Edge of the Apocalypse

Chapter 1263:  Thinking like a tide

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Time goes back a few minutes ago. 〔?

Laura was lying on the bed, but she never slept. The faint light in the room shone on her body, making her legs exposed from the sheets outline charming curves. Although the temperature in the Land of Lost was low, the hotel room was very warm. Lola wore only a thin long dress, her clothes pressed close to her body, revealing all the beautiful details. After a series of battles, she has broken through the original level and is now at level 26. In the past, she was quite satisfied with this level. You must know that in the Hurma clan, the 20th level is already a strong person, and after the 25th, she is revered as the **** of war.

But now, she felt that this strength was not enough, especially staying beside Allen. Looking around now, no matter the Forsaken Realm or the Great Wasteland, none of the characters who can be put on the stage is not above the 30th level. Even the iron hand of Luguang Town before, even though the source power is not pure, can barely be regarded as a 30th-level strongman. And now among the few people, Hubble has the highest level, but after the Catu people broke through, they were only at level 29, which was still a level difference from the real level 30.

"You have to work hard..." Laura pressed a hand on her forehead, looking at the faint light on the ceiling: "Otherwise, our role will become smaller and smaller. If that's the case, sooner or later, he will ignore it?"

She hadn't forgotten that there was a Trisley beside Alan at the moment. Allen took her and let the others stay in Greenlight Town, except for considering that it would take time for them to lose experience and stabilize the source of energy after they broke through the ranks. Isn't it because their strength is currently low, and the effect of a Trisili is probably equal to the sum of the four of them, and even more.

Especially that is a **** and beautiful woman, so it is more effective for men.

"Damn it." Laura pulled up the quilt to cover her head, but couldn't sleep anyway.

At this time there was a knock on the door.

She kicked off the quilt, supported her with both hands, and the person slid out of the bedroom. When opening the door, Laura was really stunned when she saw Lim. Lim said blankly: "A few people have come here to inquire about the new owner of Green Light Town. It seems that I can afford the money, so I don’t know what it is. I will deal with it for you. Hurry up if you want to fight or kill, I still have to sleep."

Turn your head and leave.

Laura squinted her eyes, waking up Belmode and Hubble one by one, and the scene before.

At this moment, Hubble sat down beside the outsiders, putting his two big hands on the collar and the shoulders of the other person. They exchanged glances quickly, and they all saw that Hubble was not doing well, and everyone unmarked their hands on the handle of the beam gun under his clothes. At this moment, Hubble leaned forward slightly and said, "I don't want money, just your life!"

He was surprised, but didn't immediately make a move. Instead, he smiled and said, "This is too overbearing, right? We are just curious about the change of ownership in Green Light Town. Will this kill us?"

"Yes, I don't care if you are curious or have ulterior motives. In short, the news of Luguang Town should not be leaked. Even if you are just curious, you can only admit that you are unlucky." Hubble grinned.

At this time, Ling knew that there was no room for turning, and shouted: "Hands..."

The words fell silent, and a huge gas machine enveloped the audience. Under the influence of this source force, everything in the restaurant shook. Hubble is now exuding blood red source force from the inside out, dyeing the entire restaurant dark red. Under the suppression of his source force, these outsiders with mediocre strength, let alone counterattack, even breathing becomes difficult.

"I just thought of doing it now? It's too late. Since you are so stupid, then paying for your own life is no complaint, right?" Hubble stood up and slapped a few people.

Several outsiders, together with the tables and chairs, seemed to be pressed down by an invisible boulder, and in a flash, they were squeezed into meat sauce, like a few mosquitoes that had been slapped to death on the wall. Hubble seemed to have done a trivial thing, regained his strength, clapped his hands and said, "I have to owe the boss's money again."

"It's okay, our Lord Ellen is not short of money now." Lola chuckled.

Hubble didn't laugh as straightforwardly as before. The Catu guy looked very worried and said, "Where is that kid?"

"You mean it?" Laura looked outside the hotel: "It seems that I didn't see him the night before."

"After Master Ellen left, Bai couldn't stay there anymore. He left the town after the promotion was completed, and seemed to go to train alone." Belmode spread his hands: "He seems to mind that Master didn't bring him. She said she would not lose to that woman anyway."

Of course the woman was referring to Tracey.

