Edge of the Apocalypse

Chapter 1260:  The tide of turbulence

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Azerth's chest rises and falls violently, he doesn't know how to try to catch it. But the dark flame that now envelops Allen not only blocked his vision, and prevented the pupil ability from deepening, and even the dark flame would counterattack. Otherwise, he just stared at it, and his eyes would not be hot, and he almost thought he was going blind.

It can be said that Allen's dark fire is simply the nemesis of his pupil technique. Even in the state of the Hundred Eyes Demon costume, if the dark fire is not eliminated, he would never want to capture Alan.

At this time, Alan’s voice sounded from the dark fire: "Oh, I forgot that in this posture, the flame next to me has the effect of blocking the line of sight and most of the detection capabilities. If it blocks, you probably can’t catch me. Huh? How about I put it away?"

In the distance, Tracey said incredulously, "Is it crazy? Since there is such a convenient thing, just use it, what else do you want to be fair to Blood Eye!"

Azers laughed, "It sounds good, would you be short-sighted?"

"Why not?" Allen said, the soaring dark fire gradually lowered and disappeared, revealing his posture in the dark fire. At this moment, Allen still hasn't withdrawn from the second stage of blood reversal. Even if he uses the Dark King posture, his skin is still purple. As a result, it seemed that the contrast between his gray flames and the two Baidi swords became more and more intense, his eyes were gushing with the secret flames of the void, and the gray flames spurted out from his eyes. At this moment, he was like a demon!

"There is such a stupid guy. This is the first time I have met a fool like you. Then I will accept your life unceremoniously!" Azers yelled, the red source of light shining brightly. Out. Many of his eyes suddenly twisted, and then only sank into his body. But Blood Eye's chest bulged sharply, and then a small seam split open, and the skin pulled up on both sides, and a huge magic pupil was turned out from the bulging flesh and blood in the chest. The pupil of this magic pupil was blood red, but the white part of the eye was completely black.

When it is opened, circles of red lines spread out from around the pupil, all over the other parts of the eye.

In this magic pupil, Alan's figure continued to expand, and finally his face was reflected in the pupil. Azers laughed wildly, and wanted to activate his strongest and most deadly ability. Suddenly, the raised spar on Allen's forehead lit up. A ray of gray-white flame leaped inside, instantly filling the whole spar. In the magic eye of Azerth, the original image of Alan was replaced by the flying gray gray flames. Alan's figure gradually blurred, but the gray flames became clearer and clearer, as if there was a real flame. Burning in the magic pupil of Azeroth.

Azers screamed.

A wisp of gray flame bounced out of Azer's magic pupil, and the magic pupil immediately burned a thin wound. Aesath knelt down in pain and screamed, "What's the matter?"

"I want to kill you, I didn't have to be so troublesome." Allen raised his foot and walked towards the **** eyes, and said coldly: "But you played with my memories, so I think, since you are so proud of your pupil skills. Otherwise. Wouldn’t it be more interesting to let you die under your pupil skills?”

The wind sent his words to Trisili's ears, and the woman shuddered.

"It just so happens. I also have an ability similar to your pupil technique. It's called Destroying Gaze." Allen said indifferently. "How about it? It doesn't feel good. Destroying Gaze can cause the collapse of things at the molecular level. Under the increase of blood, its power should be more advanced, and surpassed the pupil technique you are good at. What do you think I removed the dark fire for, that is to borrow the invisibleness when you cast pupil technique Contact, and give you the power of destroying concentration without reservation, this gift is not bad!"

Azers raised his head and yelled, the magic pupil on his chest continuously ejected wisps of flames. The magic pupil was collapsing, and Azerth united his eyes and wanted to use more powerful abilities. Unexpectedly, in this way, Allen could concentrate the power of destroying concentration on one point. At this moment, Azerth could almost hear the sound of his body breaking down. The Void Secret Flame that was thrown into his body by Destruction Concentration was spreading, destroying all his vitality. But such a terrible flame did not show any signs on Azer's appearance. Azer's skin didn't even show signs of scorching, but his body had gradually become charred.

His eyes were flushed with blood flowing from the corners of his eyes, which contrasted with the nickname of Blood Eye. He couldn't scream anymore, and a few wisps of flames spurted from his mouth from time to time, and Azers looked down at Alan with difficulty. He knew he was destroyed, but he could still fight before he died.

So he got up, suddenly rushed towards Alan, and at the same time slammed the little remaining source power into the secret flames of the blue fire in his body. Wanting to use the impact of two forces to produce a big explosion, pulling Allen down to hell.

Allen stopped and lifted his finger. A Baidi sword immediately sprayed out grey fire and spun away. The sword split abruptly in the middle, bursting out countless gray rays of light passing through Azer's body instantly. Xueyan's body stiffened, and then hundreds of gray lights flickered all over his body, and his body trembled constantly with the gray lights. Every time there is a shock, the source force in the body dissipates one point. The thousands of gray lights split by the Baidi Sword pierced his own source of power. The domineering sword intent of the Baidi Sword even wiped out his source power. The Void Secret Flame that lost its checks and balances suddenly became so powerful that it swept across every corner of Azerth's body in a blink of an eye.

