Edge of the Apocalypse

Chapter 1234: Sleepy

The subspace is between the void and the material world, and here is also full of source power, but the source power of the subspace has no attributes at all, they are chaotic and violent. As soon as any matter enters the subspace, it will be pulverized into powder by the energy storm inside, and the energy form inside has no way to change, and there is no law at all. Sometimes it is condensed like a mountain, sometimes thin like rain and mist, sometimes like an electric light turning around, sometimes like a copper mountain iron pillar.

This is a bizarre world.

Stark's body of the abyss itself is a rift in space. When Alan is pulled into the body by his light belt, it is tantamount to falling into the subspace. As soon as he entered the subspace, Allen could feel the terrible pressure. The chaotic energy storm in the subspace squeezed from him from all directions. No wonder any matter would be destroyed and annihilated as soon as it entered this special space. Fortunately, the dark fog fire under the posture of the Dark King neutralized part of the space source power, and Allen released the decayed fog of death hymn to the greatest extent. The dark fog enveloped Allen like a defensive barrier. Inside, all the space source power that passed through the decayed fog quickly dies out, and after the second neutralization of the dark king's fog and fire, the space source force's damage to Allen is minimal.

It's just that this state is bound to be unable to last. Both the Corruption Fog and the Dark King's Fog and Fire consume much faster in the subspace than in the material world. If Alan can't return to the material world before the two are exhausted, then even the physical strength of the Dark King posture cannot withstand several rounds of subspace storms.

He quickly scanned the surroundings, and his sight fell on the colorful rays of light in the subspace through two different types of fog. It was like a huge nebula in space, but the seemingly beautiful rays of light were deadly. .

In this space full of light spots, Allen finally caught a brilliant light, it was like a crack in space lying in the distance, Allen squinted, maybe it is the exit of subspace . In other words, it was something connected to Stark's body.

He looked up, and the spar at the center of his forehead gradually lit up. When the red light was overflowing, a bright red beam shot out, penetrated the space and fell on the light, causing a series of explosions. The entire space reflected the fire light red, but after the flame was quickly neutralized by the space source force, the light still remained unchanged.

But in fact it was not the case. In Allen's perception, that light seemed to be protected by an invisible giant cocoon. The gaze of destruction just swept past, only destroying a layer of the cocoon wall of that invisible giant cocoon, far enough to touch the light. At this time, the color of that light began to dim, and Alan's heart sank.

Stark is about to close the exit!

He didn't dare to neglect, the source of energy in his body surged, the spar on his forehead lit up again, and the second beam of red light blasted away, his gaze of destruction swept across the invisible cocoon wall again. This time Allen continued to destroy the source of energy in his body, and the destruction rays hardly shook the invisible cocoon wall and continued to deepen. While the layers of the cocoon wall were being destroyed, the subspace was already full of raging fires.

Void Skyfire deserves to be the most overbearing type of Void Source Power, and even the violent energy of subspace is slightly inferior. Under the constant burst of destruction and gaze, the sky fire spread out, gradually occupying a corner of the space. The chaotic source force in the subspace was annihilated by the skyfire, and Allen's pressure was suddenly reduced. I don’t know how many layers of cocoon walls were rushed away, the light at the exit of the space flourished, and the entire subspace vibrated. From the edge of the light at the exit of the space, many flashing lines continued to climb out in all directions, as if the entire subspace was To be torn apart.

At this time, Alan remembered that Horn once said that the energy that a space rift can withstand is not endless. This is similar to the principle that once the energy in the space of the material world exceeds the upper limit of energy in the range space, a space crack will appear. In contrast, once the energy in a certain range of the subspace reaches a critical point, the subspace will tear apart. In this way, in addition to Stark's body being able to act as an exit, Alan could even tear out another exit from the inside.

Thinking of this, Allen didn't make reservations, and output with all his strength. The energy shock of the subspace will also be transmitted to Stark, causing a backlash. In fact, wrestling with the source force of the subspace is to fight Stark on another level.

In the perception, there was something violently fluctuating Alan's will. Only after experiencing the scouring of the endless source fluid in the lava well, Alan's will has been indestructible. Such a shock may have caused him great damage before, but now it is only attracting his attention. He looked towards the source of the shock, and it turned out that something was gradually revealing in that exit light.

Alan's pupils contracted and his vision kept getting closer, so he saw an irregular crystal. It is dark purple with countless silver lines in between. The crystal presents multiple facades, and it is constantly shrinking and changing, as if there is no specific shape. More importantly, Alan sensed Stark's breath there. Suddenly he had a sense of understanding, that was the nucleus of Stark!

Stark’s body of the abyss transforms the tangible body into an invisible body of energy form. Just as Stark said, in such a posture, the shape is meaningless to him. But just as the invisible and massless electric current also needs a generator to start, Stark's body of the abyss also needs some kind of core to start, and constrain his source power. Otherwise, Stark's source power and will may dissipate completely when it is transformed into an invisible energy form.

