Edge of the Apocalypse

Chapter 1249:  Tinder

"What are you talking about?" Azers turned around abruptly and looked at the woman in front of him.

Her name is Tracey, and she is one of the two generals recruited by Azeroth. Tracey is good at tracking, infiltrating and assassinating. She once assassinated a general under Lucy without leaving any handle. The white devil was so angry that she was so angry that she could do nothing with **** eyes.

"Ms. Tracery, what is going on?"

"We just received a message not long ago that some strangers from outside in Greenlight Town have killed the iron hand. Boss, they also occupy your green glaze mine. The guards of the mine seem to be only two or three. Survival, the others have died in battle." Trilis said this paragraph without emotion. The relationship between her and Azeroth is only an employment relationship, and loyalty is limited. Therefore, the loss of Azer's industry is a painless thing for her.

Of course Azers couldn't be as calm as her. After listening, the **** eyes couldn't help raising the bone stick and violently, he repeatedly said: "It is unreasonable, it is really unreasonable. Now even outsiders don't put me in the eyes? The land, I have forgotten the fear caused by Bloodeye Azers, I have to make them remember it again!"

Probably noticing his own gaffe, Azers gave a dry cough and said to the **** woman in front of him: "Ms. Trilis, I need you to sneak into Green Light Town first and collect information on those people. As for me, Let Rezek assemble an army and rush there."

Rezek is another warrior under Blood Eye. The woman nodded after listening, and said softly: "Then I will take the first step."

She stepped back and kept retreating into the shadows inside the building, and then her breath disappeared completely.

Azers looked at the town again and whispered: "War, I need a war to reawaken people's memories. These outsiders come at a good time." He suddenly laughed, his eyes filled with blood like blood. The silk threads flashed staggered.

As an outsider, Allen did not have the slightest sense of outsider. The battle on the mine was over, but he still stayed in the mine. The residents of Green Light Town didn't know what he was doing inside, and even Nick couldn't get any news. However, thanks to Allen's blessing, Nick has become a prominent figure in Greenlight Town in a short period of time. Before that, no one had thought about Nick, who was usually cheated by abduction, but this time he really had a thigh.

I don't know how long this thigh can hold. But this does not prevent people from being full of curiosity about outsiders, so when Nick returned to town and rested in Lim’s hotel lobby, he was surrounded by many Barrs who disdain to look at him on weekdays. These people even Asking Nick for a drink out of his own pocket makes Nick almost dreaming.

In the mine, the new fire of the abyss, the fireball the size of a blue ball, was spinning around the mine a few times, and then returned to Alan's body.

"How?" Allen asked.

The sound of the abyssal fire rang from the fireball: "As you said, sir. These so-called green crystals do contain good energy, although the quality is a little bit mixed, but it is enough. In this case, I can immediately You have built an army. However, I can feel that there is energy far above the green crystal. The fluctuations it emits, even I think...delicious."

It is described as delicious, and it can be seen that even with the vision of the fire of the abyss, it is the best thing. But Ellen couldn't think of anything in his hand that fit the description of Abyssal Fire. Suddenly, a picture flashed in his mind.

"Could it be that thing?" Allen immediately ran out of the mine, and Laura was guarding the door. He raised his voice: "Where is the thing we got from the Kidd?"

Belmode stood up, pointed to the metal cube under him and asked, "Master, do you mean it?"

"That's right." Allen reached for the cube to catch it, and the latter flew to his side. Allen caught it and returned to the mine.

Looking into the mine, Belmode looked at the others and said, "What do you think the master is doing inside?"

Hubble buzzed: "Who knows, I'm not interested in caring. I just want to go back to town quickly, I already miss the beautiful Lim."

Laura rolled her eyes, and Belmode shook her head. Thinking of Catu’s alternative view of judgment, Belmode didn’t know whether to be happy or sad for him.

In the mine, when Allen put the metal cube on the ground, the fire of the abyss circled it twice, the color of the fireball was obviously brighter than before, and Mitinas's voice was even a little excited: "It’s right, Your Highness. I can feel an incomparable energy in it, it’s so strong, beautiful, and young. With it, not only can I recover part of my strength, but I can also create a stronger one for you. army."

"Your perception is much sharper than mine. I didn't find anything in it. But that's right. It seems that the Kidd fleet is not really escorting water, but this thing. Otherwise. , There is no need for a golden-class powerhouse to go out in person." Allen simply sat down, holding the cube and said: "Then let us see what's inside."

A translucent flame rose from his hand.

Void Secret Flame!

When the flame rose, the fire of the abyss could not help but recede a little. Mittinas could feel the translucent pale flame threatening it, and instinctively reminded it not to approach the flame, even if it looks So inconspicuous. However, under the two inconspicuous white flames, the cube in Allen's hand was eroding at a speed visible to the naked eye. The metal shell did not even turn into iron juice, but was directly annihilated by the secret flame. Under the imperceptible high temperature of the secret flame, the substance skipped the melting process and was directly destroyed at the molecular level.

