Edge of the Apocalypse

Chapter 1250: Suspect

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[Thanks to Brother Xiang, Su in the war, manianlb, difficult to name, gray riverbank gzk, youngswj, Yang Fei Baidu, aidsu, karlsen, sea duckweed, 酆子, cat escaping from the world, etc. Thank you for viewing the moon ticket! ]

Earth, Babylon.

In Ugalle Castle, in Horn’s study, Roddy is now sitting. When Horn was here before, this study always had a taste of majesty and elegance. But now Roddy is sitting here, making this study seem quite crowded. In addition to Roddy's big size, it was also because of the mountains of documents before his case. After Horn left, Roddy inherited the position of Patriarch. And until now, he still didn't want to admit that Horn was dead. According to Roddy, as long as no direct evidence of Horn's death is found for a day, he would rather believe that his father just lost contact.

Perhaps thinking this way will make him feel better.

But on the other hand, family affairs are causing him a headache. Now he knows a little why Horn spends at least one third of his day in the study. It is indeed not an easy job to be the head of the house. And he has always been bad at handling these matters, so he spends much more time in the study than his father, so that Roddy has to eat at least two meals in the study for three meals a day.

At this time the study door opened, and the butler Hessing came in with a trolley with Roddy's breakfast on it. He glanced at the "hills" on the table, smiled and said, "Patriarch, it's time to eat."

Roddy pulled out a stack of documents and poked his head out and said, "Mr. Heising, let them send the report by email next time. These things are almost piled up and I have no place to sit."

Haising reminded: "It was you, the owner of the family, who wanted them to submit the report in paper form last time."

"Really, there is such a thing?" Roddy touched his head with a thick face: "Then I must have forgotten, anyway, I don't want to see these things again next time."

"I got it."

Roddy stood up, stretched his waist, twisted his neck and said, "The job of Patriarch is really hard. To be honest, I would rather go to the front to fight war than to sit in the study every day. I almost get bored. ."

Hessing has become accustomed to the vulgar words of the young patron from time to time, and he is kind, but still reminds: "In public, the patron should not say such things casually."

"Yes, yes, for the image of the family." Roddy said, "Let me see what I have for breakfast today."

At this time, a voice said at the door: "If you feel tired, I can help you, brother."

Roddy's face sank immediately when he heard this voice. He raised his head and looked at a handsome man leaning against the door. Haising bowed quickly, "Good morning, Master Hedrick."

It was Horn's youngest son.

"Heydrick, this is not where you came from." Roddy said unceremoniously: "You think you should stay in the studio or go to those art salons to have fun."

"Please, brother." Heydrick spread his hands: "How can I say that I am also a member of Beth Kode. Now that my father has no news, the burden of the family suddenly falls on your shoulders. I have a responsibility to share it for you. Brother."

"If you want to help, don't disgust me." Roddy said coldly: "You and I know all the things you have done. If it weren't for my father to recite a bit of family affection, replace it with me. I’ve already dealt with you, you disgusting maggot. Get out of here right away, I don’t have an appetite for breakfast when I see you."

Even though he gave Roddy such a ruthless reprimand, Heydrick still had a smile on his face. He even bowed to Roddy and said, "It's my fault to make the Patriarch unappetizing, I'm going now. But Roddy, you Do you really think you can manage the huge Beskard family well? Don't overestimate yourself."

He left gracefully.

Roddy snorted, and said to Hessing, "Let’s keep an eye on this guy, where he goes every day, what he does, and whoever he has contact with must be reported to me clearly. The **** Hedrick, After all, it cannot be reassuring."

"I see, Patriarch."

Haising put the breakfast on a side table and pushed the dining car away. But after a while, he knocked on the door of the study again and said to Roddy: "The third master is back."

"Bell? Quick, let him come over."

"I'm here." Regis' father, Horn's third son, Bell strode in. Behind him was a stranger who was covered in a cloak. Since the attack on the day of Mobitt’s speech not long ago, the relationship between the Federation and the nobles has deteriorated. Including the three giants, all families have to prepare for a storm. Roddy transferred Bell to the surface in order to transfer some of the family's affairs and industries to the surface, so as to avoid violent conflicts on Babylon and minimize losses.

Now that Bell is back, Roddy is happy. Although his third child always has a cold face, he can handle things without any ambiguity. The important thing is that he is very loyal to the family and to Horn, and he has actually shared a lot of work for Roddy.

Looking at the stranger behind Bell, Roddy asked, "This one is?"

After Heising left, Bell was not busy introducing him, but first pulled the curtains of the study, and then nodded to the man. This man stretched out a hand from the cloak. Judging from the slender fingers, he should be a woman and a big beauty. However, when she lifted the cloak, Roddy was still in shock, and cried out aloud: "Why are you?"

"Marshal Windsor Bellow!"