Alan is now in Stark’s body, the invisible destroyed by the devastating gaze

(This chapter is not finished, please turn the page) The cocoon wall is the source of power to protect the crystal nucleus. Now Stark’s crystal nucleus was exposed in front of Allen, as long as it was destroyed, it would be equivalent to destroying Stark. A fire flared in Allen's eyes, and the color of the rays of destruction staring became more intense.

At this moment, the rays suddenly started intermittently, and disappeared completely after a while.

Alan felt a huge sense of emptiness, and the skyfire source power in his body had been almost emptied by him. Not to mention that the gaze of destruction cannot be maintained, even the state of the Dark King is gradually disappearing. The dark fog and fire dissipated first, and then the spar on the center of his eyebrows retracted, and Allen's red complexion also began to turn white. He couldn't help laughing wryly, and even exhausted his energy at this time. Speaking of it, if it weren't for Starkla to advance into Asia, he would be able to get the supplement of the source of the void. Originally, for a strong person above level 30, the source of power would rarely be exhausted.

But now in the subspace, Allen can't get the Void Skyfire to supplement the battery life. He watched Stark's crystal nucleus right in front of him but couldn't destroy it. That kind of helplessness is beyond words.

"I can only fight him!" Allen gritted his teeth, trying to condense the decayed fog to re-form the death hymn, and then cut the spar with a black blade. But in that way, without the protection of the decayed fog and the dark king's fog and fire, he might not even be able to withstand a round of space source force erosion. But now he can't help him choose. If he can't destroy the crystal core and kill Stark, it will only die sooner or later in the subspace.

At this moment, a familiar aura suddenly appeared in the perception.

That is the breath of Baidijian!

In the high altitude, the black hole suddenly became extremely unstable. On the surface of the black hole, dots of white fireflies continue to emerge. Every time a little white fireflies emerge, the black hole shrinks by one point. In the end, the black hole shrinks like a leaky balloon, and tens of thousands of white fireworks are floating in the sky. Suddenly Bai Ying received some kind of traction, whistling down after spinning a circle in mid-air.

Seen from the ground, it looks like a river falling from the sky. The pale fireflies converge and close together to form a ten-meter-long white giant sword. The blue flames on both sides of the giant sword's blade dissipated, and with a domineering spirit, he pointed directly at Stark below.

Stark raised his head in amazement, hating him for urging his own power to neutralize Allen's attack. Seeing that the mid-air giant sword fell like a mountain peak, he could no longer flicker and evade as before. He let out a roar, but his body shining brightly was pierced by the giant sword.

In the subspace, Allen saw a white blade appear out of thin air.

Jian Feng was pale and as thin as paper, but he wiped the crystal core.

Time seems to freeze at this moment.

In the material world, Stark uttered an earth-shattering yell, his body burst into bright light, and then began to collapse and contract at a point in front of his chest. At first he could barely maintain his human form, but Stark soon turned into a twisted light. And this group of light kept shrinking toward the center point, and finally shrank into a little light, then broke into a few star dust, and disappeared into the air.

The battlefield was strangely quiet.

The last sword slave was also beheaded for Hubble, and Diego was completely suppressed by the Blade of Chaos and the Eye of Original Sin. Both Laura and Belmode looked at the place where Stark disappeared without a word. Not only did the pirate emperor's aura disappeared, but even Alan's breath could not be sensed.

"Hey, wouldn't that kid..." Hubble raised his battle axe and gestured towards the empty midair.

Laura shook her head and said, "Allen will be fine, don't forget that we are his servants. If something happens to him, can we still stand here?"

Belmode nodded and agreed. At this moment, a spirit of energy quietly appeared on the battlefield, which did not show strength, but was vast and magnificent. Like a person facing the sea, it is impossible to measure. An invisible sense of oppression arose spontaneously, and suddenly there was a flash of red light, which emerged from mid-air and struck straight down, just like the space made a wound on something. This red light spreads to both sides again, propping up an oval space. The flames of the world are roaring, and there are even fire waves rushing out of the space from time to time, boiling and shaking.

A figure gradually appeared in the world of flames, and Lola looked at each other, and they all saw the agitation in each other's hearts. They are still standing here, the identity of that figure is ready to be revealed.

After a while, Allen walked out of the flame world. He looked very tired, and retreated from the posture of the Dark King, but there was a bright light in his eyes. After the intense light faded in his eyes, it returned to his usual bright red pupil color.

Allen glanced at the space behind, snapped his fingers, and the space closed and disappeared. But the temperature nearby was still frighteningly high, green smoke appeared on the ground, and the scenery was slightly distorted.

He raised his head and saw Lola on the other side of the battlefield. Alan's mouth smiled, and as soon as he lifted his steps, he was already by Lola's side when he fell.

One step spans hundreds of meters!

"Master, how are you?" Belmode asked.

Allen exhaled: "I'm tired, but I feel good." Then he looked at Diego, Allen waved. Belmod understood and dispelled the Blade of Chaos and the Eye of Original Sin. Allen walked to Dia Ge and said, "What else do you have to say?"

Diego was half kneeling on the ground, his body was still contaminated with negative energy, and his breath was weak. He didn't stand up either, leaning on the gun and asked: "Where is Stark? Did you kill him?"

