Edge of the Apocalypse

Chapter 1229: Embrace the flames

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Time to go back to the night Xaglin visited.

After Xia Gelin asked to talk to Lucy alone, the two came to Lucy's room. Lucy lit the lamp, and under the light, Xia Gelin seemed to constantly exude a misty light, making her look extremely holy. Lucy noticed a trace of sadness on her eyebrows.

"Teacher, did you foresee anything?" Lucy whispered: "Those bad things..."

"Little Lucy, I saw something. But I'm sorry, I can't tell you, so as not to affect your judgment." Xia Gelin stretched out a finger and gently scraped Lucy's face: "I only I can remind you that once the emperor descends on this planet, the fate between him and Alan will be tied."

"Father... will he kill Alan?" Lucy asked tremblingly.

Xia Gelin shook her head and came to the window. Looking out from the window, the lights of the city are full of lights. Quiet, but not angry. Xia Gelin whispered: "Your Majesty, he will not kill Allen. Of course, it would be easier to remove the threat directly when there is no budding. If you change to another person, I believe he will do this. But Allen, He can't do it."

"Because of you, Lucy. Your Majesty, he loves you so much. He loves you more than you think. Because of you, he will only take Alan away. At least until Alan is fully transformed into the Son of the Twilight, He won't let Alan worry about his life..." Charlene said with a helpless smile: "But how can Alan let the emperor take it away? He is a flame. When he is free, The flame will be bright and shining. If this happened before the trip to the earth, I think Alan might choose to give in for you... But now, his heart is full of anger. And his pride, he will not allow himself to be People trample at will."

"So Alan will refuse, and the consequence of refusal is to start war." Xia Gelin shook her head and said: "The war between two men is doomed to be unable to end peacefully. This is what I just called the deadlock. Because of the two of them. , There are reasons for persistence. In this war, both of them are correct, but because of this, there is no more room for turning..."

"What should I do then?" Lucy walked back and forth, and finally said: "Or, I'll go to Alan and we will leave here. The universe is so big, there is always a place for us."

"I think so too, but would Allen think so? What's more, you can hide once, and how many times you can hide. The emperor and you are close relatives. As long as you are with Allen, he can rely on the bloodlines. Contact to find you. My little Lucy, the universe is big and at the same time very small."

"So, is there no way?"

"Yes..." There was a strange light in Xia Glyn's eyes, and there was sadness and helplessness in that light: "That knot can only be opened by you. Lucy, but that means you will be separated from Alan. .I know very well that the pain of being separated from my lover, if I can, I am willing to replace you. But I can’t, only you can, because you are the most powerful connection between the two men. At the same time, only you can Cut off their tangled fate."

"I can tell you the way, but whether you want to do this or not is up to you." Xia Gelin dripped a tear from her right eye, and she said: "I only hope that that moment will never come..."

Back to this moment.

"Now is that moment, Teacher Xia Gelin. I think, I'm ready..." Lucy said in a voice that she could only hear, and at the same time she stepped back, but Jin Qiangwei's muzzle did not leave slightly. She momentarily.

Griffith looked contradictory, he dared not follow, and even disarmed him, just to avoid Lucy's misunderstanding.

Behind the Duke, Ofascius and Allen both flew in and came to Grifo. Allen shook his head, then raised his foot, and listened to Lucy yelling: "Stand there!"

"Stand there, Ellen..." Lucy smiled with tears in her eyes, but her smile was heartbreakingly beautiful: "Don't come over, just listen to me quietly."

"You, always insist that you are right. Of course I also know that none of you is wrong, but your persistence makes me painful. You can fight for what you insist on, but you don’t want to be quiet and listen to me. Heartfelt. But now it’s okay, you guys are finally quiet, even if you were forced.” Lucy looked at Alan, smiled and said with tears: “Now I still remember, when I was in the death ring, when I was poisoned , He said to me...I will not give up on you."

"Lucy..." Allen lowered his head, not daring to look at the girl's gaze. It is so gentle, yet gentle and heartache. So even the black flame on that head was gradually fading, Alan didn't even know it. At this time, there was only a girl's voice in his ears.

"At that time, I was deliberately alienated by my father and mocked by my brothers and sisters. It was like a doll that was thrown away in the corner. No one would take a look at it. I participated in the death ring, and I was just angry with my father. , To embarrass his face. But I did not expect that I met you there, and at the same time let me know that it turned out that I wanted to touch a person. I did it with a simple sentence." Lucy smiled and said: "So I try my best to hold you tight, just like catching the last straw. Because only you won't give up on me, and then we walked all the way. From Pluto, to here, to the Garden of Eden. I'm jailed. Holding you tightly, just to be with you forever, this is my wish."

"Although there are more girls around you, even though I know that you can't just love me, even though I will be angry or even sad about which girl is around you. Compared to losing you, what are these? Before today, I always thought there was nothing more terrible than losing you, but now, I have to let go by myself..."

