Edge of the Apocalypse

Chapter 1257: a cold heart

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Allen took a step forward.

Suddenly, Azerth slipped back. So in his original position, Allen landed on the ground and stepped on the snow. The distance between the two is 500 meters, which is reached at the foot of Allen. Azers' eyes widened, and he asked himself this distance, but he could reach it in a blink of an eye, but he would never be as easy as Alan.

"Space shuttle?" Aizes only thought of this possibility.

Allen nodded generously, **** eyes feeling a little headache. Of all the modes of movement, space shuttle is undoubtedly the most troublesome one. Thinking of this, his irritation at Trisli has deepened. The woman who could only be lazy and slow, did not even dig out such important information, and told him that the outsider in front of him was nothing great. This is really hell, every strong man who can manipulate space should never be ignored.

Azers stretched out his hand, habitually trying to catch his bone stick. But suddenly it appeared that the bone rod was a little farther away from him. Before he had inserted the bone stick in the snow, he had just pushed Alan back, and now the gray-white bone stick was three meters away from him.

In normal times, three meters is not a problem at all. But if the opponent can control the space, that's another matter.

Alan put his hand on the hilt of the Scarlet King's sword and smiled at Aizes: "Since just now, your eyes have been on this bone stick. Why, it's important to you?"

"Of course it's important. It has been with me for many years, but it's not just a weapon." Azeroth said half-heartedly.

"I guess so, so, do you want me to return it to you?"

Azers sneered and said: "Why is it so troublesome, can't I deal with you without this bone stick?"

"I think so." A red light suddenly appeared in Allen's eyes, and the Scarlet King unsheathed, drawing a scarlet light on the snow. But instead of sweeping towards Azeroth, he swept across the bone stick beside him.

Azers was stunned, and his eyes showed a scene of broken bones. The tyrannical source force contained in the scarlet sword light penetrated into the bone stick, disintegrating it inch by inch. The flames spread staggeredly, and finally the flames flashed, and all the fragments of the bone rod burned. The flaming debris fell into the snow, and the snow sizzled, when a fist-sized red spar rolled to Allen's feet.

This spar is full of cracks, and among them, the skyfire spurts continuously. Allen lifted his foot, smashed the spar completely, and then looked up at Azeroth and said, "In this way, your artificial eye can't be used, right?"

"Prosthetic eye..." Azers screamed: "How do you know that it is my artificial eye!"

Azers has transformed three times, and in the third time, he has a prosthetic eye. This prosthetic eye possesses most of his abilities, and when he gets this prosthetic eye, he embeds it in the bone stick to blur the enemy's attention. Often in fierce battles, using the righteous eye excitement ability to severely injure the enemy is the only method used by Azersk's enemies. Although the great men in the Great Wasteland knew that Azeroth had such a method, he didn't believe that an outsider would understand it so clearly.


Azerth's gaze left Allen a little, and fell on the gray figure flying in the distance.


Then the red king Yanhong's blade occupies all of the sight of the blood eye, and Allen swept it with a knife.

Seeing the point of the knife expanding in his eyes, Azers screamed. Allen felt that King Crimson's weight had increased sharply, and the long sword was too heavy to handle. The fire in his eyes was burning wildly, and the source of energy in his body rushed along his arm, the red king's blade lit up with red light, the invisible air machine that suppressed the red king was rushed to pieces, and the long sword bounced lightly and made a sound The sound of knives.

But Azeroth has already taken the opportunity to get away.

Allen stretched out **** to connect and flicked, and two skyfire cracks in the air were close and one far away, and they staggered towards Azerth.

There was a red light in the **** eyes.

The two sky fire cracks immediately twisted, like twisted into twists by an invisible hand, you can see the twisted ripples, and then exploded, turning into a sky flame.

The fire illuminates Alan's face, and he thinks of what Tracey said. Aizes is not the kind of strong man who is proficient in combat skills. It can be said that his strength is at least seven or eight points above his pupil technique. Now it seems that what Tracey said is true, the almost unsolvable space crack exploded after being glared by Azeroth, and his pupil technique was really not simple.

But that's all.

Allen lifted the sword and slammed into the flame. Not only did the flame evade by itself, but also a little bit of fire poured into the body of the Scarlet King sword.

The red light on the blade of the Red King was brighter, dragging a winding band of light in the air, as if the sunset in the evening was the magnificent glow of the sky.

Then the rays of sunlight danced around Azeroth endlessly, and the Scarlet King flickered in Allen's hands, quickly and slowly from his heart, dancing a fierce offensive to cover Azeroth. Bloodeye frequently used the pupil technique ability to be able to withstand Alan's offensive, but if there was no counterattack, he would definitely be at a disadvantage.

On the other side of the battlefield, whether intentionally or unintentionally, Trisley influenced the offensive of the three of Laura and gradually moved to Resek.

The battle between Rezek and Hubble has reached the point where they are born and die at every turn.

Hubble's combat power skyrocketed under the mode of violent killing, and both the source power and the might have approached the height of level 30. But after all, he is not a real level 30 powerhouse. And Rezek has already crossed this obstacle, only stronger than Hubble. It was just that Hubble used the rage gun, and the offensive was unmatched. Resek didn't want to fight him recklessly at this time, so he planned to fight a war of attrition.

