Edge of the Apocalypse

Chapter 1224: Never retreat

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His tone was calm, without a trace of ups and downs. But the more calm, the more powerful it is. It is like the sea, with a calm surface and turbulent undercurrents inside.

Lucy trembled slightly.

Orfasis looked at the young man in the distance, and said after a moment: "I am sorry about your experience on Earth, Allen. Yes, the message of the Twilight Son was passed to your compatriots by me. I originally hoped to pass the peace A gentler method leads you to Ida Huaxing. But I never expected that some people would do something like that out of their thirst for power. Although I didn’t know anything before, I didn’t Willing to shirk responsibility. I really did not handle this matter well."

"The past has become a fait accompli. I also believe that the things Mobitt did were not at your command, because you are Ofascism. I believe that the glory of the King of Justice will not allow you to do such a thing." Allen Putting the king on the ground, he smiled and said, "But as I said, the matter is over, I want to talk about the present. Tell me, Your Majesty, what are you going to do?"

"Ellen, you probably don't know yourself yet. I hope you can go to Idahua with us. I promise that you will be free in all your actions except for not leaving the planet." Ofasis said, "I can give Everything you want, including the greatest support for your family."

"It's very touching. To be honest, as long as it is a normal person, it will be heart-warming." Allen smiled unchanged: "But unfortunately, I refuse. I don't distrust you, Your Majesty. It's just that Grandpa sacrificed everything in order to regain my freedom. He can’t just waste his painstaking efforts. As for the support of the family, I think Uncle Roddy will also refuse. Bethkod is willing to continue to strengthen himself through his own efforts and cooperation with allies, but we will not accept nothing. By... alms."

"As expected." Ofasis sighed: "Let's put it this way, Ellen, since I have already come, it is impossible to go for nothing. I am absolutely unwilling to hurt you, but in order to take you away, I am afraid I You can only do this. But don’t worry, I won’t hurt your life, not only because of your relationship with Lucy, but also because of your indomitable spirit. Although many people think this is stupid, people can’t. Always only do smart things, sometimes it takes this kind of courage..."

He looked at Griffon: "Duke, try to act lightly."

Griver smiled and said, "Don't worry, Your Majesty."

After he finished speaking, he gestured to the starship on his head, and another beam of light descended. In that beam, something extremely heavy hit the ground, and a dull sound was emitted. When the beam of light rose, Allen saw that it was a shield, rectangular, with a matte metal surface, no extra decoration, and it looked unpretentious. Behind the shield, I saw a grip. The grip was long enough to hold with both hands. It should be the grip of some kind of knife or sword.

Grievous stepped forward, and when he lifted the shield, he naturally revealed a broad sword behind. Broadswords and shields are exactly the same. With Idahuaxing’s pursuit of beautiful things, this shield and sword does not have any gorgeous decorations, which is a bit strange. From their appearance and the air currents they move, Allen can easily determine that they are heavy shields and heavy swords.

He was a little surprised. The Duke Grieve has always given people a gentle feeling, but who would have thought that his weapon was a type that specializes in the battlefield. Weapons like rapiers and spears should be more in line with the Duke's temperament. But Grievous chose a heavy shield and heavy sword, that is to say, he was confident in his absolute power.

Allen's hand rested on the hilt of the red king, and his five fingers gripped the handle lightly with a moderate intensity. The red king and him immediately felt **** and connected. He looked forward, Alan looked far away, he passed Grievous, even Orfascius, his gaze fell on Lucy's face.

His lips moved.

Lucy trembled all over, she understood Alan's words.

I love you.

As seen in the dream, Alan said silently to her. At the same time, Grievous charged.

The Duke’s charge was as rough as his weapons, full of power. There was almost no acceleration, and Grievous was in extreme speed in the blink of an eye. He stepped on the ground with both feet, one foot and one footprint, and the surging air wave rolled up the noise and flew to both sides. Grievous was like a roaring chariot, crashing into Allen along an absolute straight line.

Allen's eyes moved slightly.

Get a point.

At this moment, a teenager was suddenly inserted between the two.


The boy opened his mouth and screamed, and the waves of breath that were visible to the naked eye swayed from his feet, like white snakes wandering. Without warning, a golden ripple appeared out of thin air, whipped away like a long whip, and hurled towards where Grifo was.

The Duke lifted his shield, with gold patterns drawn on it, and immediately twisted and exploded, forming a line of fire.

More and more gold patterns fell from the sky, countless long lashes lashed at the Duke violently, and the bursting lines of fire were intertwined, forming a terrifying storm. But in this flame storm, Grievous's advancing speed did not decrease slightly. That huge shield blocked many shocks for him, and the Duke kept walking, as if there was a mountain in front of him, he could also break away.

Then a mountain really hit him.

Bai's fist is the mountain.

The young man bent his knees, bounced, and fell in the air. Unnatural blushes kept appearing on his body, and finally he turned red all over. At this time, Bai flexed his elbows and contracted his arms, and shot a golden glow in the mouth of the boy's eyes.

The fist slammed out as he shouted.

There was a crackling noise in the air, as if even the space was about to be smashed by Bai's punch. His fist front tugged with thick fingers of grayish white air current, which affected the heavy air force like a mountain, and with the fall of this fist, it hit Griver's great shield heavily.


The sound waves that were visible to the naked eye spread out, and the ground was scraped a few inches out of thin air, and then the cracked pattern spread from under Griffith's feet. On the ground a few meters away from the impact point, stone pillars rose suddenly. After the force of the two collisions spread, the strata couldn't bear the force and squeezed up~www.wuxiaspot.com~ In between, the stone pillars were clustered with fangs.

Griffo stopped.

The little fist that hit the shield was like pressing a high mountain on the shield, making the Duke's chest tight.

As for Bai, at the front of the fist, a drop of blood was slipping from the shield.

Then the two separated at the same time.

Bai connected several tumblings and fell on a stone pillar.

Grievous took a few steps backwards, smashing a few stone pillars.

The two looked at each other speechlessly.

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