Edge of the Apocalypse

Chapter 1221: crisis

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Beyond the sky, the fire waves rolled, like a furnace toppling, igniting the entire sky. The central space of the sea of ​​fire continued to collapse, just like the sky had a hole in it, and flames and thick clouds continued to pour in under the action of the force field. The sea of ​​fire in the sky finally revolved around it, as if a vortex in the sea was forming. With hot smoke radiating from his body, Capulo, who was holding his hands silent, slowly descended onto the armored deck of the battleship. He raised his head and glanced at the huge vortex in the sky, then squinted his eyes and said, "It turned out to be a collapsible cannon. Ability, even this kind of space weapon was made."

The golden light on his body surface overflowed again, and every strand of hair was immersed in the golden source of light. Capro raised the magic sniper rifle and pointed it at the whirlpool in the sky. The muzzle exploded a circle of golden ripples, and after the ripples expanded to the limit, a second circle of gold patterns formed, connecting the three circles of golden ripples and spreading, blasting out a spiral ripple from a point in their center, the front end of the ripple, A ball of dark golden light broke through the air.

This Yuanli elastic is the size of a fist, has a rich color, and the light golden electric snake jumps continuously. It was wrapped in that spiral wave and blasted straight up high into the sky, submerged in the vortex of the sea of ​​fire. After a while, golden flames spurted out of the whirlpool, and golden patterns emerged and spread from the edge of the whirlpool like silver flowers of iron trees. The sky went dark suddenly, and only a golden sun rose, which broke the vortex and caused continuous explosions.

At high altitude, Yuanli was incomparably chaotic, and the flames were swimming like dragons and snakes, as if the sky was also cracked. But after this thrilling scene appeared, the phenomenon of space collapse disappeared. Caprow's shot neutralized the energy in the flame vortex, otherwise, if he left it alone, I really didn't know whether a black hole would be brewed. That would definitely be a disaster for the environment inside the planet.

When he looked at the dark fort of the Doomsday Cannon again, Capulo's eyes became a little sharp. At this moment, a light blue brilliance descended from the sky, like a star river hanging upside down on the mountain peak where the Doomsday Bunker was located. As a result, the entire mountain shook violently, and explosions began to occur in shield generators, turrets, and even missile wells on the ground everywhere.

It is the Federation’s space weapon, the Archangel Cannon, carried by the Federation’s artificial satellites launched into space. After accurate spatial positioning, it can attack any target on the surface. After a round of artillery scouring, the entire mountain peak was almost pressured by a line. Numerous thick smoke rose from the mountain, but only the doomsday cannon was intact. It can be seen that the material used in the fort must be extraordinary. Otherwise, even with the protection of the energy shield, it is impossible that even a single component has not been damaged.

"Interesting." Capulo whispered, and then the adjutant's voice sounded in the headset.

"Marshal, according to your wishes, we left an exit, and all other passages have been destroyed."

"Very well, you continue to attack, don't worry about other things." After speaking, Capro took off his headset. He looked at the smoky mountain, smiled, and didn't see him speeding up, he suddenly jumped up. When he reached the highest point, Caprotti passed through the artillery beams of the enemy and us in mid-air with Absolute Sound, and cast it towards the mountain where the Doomsday Bunker was located.

In the bunker command center, the terrible shock finally ended. Seeing that the entire dome above his head was about to collapse, Vincent jumped to the edge of the high platform and shouted below: "Report me the damage immediately!"

The safety supervisor quickly boarded the base system and started the self-check procedure. After a while, he said to Vincent with an ugly expression: "More than 40% of the bunker was damaged, and 70% of the weapon system was paralyzed. Two generator sets were damaged, and backup energy has been activated. Fortunately, the Doomsday Cannon has no A little damage. But with the energy of the current base, it is difficult to provide the energy needed for the Doom Cannon to fire.

Although the doom cannon has the abyss crystal to provide the source power, the biggest function of the abyss crystal is to cause the space to collapse, in order to increase the power of the doom cannon. The main energy supply of this killer still comes from the base itself. If the main energy cannot be provided as usual, it can be launched with the source power of the Abyss Crystal alone, but its power is only about one-third.

Vincent shook his head, when the security chief shouted again: "Federal ground forces have begun to invade the base, sir, I think you need to evacuate."

"Damn, I will never let that **** go!" Vincent hated to smash down the high platform fence, then turned to the other two and said, "Go, although most of the evacuation passages are destroyed, there is still It can still be used. Otherwise, we'll have to be trapped in the bunker."

He pointed to Wella's stand-in again: "After this incident, you must find that **** for me."

The stand-in nodded: "Extremely happy, sir. She simply asked me to die. Although being a stand-in should have the consciousness of the master to die, I don't like the feeling of being betrayed."

