Edge of the Apocalypse

Chapter 1235: Wolf and lion

[Thanks to Brother Xiang, Eleven Show, KarlSen, users 34746700, cryosum, Fifteen Ye and other brothers for their monthly ticket rewards! ]

Two beams of light fell in this dark space, and a person appeared in the beam of light.

Both people wear masks on their faces. The difference is that one wears a clown mask, and the other has only a K on the white mask.

The only two senior members of the Glory Society looked at each other speechlessly. For a long time, Vincent the clown sighed: "I think we had six people in the past, and six people determine the direction of the organization. The organization can develop rapidly if it is impartial. We even have the power to influence the Federation, but now, only the two of us are left."

"The purpose of the organization's existence is to secretly guide the development of the Federation or even the future direction of the human race. However, when we forget our original intention and change our guidance to the left and right, we may plant the seeds of destruction." K said in a deep voice, "I was Having said that, killing Mobit may not be a once and for all method. Maybe we can influence him, guide him, and even absorb him into the organization, so now I am afraid it is another situation."

"But you are too persistent. Not only did you catch up with the priest, but you also mistaken a wolf for a loyal dog!"

"This is indeed my responsibility. I am too conceited, brother." Vincent sighed, "But now is not the time to be held accountable, what do you think?"

K snorted.

"Perhaps you want to tell me the results of the investigation?"

"You should have known about this earlier..." K said in a deep voice, "A's death is not that simple, brother. I went to the town and found some clues there. These clues pointed out that it was not the one who attacked A. People on the federal side, not even humans."

"Alien Mercenary?"

"Worse." K shook his head: "I found some kind of armor in some ruins. Afterwards, I brought it back and let someone analyze it. The conclusion was that there was a 70% chance that it was tactical armor. You should also know which aliens I like to use this armor most."

Vincent inhaled in the mask: "Nelm."

"You mean, Alan caught up with the Nirm and reached some kind of agreement?"

"The possibility is great." K sneered: "In order to build the Doomsday Cannon as soon as possible, you ignored my objections and insisted on black trades with the alien races in the Yorton Star Territory. If I guessed correctly, Alan would probably pay attention at that time. The channels and methods of the Federation with the alien race. He did hide very deep, but this wolf was also raised by us."

"There are no eternal allies in this world, only eternal interests. Even now, I don't think there is anything wrong with dealing with foreign races. I just get what we need. But in the general direction, I won't be vague. If I was born in the era of the Battle of Dawn, believe me, I will rush to the forefront of the war!" Vincent said loudly: "I also have my own bottom line and principles, you don't need to doubt this."

K nodded and said, "It's a pity that the wolf has no principles. He actually hired the Nirms to deal with humans. What a damn. I suspected that the Nirms were involved in the Iron Prison incident that day, but there was no evidence. Now it seems that Alan has already been in contact with the Nirm."

"So this wolf should be eliminated as soon as possible. This time, don't you want to stop me from dealing with him?"

"That's not true, but I'm very curious about how you are going to deal with him. He is no longer our puppet, but the President of the Federation, even if he is wearing a Mobit mask."

Vincent said: "Don't worry, I already have a detailed plan."

"Then I can rest assured." K didn't ask the specific content of the plan, he changed: "You said that the golden lion attacked the doom bunker at that time, and Capulo even intercepted you personally, but you successfully escaped?"

"Yes, is there any problem?"

"I should ask you this sentence?" K said: "Don't tell me that you didn't see it. Capulo let you go on purpose. With the strength of Marshal Mad Lion, honestly Vincent, if he wants to If you stay behind, you can't go anywhere. Throughout the entire Confederation, only Horn, Windsor Bello, the Patriarchs of the three giants, and a few others can match that old lion."

"I'm indeed not on the list of Caprol's opponents..." Vincent smiled bitterly: "Although I don't want to admit it, from now on, I was indeed taken advantage of by the old lion. The recent president who is in full swing. Candidates, I heard that it was Capulo and the old party. Capulo deliberately let me go. It seems to be a blow to Alan. In fact, Alan’s approval rating has dropped a lot now. If it weren’t for his efforts to save the nobility I'm afraid he will have to step down immediately."

"You can see that is the best. Be careful with Capro. Don't forget that Alan is only a wolf at best, but Capro is a lion. Even if the lion is old, the lion is still a lion. If he doesn't If you are willing to listen to another wolf gesticulating, then the next situation is afraid that it will become more complicated."

Vincent pondered: "You mean Capulo wants to control the entire Federation by manipulating a puppet?"