Hubble yelled suddenly, and his fists bumped against each other in front of his chest, knocking out a round of shock waves that were not big or small, blowing away several tables and chairs around him. He squinted his eyes and said: "The kid is right, when we have become his burden, I don't want to admit this kind of thing! I also have to train, at least, I have to break through the 30th level!"

Laura stood up with a dangerous smile: "Big man, training alone is not effective. Would you like to try to fight me?"

Hubble grinned and said, "Did you figure it out clearly? I won't be merciful. If you are seriously injured, don't blame me."

"With me, you can still be so arrogant?" Belmode raised his hand, and a black fire flew in his hand.

"If that's the case, I can't take advantage of it. But it's better, so that we are evenly matched, and we can only gain from training." Hubble laughed and clapped his hands: "Then what are you waiting for, let's go. Or you are going to waste time on sleeping."

After the three returned to the room to bring their equipment, they left the hotel and headed towards the town gate in the dim night. In the hotel restaurant, Lim looked at the broken tables and chairs and the corpses on the ground. It took five minutes before Lim snarled, "Those sloppy guys have soiled the old lady’s dining room again. Damn it, can't you just twist their necks and finish it? If you want to shoot like this, I have to take time to clean up again!"

She walked over and picked up a few bags of green crystals from the body. After opening it, the green crystals inside had been shattered. Lim had a heartache on his face, and finally looked at the meat on the ground bitterly and said: "It's all to blame you, ask for any news, it's not too late to live for a few days and let the old lady earn your money and die."

In the wind and snow, a green light flickered.

It was a beacon of stone pillars standing on the snowy field. In the stone cage, the flames of green glaze crystals used as fuel illuminate this dim space on the snowy field. Green light is very penetrating. Even under the influence of the weird chaotic force field of the Land of Lost, the radiation range of green light can still reach tens of meters, which makes it easy for travelers on the snowy field to identify . Below the road sign, stones are used to form an arrow shape to mark the direction to Baixi City. In this way, the stone pillars and beacons set up at intervals have become an invisible road to and from the snowy field.

Allen had just passed a stone pillar beacon.

He and Tracey are sitting on a sleigh. The sleigh is made of dark red metal commonly seen in Agareth. This is a horizontal sleigh. It has a wide and deep sleeper, two people driving, can take turns to rest in the sleeper. The sleeping bucket is lined with cushions and bedding, as well as a rucksack, which contains the essentials for travel, including clean water and medicine. Dragging the sled is a kind of alien beasts called snow beasts. They vary in size and appearance. Some look like wolfhounds, while others have no limbs at all, but a bunch of tentacles. What distinguishes them from other alien beasts is the ability of snow beasts. They are naturally compatible with the source of ice and snow, and a faint blue light usually appears under the bodies of these snow beasts. When they move on the snowy field, the blue light on their bodies will freeze the soft snow, so the snow beasts can easily slide on the ice, faster than galloping horses.

That aperture, the people of Barr called it the ice and snow halo, but it was appropriate.

Under the drag of the five snow beasts, the sledge that the Ellen and the two rode quickly passed over the dim snowy field, and after the sledge, even raised a snow wave.

Because of the chaotic force field in the Forsaken Realm, vehicles such as flying ships cannot be used in this area. As a result, sleds or sledges are almost always used to travel to and from the snowfield, and other tools are rarely seen. It was the first time Allen took a sleigh ride, and it was quite fresh. The main driver of the sleigh is Tracey. Not only does she need to control the snow beast, she also needs to steer to control the direction. It seems simple, but Allen got a sullen face when he drove the sled for the first time, and realized that there was a lot of knowledge in it.

However, after three days, he was able to maneuver with ease, so he and Trisili took turns driving.

Seeing that the hourglass hanging on the side of the hopper has turned to the night time zone, Allen poked his head out of the hopper and said: "Find a place to rest, it's late."

"Okay, Master." Tracey said obediently. She used to call her boss the boss, but now she calls Alan the master. It is not difficult to hear the difference between the two titles. The boss said that the two were only in an employment relationship, and the owner represented that Tracey was Allen's private property. The owner naturally has the right to dispose of the property at will, which naturally also includes the touching body of Tracey.

The last time she fought with Blood Eye, she almost cut off her hand under the Blood Eye's pupil technique. Now there is an extra metal ring on the two wrists, which is used to treat and fix the wound. Coupled with Trisley's own resilience, she can't make a full shot now, but driving the sleigh is more than enough.

