Edge of the Apocalypse

Chapter 1225: Immovable iron wall

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There was thunder in the wilderness.

After Bai and Griffon collided, they never separated. The young man's fists and feet are like rain, and every attack is as heavy as a mountain, fists and feet smash, motivating the majestic machine to let go and attack wildly. Grifo hid himself behind the huge shield. What he did was simple, to push forward. Even though every further push was much slower than before, he didn't stop like just now.

The Duke's sight has been only on Alan's body since just now.

Bai's attack seemed to be futile, even if every blow blows up gray waves, it can't stop the Duke from advancing, but pushes him back.

Grievous's eyes drenched suddenly.

The giant shield slammed forward, and Bai's hands and feet bounced back against him, Bai Ji slammed back a little.

It was the gap between these few steps, Grievous's epee protruded from behind the shield, the sword body was erected, and the sword was shot horizontally. Bai only had time to stand up with his hands and gave the Duke a shot. A wave of air was swept out of thin air on the ground, Bai quickly went away, flew out of a kilometer in a flash, and then fell to the ground. He rolled on the ground a few times, then bounced again, with his fingers inserted into the ground, and caught ten deep and long marks on the ground before finally stopping.

The boy raised his head and looked in Grifo's direction, breathing in and out. The frequency of vomiting became higher and higher, and the ups and downs of his chest also became more frequent. When he finally took in his breath, he roared. A pair of thin arms raised high and hammered down!

Both fists hit the ground, and the front of the earth arched up, forming a small bag of soil. The soil bag moved forward, raising it by one point every one meter before it moved. As a result, the ground seemed to have set off a wave, and the top of the wave kept rising, slamming toward Grifo. When the wave came to a distance of less than ten meters in front of Grifo, the ground had already arched a hill.

There was a majestic air plane in the hill that exploded, blasting the hill into countless fragments, falling on Grifo's head like a heavy rain.

The Duke lifted the shield, and a layer of light yellow radiance was revealed on the shield. Those large and small broken stones hit the shield, either bounced off or shattered into powder.

The stone fell like rain.

In these "raindrops", the white figure turned and flashed, and the boy crossed Grifo and fell to the ground behind him, then swept across the ground with one foot. Grieve lost his balance suddenly, and he fell to the ground. When he was busy, he looked up, and saw the boy bounced and rolled, with enough strength to pull out the arc-shaped air wave and smashed down.

Grifo raised his shield.

The young man slammed his foot on the shield, smashing the Duke and his shield into the ground. A shallow pit with a diameter of about three meters was formed on the ground. At this time, Bai stood on the Duke's shield in a half-squatting posture, the young man wiped his hands on the shield, and the man turned with strength. At the same time, the other foot lifted up, and when it turned around, Bai stepped on it heavily.

Step on a tornado!

The shield of unknown material should sink to the foot, and the surrounding metal was twisted and torn, forming an irregular shape. Griffith sank deeper in the epicenter of the drama, and a spiral wave of air sprayed from the shallow pit. When the airflow stopped, the shallow pit became a deep pit and its range doubled.

"It's really heavy." The Duke uttered these words, then his eyes changed slightly.

Bai bounced up, tumbling, spinning, and falling in midair. When he was about to fall to the ground, he stopped abruptly, violating the laws of physics and staying slightly in mid-air before rushing down like a cannonball. He blasted a punch, and the front of his fist pulled a huge wave of air like a mountain to hit the Duke's shield. Grievous's chest felt tight, and the whole figure sank into the ground as if it was being pressed down by a mountain.

The mountain-like air wave exploded, and a ring of shock waves screamed and spread to the surroundings. Even the cloak of Orfascius on the other side was blown away.