"The nobles certainly don't want to see this happen. If the old party is in power, especially if Capro becomes the big boss behind it, then the Federation will only be afraid to embark on an extreme military dictatorship route, that will be the nobles. What you don’t like. They have already done something. This can be guessed from the fact that the candidate’s recent votes suddenly stopped. If there is no intervention from a wealthy family, I would not believe it."

"So you have to get rid of Alan. I agree with that. But the timing must be grasped and pave the way. Otherwise, once Alan is gone, the old party will have no opponents, and we will help Capro instead."

"I know."

"Let's do it, I have other things to be busy." K said: "Goodbye, Vincent. I hope I can hear you next time we meet."

"of course."

The beam of light disappeared, and the space returned to darkness.

Vincent took off a holographic sensor helmet, he moved his shoulders a little, and handed the helmet to a blond female assistant next to him: "How's Wella?"

"Still the same, boss."

"Very well, let me meet this lady." Vincent stood up and walked out of the room with the female assistant. Outside the room is a corridor connected by a spiral staircase. The two walked down the spiral staircase and entered the living room through a hallway. From the layout point of view, it looks like a mansion where a nobleman lives. In fact, the house where Vincent is located is really an estate under the name of a nobleman.

Even in the federal records, it is a legal asset without any problems.

Going through the living room to the kitchen, where the chef is preparing dinner. No one looked up for the arrival of the two Vincent, they walked into a cold storage warehouse. The female assistant touched a hidden device under a row of shelves. After a while, the row of shelves slid open, revealing an automatic door behind it. After going through the iris scan, the automatic doors opened to both sides, Vincent walked in, and the guards on both sides retreated after seeing him.

Passing through a corridor, a room appeared in front of Vincent. After the door opened, Vincent walked in and said to a beautiful figure sitting in a chair: "Good evening, Miss Wella."

It was Wella sitting on the chair, but she looked haggard, her hands were twisted behind the chair, her legs were spread, and there was a metal ring on her ankle. Each ring has a beam of light connected to the floor. Wella also wore a helmet full of metal needles on her head, exactly the same helmet that Allen was wearing in the Iron Prison. Because of the existence of this helmet, Wei Nakong has a source of power but cannot use it.

She looked up and smiled weakly: "Vincent, when are you going to kill me?"

"Kill you?" Vincent walked over and grabbed a handful of Wella's chest.

She screamed in pain.

"It's not so cheap for you, you made us so miserable, and even the doomsday bunker was lost. In order to find you, I spent a lot of thought, how can I kill you so easily." Vincentra came over. Chair, sat down in front of the woman. He kicked Wella's right leg away. The woman was wearing a narrow skirt with her legs crossed so fast. With Vincent's eyesight, the scenery under the skirt was naturally full.

"Your ability is related to cold ice, so I don't know if you were cold when you did that."

Wella sneered: "You can try it, but if your thing freezes, I won't pay."

Vincent smiled: "There will be a chance, and I don't think I am that vulnerable. Let's talk about business, Wella. You should know that in three days, the Federation will dismantle the Doomsday Cannon and take it away. , Isn’t your presidential boyfriend taking it back to Babylon so that it can be used to shock the rich and aristocrats?"

"so what?"

"I will launch an attack, I will attack the Federation team."

"Oh, do you want to get a road map from me?"

"Yes, but not only that, I want you to tell him through a channel that Alan will not doubt that I am going to attack the transportation team." Vincent smiled.

Wella squinted her eyes: "Three days later, Alan will attend a speech event. I guess your purpose is not the Doomsday Cannon transport team, but him?"

"You are really smart, Wella. It's a pity that you are too smart. Just look at your current situation. How about you, can you do me a favor?"

"If I say no, will you kill me now?"

Vincent laughed, he shook his head and walked to squat down behind Wella. Picking up Wella's hairline, Vincent gently bit on the woman's helix, Wella shrinking her neck sensitively. Vincent said: "I know, Wella. You are a person with a cleanliness, so I don't know, if you let some dirty and sick hobos take turns to dry you, you will feel happy I promise that this party will be long enough for you to unforgettable for a lifetime."

Wella's face immediately became difficult to look.

"Think about it, they will put their own smelly and big guys into any place you can fit in, and I can find a hundred such guys, so you may be happy for a long time. "

"Stop talking, I just do it!" Wella gritted her teeth: "But you have to promise that you have to let me go after all this.


A gasp sounded in the darkness.

Alan retreated from the woman on the bed. The woman on the bed didn't have the strength to move a finger. Alan conquered her for most of the night. Now, every corner of her body smelled of Alan. Alan squeezed her chest before getting out of bed with satisfaction. He walked into the bathroom, and Zhi Brain immediately sprinkled him with clean water of moderate temperature, washing away all the marks left by him after the war.

