Edge of the Apocalypse

Chapter 1261: game rules

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"It's just that the strong man named Azers, the body has been completed into a coke shell under the flames of His Highness. It is a pity, otherwise, if his strength is used as a medium, it can completely transform a powerful king. ." Mitinas's inorganic crystal eyes flashed, and there was a smell of relic.

Allen laughed and said: "Don't worry, the medium will be there in the future. And I think it won't be long before there will be good materials for you. Of course, probably not the strength of Azeroth, it should be comparable to the previous woman. "

Mittinas knew that he was referring to Tracey, and compared Tracey and Azerth in his heart. The Abyss Fire nodded and said: "It's a bit worse, but it's enough."

Allen patted him on the shoulder, then walked to the captives. Mitinas looked at his shoulder, thinking about the meaning of Allen's move just now. The material world is still too unfamiliar to him, and new things appear at any time. Just like Allen's shoulder-slapping movement just now, if it is just a series of meaningless movements from the perspective of biological behavior, it makes Mitinas feel trusted.

This world is really wonderful, he said in his heart.

A few flaming horns retreated to both sides to allow Allen to pass their debut. He walked to the group of prisoners in front of him, and said loudly: "Come out who can talk about things."

Soldiers with blood eyes look at me, I look at you. A moment later, a Barr tribe man stood up. He was very similar to a human male except for an extra thick tail. However, this person's skin is distributed with rock fragments of different shapes, so I don't know if it was born like this or was embedded in some way. He walked out and knelt down in front of Allen and said, "Our captain is dead. I am the captain of the commando, my lord."

"Very well, tell me your name."

The man raised his head: "I don't have a name, they all call me Yanshan."

"Rock Mountain." Allen glanced at him and said, "It's also appropriate. Well, Rock Mountain. You should also know that the blood eye is dead. There is no such person in the wasteland, his blood eye town, I Sooner or later I will receive it. And now..."

He stretched out a finger and wiped the blood eye emblem on the chest of Yanshan's armor for a while. The blood eye mark disappeared completely, replaced by a flamboyant black flame. Allen looked at the flame and said: "Remember, there are no blood eyes here, only me...The Dark King!"

King Rock was stunned, then turned around and raised his arms to shout at the soldiers: "Have you heard, from now on, we are the soldiers of Lord Dark King!"

The soldiers quickly reacted, and everyone raised their hands and shouted the name of the "Dark King". Allen raised his arm to calm them down. Tracey said that the big names in the wasteland all have a resounding nickname. Despite the clichés, it is undeniable that it has a certain effect in shocking subordinates and spreading prestige, so she suggested that Allen also get one for herself. Name.

Alan didn't bother to think about it, and simply took "Dark King" as his name in the wasteland. And this name will spread through these soldiers of Blood Eye.

After quieting the soldiers, Allen looked into the distance and said: "I know that this edge of the Land of Lost is not only a place like Green Town, but also a place like Baixi City. Now I need you to help me Do one thing..."

Yanshan said loudly: "We are willing to do anything for Lord Dark King."

He looked excited, as if he was a loyal fighter. Allen knows that this is not the case, of course, as long as anyone who knows the Baer race has heard a word, don't say loyal to the Baer. Even if there is, it is limited.

He didn't mind that these soldiers didn't offer absolute loyalty, as long as the limit was enough. And the limited loyalty of the Baal people, as long as you have enough strength, then they can last for a long time.

Just like those two supreme on Agareth.

"I'm glad you said that, Yanshan." Allen said in an indifferent tone, and said in a condescending tone: "Then you pick a few guys with good eloquence, each lead a team of soldiers, and send me to those places in Baixi City. .I want you to inform these towns that the new pattern has arrived and the benefits of Green Glazed Crystal need to be redistributed. I want them to come to see me in Green Crystal Town. If they refuse, then Azeroth’s end is a portrayal of their future. "

Yanshan was really taken aback this time.

He knew that Allen, the new boss, was a strong and ambitious man. Unexpectedly, he had just killed Azeroth and was about to redistribute the veins of green glaze crystals. This appetite was a bit too big. After all, in the Great Wasteland, in addition to Azeroth, there are several other big people, and none of them is easy to provoke.

Yanshan smiled bitterly: "My lord, the owners of those places are not good talkers. I'm afraid we won't be able to come back if we go."

"Unless they want to provoke a war, they dare not do anything to you." Allen shook his head and said, "The strong men in those towns are only under the hands of a few other big men. If they think they are better than Azers , Then let them try."

He whispered again: "It would be nice if they dare to do this, so I have an excuse to go straight to the war."

This sentence was only heard by Yanshan, and the Baer man was sweaty. With this, he figured out Allen's mind, just as they only maintained limited loyalty to Allen, Allen also didn't care about their life or death. Unless they show their worth, they will win Allen's maintenance.

