Edge of the Apocalypse

Chapter 1258:  The pupil technique of the blood eye

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Bell Bell Bell——

It was the sound of the wind blowing wind chimes, strung together with a few simple iron pieces, and hung under the eaves of the tin house. ≥In this small town close to the desert, wind and sand are never lacking. The sand will be blocked by the buildings of the town, and only the wind will blow here and shake the wind chimes made by Allen.

Ellen held the King Scarlet, and looked at the wind chime under the eaves in disbelief. It refracted the sky light of the Gobi dusk, swaying in the hot wind, and made a sound familiar to him.

In the first second, he remembered that he was slashing at Blood-Eyed Azeroth with the knife. But the next second, he was standing in front of the tin room that had been in for five years. Even though he was standing outside the room, he knew the tables and chairs in that room, and even the cobwebs in the corners of the room.

Obviously, this is due to Azer's ability.

"Illusion?" Alan frowned, and Azers used some kind of pupil technique to draw him into this mental illusion. But I know, I know, Alan doesn't know how to get out.

The surroundings were extremely quiet, and the whole town seemed to be the only one in him. But after a while, he heard a string of laughter. A child ran out of the alley in front of the tin house, followed by a group of older children chasing him. Then someone pushed the window in the next room to curse, and then the whole town began to have voices and popularity.

Just as before.

The door of the room was pushed open, and Alan's heart trembled. He thought that it must not be that person, but Lanny still walked out of the house, and looked at Allen in surprise: "What are you doing outside? Come in quickly, we should have dinner."

Familiar voice.

Allen's hand was shaking when he lifted the knife, and he suddenly knew how to get out. The woman in the room came out, she was still as beautiful and harsh as Allen remembered. She glared at Allen and said reproachfully: "Did you have a fight with Moss from the house next door yesterday? Why am I telling you, don't bully others by the way."

She took Alan's knife and walked into the house.

Allen walked into the room with her dazedly, into this tin room that actually didn't exist anymore. Not to mention this tin house, in fact, I am afraid that even the entire town no longer exists. But now, it is still here, and there are familiar people.

Then her tightly pressed lips opened suddenly and said, "It's great."

"What are you talking about?" Lanni glanced at him, shook her head and said, "You kid, you still talk to yourself when you are so old. You have to get rid of this habit, Ellen, but no girl likes to talk to herself. Talking man."

She walked to the kitchen, and then smiled, "Guess what to eat tonight?"

Allen shook his head.

"Potato beef stew, do you like it?" Lanni returned to the kitchen door, and her voice came from the door: "Wait, you will have to eat soon. Oh, and Uzi will come later. He said that he would take you hunting in the future. Really, I don’t like you doing this. But no way, you have grown up, you have to learn something. At least, you have to protect yourself. After all, we live in this **** On the ground."

Allen looked at the door with complicated eyes.

It turned out that he has grown up here, no wonder Lenny was not surprised when she looked at him. If there were no predators attacking the town, if the town and everyone survived, it would become what it is now. He won't go to Babylon, but just an ordinary young man in the town, worrying about how to associate with girls, and yearning for a life of hunting with Uzi.

If that's the case...

Allen squeezed the Scarlet King, his teeth creaking.

"Is it already stuck?"

On the snow in Luguang Town, Azers wiped his sweat and looked at Alan, who was holding the Scarlet King's long sword in front of him, and his eyes were blank. He exhaled, "It's dangerous, I finally caught up."

Only then did he have time to look at Green Light Town, a red light flashed in Azer's eyes, and immediately the pictures of the town and outside flew past his eyes. He saw the dead Rezek, and saw the army of alien beasts surrounding the army of Bloodeye Town. When Azers closed his eyes and opened his eyes again, he gritted his teeth and said, "Damn it, Tracey, you dare to betray me. You bitch, after I kill this kid, I will settle this account with you. !"

He looked at Ellen again, his eyes flickering. So Allen, who was in place like a wood, even lifted a long knife. It's just that King Scarlet turned in his hands, and the blade was actually aimed at him.

"Stop it!" Suddenly a figure flashed, the red light swept across, and the Scarlet King in Ellen's hand was flicked away. Lola looked at Azers and asked angrily, "What did you do to him!"

Several breaths came to Hubble, who had withdrawn from the mode of violent killing, Belmode flying around the Chaos Blade, and white snake scales all over his body. They stood around Azeroth, everyone's eyes sharp, staring at the **** eyes.

Azers sneered: "Traceli should be able to answer you this question."

A soft sigh sounded behind the **** eyes, and Tracey's figure appeared on the snow from nothing. Her gaze fell on the back of Blood Eye's neck, where a seemingly non-existent ripple flashed away. Just now she wanted to give Blood Eye a surprise, but when she approached him, she instinctively warned. Tracey made a decisive decision to dispel the idea of ​​attacking Azeroth and showed up.

She glanced at Alan and shrugged: "He should have fallen into Azer's mental illusion. Unless he finds a way to solve it, it will be difficult for him to wake up with his own strength."