He wanted to wear off Hubble's vitality, and when this Catu's popularity fell, he would let go of his attack and defeat the enemy in one fell swoop.

While parrying Hubble's attack, Rezek naturally noticed Trisley's approach. He has worked with Tracey several times, thinking that this woman is just trying to take advantage of the small abacus again, and wants to throw the enemy in his hand to him. Rezek didn't mind sharing some pressure for this woman, but Tracey kept ignoring his pursuit, which made him a little angry. But this was on the battlefield, and the two were serving the same bloodeye, and Rezek didn't care about the small advantage Trisley took.

When Laura and the others entered his circle, Rezek's two "arms" suddenly burst, and two clumps of feet rushed out of it. Immediately he seemed to have dozens of more arms, and these touched his feet or flicked or swept, like a strong whip. Immediately the battle circle drew in Lola and several others, leaving Tracey free.

"Good job, big man." Trisili laughed, and she flashed away to Laura. The two curved blades in his hand have long turned into gray **** of light, and the blades danced quickly, buzzing.

Knowing that she was going to kill, Rezek grinned, and attacked by another three-pointer, suppressing the Hubble four.

Tracey really flashed behind Lola.

Laura even felt the woman blowing softly behind her neck, and then Tracey's voice rang out: "I know you are her woman. I wonder if he will be sad if you die here? Maybe he will empathize. Don't fall in love, after all, I am better than you, and the skill in bed will not be worse than you."

There was a chuckle.

Then Tracey's breath disappeared completely.

Lola broke out in a cold sweat.

With so many feet dancing, Rezek's movements suddenly choked. He felt a hint of coolness flashing behind him, Rezek's pupils dilated, his chest suddenly rose and fell, and finally he let out an earth-shattering roar from his mouth: "What are you doing, Tracey!"

Tracey left behind many gray and white afterimages and flew back. It's just that Rezek's blood remains on the blade of her right hand. She flashed behind Lola just now, bewildering Reesek’s judgment, and then flashed back behind the man with a terrifying degree, cut his spine with a knife, and wandered behind Reesek with a high curved blade. ring. At this time, the muscles behind Rezek split like a blooming flower, exposing his bones and internal organs to the air.

At such a moment of distraction, Hubble's rage spear slammed into his chest and stabbed from the back wound that Trisley had opened. Lola's instant blood turned into a flurry of light and shadow, cutting Rezek's feet into pieces. The golden light in the white eyes lit up, and the young figure leaned forward and appeared above Rezek. He whirled in the air, and finally hit Rezek's forehead with his bare foot, and the violent Qi machine fell through his body, and Rezek's eyes and mouth were bleeding at the same time.

Hubble then stretched out his thick hand to catch Bai's throw back, and at the same time turned and ran. The rage spear pierced Rezek's chest flashed twice and exploded. It turned into a dark red fireball and soared into the air, and then scattered into flames and thick smoke, forming a mushroom shape.

The big explosion on the battlefield knocked down many mobs, but the blood-eyed soldiers had already climbed over the town wall. The Baal people hired by Allen to fill the scene have long been missing, and the blood-eyed soldiers screamed and killed them in the town. A soldier rushed forward, still carrying a beam gun in his hand. When he passed a house, the shadows under his feet suddenly became heavy. He raised his head, but only saw two gushing eyes and two horrifying bends, and then he threw the fire horn demon who had jumped from the roof to the ground.

The fire horn demon swept away the beam gun in his hand with a wave of his hand, then slammed his chest with a fist, causing him to squirt blood. The fire horn devil opened his mouth again, biting the Baer's neck fiercely, and the opponent suddenly rushed into blood.

"What is this?" Another soldier rushed up behind him, raising his gun and shooting, several beams of light penetrated the body of the Flamingo. But this creature, which was unfamiliar to the residents of Agareth, was surprisingly fierce, and its vitality was terribly powerful. It didn't die immediately, but rather ferocious, and the soldier was immediately turned into fragments under the tear of his hand.

The blood-eyed soldiers were dumbfounded, especially the few people standing in the front. They looked at each other and said at the same time: "This thing is a alien beast?"

Of course this is an unanswered question.

The Firehorn Demon who had torn a mob was bleeding, but still turned his head, sprayed two air currents from his nostrils, and then yelled at his hands and feet and rushed forward. A dozen soldiers in front raised their guns and fired at the same time, and beams of light sifted the horned demon in the air. When the Flamingo fell to the ground and convulsed for a while and there was no movement, the soldiers breathed a sigh of relief, and at the same time, they were terrified of the terrible vitality of this alien beast.

You must know how many wounds this fire horned demon was exposed to by the beam of light, it could have died several times on other people.

A captain who led this group of thugs squeezed out of the crowd, kicked the horns of fire a few times, and then turned around and shouted: "Why are you still stupefied? Keep going and kill all the guys who dare to resist. Could it be that, as the most elite fighters of Lord Bloodeye, you are scared because of such a strange beast?"