The Great Emperor looked at the ground, and the hustle and bustle of the wilderness revolved around, forming smoke rings. Suddenly the smoke ring exploded and Bai fell out of the pit and fell to the ground. Looking at the sinkhole that seemed to have been knocked out by a meteorite, Grievous stood up in an ocher glow, and the Duke walked out of the pit silently. He glanced at the hole in the back, shook his head, and threw away the shield with its sunken face. The epee plunged into the ground beside his feet, and he looked at Bai and said, "I thought I could knock you out, at least I don't have to make you suffer too much. But you are stronger than I thought, so there is no way. You can only use some crude methods."

He smiled at Bai: "Hold it up."

Then stretched his hands flat, touching his thumb and index finger lightly, and white appeared in the gap between the Duke's hands. Griver smiled and slowly closed his hands together. As soon as he moved his palm, Bai heard a series of tremors around him, and felt two heavy pressures squeezing from the left and right sides. It was as if he had been thrown in the middle of the two mountains. What's worse, the two mountains were still closing together!

Bai Mian yelled, holding both hands to the left and right. Yuanli spit out, and he really felt the heavy pressure on the left and right. He gritted his teeth and supported it, but he couldn't stop the two invisible peaks from closing inch by inch. The empty ground suddenly blew up waves of air, and the dust flew towards the two sides. Under the impact of the two sides, electric snakes were born and raised vertically, as if to outline an invisible but vertical rock wall.

Griffith was still closing his palms.

At this moment, one hand picked up Bai's back collar, and after throwing it casually, Bai threw it out. Grievous smiled and let go of his hands, looking at Alan who was standing there. Alan was already wrapped in a dark flame, and gray bone armor rose in the dark flame, protecting an important part of his body. Two bright streams of fire drifted behind his shoulders like long ribbons, and the already out-of-war Chi King was spitting out black and red explosions.

Alan looked calm and looked at the Duke and said, "Let me be your opponent."

Griffith put his hand on his chest and bowed: "It's a great honor."

Alan nodded, and suddenly disappeared, as if emerging from the air, he stood behind Grifo. The Duke's pupils shrank slightly, from Alan disappearing to appearing, he didn't even see how the other party did it.

A scorching air machine rose behind him.

The red king swallowed all the flames, his long knife was as red as blood, and as Allen swept it out, the blade drew a scarlet light in the air. The ray made an arc and swept toward Grifo's waist. The duke's robe flew up, Grifo looked solemn, and stretched out his hands toward the light. Grievous's expression changed when he first came into contact with the energy contained in this light.

He felt the terrifying aura contained in the humble light, the boiling aura, as if he were pressing his hands on the crater about to erupt.

Power like a flash flood!

Griffith couldn't hold back the violent air anymore, and was taken away by Allen. From a distance, a blade of light rises flatly, drawing a tense arc between the sky and the earth. The red blade of light is like a red hook, and Grifo is at the front end of the fishing rod. In a blink of an eye, he has taken him to an altitude of 100 meters, becoming an inconspicuous black spot in the sun.

Allen turned and took a light step. The Scarlet King raised his eyebrows flatly, and slashed again!

So there was another arc in the sky, which interlaced with the previous one to form a cross, and the two arcs lit up at the same time. The entire space was suddenly dimly lit, and in the interlaced cross arcs, the vermilion sky was gushing and pouring. The waves of fire instantly flooded the world, with enthusiasm surging, and the fire was like burning the sky and boiling the sea, out of control.

The starship in the sky rushed into the air, and the brilliance of the ship's hull turned, opening a magic shield.

Orfascius pulled his cloak and stood in front of him and Lucy a little. The flames swept across the sky, but it was easily diverted from a place ten meters away from them, and then closed at the same distance behind them, and finally rushed away. A dazzling blank appeared where the two of them were, like an isolated island in the raging ocean.

After a while, the flames on the sky and the ground gradually faded, and the entire space was heated up. Alan was standing between the sea of ​​flames, the Scarlet King hanging down, as if he had moved from the end.

Two ways to break the city, the world burns!