Vincent had a head, and the three quickly left the command center. As soon as they left the command center, there was already a team of soldiers on standby. They protected the three of them to a garage, and the three of Vincent got into an armored speed vehicle. The other soldiers were divided into two teams, each in a tactical speed car. Three speed cars flew along a tunnel that reached the mountain. After a while, the exit was in sight. Vincent was relieved to see that the exit was bright. If even this exit was destroyed, they would probably have to dig a new channel out of the mountain. It is not impossible with their abilities, but who can guarantee that the Federation will not have another space attack. It is estimated that after the second round of attacks, the entire mountain will collapse, and they are afraid that they will be buried alive.

The speeding car left the exit, and a highway went straight ahead. This secret road will pass through the forest and finally leave the mountain. Vincent knew that after leaving here, the Doomsday Bunker would fall into the hands of the Federation even if it was not completely destroyed, which made him heartbroken. But as long as he is not dead, there is a chance for revenge against the Federation. Of course, there is also Wella, it is impossible for him to let the woman go.

He was even thinking about how to leave the next book, and at this moment, Vincent's heart beat hard. Then I saw two golden lights outside the car descending from the sky, accurately landing on the two escorts on the left and right. The two tactical speed vehicles blew up in this way, and then a golden flow of fire fell diagonally and landed on the highway hundreds of meters in front of them. Amidst the flying hustle and bustle, a straight figure came out.

Vincent's mouth was bitter when he saw Caprow. He said: "Get out of the car." Faced with the Federal Marshal, hiding in the car is no different from looking for death. The doubles of J and Wella also knew the truth. The two of them had the same expressions, but they got out of the car with Vincent.

Capro looked at them with a lot of time, and said: "You are the leader of this organization?" The Marshal looked at Vincent, then his eyes passed from J and the substitute, and finally said to Vincent: "Except you are a little bit Head, nothing else. I really don’t understand where an organization like yours has the confidence to fight against the Federation. It used to be hidden in a stinking ditch. After all, we didn’t have the time to dig a few mice. If you want to run to the ground, you will be dead."

Without warning, Capro suddenly raised his hand. The muzzle of Absolute Sound lit up, and Wella's double body exploded. She didn't even respond, and her waist was almost broken, so she rolled her eyes and died on the spot. Vincent and J only reacted at this time. The two of them exploded at the same time, and the two auras soared into the sky. The ground sand and rocks flew away, but they were also quite powerful.

Capro smiled slightly at Vincent, the smile contained a certain meaning, and he looked at Vincent for a while. He didn't have time to think about the deep meaning of Capulo's smile, when he saw the Marshal dive, grabbing J's face with one hand, and hitting the speed car. The entire front of the armored speed car was sunken in, and when J struggled to climb out, he caught Capulo again.

The marshal pulled J out of the car directly, then let go and ran wildly, dragging J all the way to the ground and rushed back to the base channel. J was so depressed that he wanted to vomit blood. While Capro caught him, he constantly released his source force to smash into his body, messing up his own source force. He couldn't expel Capulo's source force at all, and he was involuntarily dragged along by the marshal.

Vincent watched as Caprow dragged J into the base tunnel, he gritted his teeth and rushed forward. But the footsteps only lifted up and stopped. Vincent's eyes were full of contradictions, and finally he whispered: "As long as I am alive, the light will not disappear. Forgive me, J, you have done it when you join the organization. Be prepared for sacrifice. So now is the time."

He turned around, the source force was still running crazily, Vincent turned into a stream of light, and quickly disappeared on the road.

In the base passage, J just felt the sky spin. When it stopped, the person had already crashed into the wall of the passage. He sank in, his hands and feet were entangled with many cables, and the corner of J's mouth was covered with blood. But out of Capro's control, he finally regained control of his source power. With one force, he roared and rushed out of the wall and fell to the ground, looking bitterly at the figure walking slowly with the gun.

Capro smiled and said, "It seems that your organization is not so united. Look, the other guy ran away."

"Vincent?" J looked at the exit of the passage. He didn't see him, and he couldn't even feel Vincent's original strength. He angered: "Coward! Coward!"

"It's really ugly. A mouse is a mouse. It will never have the quality of living and dying together. You don't need to be angry. It won't be long before that guy will go to **** to find you." Capro turned his head and looked back: "Dang After he finishes the job I hope..."

He said, and raised his arm. Without looking, Jue Yin shot J at the oncoming J!

A few days after the Doomsday Bunker was attacked, the Federation encountered sudden attacks on multiple military bases on the surface. Before the accident, these attacked bases received no news at all, as if the enemy had suddenly emerged. In addition, many important officials on the surface and in Babylon were also assassinated. They were assassinated by their trusted subordinates, brothers and friends, and one of them was killed by his wife in his sleep. It was later confirmed that these assassins were all members of the Guangyin Society.

For a moment, the entire Federation was panicked. Under the retaliatory action of Guangyin, no one knew whether the people around him were trustworthy, let alone who they should trust. The entire federal government is concealed in an unprecedented crisis of confidence. At this time, the freedom gate on the surface has sprinkled salt on the wounds of the federal government. Taking advantage of the Federation's retaliation from the Guanghyun Society, Freedom Gate carried out frequent military activities and dug out two more controlled areas from the Federation. The Federation quickly issued a declaration of war, and the situation became more serious.