The soldiers stared wide-eyed and looked straight behind the captain. The captain finally felt something was wrong, and he turned around and took a breath immediately. From the streets, the roofs of various buildings, those dark corners. Heads of flaming horned monsters came out silently, and they let out a series of low roars from their throats, their eyes gushing with fire and looking at these soldiers with blood eyes.

The captain was stunned. There were as many horned monsters as their army. Nearly a thousand fire horns densely occupied the streets and houses, and that number is not the so-called "less than a hundred people" in the intelligence!

"What's the matter?" the captain called.

At this moment, a fire horn demon charged him. This flaming horned demon was extraordinarily strong and slammed into it like a ball of flame. The captain whispered, and the man leaned back. At the same time, he flicked a long knife in his hand and slashed towards the Fire Horn Demon.

The two sides crossed quickly.

A long gap was pulled out of the Firehorn Devil's belly, and the blood and intestines inside fell out. But after it fell to the ground, it didn't die immediately. It stretched out a hand and pulled out a ball of flame from behind its head, and then wiped it on the wound. The fire horn devil's wound chuckled, and it scorched the wound with flames, thereby sealing the wound.

The captain saw a heart beating, his chopping knife was deformed, and cracks appeared in his arm bones. In the impact just now, he roughly estimated that the impact force of the Fire Horn Demon was as high as several tons. And its claws are also very sharp, at least the armor on his body didn't play the role of protection as it should be. A few holes were torn open, and blood was leaking out.

Strong, not afraid of death, but also possess a certain intelligence. The captain has never seen such an alien beast. What's more, there are thousands of alien beasts with the same physical signs. Such a phenomenon is unheard of.

The next moment, all the horns attacked.

"Look for cover and shoot!" The captain yelled, and he could see that fighting against such an alien beast would only increase casualties. Taking advantage of weapons to kill them is the best choice.

The blood-eyed soldiers dispersed and greeted the Flamingo with the beam gun in their hands. Under the command of the captain, the soldiers tried their best to aim at the head of the Flamingo. Sure enough, that part was hit, and no matter how strong the vitality of the Fire Horn Demon was, he immediately died.

Standing in a high-rise room in the hotel, Nick and Lim looked in the direction of the town entrance through the window. Those fluttering beams of light reflected on the glass of the window, and the fireballs that rose from time to time illuminate the faces of both of them. And in those dense beams, it is not difficult for the two of them to see another fiery red figure. Those alien beasts that look exactly the same as if they don't know what death is, they are constantly slapping the blood-eye army's defense line like a flood.

The arrogant and unstoppable thugs on weekdays. Now he is retreating steadily in order to get a buffer distance from the Flamingo. This kind of thing Nick has never seen before. He murmured: "These things are Lord Ellen's army? God, where did he get this army?"

"I think you should ask, what is the origin of your Lord Ellen. As far as I know, there are no such creatures on Agareth, let alone driving them to attack the enemy!" Lim said in a deep voice. Road, and then "Huh", pointing to the distance and saying: "Look, there is something new again."

Nick looked in the direction of her fingers and saw that in a cylindrical building, all the windows had been broken, and then strange creatures appeared behind the windows. These guys have a huge head, it seems that the head is their body. From both sides of their bodies, there are two legs, and these weird creatures are moving awkwardly with their thick legs. When they felt that they were in the right position, their legs flexed and their bodies lay heavily on the ground. Then opened his mouth, and a piece of barrel was slowly stretched out of his mouth!

"I thought that sucking myeloid worms were weird enough, now it seems that those worms are nothing great..." Nick said.

More mobile forts appeared on several other buildings, they were located just behind the bloodeye army, and surrounded the mobs. Now Nick knows why Alan gave up the defense of the town wall so easily, he just wants the bloodletting army to come in, so that the existing biological army can surround it and annihilate it!

At this time, there was a flash of fire. From the original cylindrical building, a fiery ball of fire exploded from the barrel of a turret. The fireball instantly traversed the space like a heavy artillery shell, smashed into the enemy's position, and exploded a bright red flame. Then all turrets 6 continued to fire, and fireballs kept smashing into the blood-eyed army~www.wuxiaspot.com~In an instant, the blood-eyed army was submerged in the fire, and under the saturated bombardment of the turret, there was no shooting at all. Dead ends.

The beams that were originally intensively flying were immediately reduced by more than half, and the remaining flaming horns also took advantage of their mobility to attack. These fire-born creatures are not afraid of flames and high temperatures at all. They rushed into the sea of ​​fire, and then screamed continuously. Lim squinted her eyes. In these calls, she didn't hear the sound of a flaming horned monster, and soldiers with blood-eyed voices came out. She couldn't help but look at the Fire Horned Demon again. Although these creatures have a fiery appearance, at the same time, they also have a cold heart like a machine!

"Let's go," Lim said suddenly.

Nick did not react: "What did you say?"

"I said there is no need to read it anymore, Azers is over. Soon, I am afraid that even the history of the wasteland will have to be rewritten. I said Nick, this time you really have a thigh, and it is still very The rough one."

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