Laura raised her head slightly in black, "In other words, is there another way?"

Tracey looked at Azers, who laughed unpleasantly: "Of course, if I die, this ability will naturally not continue. But can it be done with you?"

"Maybe you can try it!" Laura's air machine skyrocketed, and her head was shining with crimson light when the original ancestor called. When she rushed towards Azeroth in a wild posture, a flame meteor flew up on the snow.

Azers murmured, "It looks like a nice woman, but it's a pity."

His eyes suddenly opened wide.

Lola's heart suddenly hurt, as if being held tightly by someone's hand, she suffocated. The man staggered and fell on the snow, opening his mouth and coughing up a **** mist. When Hubble saw this, they had no reservations, and they all tried their best.

The Catu people threw the battle axe they picked up at Azeroth, hoping to disrupt his pupil skills, and they ran towards him in strides. Hubble's thick legs stomped on the ground and snow splashed all over the place. It's just that he used the fallen body to fight against Rezek before, and now the source of strength has fallen back, and he does not have the vigor when fighting Rezek. Belmode pointed towards Azeroth, and the chaos blades swirling around him scatter away, and at the same time turned out the eyes of original sin on the top of Azeroth's head. Those eyes of original sin that looked like the magic pupils of another world shot out a beam of light, completely covering Azer's thin body.

The rest of Bai almost flashed away against the snow, and when she passed by Lola, she stretched out her hand, and Lola leaped into the sky with strength. The beam that passed through the pupil of original sin was cut with a sword towards the top of Azer's head. Bai slammed into the Chaos Blade from the ground, and Belmode let the blades full of negative energy make way for him. When Bai saw Azers, he was looking up at Lola who had attacked from above. Bai took a deep breath, covered the scales of the snake with the front of his fist, and smashed out.

In a blink of an eye, Azeroth was besieged by four people. The four men's offensive covered the sky and the ground, and they fought long-rangely. The intensity of the offensive can be described as impenetrable.

Only Tracey hadn't done it yet.

This short white woman looked at everything in front of her, but shook her head and sighed: "Sure enough, it's still too far..."

At the end of his words, two red light beams suddenly rushed from the whirling chaos blade. Two light beams swept across the air, and Belmode's pupils of original sin exploded one by one. Relying on the invisible connection between the two, the force of the explosion's counter shock was fed back to Belmode, and he was bleeding from his eyes and nose. But still raising his hand to hold it in a virtual grip, the spinning blades of negative energy gathered closely. But at this moment, a red glow shot out from the Chaos Blade Array, and Lola rushed out with her blood, as if she had lost her mind and slew towards Belmode.

In the blade formation, when Bai banged Azers's chest with a punch, the **** eyes looked down at him. Bai felt dizzy and dizzy for a while, but Azerth snorted. As soon as the spirit disintegrated, the punch of that punch immediately reduced by three points. Although Azerth was not a good melee player, he was always a powerhouse at the dominator level. Under such circumstances, reach out and hold Bai's wrist, and then push the young man in another direction. He can still do this simple fighting technique.

And Bai, who was pushed out by Azeroth, bumped into Hubble who was running from the other side. Hubble pushed White casually, and then continued to rush towards Azeroth. Bai shook his head and got up, shouting to the Catu: "Don't look at his eyes!"

But it was too late, and Azeroth turned his attention to Hubble. The Catu people were in a trance at first, then he found that his eyes were not where they were. He glanced around, and saw Azers appearing behind him, and then screamed and rushed back.

A triumphant smile hung from the corner of Azer's mouth.

Bai sighed when he saw Hubble rush back angrily. He knew that Hubble was bewildered by Azers with a certain ability, and Bai himself had the ability to hypnotize creatures. But this kind of ability is still far behind Azeroth, at least, Bai can't manipulate the spirit of the strong at the same level. And now, Hubble clearly considers himself Azeroth. But Gui knows, but Bai cannot wake Hubble. Seeing the Catu fist hit, he could only retreat.

So the combination of the four was declared to collapse under Azer's pupil technique. At this time, Laura attacked Belmode, Hubble confronted Bai, and the situation suddenly changed.

And at this moment, Tracey finally moved.

At the moment Azers tried to influence Bai Ermoguo, she sensed a subtle change in the blood gaze machine. The change was so inconspicuous, but it couldn't hide from Trisley's perception. More importantly, Azers turned his back to her, as if he had forgotten that there was a top killer behind her.

At the same time that Trisili flashed, a gust of wind blew on the snow, her aura and the ice wind were in perfect harmony, just like one. If you don't see it with your own eyes, she is as if she doesn't exist at this moment. The back of the blood-eyed eyes kept expanding, and Trisley had even figured out a countermeasure. At the moment of approach, she would cut off Azerth's entire spine with a high-frequency knife technique. Even if it is not fatal, it is enough to make the blood eye lose its mobility.

She carefully calculated the timing, and when she thought the time had come, she no longer hesitated, two curved blades flashed out in her hands.

Under the swirling gray light, blood splashed. However, it was not Azer's blood. Trisili's eyes widened. She saw her left and right hands chop each other, using a curved blade to almost cut off her two wrists!