"Can you still feel his aura?" Allen asked back: "He is indeed a terrifying opponent, and the Abyssal Body is an extremely special weapon. But as you can see, he disappeared. I destroyed it. His crystal nucleus, losing the control of the crystal nucleus, his source power swallowed him

(This chapter is not over, please turn the page) "

"It seems so." Diage laughed and buried his head on the ground: "I didn't expect it to turn out to be like this in the end."

"From the moment you used me to return to Earth and help Stark lay out, you should have thought that the knot between us would only become more and more dead, and even now it cannot be untied." Allen said indifferently: "If you didn't If you intervene in this game of Stark, maybe I can let you go. Unfortunately, you let me not find any reason to let you go. Diego, if it were not for you, grandpa would not go to the iron prison , There won't be the following things..."

"Don't be naive, okay?" Diego sneered: "Even without me, Stark will have another layout. But I don't know why he insists on killing you like this. But I don't care, as long as he can Give me what I want, it doesn't matter who he wants to kill."

"I came from a wealthy family and one of the candidates for the successor of the Grant family. I have an incomparably enviable identity and status. Since I am sensible, I have almost everything. But who knows that I am even in the eyes of those brothers and sisters In my father's eyes, I am no better than the untouchables on the ground!"

"Why? Because I'm just an illegitimate child, and my father took me back to the family, not because of family affection, but because he didn't want me to humiliate the family outside. I am qualified as an heir, but I know that the seat will never be mine. The so-called candidate for successor is nothing more than a false name. Even if I try harder, I will never have the opportunity to take the position of patriarch...

"I'm not reconciled! I'm not reconciled, if Stark kills you, then the family will soon be mine. He promised me, yes, this is the condition he asked me to help. But he died, died In your hands, so in the final analysis, he is just a waste. But I am different..." Diego suddenly rose with momentum: "I am not a waste!"

He stood up suddenly, and the gun spear pierced Alan's chest with a bit of cold light.

Allen didn't even turn around, just stretched out his hand and pointed his finger at Diego's gun.

Diego's movements stopped immediately.

A little vermilion appeared on the tip of the gun.

The red firefly stretched up and down, along the gun body. Following Diego's chest also appeared a red line, the red line extended, dividing Diego in the center. Diego suddenly smiled, and then his body was divided into two with the gun, the cross section was charcoal, and the wisps of firelight flickered, as if it had been cut by a high-heat beam.

If Stark is still alive, he must feel that this scene is very familiar, and Diego's death is as if he was cut through a crack in his space. In fact, this is exactly one of the new abilities that Allen has inherited from the blood path. It is also a kind of space crack, but Allen has a higher spatial dimension than Stark.

It was a crack in the void. Alan opened the crack leading to the skyfire void, and its power was only higher than that of Stark's space crack.

Diego’s corpse was turning into ashes, and it was cut by the cracks in the Skyfire Void. Void Skyfire’s remaining prestige remained on this corpse. The burning process was skipped directly. Void Skyfire destroyed the matter directly into ashes. Even Di Yage's gun also melted into iron, and the iron ran across the ground, producing wisps of smoke.

When Allen turned around, the only traces Diego left in this world were the two human-shaped shadows on the ground. He walked back to Lola and the others, nodded to Belmode and Hubble, and looked at Lola again. He smiled and stretched his hand across Lola's cheek and said, "Stark is dead. I got something from him. It will take a while to digest. And I will soon fall asleep in order to undergo transformation."

"Transformation!" Belmode looked excited, and Allen on the heaven star said that he was forced to jump and advance, but he did not usher in transformation after breaking through the 30th level. Unexpectedly, today's battle with Stark won an opportunity for transformation.

Even a strong person with mediocre aptitude, once surpassed the thirty-level mark and ushered in the opportunity of transformation, after the transformation, his life form will undergo major changes. Powerhouses like Rusen and Horne have all experienced a transformation. The life forms after transformation vary from person to person, but in general, their lives have been greatly extended. If they are not affected by external factors, they can usually live a long time.

Of course, the people who can break through the 30th level are very limited even if their qualifications are mediocre. Allen's aptitude and potential are even more stunning. No one knows what kind of new life he will get after a transformation?

Hubble asked in a deep voice, "How long are you going to fall asleep?"

"Soon~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Allen laughed and said: "I don't know how long I will sleep, in short, I will rely on you to protect me during the sleep period. But you can use this time to go to the interstellar defense line as much as possible. With the protection of Sirius and the teacher, I will be safer. And now in the Federation, I can only trust teachers. "

Laura nodded and said, "Don't worry, I will protect you even if I fight this life."

Allen shook his head and gently covered her mouth with his hand and said: "Don't say that, I have lost a lot, and I can't lose any of you. No matter what, don't try hard."

Then he yawned, his eyes gradually closed and said, "It's really sleepy, I'm going to bed first."

After speaking, she fell on Laura. Laura hugged him quickly, Belmode and Hubble looked at each other, and the latter squeezed out a word for a long time: "You really want to sleep when you sleep."

[Recommendation] Another end-of-day book "The Life of Gods in the Last Days" is more nonsensical. If you want to change your taste, you may wish to check it out~~

(End of this chapter)


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