Edge of the Apocalypse

Chapter 1248: she was

?[Thank you brother Xiang, youngswj, 酆子, the cat who escapes the world, the ultimate villain and other brothers for their monthly ticket reward support, thank you! ]

No one knows how big the Fallen Realm is.

Because no one can explore the entire deserted realm and still be able to return to the place where he lived alive. In the past, driven by the interests of the desperadoes in the wasteland, they have explored the lost realm several times. Expeditionary action. However, once these expeditions went deep into that area, there was no news at all.

The power of the Great Wasteland is constantly changing. Once there was a great figure dominating the Great Wasteland who went deep into the realm of the legacy, but the strong man who had reached level thirty-five and even allowed Frius to absorb deliberately was entering the legacy. After falling into the realm, it disappeared completely.

People didn't see any trace of his return, and soon his territory and power were infringed. The legend about him is only occasionally mentioned in people's mouth, and it is forgotten in the end.

From then on, no one went to explore the lost realm. Even if people believe that there are treasures everywhere in the depths of that area, even the rarest treasures must be enjoyed by life.

In this way, the Forbidden Land became a forbidden place on Agareth.

The outskirts of the forgotten realm is a snowfield, and the light blue snow has turned it into a country of ice and snow. The weird force field covering the whole territory makes it very difficult and troublesome to move around in the marginal zone. Even those Baal people living in the towns on the marginal zone of the realm of Wills dare not rush away from the town. It is possible that if you go out this time, you will never find your way back.

Until now, probably people still think that the entire territory of the Lost Realm is covered with ice and snow. But in fact, this is not the case. The more you go to the center of this area, you will find that the ice and snow gradually recede, and the earth reveals its original appearance. Just like the great wasteland, the center of the abandoned realm is also full of the smell of barrenness. There are many mountains here, but there is no greenery. The earth cracked, like mouths shouting silently to the sky.

Alien beasts cannot survive in this place because there are almost no rivers in it.

This is a deadly place.

But in the center of this deadly place, there is a deep valley. Under the cover of the lead cloud over the whole territory, the daylight is bleak even in the peripheral areas, especially in the central deep valley. It was dark and shadowy for many years, and the sound of the wind blowing across the crevices was like a ghost singing softly. Even the air was full of sadness, and the despair in this area almost seeped from the cracks in every rock, filling the entire valley.

There are piles of rocks in the valley, and a few twisted plants are occasionally seen. Not only do they have no greenery, they are the same color as the mountains and rocks, and they are almost indistinguishable when they stand a little further away.

There is a castle on the mountain in this valley. The castle has not known how long it has existed in the world. It is almost embedded in the mountain, and only a small part is outside the mountain. This castle, which is almost integrated with the mountain wall, is dark in color, and many places are covered with brown moss, which makes the castle look mottled and blurred.

It is like an abandoned castle, maybe it was bustling and bustling long enough ago. But now, it can only be accompanied by loneliness and darkness.

This day was as quiet as countless years in the past, but without warning, there was a depressed cry from the depths of the castle. It sounded like a woman screaming.

At the same time this voice sounded.

Far in the shadow fort in the magic ring city, the dim firelight in the hall suddenly lit up, and the shadow on the high platform throne suddenly stretched and expanded, almost covering the entire high platform and the throne. The devil's coercion rolled like a tide, sweeping across the entire city in a flash, awakening countless people from their sleep.

Located on the other side of the sea of ​​blood, in the center of the kingdom of Dobia, the sunset city built by Frios also suddenly rises with power, and it confronts the breath of Spinak in the distant magic ring city. .

But the breath of the two supreme sacreds quickly converged and fell, and finally disappeared. But the two strongest characters on this planet both knew that something happened quietly.

She woke up.

Moreover, she woke up a hundred years earlier than before, even though she was Supreme, she didn't know why she suddenly woke up at this time. Perhaps Spinak knew better, because the time she woke up was exactly the third day after the Kidd fleet fell, and the fleet had already fallen near the wasteland. This is really a coincidence, so the devil had to link these two things together.

But Spinak didn't say anything, didn't do anything, as if he was in those sleepy years, indifferent to outside affairs.

Go back to the castle in the valley of the forgotten realm, if there is any life going deep into the castle and exploring underground. Then he or it will find a room in the depths of the castle, which is sealed off by a three-story metal gate inside and outside. Each gate weighs 100 tons, which makes the designer have to install some energy-rich spar on the door, and design some special loops inside the gate, so that the energy of these spars can be adjusted according to the direction of the loop. The ability to form specificity.

That is a repulsive force field in order to reduce the weight of the door itself, otherwise the weight of the door will be enough to crush any cornerstone.

