Edge of the Apocalypse

Chapter 1262:  City Lord Baixi

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Yanshan looked a little embarrassed. 〈

Allen asked him to come to Baixi City to pass on the news. After a few days of trekking, he finally arrived in this white city. Before this, he was actually ready to eat closed doors, after all, he was just a small person, and the other party was the master of Baixi City. Yanshan didn't think that Pika would meet him, just like if he had gone to the Iron Hand in Green Light Town before, the Iron Hand might not have met him.

For Rock King, whether Ellen or Pickup, they are all big people he looks up to. Of course, he couldn't tell which was better. After all, these adults are standing at a place much higher than him, and the scenery they see is naturally different from him, and he can't see the scenery that a character like Allen can see.

So when he knew that Pickup was willing to meet him, Iwa Shan was taken aback. The feeling was like winning a jackpot.

He was full of awe when he was brought to this hall. This hall is surprisingly large, and the space itself is a kind of power. When you are in this wide hall, Yanshan can feel his own insignificance. The hall is paved with unslip stone bricks, each stone brick is one meter square, paved this open space. There is a sculpture in the middle, which is the statue of Lucy the White Devil. The creator of this work portrayed Lucy to life. The stone statue of Lucy raised his arm, clenched his fist, extended his thumb, and pointed his finger down. The stone-carved long clothes flicked back, and the fine texture on it was carved into the slightest. The abutment underneath Lucy's feet is completely opposite to the detailed carving technique of the stone statue. The creator adopts a vague technique so that the abutment can only be seen as a superposition of some human bodies.

From a distance, it seemed as if Lucy was right in front of him, stepping on people's bodies...or corpses. It was obviously a dead thing, but it showed an arrogant and domineering aura. When the rock passed by, he subconsciously lowered his head. From the corner of his eyes, he seemed to see the sight of the stone statue following him, and he was frightened every step of the way.

There are several stone pillars surrounded by several people around the hall, and the upper end of the stone pillars carved the image of a giant with outstretched arms. Looking up, it seemed that these giants had propped up the dome of the hall. Yanshan had heard that Picka's house was carved out of a huge stone, and now it seems to be so. After all, between the stone pillars, dome and statue, Yanshan couldn't find any joints, just like a whole.

"Well, my house is well built, isn't it?" Unexpectedly, a flat voice rang from the back, and Yanshan quickly turned around and saw an ordinary-looking man. For the Baer, ​​the man in front of him is indeed a bit more ordinary, he does not have a weird appearance, and he does not have an eye-catching special body. He stood there, like an ordinary passerby on a city street.

Of course, Yanshan knows that no passerby can walk into this hall casually, so the identity of a man is ready to be revealed.

He knelt down quickly: "It's an honor to see you, Master Picka."

After picking up his hands, Pickup nodded: "Get up."

His gaze fell on the armor of the Rock Mountain again, and he reached out his hand to light a dark flame on it: "If I guessed right, this should be the blood-eye mark of Lord Azeroth?"

Yanshan nodded hurriedly.

"So now, who is your master?"

"Dark King." Yanshan took a deep breath and said: "Dark King Ellen, this lord has replaced Azeroth as our new master."

"Dark King...Allen?" Pickup took a few steps forward: "I haven't heard of this name before, so speaking of it, Lord Azers is in the hands of Lord Dark King?"

"That's true, Lord Picka." Yanshan swallowed the mouth of the water. "This time in Baixi City, in addition to spreading the name of Lord Allen, Lord Allen asked me to bring a message."

"Go ahead, I'm listening." Pickup pointed to his ear.

Yanshan hesitated before saying, "Master Allen said that the benefits of the wasteland have to be redistributed, especially the green glaze crystal veins in the Lost Realm. He invites you to go to Green Light Town for an interview."

"Re-distribute the benefits?" Pica laughed dryly: "You Lord Allen, your appetite is not small. Does he think that after Lord Azerth falls, other adults in the wasteland will have to look at his face and act? Then if I Refuse?"

Yanshan thought of Ellen's words, and felt that it was not right to say it, not to mention it.

Pickup's face was pulled down: "Say it!"

"Master Ellen said..." Yanshan took a breath before saying: "If you refuse, Azeroth's end will be a portrayal of your future."

Pika squinted, did not speak, and went silent. But the hall vibrated slightly at this time, and the amplitude became larger and larger. The dome kept shaking off strands of dust, and an inexplicable force filled the whole hall. It is obviously an invisible force, but it fills every corner of the hall like a tangible thing, as if even the air is squeezed out. Yan Shan only felt unable to breathe. He seemed to have pinched his neck and inhaled desperately, but couldn't breathe in half of the air.

In front of this inexplicable force, he was crushed to the ground. It's a pity that he can't see the brilliance of Yuanli, and if he is here with Alan, he will see the gray-white Yuanli light spraying all over his pickup. The gray streamer squirted sharply from the thin and thin body of Picka like a spring, filling the entire hall.