But as the outer layer of the cube was destroyed, a dazzling light suddenly rose from it. Outside the gate of the mine, Belmode and the others sensed the destructive energy that appeared at that moment. They looked back in surprise, and a sun was rising in the mine. The energy contained in that sun is enough to flatten things in Luguang Town and even within a hundred square kilometers!

When this energy expanded to its extreme, it finally turned into a flame of destruction. However, when the first ray of fire popped out, the flame quickly shrank, and finally disappeared in Alan's palms. At this time, there was no more metal under Alan's palm, only a cloud of colorful blurred light.

He and Mitinas yelled almost at the same time, but Allen yelled "Heart of the Stars", but Mitinas yelled "Fire".

Allen wrapped the heart of the stars with a void secret flame, and he was certain that this group of things exuding colorful brilliance was what he saw on the Death Star base. It's just that the heart of the star in the palm of his hand, as Mitinas said, it is very young and glows with incomparable vitality. Without the imprisonment of the cube, Allen can clearly sense the energy aura in the heart of the stars, and at the same time know how dangerous this thing is.

Once the control is not good, I am afraid Agareth will be blown to pieces. After all, in that war in the Garden of Eden, the Baal people planned to use the Heart of the Stars and the Death Star base to attack Idahua.

"Yes, this is indeed fire." Mitinas's voice was a little bit more excited: "His Royal Highness, fire is the heart of every planet. They contain unimaginable energy. If you use appropriate methods to remove them from the planet They are the purest energy in the universe. They can do many things, such as restoring at least half of my strength..."

"Of course, it's more than that. If I use it completely to restore my strength, not only can I immediately return to the peak state, but I can also be better than before. But that would be a waste of this kind of fire. As its name implies, this energy will be the fire that nurtures a powerful army. At the same time, I can use it to summon another king for you!"

Alan's eyes lit up: "Then, it's handed over to you, Mitinas."

The fire ball flew into the air, and Mitinas respectfully said: "Please revoke your flame, Your Highness. It is the only flame I dare not approach."

Alan nodded, and carefully retracted the Void Secret Flame. Without the shackles of secret flames, the heart of the stars bloomed with dazzling brilliance, and a rainbow rose on the flat ground, hanging over the mine and Green Light Town. The residents in the town were surprised when they saw it, so people became more curious about the mine.

Mitinas first dispersed the prismatic black crystals that seemed to play a protective role, and then dropped a few ribbon-like streams of fire from the fireball. They gently wrapped around the heart of the stars, and then It pulled to Mitinas' body. In the end, the heart of the stars fell into the body of the fire of the abyss. When the heart of the stars was submerged in the fireball, the surface of the fireball was immediately flooded with colorful lights. Mitinas's breath continued to rise wildly, and even his body expanded and expanded.

Allen stepped back for a while. At this moment, the light and heat emanating from Mitinas's body was so strong that blue smoke was rising from the surrounding ground, and a minecart not far away even blew up electricity. Fire, and all the green-glazed ores under the veins resonated with the power of Mitinas. Green light permeated from the surface, and the green light marked the trend of the mineral vein. Alan, who was on the ground, looked down, as if he was standing on a green river of light.

Until Mitinas's energy stopped growing, the green river of light that snaked to the distance gradually disappeared. Looking at the rice of the abyss, Mitinas' body has grown ten times more than before. Although it was not as huge as in another world, it was also a big fireball. The fireball twisted again, the firelight gathered and stretched, and it could be seen that Mitinas was shaping himself into a human form.

The ground trembled, and a piece of schistite was peeled off into the air, then split into different shapes, and then stuck to Mitinas like porcelain. Soon, a rock suit was added to the fire that had already shaped the human shape. When Mitinas descended to Ellen's figure, he already had a new form. At this moment, his upper body is a human figure, the long hair floating on his head and even the back of his head is dark red fire, and two black spars are distributed in the position of his eyes. His chest and arms are covered with rocks, shaped like armor. As for the part under the waist, it was a flame, and gradually faded to nothingness.

Mitinas raised his hand, and a piece of rock coat flew up on the ground, shaking and cracking constantly during the ascent, and when he came behind Mitinas, only a piece of black rock crystal of equal volume remained. These black crystals lined up in a circle, scattered behind his head and slowly rotating, like a spar wheel. Then the position of the chest cracked, and a fist-sized oval spar was exposed. In the spar, there are colorful different awns.

"This is the heart of stars?" Allen asked, adding: "Oh, you call it Tinder."

Mitinas nodded: "I keep it in my body so that it can extract energy at any time to serve you, Your Highness. I have absorbed part of the energy of the fire, and now I can also participate in the battle. If I have the strength, It is about level 30. This level is more conducive to activities on this planet. After all, I can feel that there are a lot of powerful source reactions on this planet."