Allen clenched his fists and raised his head and said, "Stop talking, Lucy. Will you put the gun down first?"

Looking at his red eyes, Lucy shook her head slightly, and then looked at Orfascius: "Father, I know that I'm self-willed, and I've always made you angry. Actually, I know, even if you didn't say it. , Even if Teacher Xia Gelin and Duke Grief never told me, I know. You love me and mother, because I saw you crying and weeping in front of mother's bed more than once."

Ofasis' body began to shrink, and when he returned to his normal form, a layer of golden light covered his body. He looked like a god, but a sad god.

"I deliberately annoyed you. After all, I just want you to look at me more. My father, he is a king after all. He has too many children, even if he loves me, he can't give more attention. Give it to me, so I can only ask for it willfully." Lucy smiled sweetly: "It won't be anymore, father. I won't annoy you again, I will do what you want, I Just beg you to let me be willful again today."

"Father, I beg you to let Alan go. Let him leave here and let him have the freedom he deserves!" Lucy said loudly, "As long as you agree to this request, I will go back with you. From now on. Later, Lucy is just your daughter, and I will not make any more requests."

When Ofascius closed his eyes, he could see his whole body tense and his fists clenched. Ellen on the other side said solemnly: "Lucy, you don't have to do this!"

"No, I have to do this." Lucy shook her head: "I have to do this, do you understand. Alan, only by doing this, I won't have to see any of you hurt. Only by doing this, my father can temporarily let go of the king. Responsibility, and you can get the freedom you want."

"But what do I want to do without your freedom!" Allen yelled, and then turned to judo: "If this is the case, I would rather..."

"Don't say it." Lucy said softly: "Don't say that, the man I love, he is a ball of flame, not a candlelight trapped in a lampshade. Get out of here, Ellen. Here you are. , And give my father some time. I believe that you will find a different way. Even now, even if you have awakened, I still firmly believe that you will not embark on the road to the end of all things."

Alan's skin turned from red to white, and the rock armor on his body fell off, and even the pair of corners on his forehead disappeared like gravel in the wind. He regained his human form and changed back to the person the girl knew.

A long sigh.

Orfasis lowered his head and said: "Notify our space fleet and let them lift the alert. No action is allowed without my permission."

Grievous was startled and looked at the emperor incredulously.

Orfasis looked at Lucy and said softly: "No father can refuse the request from his daughter. I am the King of Justice, but I am also a father." He turned his head and looked at Allen: "Let's go. , I’m willing to take a bet for Lucy. Since Lucy believes in you, then I am willing to believe in you. Ellen, do your best, never go down that road. Otherwise, there must be me at the end of the road!"

Allen ignored the emperor’s words, he just looked at Lucy.

The girl opened her mouth, but made no sound.

Alan read her words.

I love you forever……

With a long scream, Allen flashed away. He first mentioned Bai, and then headed towards the south. The howling remained in the wilderness for a long time, Lucy put down the Golden Rose, and finally let herself cry.

After today, she didn't know if she could see Ellen. Even if goodbye, I don’t know what year? What month? when?

The starship in the sky dropped a beam of light onto Orfascius, and after a while, the emperor had already put on a robe when he walked out again. He walked to Lucy, helped her gently and said, "Go home, child."

Lucy nodded, how weak she was at this moment.

One month later.

The border area of ​​the southern part of the empire is now very different. Storm City and Black Iron Fort are echoing each other, and the thieves who used to be active in this area gradually disappear. Not to mention that Storm City is now strong and powerful, only Black Iron Fort’s. Lord Higgs successfully broke through the twentieth level six months ago, and no thieves dared to provoke him. Higgs has become a veritable big man in the Frontier Land, and his will can completely influence the development of the Frontier Land.

However, including the merchants in Violet Harbor, they all know that it is not Higgs or Storm City that actually affects this area, but the co-owner behind them.

The young earl named Allen.

Especially not long ago, news came one after another, claiming that Earl Alan had broken through the 30th level, and established the height of the ten sage strong, no one has dealt with that Earl as the master behind this land. Dare to question. What's more, news came one after another from Tieqiangling. The second prince of the guest gun city promised that when he returned to the northern capital, he would grant the title of Duke Allen, and even exploded in the border land.

Violet Port is very lively these days, and there are constantly inland merchants coming to this port by boat, actively conducting business with the three cities of Violet Port, Storm City, and Black Iron Fort. Merchants are notoriously unprofitable, and since there are inland merchants who are seizing business opportunities in the birthplace of the Duke in the future, they naturally indirectly confirm the reliability of those news.

For a time, Violet Harbor ranked above Ark Harbor.