She flew back.

Azers smiled dryly with his back to her, suddenly the clothes on his body exploded, revealing his dry back. On his back, he opened an eyeball at some point. Trisili suddenly understood that Azers was indeed facing her back, but with the eyeball on her back, it was no different from looking at her directly.

She was panting, even though she had constricted her blood vessels with great force, sealed the wound in her wrist to avoid a lot of blood loss. But the physical trauma is not so simple that it can be dealt with. At this moment, her two palms are only connected by some muscles, and Tracey can't even take the palms with her own strength. Even so, she saw that her hands were gradually raised, the palm that was about to be broken was still holding the curved blade, and adjusting the angle to cut her throat.

She knew that it was Azer's ability, relying on the only remaining nerve connections, bypassing the commands of the brain center, and directly allowing her body to act. Just as the curved blade was about to cross his throat, a red light suddenly hung in the snow.

One end of the red light was on the snow, and the other end was on Azer's chest.

The Scarlet King, who had swept Lola to the ground, plunged into Azer's chest at this moment. Azer's eyes widened, and blood flowed out of his mouth uncontrollably. After retreating again and again, under the sudden injury, the abilities that acted on Trisili's body disappeared.

Hubble and Lola woke up, saw that they were attacking them, and quickly stopped.

Azerth held the Scarlet King in his hand, looked at someone who was really ignored by him, and muttered: "Impossible, how can you wake up by yourself?"

That's Alan!

After being passed by the red king, he was already dead when he was replaced by an ordinary person. But for Azers, it was a slightly more serious injury. He slowly pulled the Scarlet King out of his body, and when he threw it on the snowy ground, large fleshy blisters had grown on the pierced chest. The wound seal is blocked. But he was more concerned about how Allen got out of the mental illusion than his injury.

Allen's eyes fell on the Scarlet King, and the long sword immediately spewed a translucent gray flame. The Void Secret Flame urged the blood stains on the knife, and Alan stretched out his hand to catch it, and Chi Wang Qingming bounced back and fell into his palm.

He looked at Azers with cold eyes and said: "You shouldn't let me see all that. Those are the things I cherish, and they should be kept in the deepest part of my memory, instead of letting you play around! "

With his momentum soaring, Alan's skin slowly turned red. He raised his foot and walked towards Aizes: "Do you want to know how I woke up? Unfortunately, I won't tell you, because I have lost everything that was born there. I wish to think about it again. I will only tell you that you are dead today, **** eyes!"

Step out.

Alan appeared on the left side of the **** eye, slammed his elbow on his face, causing Azeroth to fly out, and two **** teeth fell from the snow. The Azeris was in the air, his eyes suddenly opened, and a soft force field wrapped him, making him stop. He raised his head again to see that Alan was no longer in his original position. Then there was a sharp pain in the back, but Allen was pumped down. As soon as Azers fell to the ground, Allen had fallen to him and kicked out.

He had only time to gather a group of source power barriers, but he kicked Allen to pieces in an instant. But getting the buffer at this moment was enough for Azerth to fly back against the snow. After pulling a distance, he bounced from the snow and glared at Allen.

Just looking at Alan, the **** eyes were startled. Allen's skin turned red just now and it looked strange, and he turned from red to purple at this moment. As his skin turned purple, Allen climbed up again, his power at the moment was majestic. Affected by his aura, a flame of fire gradually lit up in the sky above the Forsaken Realm, as if even the sky was about to burn!

A glimmer of light flashed in Azer's mind, and he screamed: "Reverse blood! This is the talent of the Gadra, but you are obviously a human, how can you use the blood reversal talent!"

"Then you don't care about it, you just need to know that in my second stage of blood reversal state at the moment, plus space shuttle. Lord Bloodeye, can you still lock me in and affect me?" Alan's figure flickered, suddenly left Suddenly right, east and west. He left many afterimages around Azers. The one that was closest to the blood eye was less than three meters away, and the farthest one was 100 meters away.

Suddenly, there were hundreds of Ellens on the snow, and even Tracey couldn't tell which was the real him.

Then Allen made a knife.

With every cut, Azers must leave a wound on his body, splashing a few drops of blood. Allen kept knives ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ In the blink of an eye, there were hundreds of small and large wounds on the **** eye. He stared desperately, trying to capture the short moment when Allen hit him. But after a while, Azeroth knew it was futile. Under the superposition of the reverse blood and the void of space, Allen's movement has no trace.

Often after a tingling pain in his body feedback, Aizes knew he was hit. Under such a shift, it is easier said than done to capture Alan's figure.

Tracey's eyes widened. Although she already knew Alan's strength, she didn't expect him to be far stronger than she thought. He didn't even show the kind of demonic gesture that defeated him, he had already put Azers down. If this were to be kept in the past, Tracey would not believe that such a thing would happen if she was killed.

Finally, Azers let out a scream, and at the same time his momentum rose.

This strong man who once had a glorious time in the wasteland is finally about to use his full strength!

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