At this time, two white fires spouted from Azer's eyes, and then the Void Second Flame roared out from his body, forming a white pillar of fire rushing into the sky above the snowy field!

Thousands of gray lights flew back from both sides of the pillar of fire and gathered around Allen again, forming the shape of a long sword. Allen looked at the pillar of fire and said lightly: "From today, there is no blood eye in the wasteland."

The pillar of fire was still burning, and in the wasteland, the white devil Lucy who was drinking in the hall suddenly stood up. After he was silent for a while, he threw the bottle and then laughed wildly: "No, Azer's breath is gone. It's a hell, the old guy is really slaughtered, this is really explosive news."

In a gray castle built on the back of a mountain, the scale of the castle can be described as petty, it is like cutting corners. Not only is the building low and low, there are no wing towers on both sides, only a lonely main building. But no one dares to look down upon this gray castle, because it is the residence of a big man in the wasteland.

The Bone King Zasso is a figure of the same era as Bloodeye Azers, even if there are newcomers everywhere in the wasteland, and the rise of giants. But the bone king Zasso's name still has a lot of weight, which Azers can't match.

At this moment, in the tallest room of the main building, female groans sounded in the dim light. Zasso, the bone king, was sitting on a big chair. Two beautiful human women were pleasing him. This was Zasso's favorite entertainment. You should know that there are some beautiful Barr women in the great wasteland, but humans, especially human women, are pitiful. Even if it was him, there were only two human female slaves.

The female slaves stimulated the sensitive areas of Zasso with their dexterous hands and tongues, and Zasso closed his eyes to enjoy the meticulous service. But suddenly his eyes widened, bone spurs popped out of his body uncontrollably, and Zasso instantly turned into a hedgehog. The poor two female slaves were stabbed into a sieve unsuspectingly. If it was normal, Zasso would definitely be heartbroken. But now he didn't notice anything, and even just hung the slave girl's body on his body and went straight to the terrace.

On the terrace outside the room, he muttered intently in the direction of Lost Realm: "What's the matter? Azeroth's breath has completely disappeared, and that slippery old guy is dead?"

"How can this be?"

On this day, several characters in Dahuang felt that Azer's breath had disappeared, and at the same time knew that this land would soon set off a new wave of turbulence!

When the battle was over, when Alan returned to Greenlight Town, the people in the town looked at him differently. Especially Nick, the wicked guy now has his eyes glowing, looking at Alan as if he saw some baby. He knelt down on one knee first on the long street and shouted Alan's name. Then all the other Baal people also knelt down, and only then did they express their true surrender to Allen.

Allen shook his head, and he waved the people away. Back in the hotel, Lim was still indifferent. It seemed that Alan's killing of the **** eyes did not have a big impact on her. When Alan called for food and drinks, the woman was still domineering. He stretched out his hand and said, "Your deposit is used up!"

Nick rolled his eyes and was about to jump on the chair to teach the woman who didn't know what to do. However, Allen grabbed him and took out a few green crystals and put them in Lim's big hand, before the woman left with a hum. People came in one after another in the hotel lobby, Lola walked in the front, Bai and Belmode a little behind, followed by Hubble wearing only a pair of trousers, and finally the renegade Tracey.

She pulled a chair straight and sat next to Ellen. She wrapped her arms around Ellen’s arms. Regardless of Laura’s flaming eyes, she kissed Ellen and said, “Master, the soldiers with blood-eyed remains have been killed by you. The army is escorted to the mine. Although I don’t like those guys, I suggest you keep them. At least, you need more men, don’t you?”

Allen pulled his hands out of the hands of this familiar woman with a headache, and said, "I think you are more familiar with the situation in the wasteland than Nick. Tell me about it."

"Of course." Trisili leaned forward, resting her chin on the table with her hand, so that she could easily squeeze her round and full peaks into a more thrilling shape. She knows how to express herself at any time, and she does not miss it. Any chance.

Nick's hand shook next to him. Of course, he knew that Tracey, one of the generals under the Blood Eye, knew more than himself, especially the situation of the big people in the wasteland. In case Tracey is enjoying herself by Ellen's side, then his status may be at stake. What's more, Tracey is not only a strong, but also a woman, a woman who is fatally alluring to men! Thinking of this, Nick's mouth was dry, but he didn't know what to say.

Tracey glanced at Nick intentionally or unintentionally, and said: "The Great Wasteland is a vast area, even if it is thrown into the Shadow Empire, it is quite a province. There are several adults who divide the interests of this land. Blood Eye is one of them. In addition, there are the White Devil Lucy, the Bone King Zasso, the Madman Kegasi, Doom Ririk, etc. In this, Azerth’s forces can be said to be the last Right now, the most powerful person is the bone king Zasso. He and Azers are people of the same period, but the more people get mixed up, the more they can eat, unlike my boss, they are almost untenable on the wasteland."

