Edge of the Apocalypse

Chapter 1222: The emperor

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After the &nb war, the soldiers swept the battlefield. The corpses of the dwarfs are collected, put in an ice coffin specially prepared for them, and transported to the upper tomb for the scholars of the ruins investigation team for dissection. But now there are not many corpse specimens needed, so after sending two complete dwarf corpses, the others are thrown into the incinerator for processing.

&nb This is already the eighth day of the fire lion’s entry into the eleventh floor. This week’s time is not easy for Eligo and the fighters. They set up this camp and supply line. Was fiercely attacked by underground gnomes and other creatures. However, because of the detailed information provided by Allen, Eligo devised different solutions to the weaknesses of these creatures. Therefore, although it is difficult to defend, it is hard to keep the camp. Compared with the past, this is a significant improvement, and even Elige has great confidence in clearing the entire maze.

As soon as several soldiers threw the last dwarf's body onto the corpse truck, they heard footsteps in the darkness ahead, and these soldiers immediately drew their long swords vigilantly. One of them threw a torch into the darkness, and the flame swirled into the darkness, illuminating a pair of red eyes. Only then did the soldiers see that they were two humans, a young man and a juvenile, but they were strangely similar in appearance, and both had silver-gray hair.

&nb The soldier who threw the torch woke up and hurriedly called: "Earl Ellen, you are back!"

&nb The older man nodded.

Twenty days later, Allen and Bai returned to the human settlement on the eleventh floor.

When &nb saw the two of them in the camp, Ellie laughed at them, another scene so familiar. Just like last time, the two who returned to the camp gobbled it up. The food looks not much better than the refugees. But does anyone know that one of them is the Earl of the Empire?

After &nb filled his stomach, Allen exhaled and sat lazily on the chair and said: "There is nothing happier than having a full meal after being hungry for three or five days."

&nb "Earl is really easy to satisfy." Ellie smiled: "With your current ability, even if you are hungry for a month, it will not be a big problem, right?"

"Nevertheless, the feeling of being hungry is really bad." Allen stretched out, sat up straight and said, "General, do you want to know what's on the 12th floor cemetery?"

&nb Ellie was taken aback: "You have explored the entire eleven-layer maze?"

&nb Allen shook his head: "This labyrinth is so deep and wide, how can it be so easy to explore. I just go all the way and directly reach the exit of this level. Later I will draw down the route I have traveled for you to open up the station. But I think even if it only occupies half the area of ​​this maze, you will be busy.

&nb "It's true. Not only is there a lot of depth and space, but there are also a lot of relics." Elrico smiled and said, "But I still want to know what's on the next floor, so I can prepare for future work."

&nb Allen laughed, a little mysterious. But he didn't have enough of Eli Ge's appetite. After smiling, he said: "The maze below will definitely surprise you. In fact, there is no maze, but a flat, open space. Look. Going up is more like a magnificent underground hall, of course this hall is not prepared for lives like you and me..."

&nb Ellie heard what he meant and frowned, "You mean, there are giant creatures in the next level of maze? How many?"

&nb Allen raised a finger: "There is only one, that is a giant beast, a real beast. But it is sleeping, and we have not awakened it. We bypassed it and found the way to the thirteenth floor. Entrance. To deal with this behemoth, I think you should treat it as a tough battle."

&nb "There is such a thing..." Eligo narrowed his eyes and said: "I am really more and more curious. Who built such a maze, and what is the purpose of placing these creatures in each layer of the maze? It's so curious."

&nb "When you reach the end, all your doubts will be solved." Allen said: "We should be in the garrison today. The old rules, please ask the army to prepare supplies for us. Next, we will continue to deepen, estimate this It took longer to leave this time."

&nb "Supply is not a problem, but Earl Ellen, I have to remind you to be careful." After speaking, Ellie left to prepare what Ellen needed.

&nb The next day, the two of them left again. Two weeks later, they appeared in front of a bronze gate that connected the ground and the dome, and the door went deep into the ground, as if it were connected to the ground. There is a figure on each side of the door, but the two figures are upside down. The portrait has no obvious features, and it is impossible to see whether it is a male or a female. You can only see their legs bent, like a baby in the womb. Therefore, the two upside-down portraits showed a 69-like shape. Allen noticed that the two figures each stretched out a hand, holding a halberd-like thing in their hands. It seems to be a weapon, but also like some kind of power, but no matter what it is. There is a depression in the center of these two things. The depression is very flat and symmetrical. It doesn't look like it is damaged, but a place reserved for something.

&nb Allen pushed the door hard, not moving as expected. He ran enough Yuanli and tried a few more times, and the results were the same. This is very strange. From the eleventh floor to this maze, almost all doors can be opened. As long as you can pass through the complex terrain and repel the underground creatures that don't know how long they have survived in the cemetery, the maze of each layer is almost unimpeded.