When Yanshan almost thought he was going to die, that power disappeared, and the air seemed to come back all of a sudden. Yan Shan took a deep breath, and then choked with the air that was suddenly poured into his body.

"Arrogant..." Picka finally said, "What an arrogance is this. Even if he doesn't put me in his eyes, doesn't he even pay attention to Lord Lucy? Or he doesn't know the strength of Lord Lucy. , I don’t know the horror represented by the name White Devil!"

Yanshan couldn't talk at all, and didn't dare to talk casually.

Pickup walked up to him and made a gesture. An invisible force lifted Yanshan’s burly body, and Pika squinted at him: “If I’m right, your Lord Ellen must think we should be afraid of his power, so I dare not do anything to you. Right?"

Yanshan shuddered, trying to say something, but a force of strength was locked in his throat, making him silent.

Picka sneered: "But he didn't know, Master Lucy wouldn't be afraid of anyone at all. Even if it is the Bone King Zasso, it may not be put in the eyes of the adults, let alone an unknown guy. The Dark King? It's loud, but nothing more."

He looked at Yanshan again: "Don't worry, I will let you go back."

Hearing these words, Yan Wang was relieved. Unexpectedly, Pickup said again: "However, I will make your corpse into a sculpture. I hope your Lord Ellen likes this gift!"

Yanshan was shocked.

Pickup snapped his fingers, and two guards came in. Iwayama's pupils shrank, and he shouted angrily. Giving up the courage, he rushed towards the pickup. The muscles of his right hand swelled, and the joints creaked, and his punch was smashed to bring up the airflow, which was quite attractive. But the pickup didn't even look at it, and didn't even take out the hands behind him. When Yanshan's fist was about to hit the door of his face, he tilted his head, and Yanshan's iron fist struck his face.

Pickup suddenly slammed into Yanshan's arms, slammed his shoulder against his chest, and then flashed back. Yanshan froze on the spot, with blood vessels on his body supporting it. He looked at Picard with difficulty and said, "Master Allen will kill you..."

Suddenly the whole person exploded, and countless plasma meat sauce was spilled on the ground. Pickup frowned in disgust, and said, "Clean up here." After that, he turned and left, and murmured as he walked: "It's better to come, Master Lucy doesn't have an excuse to go to war."

On this day, a message came from Baixi City. In the next two days, several big figures in the Great Wasteland continued to receive messages from the Forgotten Realm. Although these messages come from different places, they mean the same thing. They all conveyed Allen's message. After reading this information, everyone reacted differently. The Bone King Zasso was furious, while the fanatics Kegasi and Rebeek chose to be silent. Only Lucy was the only one laughing in his fallen hall after watching. No one knew what was funny.

On the third day after Allen left, a team came to Green Light Town. Today, as always, Lim is open for business. Because Allen lives in this hotel, more and more people visit the hotel restaurant every day. There are not many examples of big people like Allen living in hotels casually, and the chances of getting close to big people like this are even rarer. So every day as long as they have time, people squeeze their heads into the hotel restaurant. They will find out what dishes Alan has eaten and what wine he likes to drink. So the purple kudzu paste that Allen often eats has become a hot-selling dish. Almost everyone who comes to the restaurant will order such a bowl and eat it deliciously.

As a result, Lim's turnover can be said to have risen in a straight line. Although she began to complain about insufficient food reserves, the smile on her face was obviously increased, and her pocket was also full of green crystals, which increased a lot. Later, because the purple kudzu powder was about to bottom out, the purple paste had to be supplied in limited quantities.

When the black hourglass on the counter of the restaurant had been reduced by a third of the gravel, the door of the restaurant opened, and seven or eight Barrs walked in. They are in the dust, and they know they are outsiders. Lim was cleaning the floor. It was late at night, and only a few regular customers were still drinking. She was ready to close. She didn't want to do business anymore at this time, so she stepped forward and said, "If you want to stay in the store, you will have one green crystal every day, and the deposit will be five dollars. You will pay it first and then live. As for the meal, I'm sorry, the restaurant is closed. Things will come back tomorrow. Also, our purple geranium must be booked."

In the team, a man with a pimple on his head shouted, "Do you know who you are talking to? Woman! We not only have to stay in a restaurant, but also eat. As for what the purple geranium paste is," Who wants to eat something like that!"

Lim's eyebrows immediately raised, and his voice rose by an octave: "In my place, no one dares to speak to me like this!"

She spoke very well, but it is no wonder she has such confidence. You must know that Ellen talked to her politely, how could she have been yelled at like now. As soon as Lim yelled, the men who were still drinking lost their bottles, and surrounded them maliciously. They stared at these outsiders, and a spurred alcoholic sneered: "Make no mistake, you guys who don't know where they come from, this is not a place for you to go wild."

