Edge of the Apocalypse

Chapter 1230: Heralded dream

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The flashing red light illuminates Diego's face, and he looks at the porthole where the baffle falls and sighs.

It's getting farther and farther away from the earth.

Diego began to regret returning with Stark, but at the time, it seemed that there was not much choice. After Stark's injury healed by seven or eight minutes, the pirate emperor began to prepare to return to the heaven star. Diego found him a black ship to leave the earth secretly. The whole process went smoothly. The black ship did not ask what kind of passengers it was carrying. Anyway, as long as Diego paid enough money, they would not care about the identity of the passengers.

After Stark left the earth in a black ship, he took over with one of his small starships in space. Then they were transferred to a safe place by a small starship, and finally boarded Stark's car "Red Skull". At that time, Diego said euphemistically that he wanted to return to Earth, but Stark "graciously" invited him to see that besides two sword slaves, there was a circle of tall shield slaves beside him, plus the return on the starship I don't know how many men, Diego can only bite the bullet and board the starship.

Now he has doubted whether Stark will fulfill his promise. From his eyes, it can be seen that his intention to kill Alan is far beyond everything.

"Do you regret it?"

Suddenly a voice rang behind him, and Diego turned his head. It turned out that it was the sword slave Meili who had a relationship with him.

For Stark's confidant, Diego naturally wouldn't reveal his heart, he shrugged and smiled: "Why do you regret being able to follow a powerful man like Stark, I am too happy to be too late."

Melie walked up to him, almost trying to stick to him. Diego could feel her towering twin peaks approaching, whether it was an alien or Stark's slave, these two points made Melie already have a strong temptation. What's more, her performance in bed is also remarkable, no man would refuse such a stunner, especially Diego is not a gentleman.

"You lied." Mei Li easily broke through Diego's lie. She stretched out her tongue and licked her purple lips. This expression made the Diego swallow her saliva. Melie gently pressed Diego's chest with her hand, she stepped back a little and looked around. The two of them are now located in a remote corridor inside the starship, and there is no ghost in the corridor at this moment. Even so, Mei Li still lowered her voice and said, "I am very worried about the master, and my sister is..."

"What is Stark-sama worth worrying about? It should be his enemy that should be worried." Diego said in his heart, such as Allen. His words are not against his heart. In fact, the power of Stark has left an indelible mark on Diego's heart. Not only did he survive such a heavy injury, but he also recovered so quickly. Coupled with his strength, Diego couldn't think of anything else worthy of Melie's worry.

"Since the master is about to return to the heaven star, his appearance has become very strange. We can often hear him talking to himself, and the most frequently said sentence is'The time has come.' Even if you don't know the master, you can be very I clearly feel his urgency, let alone us. We have never seen such a master before, and we are very worried about him."

Diego squinted her eyes, and Mei Li shook her head at this moment and looked at him and said: "So you should regret that the master lost the calmness of the past, as if something is forcing him to move forward. But what is ahead, He doesn’t know, and we don’t even know. I only know that this journey may not be as pleasant as it used to be."

When she was gone, Diego was feeling heavy. He thought of something just now, and he did become a little irritable some time before Stark decided to return to Heaven. I'm afraid that even Stark himself didn't notice this, but Diego didn't care about it. It was only now that Mei Li was asked to mention it, that he felt a little wrong, because people like Stark shouldn't have been so uncomfortable.

At this time, the ship sounded a broadcast: "We will arrive at the target location in one minute..."

He quickly walked towards his cabin, and the starship was about to leave the wormhole passage.

The same broadcast sounded in the captain's room, sitting in his seat, Stark suddenly opened his eyes.


He had a dream just now, and there was an endless sea of ​​fire in the dream. In the void, there was a constant sound of loud noises, and streams of fire fell down like a waterfall. In this doomsday-like picture, Stark was as helpless as ordinary people. He panicked, frightened, and screamed. Then, in the depths of the sea of ​​fire, a figure walked towards him.

The figure appeared, and a road appeared in the sea of ​​fire.

A road of blood, a road of burning blood!

So Stark knew that that figure was a certain voter, and that voter was so arrogant that the flames of the place he traveled were twisted and low, just like a group of officials worshiping the king. The figure itself was also shrouded in a group of rising dark flames, making Stark unable to see the other side's appearance, only to see two bright flames shooting out from the dark flames, as if staring sharply at Stark. Come.