The exit of the labyrinth at this level was blocked, and it seemed that it could not be destroyed by external force. The door could only be opened by following a certain method. Alan stroked the cold bronze facade of the door, and could feel that something was calling him inside the door, but he lacked a key to open the door, so he could only look outside the door and sigh. He looked at the two sunken places on the door again, and faintly felt that they were the key to opening the door.

&nb "That may be the keyhole..." Allen said: "But where is the key?"

The question of &nb is obviously not answered in vain. Allen shrugged, sat down by the door and said, "Take a rest, and then let's go back. I can't find the answer here anyway. It's better to leave it to Elli to get a headache. I'm blunt, or let's go Trouble with the big guy above?"

&nb's white eyes lit up: "It should look delicious."

&nb Allen shook his head and said: "You know eating, that guy..." Suddenly Allen was silent, he jumped up and looked up into the endless darkness above the gate. After a while, he sighed and said: "It's really fast, it seems our holiday is over."

&nb blinked his eyes in white, wondering what Alan meant.

&nb "A guest is here, and you can feel the majestic aura from such a distance. This guest is not easy." Allen smiled bitterly.

While Allen felt the appearance of an unknown power, in the outer space of the heaven star, a pair of eyes saw the blue planet in full view. The owner of the eyes sighed sincerely: "It's so beautiful, this one The planet is glowing with powerful vitality, so obviously it's hard to do it even if you want to deliberately ignore it."

&nb said with a kind voice: "It is unbelievable that this planet was also one of the experimental grounds of our ancestors. I have heard that a series of huge experimental projects were carried out in the era of the Golden Rose, which can be found in the later literature. But at the end of the word. Maybe we can find the clue left by Empress Rose on this planet."

The person headed by &nb gradually backed away, and the soft light fell on his head, reflecting a square and majestic face. This majestic face is known to everyone in Idahua, because he is the king of justice Orfascius. Next to the emperor was Duke Grifo, who was in charge of going to the heavenly star, but was obstructed by Xia Gelin, and the Duke's fleet was delayed for a long time in this desolate star field.

&nb, Ophasis, who could not wait any longer, came to this star field in person, and by virtue of the invisible connection with Lucy, he found the exact position of the heaven star in the vast star field.

&nb Ofasis sighed: "Lucy once discovered the relics left by the Empress Rose era on this planet, and brought back information about the Golden Tree Project. But I have checked the classics and documents, and there is no considerable record. I refuse to be in the void. We have lost a lot of documents in the days of the fire, but I believe that the golden tree project should be concealed by man. As for the reason, it is estimated that only the ancestors of that era will know. But we don’t have time to pay attention to this aspect now. The Son of Twilight is a hundred times more important than the secret plan of the Empress."

&nb "You are absolutely right, but your Majesty, do you think about it again? It will be relatively gentle if I enter the planet and have contact with Her Royal Highness Lucy..."

&nb "No need, my friend." Ofasis shook his head: "If Allen is indeed the Son of Twilight, then Lucy and I will have a dead knot. This knot will be tied sooner or later. Even if we miss today, I can’t avoid the future. In that case, it makes little difference whether I go or not today."

&nb Grievous looked at the emperor, and obviously saw that the wrinkles on the forehead of the emperor had deepened a few minutes, and he sighed inwardly. Finally, Lucy and Lucy had a chance to resolve their old grievances, and now because of Alan, the father and daughter might have an insoluble knot.

&nb "Duke, let the fleet organize a space defense line and not let any starships leave." Orfascist said gravely: "Let me go and talk to Lucy in person, hope the situation won't be too stale."

&nb He turned around and strode, the scarlet cloak was like blood, and Grifo seemed to see the flames of war.

&nb That is the war between their father and daughter.

&nb "Ah!"

In the hall of Dawning Castle, Lucy suddenly sat up on the big bed in her bedroom. She was sweating profusely, her face was white, and her heart was beating wildly. She had a dream just now, in which she saw Alan standing in the flames, the flames burning around him, like a barrier. But that must be a fragile barrier, because outside the circle of fire, there are countless enemies.

&nb She relied on Allen to stand alone on the top of a certain mountain, and all around him were enemies, all over the mountains, from different races. But they all have a common desire on their faces, that is to kill Allen.

&nb Alan's expression is calm, as if he is aware of her presence. In the firelight he looked at Lucy, his eyes were as gentle as before, and he opened his mouth with a smile, and then rushed towards the starry enemy.

&nb refused to hear anything, but Lucy understood what he meant.

&nb I love you.

&nb is simply three words, but in that environment, it is as heavy as a mountain, so that Lucy can't breathe, and it's heartache.

&nb When she wanted to do something for Allen, the dream woke up.

Lucy sat on the bed and watched the sun gradually climb up on the floor. It turned out that it was already morning. She held her head, changed her clothes and was about to leave the bedroom, when she saw a note by the door, which seemed to have been stuffed in through the crack of the door. Lucy squatted down and picked up the note. As soon as it spread out, her face suddenly changed.

&nb has a line written on it: He is here.

&nb Which he?