Go to Babylon, and after a busy day, Alan returned to his house tired and sleepy. As soon as he opened the door and walked into his bedroom, he suddenly felt the air temperature drop sharply before he noticed a woman sitting on his bed. With her legs close together, Wella sat on the edge of the bed and looked at Alan with cold eyes: "What's going on? I have given you enough detailed information, but Vincent is not dead yet!"

Alan said helplessly: "This must be an accident."

"Accident?" Wella stood up, the temperature continued to drop, and the floor beside her feet had already climbed Hoarfrost: "You made it clear, but what about me? Now Vincent is looking for me everywhere, as long as he finds it, He will use all means to retaliate against me! I originally thought you were a human being, but I didn't expect that under such a situation, he would miss the big fish Vincent!"

Alan spread his hands and said, "Do you think I want to do this? Look at what that Mr. Vincent did. We lost five surface bases overnight and a dozen important officials were killed. More importantly, Everyone in the Federation is in danger now, because you don’t know if you were your confidant, brother or lover in the last second, and whether you will stab a knife in your stomach in the next second!"

"That can only be blamed on your incompetence!" Wella said unceremoniously: "There is also that crazy lion, I think Caprow is old and confused? I didn't kill Vincent..." She paused. Squinted his eyes: "Maybe the old guy did it on purpose?"

"You said Capulo deliberately let Vincent go?" Alan shook his head: "Impossible, Capulo is not invisible, how could he let Vincent go."

"Do you trust that old guy that way?" Wella sneered: "I guess, Mr. President must be exhausted now. I also heard that after these things are connected, your votes have been declining. If you If you can’t get the votes, what should you do? You can only rescue the old party, right? As the leader of the old party, if you want to get the old party’s support, you have to pass his level. I guess he will ask you then More requirements..."

"Even..." Wella walked to Alan and said in his ear: "Maybe Capulo wants to be the president himself."

Alan Meng remembered that in the office that day, Kaprow praised President Shawner, and Shawner was the Federal Marshal before he became president. Now let Wella remind that Alan noticed that there are many similarities between Caprow and Shawna.

Seeing Alan dumbfounded, Wella snorted: "I'm leaving. It looks like I have to leave for a while. We won't contact you anymore during this period. Let's talk about Vincent first."

"Also, be careful of your marshal. He is not like a loyal dog, but a wild lion."

After Wella left, Alan opened the window to let the night breeze back in. Wella guessed a lot of things, such as the old party. In fact, he met Capulo today and hoped to get the old party's support. Capulo did not immediately put forward the conditions as Wella said, but did not express anything, so that Alan couldn't figure out the depth. At that time, Alan only thought that Capulo had to consider carefully, and now Dewei Na reminded him that he even felt that Capulo wanted to be the next president by himself.

He pulled off his tie, only to feel that he had never been so tired.

The next day, a news made Alan feel a bolt from the blue. Vincent spread news on the Internet and in the media, claiming that the Federal President is actually a member of their organization. It is with this President that they can successfully attack multiple Federal bases and assassinate multiple Federal officials. Although Vincent didn't reveal that Mobit was actually Alan pretending to be, he also put Alan in an extremely unfavorable position.

As soon as Alan woke up, his private phone was almost blown up!

An unprecedented crisis has come.

Heaven star.

In the darkness, a pair of green eyes rolled up. It looked at the platform at 500 meters. A few days ago, the platform was still as silent and empty as before, but today there has been a temporary watch tower. The four braziers on the tower did not stop burning for a moment, and the flames burned the entire platform. It was shining brightly, and the fire light also penetrated into the darkness near the platform, making everything there invisible.

Flames and all things that glow are things that it hates, and these things make its eyes ache and tears. It knew that the flames were brought by humans. They used to come to such a deep place in the cemetery from the end, but not long ago after two outsiders broke in, the human army began to enter this maze. The eleventh layer of the labyrinth is so vast and complicated that in the past, it and its peers could always use their familiarity with the terrain to drive away the humans who have gone deep into the area.

But this time is different~www.wuxiaspot.com~ The human army seems to know this well. They quickly occupied the system points, established supply lines, and erected many high towers to bring the light of fire into this dark and deep world.

It hates all of this, to be precise, they all hate all of it. So in the darkness, more green eyes opened, and they were ready, ready to attack the human settlement. Drive these humans back as they have done in the past. They beat the drums, they shook their weapons, they screamed and moved fast in the dark.

After a while, the soldiers on a high tower suddenly saw a small figure suddenly appearing in the darkness ahead, followed by more underground dwarfs. The soldiers immediately blew the horn next to them, and several braziers in the nearby camp were quickly lit, and the rising fire light illuminated every wrinkle on the faces of the gnomes.

On this day, an army of underground gnomes attacked the station of the Fire Lion. The dwarf offensive was fierce, but ultimately ended in failure. The general Eligo personally participated in the battle. After the battle, the dwarf who died by Eligo's knife is enough to pile up a hill! Read this chapter on mobile phone:

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