This is exactly the iron rule followed in the Great Wasteland. Weak and worthless people are like those weeds, they can be uprooted at any time.

After allowing Rock to choose his own candidates, Allen left the mine. Today, Lvjing Town is officially under the control of Allen. Residents in the town can see the long-footed biological forts climbing up the town wall by themselves or occupying a certain high point. Then he squatted with his legs and set himself there. After being placed, the turret went into a dormant state. When they closed their eyes, except for their weird appearance, they were not much different from the real turret.

The fire horns are scattered on the snowy field outside the town. They are mixed into the local alien beasts. As long as they are not two appear together, it is difficult for outsiders to associate them with Alan’s army, but only treat them as It's just an ordinary monster. These flaming horns acted as sentries under the direction of Mitinas, with hundreds of sentries spreading over an area of ​​nearly one kilometer square outside the town. That was under the suppression of the chaotic force field of the Forsaken Realm, Mittinas was able to sense their limit distance.

After leaving the mine, Allen returned to Lim's hotel. This hotel has become his foothold in the town of Green Light, and even though Alan is already the owner of this town, Lim still does not forget to charge him rent. In the eyes of outsiders, this is simply impatient to live, but what is even more confusing is that, instead of being angry, Allen has met with Lujing.

After the war, Laura and the others were injured in varying degrees, and now they are all resting in their rooms. Allen went back to his room without seeing them. Just now when she entered the door, Tracey floated in like a breeze, and closed the door for Allen easily. Alan frowned, but Tracey didn't seem to see his expression. She honestly found a chair to sit down and said, "My dear master, what do you plan to do with the blood-eyed soldiers?"

Allen spoke out of her arrangement casually, and Tracey shrugged: "Do you think the towns in Baixicheng will respond?"

"What do you think?" Allen asked back.

Trisley shook her head and said, "If it were me, I would definitely not respond, but I would not embarrass the soldiers. I will inform my boss that even if the green glaze crystal veins are allocated, it is not something like us can decide. ."

"That's Luo, I didn't expect them to respond at all. I just want to use the soldiers to send them a message, it is best to make the big people behind them feel crisis, then it will be much better for me to negotiate."

"Negotiating?" Tracey's heart moved: "You mean, you want to attack a town?"

"You are indeed a clever woman." Allen nodded and said, "Yes, it is not enough to kill one Azeroth. If they want them to know my weight, I need an opponent to sacrifice the flag. And you know, The more people who die, the more room for distribution of the vacated benefits."

Tracey couldn't help licking her lips and said, "Master, you are indeed much more ambitious than the old guy with bloodeyes. An ambitious man is always so attractive. I can't help but wonder which hapless ghost was you. Watched."

Allen laughed: "Lucy the White Devil."

"It's him?" Tracey couldn't help but straighten up and said: "Are you really going to pick him out? It's better to think about it, Master. First, Lucy's combat power is higher than Azeroth, and secondly, He has a complicated relationship with the Demon Empire. Why not pick Kegasi or Rebik, they are much better than Lucy."

Allen stood at the window and looked out and said, "Lucy’s power is in the wasteland, only under the bone king. In other words, he is the second person in the wasteland. I chose him to start, one is to avoid direct and greatest The bone kings of the powers are at odds with each other, and secondly, to destroy the second person in the wasteland, it is much more important than killing Azeroth. At that time, Kegasi and Rebic have only two choices."

"One is to join forces with me to deal with the bone king Zasso, and the other is to be annexed by Zasso." Allen said solemnly: "When Azeroth and Lucy go, the balance of power in the wasteland will inevitably be broken. Anyone with a discerning eye can see it. The next Grid Force is a battle between me and the Bone King, and there is no room for the Kegasi and others to survive. They have to choose between the two..."

"As for the relationship between Lucy and the Demon Shadow Empire, I think the Demon Shadow Empire shouldn't mind changing to a stronger ally?" Allen looked back and smiled.

It has been a while since he came to Agareth. By this time, he had basically mastered the rules of the game in the wasteland.

"I understand what you mean, then, when shall we assemble an army to fight Baixi City?"

"Don't be so troublesome, tomorrow I can go to Baixi City with you. After all, the only one who really decides one city and one town is the strong man in town. Army, do you think that thing can stop us?" Allen shook his head.

Tracey's eyes lit up: "You just said, was it ‘us’? Only the two of us?"

"Yes, Hubble and both of them have suffered some injuries. I hope they can play in their best condition in the decisive battle against the White Devil, and after so many battles, especially today against Azeroth. They are almost ready. When making a breakthrough, whether it is to stabilize the strength after the breakthrough or digest the experience accumulated in these battles, they need time, so I plan to keep them." Alan raised his brows: "Why, do you think we two will take No less than Baixi City?"