Those quiet roads on weekdays have become lively now. The road from Violet Harbor to Storm City and Dark Iron Fortress has been able to see caravans coming and going every day in the past month, so a few horse-drawn carriages are not so eye-catching.

In one of the unmarked carriages, Edward was calmly looking at the man opposite. He leaned against the car window, his eyes drooping, his eyes calm. But time will always see a touch of sadness in his eyes. At this moment, he is three points more melancholy than usual, and a bit less sunshine, but this way he looks different from the past.

"Really not planning to stay?" Edward asked.

He just raised his head, and the afternoon sun came in from outside the window, illuminating his red eyes like flames. Allen whispered: "I thought we had discussed this matter enough."

"In fact, I don't think your worry is unnecessary, but it can be solved." Edward sighed: "With your current strength, Julian is anxious to hug your thighs. There are two princes behind the scenes. I am sure to use the power of the entire South for you. At that time, even if the Federation wanted to do it, it was not that easy. So you see, I think you don’t have to leave."

"Edward, I know what you said. But I have my own concerns. Yes, with the help of the empire, I can not be afraid of the Federation. After all, judging from the situation on the earth, the relationship between the Federation and the nobles is still barely maintained on the surface. After that incident, no matter how much Mobit wanted to get me, he didn’t dare to use the army, otherwise he would lose his life.” Allen spread his hands and said, “But what about it, as long as I stay on the heaven star, as long as Mo Bit is unwilling to let go. Then the situation will gradually intensify, and eventually Heaven Star may become a fuse, causing the Federation and the nobility to completely split."

"Grandpa took the initiative to withdraw from the family that day. The purpose is obviously to avoid this kind of thing, so I won't let it happen." Allen looked out the window, his gaze as if cast into the distance: "Besides, I want to leave here too."

He did not go on, but lovely Dehua knew the reason for this.

When Alan and Bai returned to Dawn Castle that day, and Lucy did not show up, Edward had vaguely guessed what had happened. After that, Alan locked himself in the room alone for three days without sleeping or eating. After he left the room, he simply told everyone what had happened in the wilderness behind Sardinia.

After Allen decided to leave Paradise Star, this brigade was formed.

Only Lola, Belmode, Hubble, and Bai will leave with Alan. The first three are Allen's followers, and they are more closely related than others. Not to mention Bai, since the incident on Earth, the young man transformed from the king snake said nothing to leave Allen for a half step. As for the others, Allen entrusted them to Edward.

In the final analysis, the foundation of Paradise Star cannot be said to be lost. What's more, when he left Paradise Star this time, Allen didn't know what would happen, and he didn't want to take other people into the risk. In addition, if there are too many people, the goal will be too obvious, but it will be targeted by those who are interested. So this time I went to the starship base in Suhl, and only Edward was with him.

In the evening two days later, Allen saw Suhl City. From the outside, the city where they first visited the Heavenly Star was still the same as before. But the city is already very different. Under Lins's design and transformation, the city has now been used as a secret starship base on the heavenly star. There is a checkpoint arranged by Edward when it is still 30 kilometers away from the city of Suhl. All irrelevant people are denied entry here, and it has become a secret forbidden place on the border land.

Seeing the walls of Suhl again, Allen remembered the past. It was not easy then, but Lucy was by her side. Now that he has become an important figure in the South, the girl has already left. In a trance, he seemed to hear the girl's chuckle in his ears. But looking back, there was only air in the place next to her that should have met her.

Allen lowered his head, and the falling shadow covered his face, making it difficult to see his expression at the moment.

Edward sighed in his heart.

After two days of preparations to ensure sufficient food and energy on board the Dawn, Allen said goodbye to Edward and walked into the starship one after another. When the starship hatch closed, Alan felt a pain for no reason, and he could not help but grasp his chest with his hands.

"Are you okay?" Lola asked, holding him back.

Allen smiled and said lightly: "It's okay, let's go, it's time to start."

Seeing his back towards the control room, Lola almost wrinkled her brows together. Belmode's voice came from behind: "Give young master some time, he will get through it."

Laura nodded ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Now I can only believe in Alan.

In the control room, the captain who took the initiative to join the journey saluted Allen and asked, "Master Allen, where are you going?"

Allen looked at him, looked at Laura and others, and said calmly: "Until now, I haven't told you the destination. I was negligent. Fortunately, I haven't really set off yet, so let me tell you. . In case you regret it, there is still a chance to leave."

"Everyone, the universe is huge, and you can go almost anywhere. But the universe is also very small. If someone deliberately digs us out, I honestly don't think it is very difficult. So I am going to a place full of flames and Chaos, where there is only war but no peace, that is the eternal battlefield. But only there, maybe we can find a new way out."

Allen’s eyes fell on the faces of the other personnel on the starship: "There is Agareth, a place that neither the Federation nor Idahua can reach!" Read this chapter on mobile phone :

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