No, no, it's not me. I don't even know that the Federation will attack here, Miss Wella just asked me to replace her. Came to the rally, but she didn't mention that the Federation would attack the bunker."

J squinted his eyes, and suddenly a flash had come behind the woman. He clasped the opponent's neck easily, his eyes cold. At this time Vincent shouted: "Don't kill her, it should be just like she said, Wella just told her to die, to calm our hearts. It seems Wella has caught up with Alan early, otherwise, How could Alan know the location of the Doomsday Guard."

"Sir, please give the order." The supervisor in charge of bunker security stepped onto the platform and said loudly.

Vincent looked at the screen. In the picture, the turret of the Federal spacecraft had already been charged. He sighed and said: "To counterattack fully, I authorize the use of all weapon systems in the bunker, including the Doomsday Cannon."

The security chief nodded, and after a while, the mountain where the bunker was located began to vibrate. Under the control of the system, the high-energy cannons hidden in the mountains removed the camouflage, and aimed the jet-black barrels at the federal fleet in the distant sky. On the ground, the missile wells were opened one by one, and the missiles inside were ready. Then there was a rock wall behind the mountain slid to both sides, countless rubble rolled down, and an armored track protruded from the mountain, pointing to the void. A single-man battleship flew out of the mountain. These airships were much smaller than the high-speed battleships, but they were half more than the Federal battleships in number. All the small battleships lined up in battle formation in front of the mountain. Finally, the top of the mountain split in the middle. Two pieces of armor plate disguised as a rock wall opened to the left and right, and a dark main battery turret protruded from it. A section of Wujin barrels protruded from the center of the fort, and the bright red lines on the barrel and even the turnings of the fort lit up one by one, so a terrible sense of oppression enveloped the mountainous area.

That is the Doomsday Cannon, the biggest destructive weapon of the Guangyin Society!

In the command center of the battleship, Capro looked at the lightly looming formation on the screen, and the Marshal smiled and said: "It is indeed an organization that dares to challenge the Federation, but it has some strength. You should be careful of each other’s main guns. It doesn't seem to be bluffing. Speaking of which, has our application for the Archangel Cannon passed?"

The adjutant next to him looked at the information of the portable brain and nodded: "The authorization has been down, Marshal. The Doomsday Bunker is currently locked, and the attack can be completed within ten seconds only by waiting for your order."

"Well, then let's start fighting."

After this order was issued, except for the battleship, the other battleships dispersed and flew in the direction of the doom bunker. As soon as the Federal Fleet moved, the airship in the direction of the bunker also headed away. Before the airship arrived, many weapon platforms on the mountain and the surface had already opened fire. The mountain forts flickered, and the crimson high-energy beams immediately tore through the air, passing through the existing spaceships and blasting to the Federation battleships in a precise trajectory.

As soon as the turret fired, the bunker spaceship immediately rose. Ten of them left the home team and rushed towards the battleship where Capulo was.

The Federation battleship also launched a counterattack. The shields on the battleship continued to absorb firepower from the enemy’s fort, and launched a fierce attack on the mountain. The high-energy cannons on the ship blasted out blue beams of light, and the shock-blast missiles it carried were dropped into the ground missile wells of the bunker. The bunker fired missiles to intercept and counterattack at the same time, while the single-man spacecraft flexibly circled the Federal battleship for harassment attacks.

For a time, this quiet mountain area was filled with deafening cannons. The red and blue light beams flew like rain, constantly staggering and colliding in mid-air, while the missiles on both sides created fireballs in mid-air. The sky was reddened by the flames of war, making people suspicious that dusk was coming early. At the moment when the high-altitude war was raging, Capulo appeared on the armored platform of the battleship, holding the magic sniper rifle in his hand. Looking up, more than half of the ten bunker ships have been shot down, and the remaining ones are still struggling.

Capro smiled, looked at the mountain where the bunker was, and his eyes fell on the dark main battery turret. He whispered: "Time is almost up, right?"

As soon as he finished saying this, the light in the entire sky began to dim. In fact, the light in the space has not changed at all. It is just that the bright red light from the doomsday cannon product illuminates the cannon body and dyes the mountain, occupying the space and becoming the focus of all sights. Visual contrast. The world gradually dimmed, only the red light from the muzzle of the doomsday gun became brighter and brighter. Capro didn't even need to sense it carefully to know that the red light was full of violent energy.

After all the lines on the main gun were illuminated, the whole world suddenly became quiet. Capro heard a cannon like a sigh, and saw the red light burst, bursting out a bright red beam like a torrent! The beam of light pierced the sky and slanted in the direction of the battleship. Where it passed, the space twisted. The surrounding images stretched towards the beam of light, and at the same time a series of crackling sounds sounded.

The spaceship located near the beam of light lost control no matter whether it was foe or foe, and floated towards the beam of light involuntarily. And as long as it gently rubs on the surface of the beam of light, a spaceship will suddenly explode, turning into countless fireballs dotted with this destruction light.

At the moment the Doomsday Cannon fired, Capro took a breath, and never stopped. His chest lifted, and strands of golden light leaked from under his skin. Seeing that the light of destruction was about to arrive, Capello exhaled. With his feet pressed heavily, the entire battleship sank under him, and the hull armor let out a series of moans.

The battleship sinks, and Capulo rises. He held Jue Yin in one hand, and reached out in front of him with the other hand to make a circle. A small golden disc appeared in front of Capulo's palm, but when the bright red torrent hits, the disc suddenly expanded, forming a source shield with a diameter of 1,000 meters! The beam of light blasted on the shield, violently colliding, bursting out countless jets of energy, the sky was like a rain of light, and golden and red jets fell all over the sky. When they fell to the ground, after a short delay, fireballs bloomed in the mountains and forests.

In an instant, the land within dozens of square kilometers was engulfed by flames. Rocks exploded, trees fell, animals fled, and the earth showed a scene like the end of the world. Looking at the high altitude, under the deflection of Capro's shield, the angle of the beam of the doom cannon began to change. In the bunker command center, Vincent and the others just looked at the beam of light on the screen and finally refracted at a 30-degree angle, and shot obliquely to the sky~www.wuxiaspot.com~ It caused a violent explosion outside the sky. .

"Monster..." Vincent's expression was bitter: "Although it is a fulcrum to change the angle of the Doom Cannon, how many people can do it? Using Abyss Crystal for energy, the Doom Cannon can even cause space. It's collapsed, let the monster Capulo block it in this way..."

The J next to him shook his head and said, "Perhaps we should consider evacuation."

When the voice fell, suddenly a crazy alarm sounded in the command center. The security director looked at a reading on the screen and screamed: "There is a high-intensity energy response above the base, and it will be in contact with the base in three seconds. All shields are opened, and the energy is Raise to the highest level and prepare to resist the shock!"

The lighting in the command center went out, and when the red warning light turned on, the whole ground suddenly vibrated violently. The metal dome was twisted and cracked sharply, and it could be seen that the cables in the interlayer were crushed and an electric fire was emitted! Read this chapter on mobile phone:

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