Passing through the gate, it is hard to imagine that the room closed by the three-story gate is surprisingly crude. It is only a space of no more than 50 square meters in length and width, without any decoration, only a stone platform. The stone platform is about six or seven meters above the ground, and there are stone steps connecting the platform and the floor. On the four ends of the stone platform stood four black iron pillars. The iron pillars were reversed into a shape with a sharp top and a wide bottom. The pillars were connected by iron chains.

In the middle of the stone platform is an iron coffin with a woman carved in relief on the lid of the iron coffin. This is a mature and elegant woman. She can be seen wearing a noble dress, her hands clasped close to her chest, and her eyes closed, as if sleeping.

At this time, there was another long cry from the coffin, and then the woman's eyes on the iron statue rolled up, and there was a pair of eyeballs inside.

Not any decoration, but real, biological eyes!

Then the lid of the iron coffin flew out, fell to the floor, fell a few meters away, and rubbed a series of sparks on the ground. It can be seen that there is a black liquid inside the iron coffin. These oil-like liquids are boiling, and bubbles are constantly rising. There was a face floating in it. From the outline, it could be seen that she was a woman, but she was so thin, almost fat-free, that face was like a dried skin on a skull. If it weren't for her eyes moving, it would be no different from a dead person.

She stretched out a hand from the black liquid, trying to catch something. There was black liquor on that hand, and when the black liquor slipped, you could also see that this hand was only skinny. Then her hand fell weakly back into the black water, and even her face sank into the black water.

Black water is falling at a speed visible to the naked eye.

There was a sound of opening the door, and after a while, the last door leading to the room was also pushed open. From that door came a man, an old Baer. Behind him, there are two young Barr women. After the three people entered the room, they knelt in the direction of the iron coffin, bowed their heads and said nothing.

The black water in the iron coffin has fallen to the end, and a woman can be seen lying in the coffin. It's just that this woman's body is no longer as thin as she was just now, no matter her arms or legs, or the bulging chest and flat abdomen, she is full again. She was still covered with black water, but the black water continued to penetrate into her skin, and she absorbed the liquid like a sponge.

When the black water was exhausted, the dripping water remained in the iron coffin, leaving only a white and plump body. The woman finally opened her eyes, and there was an abyss of darkness in her eyes. Then the black gradually faded, and white eyes appeared, as well as two extremely beautiful, pure golden eyes.

She didn't rush to get up, first raised her hand and stretched the slender moderate fingers. After a while, he stretched out his hand to pull the side of the coffin and pulled himself out from the bottom of the coffin. Even though this woman is very tall, when she stands up, the parts below the thighs are in the coffin, which shows how deep the iron coffin is. The woman stretched slightly, which exposed all the beautiful details of her body to the air.

The fine hairs on her helix were trembling gently, the twin peaks with the wonderful arc bottom stood proudly in the air, and there was a beautiful belly button on the flat lower abdomen, and further down was the thrilling soul Mysterious zone. When she lifted her leg out of the iron coffin, the most beautiful secret of this body was exposed in the air, but the only man in the room did not even dare to move it, so this beauty was no one. To be appreciated.

When she walked off the platform, those two **** full lips moved slightly, and a magnetic voice came from those mouths: "How long have I been asleep?"

The old man still lowered his head, but replied: "Three hundred and seventy years, my lord. You woke up one hundred and thirty years earlier...", the old man made a gesture at the same time, and the two women behind him quickly got up, Noble clothing was worn on the woman to cover her almost perfect body.

When the maid combed her hair and pulled up an ancient hairstyle, she said: "You look older, please look up."

The old man trembled with excitement, and this was the first time she allowed herself to look up in his long years of serving the mistress. So he lifted that old face and saw the noble and beautiful figure in front of him. Then he smiled contentedly and put **** into his eyes, just blinding himself.

The woman sighed, "Why are you?"

"I have seen the most beautiful things in the universe, and keeping these eyes is no use. Although I can no longer see anything, the beauty of the master is always imprinted in my heart and soul. "

"Then...whatever you want." She didn't ask again.

Having put on noble clothes, she walked out the door with a haughty pace like a queen. The long skirt behind her dragged on the ground, but it was not even stained with dust. A flying lavender flame was left where she passed, spreading like a carpet on the ground she passed.

The blind old man from Barr and two young women followed her closely. The old man asked softly: "Master is leaving the fort?"

"Well, go meet an old friend. I can feel his breath, but it's strange that his breath shouldn't be so young, so I woke up early and wanted to see him." The woman stopped and said: "Go and wake up. My generals, I will see them when I come back."

Turning around again, the figure gradually faded and disappeared before the eyes of several people.

Before long, the highest mountain in the valley lit up with a purple fire. After a while, another mountain more than ten kilometers away also lit the purple flame. On this day, purple flames lit up in the depths of the Forgotten Realm. As these flames lighted up, some sleeping lives began to wake up.