"As for the remaining energy of the fire, I want to take a part of it to summon a new king for you. You will have an army, then you need a commander. I really want to be qualified for this role at the same time, but I think there is a more suitable one. The candidate. That king, I believe you will be satisfied. But before that, I need to build something first. If you agree, I hope to transform this mine into a base, which has a lot of energy crystals, which can be saved I work a lot."

Allen agreed: "You just use it, as far as I know, there are mines like this. If you need it, we can take a few more seats."

"No, this is enough for the time being. If you need to open up more energy sources, I will tell you." Mitinas stepped back a little at this time, and the inflammation on the back of his head fluttered, a dozen." "Hair" pierced into the ground, and Yuanli continued to transport it along the hair toward the ground. After a while, the ground where the hair was pierced swelled up, forming a pile of dirt. After a while, the soil bag cracked, and hot smoke and fire were ejected from it, and then something crawled out of it.

Those were stone figures made up of earth and rocks, and their appearance was somewhat similar to that of Mitinas. From the gaps between the rock skins on their surface, you could see fiery light flowing through them. The important thing is that the aura they exude is the same as that of Mitinas, but the aura is much weaker.

"These are?" Allen asked.

"You can call them Minas, and I call them builders." Mitinas said: "They are puppets created by some fragments of my will, plus source power and matter. They can replace me. Work, now I will let them build a batch of smelting wells. The smelting wells are units used to transform and store energy. After having the smelting wells, I can start building an army."

"It takes a certain amount of time to build a melting well, even if it is a low-level melting well. Before that, His Royal Highness can take a rest. When the construction of the melting well is completed, it will not be too late for me to inform you."

Allen nodded: "Then the mine is handed over to you, do you need guards?"

"No, I am the best guard." Mitinas said lightly.

Although he said so, Alan left Belmode in order to take care of Mitinas. He took Lola back to the town, indeed, as Mittinas said, he barely closed his eyes after landing on Agareth.

Now it's time to take a break.

It is dusk.

As dusk descended, the magnificent sunlight on the horizon dimmed the continuous mountain ridges, leaving only a dark silhouette. The blood-red sunset against the distance constitutes a breathtaking beauty. Frios stood on one of the terraces of the Deep Dark Castle, looking up at this distant picture. When he lowered his head, the magnificent sight of Sunset City came into his eyes. It is hard to imagine that the original site of this city was just a barren land, but because of him, Agareth built the second huge and magnificent capital city besides the magic ring city.

Sunset over the city.

Sunset City does not have the ancient and elegant atmosphere of the Magic Ring City, but it has the youth and vitality that the Magic Ring City never possessed. In this city, all the buildings are straight to the sky. You can't see any arcs in the sunset city. There are no smooth curves here, and some are just straight lines rising to the sky. This is an imposing city. When naming this city, the word "sunset" by Frieus attracted a lot of criticism. Many people thought that the name did not match the city, but the Black Emperor insisted on using this name.

So the city of dusk spread like this.

Sunset City is adjacent to the Anduins River, and the river bends are full of ports. There are ships here to go to the Sea of ​​Blood through the river. The city has two bridges across the Anduins River, falling in a font on the rocky ground of the river. It's just similar to the situation in the Magic Ring City. Now the flying ships that travel between the city and the land are more like flying ships than riding beasts or ships.

Those transportation jobs have become part of long-term memory.

If you draw a straight line between the sunset city and the magic ring city, you will find that the two cities are located on the two ends of the blood sea at the east and west ends. The positions are as accurate as a miracle. It can be seen that Frios chose the king city at the beginning This place has his own deep meaning. Coupled with the fact that the city lives by the word "sunset", it makes people think about it.

At this moment ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Although Frios was watching the city in front of the castle, his thoughts actually fell in the magic ring city on the other side of the sea of ​​blood.

"She has woken up. You don't know it, Spinak. This time, she woke up more than a hundred years earlier. Don't you wonder what caused her to wake up early?" Uth said to himself.

Suddenly, the room behind him was lit and extinguished steadily, and under such alternating light and dark, but for a moment, the fire demon Belukai flashed into the terrace. The general who had presided over the Mars project knelt down towards Frius and said: "Your Majesty, not long ago, our satellite discovered high-energy energy fluctuations in the wasteland. The energy level... is the highest!"

"Did you find out the source of energy?" Frius asked without looking back.

Beilukai shook his head and said: "The current situation is finally clear. The time for the wave to appear is too short. It only lasts for less than ten seconds, and then it disappears completely."

"Is it related to her?" Frios frowned. "Send someone to investigate, but they can't make a big fanfare. Do you understand?"

"Subordinates know." A trace of doubt flashed in Beilukai's heart, so cautious, not like the style of the Black Emperor.

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