"What is the strength of Azeroth among those people? I mean combat power." Allen asked again.

Tracey looked at the ceiling, thought for a moment, and then said: "To be honest, Azeroth's power has indeed shrunk in recent years. However, the strength of this old guy is still so small. Among those big men, it is only The Bone King and the White Devil can conquer him. The remaining fanatics and doom Rerik are 50-50 with him. But if Azers uses the prosthetic eye, then the other two will only have 30% of the face. "

"In other words, is Azer's combat power in the upper midstream among the big players?" Allen laughed: "That's easy."

Tracey heard something in his words and blinked and asked: "Master, how much power did you use to deal with Azers?"

Allen smiled and did not answer her question: "Let's talk about the big people, I want to know more."

Tracey didn't bother with her previous problems. She talked eloquently, not daring to hide herself, and said everything she knew. After Allen listened, he had a more intuitive understanding of the entire wasteland. Interests and forces are entangled in the great wasteland, and every big man has his own territory and base camp. For example, the base camp of Azeroth is Bloodeye Town, while the bone king Zasso has designated a castle called Bone Fort and the area within a radius of ten kilometers as his forbidden area. The fallen hall of the White Devil, the wild fortress of the madman, and the Nightmare City of Doom Rilik are all places where the talkers in the great wasteland have changed.

These people have different sources of interest. The Green Glaze Mine is not exclusive to Azeroth, but the common interests of these big figures. Among the several green crystal veins found in the Forgotten Realm, Azerth, Kegasi, and Rerik each got one. Lucy took two, and the bone king Zasso had three ore veins. From the distribution of mineral veins, we can also indirectly see the strength of each person's power.

In addition, they have another source of interest. Like Lucy, he is actually funded by the Shadow Empire behind him, and the green crystal profits obtained among a few people are the largest, and the Shadow Empire has a certain influence in the wasteland through him. As for the other people, they also have their own channels of wealth.

Finally, the relationship among these big figures is also very complicated. Azeroth and Zasso seem to be in an alliance relationship, but everyone knows that the Bone King defends Azeroth in order to prevent the White Devil from sitting. Lucy and Kejiaxi have jointly attacked Bloodeye Town, but they are definitely not friends. In the past few years, the two have wrestled with each other and have fought for power. On the contrary, Rerik appeared to be much lower-key. His Nightmare City seldom participated in the power struggle of the Great Wasteland, and it was one of the more mysterious and weird among several big figures.

"That's probably what I know." Tracey glanced at Nick again and said: "Master, I use it more than some people who eat dry food. If I say, I can just kick this kind of rice bucket. ."

Nick was itchy in his heart with hatred, and hatefully, he was really useless compared to Tracey. Unexpectedly, Allen smiled and said: "Everyone in this world has their own value, even the humble little person. As long as he is given a chance, he also has the possibility of changing history."

He stood up, said "I'm going to the mine", and left the hotel.

Tracey squinted her eyes, thinking about what Alan said when she left, then stretched her waist and said, "I'll go back to the room."

Today, due to the arrival of Azeroth, the mine was temporarily suspended. When Alan came, the mine was almost occupied by the flaming horns, and when he passed by, the flaming horns on both sides were lying on the ground. They dare not get up until Alan goes away. In a clearing behind the mine, Allen saw the remaining troops of Azeroth. After Azer's death, these desperadoes were finally shocked and surrendered. It is also thanks to Mitinas who has been watching the battle in the town so that he can order the Flamingo and the fort to stop the attack in time, otherwise I am afraid that even these four to five hundred people will not be left.

After Allen's army launched a siege, the blood-eyed army was immediately at a disadvantage. Especially the saturation bombing of the rear turrets made them even more desperate. After more than half of the deaths in the battle, even the regular army will have no morale, let alone the rabble of blood eyes.

After they surrendered, Mitinas asked the Flamingo to take them all back to the mine, waiting for Allen to deal with them. As for those who died in battle, Mitinas, based on the principle of not wasting any resources, transported all the corpses back to the mine and threw them into the molten shaft. The strength of the bodies of these war dead is different, but they can provide some energy reserves for the melting well. What's more, this method of handling corpses is efficient, environmentally friendly, and time-saving. Even Allen can't find a reason to oppose it.

And after seeing the corpse of their companion transported into the mine ~www.wuxiaspot.com~, the surviving blood-eyed soldiers were glad that they chose to surrender, otherwise who knew what those monsters would do to their corpses?

Alan saw Mitinas here, and the fire of the abyss quietly retreated to him, and whispered: "Your Highness, I have a suggestion?"

"What advice?"

"Although these people are not strong in their individual strength, they are fresh lives at any rate. We can get more energy if we throw them into the melting well. And the guys with good quality inside can be used as medium and high-level weapons. If you are lucky, it can even be transformed into an elite combat unit."

Allen shook his head: "No, they have another use. I can't give them to you."

Mitinas nodded: "It's all up to your Royal Highness to decide. I am only responsible for providing advice."

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