The Great Wasteland is a vast area. Although not comparable to any supreme kingdom, it is comparable to any province of those two kingdoms. The snowfield area at the edge of the forgotten realm gradually extends towards the great wasteland, and the snow gradually becomes thinner, revealing landforms such as Wannian glaciers, ice fields and snow peaks. While they stretched northward, they were gradually replaced by hills, mountains, and rocks. On the north side of the great wasteland, there is even an active volcano and volcanic deserts and canyons.

It can be said that the Great Wasteland is a place with extremely complicated geomorphology. It is this complex area where many forces have gathered, and they divide all the interests of the wasteland. All the Baal people who have fallen into the wasteland need to look on their noses in order to survive in this place.

Among the many forces on this land, Bloodeye Azers is definitely a familiar name. Not only because he is the leader of one of the major forces in the Great Wasteland, but also because Azeroth has been famous in the Great Wasteland for a long time. You must know that in this land, new forces and strong men appear every year and every day. Even if it is the giants that divide the interests of the wasteland, they may be replaced by new characters in ten or twenty years.

The name Azers has occupied the wasteland for fifty years. It can be said that Blood Eye is one of the oldest giants in the wasteland. Except for Azers, only the bone king Zasso is a bit longer. As for the white devil Lucy and others, they have risen one after another in the past ten years and replaced some of the original giants.

However, in the great wasteland, veteran qualifications do not necessarily represent profound background. Just like the blood eye, Azer's power has been eroded by other young giants in these ten years, and now it has reached the point of barely maintaining. In this land that pursues the weak and the strong, the size of the power is proportional to the leader's own strength, and among the several giants, Azeroth's power is definitely not the strongest.

If it weren't for some of his abilities, maybe the blood eyes would have been cleaned up a few years ago.

Today, the Blood Eye Town where Azeroth is located is still built on the blue ice sheet adjacent to the Forgotten Realm, but the size of the town today has been reduced by at least one-third compared to the heyday of the Azeroth power. A few years ago, the white devil Lucy, along with the fanatics Kegasi and Azeroth, fought in a row, and one of the fiercest battles was fought in Bloodeye. At that time, Azers’ situation was very bad. If it weren’t for the bone king Zasso’s concern that Lucy would be sitting big after they swallowed the blood eye, and they owed Azers some favors, then he intervened and kept the blood eye’s power Come down. Otherwise, I am afraid that in that year, there will be no such person in the wasteland.

Thousands of people were stunned by the blood eyes, and everyone here was Azer's subordinate. If necessary, Blood Eye can immediately assemble an army of more than a thousand people, including two strong men who are not under the iron hand. Both of them were effective warriors that Azers had spent a lot of money to absorb after the war. It is precisely because of the participation of these two people that they finally stabilized their power.

On this day, Azeroth stepped onto the roof of the main building of his residence. This is the tallest place in the entire town. Azesi doesn't want other buildings higher than his house, because in this way, he has the feeling of stepping on everything. But today, he didn't feel that way. At this moment, his expression was silent. Anyone who knew him knew that the boss was in a bad mood.

Azexi was just a skinny old man, with his back hunched, his skinny body hidden in a dark red fur coat. He wore two rings on his dry hands, with huge gems embedded in them, one yellow and one red. His ring-worn hand was holding a cane made of some kind of animal bone. White-gray, with fine textures on it, obviously the bones have been processed, and a hideous eye is carved out of it.

Holding this bone stick, Azeroth stood on the rooftop and looked at his town with a hand down.

This is his kingdom.

But this kingdom is shrinking~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Although the White Devil and others have not been as blatant as they were a few years ago, using violence to annex his territory. But the struggle still exists, it's just that it has changed from an open struggle to a secret struggle. What made Azeroth unable to let go is that his so-called giant's influence on the wasteland has been declining. Not to mention the distance, just a few days ago his men discovered that a few starships crashed in a canyon on the other side of the wasteland. Azers sent his hand to search, hoping to find some price stuff. But the white devil appeared afterwards and drove his people away ruthlessly.

If he was in the midst of his power, such a thing would never happen.

"Am I really old?" Azesi asked himself softly.

There was a sudden sound of footsteps, and after a while, a woman in **** dress came in. She has short gray-white hair, and even her lips are painted gray. The eyes are light blue, refracting ice-blue light in the sun like two gems. She was wearing a silver-white long dress, with three buttons counted from the bottom of the long dress without fastening it, leaving the placket open, and under that huge word was dark red skin and two faintly visible semicircles.

Stepping on a wild pace that made her heart beat faster, she came behind Azerth and said in a slightly hoarse voice: "Boss, something happened to Green Light Town."

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