The &nb handwriting could be recognized as Xaglin's handwriting, Lucy immediately pushed the door and walked to Xaglin's room. She opened the door rudely, but there was no figure in the bedroom. Xia Gelin was gone, and with her words, Lucy had guessed who he was referring to.

&nb Ofascism, her father, Idahuaxing’s King of Justice!

&nb Lucy's heart beats wildly, and a voice screams in her mind: He is here, he is going to take Alan away.

&nb "No, I won't let anyone take him away, not even my father!" Lucy yelled, suppressing the voice in her head. Her voice seemed so obvious in the early morning, so after a moment, Laura and Regis arrived almost at the same time.

&nb saw Lucy with a pale face, Lola gave a soft cry, hugged her quickly and exclaimed: "God, you are so cold."

Lucy is cold all over, but she can’t care about herself now: "Lola, go and wake everyone up."

&nb "Why? What happened?"

&nb "Someone is coming, it's my father. He is here to take Alan away. I can't let him do this to wake everyone up and let those who are willing to help stay. If you don't want to leave immediately..."

Before &nb finished speaking, a voice sounded in Lucy's mind: "No need, child. I've already arrived, let them continue to sleep, I just want to talk to you."

At the same time that &nb sounded, an invisible power suddenly fell, Lola and Regis froze, and both of them passed out into a coma at the same time. Lucy stretched out her hand to cover her mouth lightly, she could feel it, and the hall suddenly became extremely quiet. No matter who it is, no matter what he is doing, at this moment, under the oppression of Ofascism, he can't help but fall asleep.

&nb A moment later, Lucy heard a knock on the door.

&nb What should come is coming, Lucy calmed down at this time. She shook her arm, and the silver bracelet slipped from her wrist, and when it fell to the ground, it had transformed into the form of a silver spider. Lucy said to the silver spider: "Put them on the bed."

The &nb silver spider's body grew sharply, and finally grew to the size of a crab before it stopped. The next thing was easy. It spit out a silver cobweb at the unconscious Laura and Regis, wrapped them around and pulled it onto the bed. The web is extremely flexible, even if it drags the two of them to slide on the ground, it will not scratch them. But when needed, each thread of this spider web can also become very sharp, as long as the web is closed, the prey in the web will be cut into pieces.

&nb watched the two put the silver spider on the big bed, Lucy walked out the door, closed the door lightly, and headed to the hall. As soon as she entered the hall, she saw two figures. One of them was Griffon, and the gentle duke nodded to her. The other one is naturally Ofascius, he is standing there, even if he wants to be ignored by people, his extremely domineering posture is difficult to do. He seems to be the center of the entire universe, wherever he stops, he will become the focus of sight.

&nb Lucy stopped when she saw him: "Father."

&nb Ofascius turned around. When he just turned around, his expression was as cold as iron. But when he faced Lucy completely, he softened. Looking at his favorite daughter, the emperor sighed, "I really don’t want to come to you in this way, but Lucy, since Xia Glin Come to meet you, you should know about Ellen, right?"

&nb" Teacher Xia Gelin did tell me many things, including the Son of Twilight. But the teacher also said that even if Allen is the Son of Twilight, but he does not wake up in a day, there is no threat to the universe. This is the teacher to you The reason for concealing the truth."

&nb "Where's Charglyn?" Ofassis said, "She must have gone. Believe me, boy, our Marquis must have hidden other things, otherwise why would he refuse to see me."

&nb "She is not afraid of your punishment, but the teacher thinks that your intervention will make things worse." Lucy said: "The teacher foresaw the dusk of the universe, but she also saw that there was not only end and despair in the dusk. She I hope you will give Alan some time and hope for this universe."

&nb Ofasis shook his head and said: "First of all you have to understand, child. I can't take it lightly just because of a few words of Xia Gelin, I am the emperor of Ida Huaxing, I need to be responsible for the safety of my people. Secondly, I do not I intend to go against Allen, at least, I never thought of hurting him. It’s just that he has to go with me, at least, he must stay where I can see. I promise, as long as he wakes up at the end of the day, I will not be right What does he do. Instead, I will give him...everything!"

&nb Lucy laughed: "So you don't know Ellen, father. He won't go with you. He has lost a lot of things. If he loses even freedom, he would rather die! I hope you can believe me , I will stay with him and take care of him. I will not let him become a son of twilight. If he really awakens and wants to end everything. Then the first one to end will be me~www.wuxiaspot. com~ and I believe Allen will not do this. I believe him..."

&nb "I'm sorry, kid." Ofasis shook his head and said, "I can't bet hope on you or Xia Gelin. I can understand your feelings about protecting Alan, but I also ask you to understand my difficulties. If I'm just a simple father, then I will believe you as much as you trust Alan. But I am not only a father, I am also a king, I need to be responsible for more lives."

&nb Lucy nodded and laughed: "Yes, I have forgotten that you are the King of Justice. There is only one balance in your heart, and no matter what, you need to be weighed on the balance, right? Your Majesty Ofascius !"

&nb Ofascius sighed and said softly: "Tell me, kid, where is Allen?"

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