This really surprised Roddy, who stood in front of him turned out to be the marshal of Sirius. Windsor Bello smiled. She didn't wear the military uniform of the marshal, but put on the costume of a surface mercenary. With the black lining and light brown leather boots, she also had a revolver pinned to her waist, without knowing where her endless fort was hidden.

"What's going on?" Roddy looked at Bell and asked.

The latter said, "I also met Marshal Greed Wolf on the way back. She said she wanted to see you, so she brought her back by the way. Specifically, you two talk about it yourself. I'm a little tired. Rest in the room and say goodbye."

After Bell left, Windsor Bello honestly found a sofa and sat down on her own. He raised her long legs and exclaimed, "I met with Mr. Horn last time. Unexpectedly, this time, I have not seen him. ."

"I haven't seen any evidence that proves his father's death for a day. I would never imagine that someone like him would easily die in an explosion." Roddy sat down opposite and said: "The marshal seems to be returning in secret this time. "

"It's true, because I don't want to alarm some people, such as our Mr. President." Windsor Bello said pointedly.

Roddy frowned: "I'm stupid, not as smart as my father, so the marshal might as well just point out what he has to say, so that everyone will save time."

Windsor Bello put down her long legs and leaned forward: "Mr. Roddy, do you think there is anything weird about our Mr. President? Honestly, it's like the last Iron Prison incident, and the incident of a direct fallout with the nobles not long ago. Looking at it, it makes me feel very strange. It doesn't look like Mobit's previous style. Perhaps as the rumors say, the real Mobit is no longer there. Now this is a fake?"

"I'm not sure about this. After all, we have no evidence, let alone whether Guanghui will do it deliberately. You know, there are enough headaches for the Federation now, so I would rather believe that it is a rumor and deal with it like that. Issues related to the Federation are also easier."

"I thought the same way before, but something happened recently." Windsor Bello said solemnly: "Our three front-line bases on the interstellar defense line were suddenly attacked by the Nerm fleet, and the enemy attacked our army. Our outposts, cordon lines, and firepower points are all in my palms. The Nelm people evaded these arrangements with nearly precise movements, which led to the destruction of our three Sirius bases and the death and injury of our soldiers!"

Roddy took a breath: "How is this possible, unless they get your frontline deployment intelligence."

Windsor Bello didn't speak, but looked at him rather calmly.

Roddy then reacted and whispered, "No, someone really leaked the information? This is highly classified. Only the Federal Intelligence Service and the military headquarters keep this information, right?"

"Yes, I can't believe it. But among the three ruined bases, there is one that is equivalent to an abandoned base. It's just that I stole it and didn't mention it in the military report submitted to the Federation. However, Neil The Nelm people still attacked this base. In other words, they think that base is equally important. That’s why I suspected that the information was leaked from within the Federation. Otherwise, on what basis did the Nelm people make such a judgment?" Windsor Belo sat up straight: "This is also the reason for my secret return. I want to investigate who did it. If I know who leaked the information, I will never let him go!"

She stretched her fingers, and there was a series of light shocks in the study, and Windsor Bello gritted her teeth and said: "He must be responsible for the more than 1,400 Sirius soldiers who died in action!"

Marshal Greedy's murderous aura caused Roddy to get cold behind him. He tentatively asked, "Then who do you think is most suspected?"

"After the attack, there was an attack on the front line. According to the intelligence I have collected, our Mr. President is in an unsatisfactory situation. This time he has not only torn between your families. It is even more offensive to the old party. I am curious as to what power is behind him to support his actions." Windsor Bello squinted and said, "The power he cultivated himself? I think it is unlikely. No matter how capable he is, he will not be able to develop a force capable of resisting the nobles or the old party. Then there will be only foreign aid left."

Roddy stood up suddenly: "You mean, Mr. President, he..."

"Don't say it." Windsor Bello raised a finger in front of his lips: "Until there is no evidence, don't say that answer. After all, this answer is amazing. In any case, you have to say the words of the first suspect. Unfortunately, I think the president is most suspicious. Therefore, I will put him first as the subject of this investigation."

Roddy squinted his eyes and said, "Marshal, you are playing with fire."

"Of course I know, but I want to know the truth, and people have the right to know the truth." Windsor Bello smiled charmingly: "It would be okay if Mobit did not do it, if he did it. Since he wants to make trouble. If the federation is split, then I will poke him another big hole, making him completely untenable in the federation."

"But it's no good for anyone."

Windsor Bello laughed: "Mr. Roddy, you are not like a person who only considers'goods'. You should know that if this matter is indeed done by Mobitt, then exposing him is more meaningful than all so-called' benefit'."

Roddy spread his hands and said, "Well, I can't tell you. Since you came to me, it seems that I can help in this matter."

"It is true, but this incident will probably drag Bethkod into a less favorable situation."

"Do you think our family is still at ease now? The storm is coming, Marshal. It doesn't matter if you come early or late, it doesn't make a difference to me." Roddy's eyes shone brightly.