"No, Lucy arranged for the pickup in Baixi City. If you give me a suitable opportunity, I can kill him. What's more, I'm just happy if you go out in person, Master." Trisili smiled crookedly.

Allen shook his head: "Well then, I'm tired and want to rest. You go out first."

"Let me stay with you, Master." Trisley stood up, took a step forward, and froze in place.

Before her eyes, a small gray flame fluttered softly.

Tracey sighed and said, "Then I will retire first."

She left the room, closed the door for Alan, but laughed: "I don't believe it, I won't be able to eat you when I return from Baixi City, huh!"

The next day, Ellen and Lola confessed their trip to Baixi City, and went to the mine again, asking Mitinas to hoard the army as much as possible during his return. After finishing all this, Alan put on the wind cloak that Nick had sent, and took Tracey and left Green Crystal City. Mittinas felt Alan's departure in the mine, and he whispered in a voice that he could only hear: "It is a good plan to increase mineral veins and increase the output of the army. But your Highness, you You probably know it too. If you want to, you can assemble a large army wherever it takes so much trouble."

"After all... the medium of transformation can be seen everywhere."

If you take Luguang Town as the origin, then heading to the southwest, the trend of the snow field is narrow and wide. In order to make it easier to recognize, green fire beacons will be set up at intervals between several towns controlled by Azeris and others to identify directions. Guided by the firelight on the stone pillars, travelers who travel between the towns will not lose their way. These road signs can be regarded as another kind of road, and along this road to the southwest, after three or four days of journey, you can see the city of Baixi.

Baixi City is also located on the edge of the Forgotten Realm, but its scale is much larger than that of Luguang Town. The city has a uniform use of off-white tones for both walls and buildings. In addition to Lucy's preference for this color, the strong pickup in Baixi City is also keen on this color. It is quite different from the dark red architectural styles of Luguang Town. Most of the buildings in Baixi City are dome-shaped. From a distance, it looks like a circle of gray and white stones sitting on a snowy field.

There is another characteristic of this city. There are a lot of stone carvings in Baixi City, and you can see them on the exterior wall decoration of almost any building. These stone sculptures have strange animals and characters, but they are mostly based on the subject matter, which shows the preference of the sculptor. People who have lived in Baixi City for a long time know that these stone carvings are all from Pickup. The strong man who was seriously injured by Lucy was not only superb, but his carving skills were also very good.

At least, in the chaotic genes of the Baer people, there is very little artistic talent.

Except for occasional appearances in the city, Pickup usually stays in his house, which is different from the metal buildings in Baixi City. This stone building was also made by Picka, and it seems to be carved out of a complete stone. Therefore, the pickup house is itself a work of art. Of course, only his power can directly carve a house out of the hardest white steel rock in the Forgotten Realm.

Today Picka stayed in his stone house as usual. In his studio, which was comparable to a hall, he was beating against a rough stone. If the strong man in Baixi City looked at it from the outside, he would definitely not be able to associate his identity with the strong man. The pickup truck is thin, even thin. He often wears loose clothing instead of wearing armor like other strong men. He often took carving tools instead of swords, guns and axes.

He is more like a stonemason who loves carving than the lord of a city.

Just like now, he is carefully grinding away some stone clothing from the original stone with a frustrated knife. With a small frustration knife in his hand, those parts that he thinks are unnecessary will disappear, while the surface of the stone is smooth as a mirror. Perhaps only at this time, he will show the strength and skills that a strong man should have. In his works, people with sharp eyes can see the beauty of power. Of course, not many people in the city have such eyes.

When working at Pickup, he hates being interrupted the most. But today someone apparently forgot his preference, so when he slashed again, the door of the studio rang ~www.wuxiaspot.com~Pika squinted, threw the knife away and shouted, "What's the matter? It’s better to have something important, otherwise, you’ll wait to be carved by me!"

The door opened, and a soldier said cautiously: "My lord, the people in Luguang Town want to see you."

Pickup's expression froze, and after murmured "Green Light Town" several times in his mouth, he said, "Let him go to the lobby and wait for me."

The battle in Green Light Town a few days ago, especially the collision between Blood Eye and Allen's majestic aura, was felt by the pickup in Baixi City. In particular, the news of Azer's gas machine at the end shocked the city lord of Baixi City. Only a few days later, people from Luguang Town came to the door, which was obviously not an ordinary situation.

Picka faintly felt that the lost realm and even the entire wasteland would undergo earth-shaking changes. With a complicated mood, he changed his clothes and then went to the hall and saw the Baer who claimed to be Yanshan. When he saw the emblem on the chest of Iwayama's armor, Picka's pupils shrank.

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