"But I haven't seen him for a while, he has grown to this level. I really don't know if his own potential is amazing, or the genes of the Twilight Son are so terrible." Orfascius shook his head and smiled: "I was at his age. , But absolutely can't use such two swords. If he continues at his growth rate, it will not be long before the fourth supreme will appear in this universe."

Lucy at the back whispered, "But you won't let him continue to grow, will you?"

"This is also a helpless move. If Alan is allowed to continue to grow, I am afraid that he will be completely awakened and completely transformed into the Son of Twilight. At that time, it was the greatest tragedy." Ofasis whispered: "So now let Grifo It would be better for Allen to stop him."

Lucy didn't express her attitude any more, the flames flying in front of her reminded her of the flickering candle in the room that night when Xia Gelin visited her eyes.

Xia Gelin had a long conversation with her alone that night, and she was talking about the current situation. At the time Xia Gelin used only hypotheses, but now it seems that the marquise might have foreseen what happened today.

"If the situation really becomes like that, Lucy, there is only one way to get Alan out..."

When Xia Gelin's words were still ringing in her ears, Lucy suddenly heard a muffled noise in the air. She looked up, and suddenly saw a wall falling from the sky and hitting Allen in front of him. But where is the wall above this wilderness?

"Greefer's weapons are known to be immovable. But this old friend of mine is probably the first time facing an opponent who is not the dominator, but he has to wear engraved weapons to fight. Only he can force Gerry. From the point of view that Buddha activates his arms, Alan is already proud enough." Ofasis sighed softly. He knew that once Grievous activated his arms, Alan would basically have no chance of winning.

Allen looked at the wall in front of him, which was ten meters high and five or six meters wide. This wall is translucent, and you can vaguely see the wilderness on the other side. This is a wall that is directly modeled by source force, and source force modeling is not uncommon. Some people use it to mimic weapons, and some people use their source power to turn them into ferocious beasts. Not to mention anything else, it is said that Fendi, General Fendi, used his source force to form alien weapons. But Allen also saw for the first time that someone had planned the source force to form a wall. It was true that the source force was big and thick, but Allen really didn't know what it did.

He soon knew.

Everything! Five more walls connected and fell. They formed a hexagon, and Allen was in the middle of the hexagon. Then a seventh wall fell, and this wall covered his head, forming a closed space. As the space closed, the wall of seven-face source force continued to shrink.

From the outside, you can only see that Alan is trapped in a hexahedron, which is shrinking. In the end, this thing will become Alan's prison. When the hexahedron shrank to half, suddenly a sky fire spewed out from behind one of the walls. The scarlet sky fire swept across and rotated in a circle, drawing a round basin. Then a circle of flame exploded inside the hexahedron, dividing the entire hexahedron into two.

The part of the ground was still shrinking, and the upper part was lifted into the air, and the flames of the source force and the skyfire collided.

A black electricity flashed from the flame and fell to the ground. Allen lifted the red dynasty and glanced at the back, the remaining hexahedron had stopped shrinking, returning to the original force floating in the air. A figure fell from the sky, but it was Grifo who stabbed Allen away. It's just that the Duke's whole body is wrapped in a piece of khaki armor at this moment. This armor looks extremely heavy, but it shows a sense of power.

Straight lines are distributed on the straight and wide beetle leaves, which are closely superimposed and envelop the duke. It is more appropriate to say that it is a fort rather than armor. Grifo smiled and said, "It's a bit unfair to deal with you without moving an iron wall. But it is better to end this battle as soon as possible. I hope you can understand that all this is for your good."

Allen laughed, a bit of sarcasm in his smile.

Griffith is very capable, as if he didn't see Alan's mocking smile, just reached out his hand and pointed in Alan's direction.


An iron wall fell.

Allen whispered: "Who is wasting time on earth?"

"Don't get me wrong, I have absolutely no intention of repeating the old trick." Griver smiled.