He closed his eyes, physiologically speaking, he has got the greatest degree of satisfaction. That woman is indeed a stunner, he hasn't been so happy in a long time. But the body is refreshed, but the mood is not so happy.


A name flashed in his mind, that was just an unknown person, but unexpectedly received the support of the old party, and now it has become the biggest threat to Alan's re-election. Thinking of this, Alan bitterly punched the wall.

Of course he didn't look at him with a Lei Luo, but there was a Capuro behind that, that was another matter entirely. Now the situation is very bad for Alan. Under Kaprow's operation, the old party obviously wants to put aside him and win a new federal president. The nobles now only maintain a superficial relationship with the Federation because of the Iron Prison incident, and they are in secret with the Federation everywhere, especially against his Alan.

Fortunately, the nobles also didn't want to see the old party sitting big. When Lei Luo's votes were steadily increasing, he suddenly made a move, and he cut the young politician's votes. But that doesn't mean that the nobles and the Federation are fixed, let alone support Alan.

"It seems that you still have to rely on yourself." Alan said softly.

"Don't run."

"Catch him quickly."

This is an unnamed town. A man in the town once named the town Mad Dog Town because this man had the nickname Mad Dog and ruled the town with a machine gun and several subordinates. However, he was quickly killed by another person. The town of Mad Dog, which had been called for less than a month, was changed to another name. However, it was renamed within March, so anyone who can eat well in the town can use his own nickname or preference. name.

But after a few years, the town didn't know how many names it changed, and then no one was busy doing things, regardless of what it was called, it was just a town.

It is not appropriate to say that it is a town. The only buildings that can barely be called are a bell tower, a church, and a few two or three-story buildings. The others are either shanty houses or tin huts, sparsely piled up in the town. These simple houses often change their positions due to the coming and going of their owners, so until now, this town, unlike a town, doesn't even have a floor plan.

Of course, life in the town is so difficult, no one will bother to draw a floor plan or something.

There is a garbage dump in the town that does not change all the year round. This is a home for homeless people, a paradise for mice and cockroaches, and a treasure house for scavengers. It's just that compared to the latter, this poor town can't pick up anything valuable.

It is noon. Although the sun is still scorching, the harmful rays in the sun are already within the range that people on the surface can bear. So these dozen and a half-year-old children still ran into this garbage dump in town under the big sun, and among them was a year-old boy running in the front. The tall and thin man, he quickly got into a scrapped car. The other older children surrounded the car, constantly beating the car with hoses or other things.

"Come out, Jack, you can't run away." someone shouted outside.

The boy named Jack said loudly, "I won't go out."

"Really? Okay, everyone." The children pulled the car door, dragged Jack from the car to the ground, and then picked up a bag from his arms.

There was a donut in the bag, and the children yelled and left. Jack got up and shouted, "Give it back to me, that's my lunch."

But the other kids wouldn't bother, they squeaked like a group of sparrows and ran out of the dump. Jack chased after him, but fell over a big boy outside the dump. The big boy made a face at Jack and ran away.

Jack did not fall lightly and could not get up for a while.

At this moment, someone picked Jack up behind his back, and the boy turned around, a man who wrapped himself tightly. Looks like those scavengers or homeless people in the garbage dump, but the smell of this man is very clean, there is no smell of sweat or other smell.

"Thank you, sir." Jack said.

The man's voice came from under the drooping brim: "Want to take back your own things?"

"Can you help me? Sir, that would be great." Jack said happily.

"No, I won't grab it for you. If you want to get your own things, you have to fight for it yourself."

Jack said frustratedly: "I can't grab them, they are too many."

"You can, but you need a weapon." The man's hand turned out from the cloak, with a pistol in his palm~www.wuxiaspot.com~ The metal shell of the pistol reflected the shiny light in the sun. It can be seen that it is well maintained.

Jack's eyes lit up, and the man said, "Do you know how to shoot?"

The boy nodded, and the man put the pistol into Jack's arms: "Then it is yours."

Jack laughed, his smile looked dangerous, he put a pistol behind his pants waist, and then chased to a warehouse in the town where the children often stay. Not long after, gunshots and children's screams rang out from the town. The man laughed: "The surface is still the same, violent and dirty. Even a hairy boy dares to shoot and kill people casually. Then there seems to be no need to maintain such a race, right?"

He lifted his hat and a face appeared in the sun. Even though he wears dark glasses on his face, if he appears on Babylon, I am afraid that anyone can recognize him.

Because he is the Federal President, but here is the surface, and it is a very remote town, it is difficult to expect people here to recognize the Federal President.

Alan smiled and started walking towards the town. At this time, everyone in the town ran to the warehouse where the accident occurred, so people did not notice that a stranger came quietly.

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