"Now I know a little bit why Bethkod can stand up in this circle, but also can go against the current. With Mr. Horn, Allen and Mr. Roddy you, this family is hard to think about not being strong. "

Roddy heard the words: "Allen? Have you met him? How is he?"

"He went to Agareth."

"What?" Roddy shook his head: "How can he get to such a place!"

"Agareth is a melting pot, and maybe Alan can be reborn there. You probably don’t know that the emperor of Idahua went to the Star of Heaven. Now, only Agareth can accommodate him. Up."

"Things are really getting worse and worse." Roddy snorted: "Mobit has to be responsible for all this!"

"Go ahead, Marshal. How do you need me to cooperate?"

It was light, and Alan opened his eyes. He took away a hand on his chest, and then lifted it up. On the other side of the quilt is his **** and beautiful office secretary. The blond secretary was still asleep, her golden hair was scattered on the bed, and a few strands of hair fell across her face. At the moment she looked so peaceful and peaceful. Alan breathed a little harder, remembering that she was even crazier than ever last night, which made him feel hot again.

But there are more important things to do today, and he doesn't want to waste his energy on such things.

He walked to the bathroom.

As soon as I opened the bathroom door, I heard someone shouting behind me: "Let’s take a shower together."

He turned his head, secretary Idalen stood beside him all over, and Alan nodded. The two walked into the bathroom together, and they entangled again when warm water was sprayed on them. This is a new experience for Alan, and Idalian is particularly passionate today. You must know that for a woman like her, who is usually cold and cold, the glaring and silky appearance at this moment forms a sharp contrast, which is a fatal temptation for any man.

Everything will come naturally.

After Alan was satisfied with her, she closed her eyes in silence and let the water wash her body. Adalen pressed against his back, and he could feel the heroic twin peaks on the woman's chest pressing against the muscles on his back.

"What's the matter with you?" Alan asked: "You are a little different in normal times."

"Is there? Why I don't know." Idalian chuckled and bit the man's helix.

Alan looked like a beast that was awakened, suddenly turned around and picked her up, and then held the woman against the bathroom wall again. Adalen closed her eyes and enjoyed the joy that the man brought her, but her hand around Alan's neck was quietly taking off a ring on her right hand. As soon as Erinda pressed the gemstone on the ring, a thin needle popped out from the front of the ring. The blue barking color on the needle is obviously not a good thing.

At this time, Alan began to sprint, and Adalian's body faithfully released his happiness. She hugged Alan tightly, and took this opportunity to move the needle on the ring toward the back of Alan's neck. But as soon as he moved his hand, Alan's wrist was already caught.

At this moment, Aidalian opened his eyes, only to find that Alan's eyes were cold, and there was no fluctuation at all. She fell cold suddenly, Alan pulled her hand to her eyes, looked at the poisonous needle on the ring and said, "Who is your boss?"

Adalian didn't seem to be afraid. She smiled and said, "You and I know that, I won't say it."

"I do know." He stepped back from the woman's body and said: "But it really surprised me. You hide so deeply. So deep that I almost thought you were an ordinary woman."

"I want to be an ordinary woman, but when my chess piece is arranged next to you, I can't be an ordinary woman." Aidalian whispered: "Then what are you waiting for, kill me."

"No, I will let you go back."


Alan took the ring out of her hand, threw it into the trash can, and said, "As long as you can justify yourself and ask your boss not to hold it accountable, I can assume that nothing happened today."

Aidalian laughed suddenly: "Oh my God, is this our ruthless President Mobit? Wouldn't you say that you are in love with me? Haha, hahahaha."

For some reason, she smiled, but tears flowed out.

Alan ignored her, changed her clothes, and left the house quietly. He said in his heart, it is a pity that I am not Mobit. I'm Alan, and **** it, I'm so **** in love with you. As soon as he walked out of the gate, there was a gunshot from upstairs, which made the bodyguards next to him immediately nervous. Alan was stunned, did not look back, just whispered softly: "Go and deal with it, remember to keep quiet and bury the body."

The two bodyguards nodded ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ and got into the building. Alan got on the speeding car and left the house, and all this made a pair of eyes on the other side of the road. With a morning paper in his hand, the man walked across the street with a dog. As he walked, he whispered: "The mission failed, the chess piece is dead, and the target is alive."

After a long time, someone in his headset made an "um" sound.

In the speeding car, Alan's assistant handed him a tablet brain, which listed today's itinerary. The assistant "Oh" said: "Mr. President, Mr. Roddy, the owner of Beskard, wants to meet you today, saying that there are some family issues that I want to discuss with you."

"Rody?" Alan said coldly: "This is really coming out from the west of the sun. Does he want to get some ‘discount’ with me, that he has to pay the price."

"Then what do you mean?"

"Set a time for me." After speaking, Alan stopped talking. He looked out the window, but the woman who laughed but was crying. Then closed his eyes and knocked the woman out of his mind.

He won't love the second person anymore.

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