Those outsiders got angry right away, but they raised their hands for one person, motioning for their companions to be quiet, and said to Lim: "Please forgive me, we have traveled a long way, and everyone is tired. And there was trouble on the way. The alien beast, a companion died in the hands of that thing, so everyone's temper is not good. I apologize, look..."

He took out a bag of green crystals, opened it, and there were a dozen yuan in it. The pieces are crystal clear, and they are all first-class goods: "You accept the money first and prepare a few rooms for us. There is food, whatever you want."

Lim looked at the bag of green crystals before humming. To the guests behind: "The wine money tonight is free. You can drink as much as you like. You can go back as much as you like."

Knowing that there was nothing wrong with them, the drinkers went away. Lim picked up the bag of green crystals and said, "Find a place to sit. I have to wait a while to eat. I'll see what's left in the kitchen."


Finally, these outsiders occupied a round table in the corner of the restaurant.

Before long, Lim brought some food. It's not delicious, but it's enough to fill the stomach. She also took an extra bottle of wine, which was worthy of the money these people gave. Put down the wine and food, she wants to close and leave. Put a few green crystals on her plate, Lim squinted her eyes and said, "What do you mean? There seems to be too much tipping. I have always charged fair fees. I just charged you for enough money. I won't accept it."

She reached out for the few green crystals, but one hand held her down, it was the collar of these outsiders. He smiled and said: "We want to ask you some information. I heard that this town has a new owner?"

Lim said "Oh" and said, "Then you wait and eat first. I will clean up the kitchen and come to chat with you."

Then she was also honest, and swept a few green crystals into her pocket. Seeing that she had accepted the money, the collar also laughed, let go of Lim and let her go, and ate quietly with the others. At the same time, in the mine, Mitinas looked at the corpse on the ground quietly. This corpse was sent by a fire horn demon, and a group of outsiders passed through the area where the fire horn demon was responsible. Under the orders of Mitinas, the horns of fire attacked. This was a tentative act so that Mitinas could assess the strength of these outsiders.

As a result, the Fire Horned Demon killed one of them at the cost of several serious injuries, indicating that the strength of these people was very ordinary. So Mitinas let them enter the town so as not to expose the presence of the army. As for the turrets on the town wall, those things are like dead things when they enter the dormant state. In addition to the odd appearance, it is not too suspicious.

But Mitinas gave birth to some special things on this corpse, such as this beam gun with a white devil's head emblem. Obviously these outsiders belonged to a certain force in the great wasteland.

"Is it here to spy on the information?" Mitinas thought for a while, sending an order silently. The flaming horns in the mine started to leave, and they spread out to the outside of the town, encircling the entire town. Mitinas said to himself: "For the time being, I can't let you reveal the details of your Highness..."

Obviously, he was not going to let those outsiders leave.

At this time, the alcoholic guests in the hotel restaurant continued to leave, leaving only the outsider table. They were full and drunk, and the swept empty dishes were left on the table. The others were talking quietly, and the collar frowned. Lim promised to provide information, but now, the woman is missing. They were the subordinates of Lucy the White Devil, and they came to Luguang Town to inquire about the situation under the order of Lucy. Speaking of inquiries, there are places more convenient than restaurants and pubs, so they will appear here.

At this moment, the leader heard footsteps, thinking Lim had finally arrived. But looking up, he suddenly realized something was wrong.

Footsteps came from the direction of the door, and several people walked into the restaurant, but they were not from Barr. At the forefront is a Catu. Here in Agares, Catu people are as rare as humans. Those wild stone star berserkers are keen to fight. They will appear wherever there is war, but they are rare. Will appear in Agares. It's really surprising to see a Catu in the hotel now.

Then, he saw another woman who didn't know her race. This woman's skin was pale red, a bit like a Barr nationality woman, but her skin tone was obviously too light, and her breath was wrong. This woman's energy is full of primitive and wild flavor, which is different from the deep breath of the Baer. The other is a human man, dressed in black, looking mysterious.

The woman and the man each took a table and sat down, occupying different positions, but if they wanted to leave the restaurant, they had to pass by them. Unless outsiders leave through the window, or hit the wall directly. But those narrow windows are obviously not easy to get out~www.wuxiaspot.com~ As for the walls, for the White Devil's men, they don't have the strength to directly break through the metal wall.

At this time, the Catu came to their table. This burly guy stood aside, and even the space became narrow, and outsiders began to feel rushed. The collar smiled, and was about to test the Catu, but the other party pulled a chair and sat next to them, and then said with an ugly smile: "Listen to Lim, you want to inquire about the new owner of Green Light Town Matter. You have to find me about this, I know more than Lim!"

Leading for a moment, he didn't expect it to be such a thing. He complained in his heart that the woman casually leaked their affairs, but his face said: "As long as the information you provide is accurate, I promise that the money will not be less than you."

The Cato laughed, but his smile looked ugly and weird: "It is accurate, but I don't need the money."

"Then what do you want?" The collar frowned.

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