At the end of his gaze, Stark already felt the terrifying heat, and his skin even began to fall off, and a vermilion flame sprayed from the place where it fell off!

At this moment, he heard the broadcast and woke up.

Stark held his forehead with his hand, and he could feel the trembling of his fingertips, the trembling from his heart. People like him rarely have dreams, especially such dreams full of prophetic nature. This dream made him feel the power of fate further, and the feeling of being abandoned by fate made him breathless. In fact, this feeling was not the first time that he had felt it when he was on earth, and it made him uneasy.

Otherwise, based on his character, he would definitely wait until his injury healed before returning to Heaven Star, and would not rashly choose to return at this time.

"No..." Stark whispered: "Everything is in my calculations, I won't lose."

The starship shook slightly at this time, and the alien who was driving the Red Skull said loudly: "Master Stark, we have reached the heavenly star."

Stark took a deep breath and left his seat and walked onto the bridge. The sweat on his face has disappeared, and he has returned to the indifferent pirate emperor who controls everything. But only Stark knew that he was just hiding himself better. He looked at the big screen in front, and a sea-blue planet was shown on the screen.

Suddenly someone said "Huh" and reported: "There is a situation, sir. Our radar has detected an object moving at high speed from the inside of the planet. It should be a starship preparing to leave!"

Stark squinted his eyes: "Zoom the picture to the big screen."

After a while, a corner of the planet was enlarged. In that enlarged picture, a spot of light was expanding, and it didn't take long to see the fire from the tail engine of the starship.

Allen's face flashed in his mind suddenly, Stark yelled, "Launch the tracker, lock this starship!"

A launcher was lowered from the bottom of the Red Skull, and a missile was dropped from the launcher. The missile flew across an arc toward the opponent's starship, but before entering the detection range of the opponent's radar, the warhead exploded, and a small spark appeared in the space. In the fire, a piece of dust spread out, just covering the flight path of the starship.

After a few seconds, the starship passed through the thinned dust area, turned a corner, and then the space where the hull was located began to twist and stretch. Then disappeared into space as if entering some kind of space channel. On the Red Skull, Stark received a new report: "My lord, the tracker has been attached to the opponent's hull and is currently calculating the opponent's destination coordinates."

Stark hummed, but didn't sit back. He held on to the fence of the bridge and anxiously awaited the result.

The results came out very quickly.

"It's the interstellar defense line, my lord! This is a starship going to the interstellar defense line."

"Interstellar line of defense?" Stark said loudly: "Immediately send jamming signals to get this starship out of the passage."

"No problem, my lord, but the other party is in the channel, and the signal may be delayed."

"Do as I say!" Stark roared impatiently.

If viewed from the outside of the starship, the meandering channel is like an underwater tunnel opened deep in the ocean. Around this tunnel are countless water streams that fly back, and hundreds of millions of fluorescent lights float in these streams. When these fluorescent lights were dragged back by the water, countless streamers were drawn. It was a beautiful and dreamlike view, but it was a pity that the starship had to drop the porthole shutter when entering the passage, so Alan could not see this beautiful picture.

Starships are not allowed to move around in the passage, and Allen is no exception. He can only sit in his seat obediently. After deciding to go to Agares, he used Windsor Bello's encrypted channel to get in touch with the Marshal. Originally, Allen was ready to curse his teacher. Unexpectedly, Windsor Bello gave it a thumbs up after listening, "I wanted to go to Agareth a long time ago, but unfortunately I haven't Opportunity. Now you are going. That's good. But you can't just go by. Let's come to the Interstellar Defense first, and I will send you there."

Then Windsor Bello used his own authority to open a warp-speed channel for the Dawn to facilitate the starship to go to the interstellar defense line. Allen was grateful for everything she had done for herself, but couldn't think of anything to return to Windsor Bellow.

Even if he has crossed the thirty-level mark now ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ and squeezed into the level of the top powerhouse, compared with Windsor Bello, Alan is simply a pauper.

Thinking of this, he couldn't help but smile.

Suddenly the light on his head changed, and the red warning light came on. Allen frowned and asked in a deep voice, "What's the matter?"

"Master Ellen, we are disturbed by an unknown signal and the machine cannot operate normally. It is estimated that we will leave the speed channel in three seconds!"

"Interference?" Allen's heart sank. Ida Huaxing's fleet had already left and had not received any news from the Federation. If it weren't for these two parties, who else would come forward to obstruct?

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