Suddenly, a majestic air machine appeared above his head, as if a towering mountain was headed down. Alan looked up in amazement, and saw that the sky was filled with a khaki iron wall at some point. The iron wall is stacked on top of each other, and there are tens of thousands of faces! That side of the iron wall began to smash down in the air, falling to the ground, continuously layering, and soon a small mountain was formed. Alan was trapped in that hill, and more walls of source power were still falling, like endless.

Within the Wall Mountain, Alan blatantly charged, rushing straight against several iron walls.

The Red King spit out flames and slashed horizontally.

Several iron walls fell down with a knife.

However, there were still countless walls after that, and Allen swung his knife and cut again, trying to penetrate directly through the wall. It can be vigorous again, again and again, and three times exhausted. Allen went straight into a hundred meters, blasting no less than a hundred walls, but found that the iron walls were still layered on top of each other. There is no decrease, but there is a trend of increase. He looked towards the sky, and many of the walls of the source force were still falling, and they were constantly stacking up. Now only a gap the size of a bowl could be seen in the sky.

I am afraid that soon, the gap of this bowl will shrink to the size of a needle eye.

Allen gritted his teeth, flicked an iron wall, then turned and jumped to the other side. In this way, he kept leaping and climbing between the iron walls, heading towards the only exit above the sky.

Beyond Wall Mountain.

Lucy opened her eyes wide and watched the mountain peak stacked up by the wall of countless sources. The peaks are still being raised, wide at the bottom and sharp at the top. The height of the entire wall mountain has exceeded 100 meters. From a distance, it looks like a huge toy building block, but the vigorous energy it exudes is not much different from a real mountain.

Ofasis whispered: "I can suppress him without hurting Alan as much as possible, and take him back. I think it's hard to have a second person besides Grifo. He is not only good at immobility. Defensively, I am better at suppressing opponents...Huh."

The emperor suddenly looked towards the mountain.

On the top of the wall mountain, a sky fire suddenly rushed up, and several iron walls of the mountain pass were decomposing, transforming into a little bit of source force to dissipate. In the sky of fire, Allen soared into the sky, and then looked down, only to see the whole picture of this majestic mountain. When he climbed to the top of the mountain, the pass was almost closed. If it hadn't been for a thunder light to break through the mountain, Alan would have lost all of his work now.

Seeing the sky fire, Grifo frowned and smiled bitterly: "What a stubborn child."

Although he was talking, his hands were not idle. The Duke spread his hands out and propped up as if he was supporting an invisible mountain. Qiangshan trembled and buzzed endlessly, and then began to disintegrate, separating countless walls of source force like bullets of anti-aircraft machine guns, and blasting them toward Allen in the air one after another!

Allen turned around in midair, his momentum was exhausted, and now he began to fall. However, there was an iron wall blasting like bullets underneath. He squinted his eyes, reached his waist with the other hand, and pulled out a black electric light. The death hymn that directly activated the awakening posture, swept out a black arc and cut into the oncoming iron wall. The color of the iron wall quickly dimmed, and the source of the iron wall quickly diminished, and it scattered like gravel in the air. Allen turned around, and the red king with his right hand cut out an arc of flames, and exploded the several iron walls that had rushed.

He held a pair of knives ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ and danced with two circular knife lights, one red and one black, like two light silk ribbons, but they shattered countless iron walls. Looking from the ground, Alan fell all the way in the air, but he also cut out the peak of fire!

Suddenly, the pressure suddenly lost, and Allen realized that there was no iron wall underneath. Logically speaking, the iron wall that constitutes Qiangshan should be more than that. The next moment, Alan's pupils contracted, and he suddenly found that the surrounding light had become so dim, and a huge shadow appeared on the ground.

He turned his head in awe.

Just above his head, a mountain was crushed down. It turned out that in addition to the iron walls that blasted Alan, the other walls of the source force had regrouped into mountains at high altitude. Alan, who was at the foot of the wall, was as small and helpless as an ant stepped on the sole of the foot.

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