Alan Quan didn't understand her suggestion, and didn't bother to correct her name, only rolled his eyes and sat back in the squat. Outside Tracey said: "It seems that there is no suitable place to rest."

Looking outside, I saw the vast snowy field, and occasionally I saw some huge rocks, but not even the bigger hills. Sure enough, there is no rest place like sheltered caves. Allen thought for a while, pointed to a huge boulder more than ten meters wide and said, "Go there."

"There?" Tracey couldn't see where the stone was suitable for rest, and at best it could only play a leeward role. But she didn't object, and turned the wind rudder to let the Snow Beast pull the sled to the side of the huge boulder.

Allen jumped down, took a look, and then reached out to the middle of the boulder. A pale white secret flame popped up from the fingertips. When this pale translucent flame fell on the boulder, the surface of the stone clothing eroded silently. Bai Yan continued to deepen, and after a while, a space about three meters long and wide was eroded in the boulder. Allen snapped his fingers, and the secret flame disappeared silently. He shrugged and said, "It's not very spacious, so I will."

Tracey said cheerfully: "It's enough."

She took out the cushions and rucksack from the sleeping bucket, and first walked into the man-made cave that Alan had eroded out with secret flames. Allen pulled the sled and the snow beast to the side of the cave. The snow beasts are not afraid of the cold. They can sleep around the sledge and serve as a warning. At this time, a dark red light curtain emerged from the entrance of the cave. It was Tracey who activated the shield at the entrance of the cave to cover the wind and snow.

She walked out from behind the light curtain and brought the snow beast's food to feed them. Seeing that there was nothing wrong with him, Allen got into the cave. Sleeping cushions were already laid in the cave, and the two cushions were next to each other, and Alan shook his head. Of course he knew what Trisley was thinking about. When he went to bed the night before, he took away his cushion, but the area of ​​the cave is limited tonight, I am afraid there is no way to remove it.

Tracey is a stunner, and Agareth's woman is very in line with human aesthetics. If you change to any normal man, you will not reject a woman like Tracey. It's just that Alan has other women in his heart, and he can't just have a relationship with her. He also has his own persistence and bottom line.

Especially thinking of Lucy's appearance when she left, he couldn't get along with Tracey, not to mention there is still a Lola in Luguang Town. He rightly didn't see the two cushions that were close together, took out the water and dry food that Lim had prepared for them from his backpack and ate them. At this time, Trisli had fed the snow beast, she walked in, looked at Alan with a smile, then took off her fur coat, revealing the tight shorts inside, and two long legs dangled in front of Alan. The moving curve made Alan breathe slowly.

But that's all. Alan threw her a piece of dry food, then sat next to the cave and said, "You can go to bed after eating. I'll watch the night."

Seeing his indifferent appearance, Tracey knew what he was thinking. An unnamed fire ignited immediately, threw the dry food onto the ground and screamed: "Why?"

Allen sighed, put down the dry food in his hand and looked at her: "What and why?"

"You know it!" Tracey patted her chest and said, "Am I really that bad? I tried to put myself in your bed over and over again, so why did you keep rejecting me! Do you know, As long as I want, men who want to sleep with me can go from here to the wasteland! As long as I want, I don't have to be a killer at all, and naturally there will be men who will raise me up!"

"But I don't want to live like that, I also have my pride, not just any man can get me. But you, but with you, my pride is gone!" Tracey's chest rises and falls sharply, she feels Stinging.

Maybe she just wanted to try something at first, but after being rejected by Allen, her psychology had a subtle influence. It's not that I fell in love with this man, but that I have a more revenge and want to prove my charm. But after seeing Ellen blasting Bloodeye with her own eyes, she admired the man a little more. As for now, she couldn't tell how she felt about the man in front of her, she only knew that she was different from before.

She even knew that the pride and dignity that she usually regarded as very important was shattered by this man's indifference. Without that pride and dignity, it would be difficult for a woman to survive in a place like the wasteland until now. After all, it is a world where the weak and the strong eat the strong. A woman who wants to survive in this kind of world pays more than a man does not know. How many times more.

Tracey has forgotten how many times she almost compromised, but she persisted, but those things became fragments under Alan's indifference.

So some hot liquid slid across her face, and Tracey wiped it before she knew it was her tear.

She has never been so weak in front of others.

Allen was also surprised. In his impression, the Baer was basically synonymous with treacherous and cunning. But at the moment, Trisley showed him something different. At this moment, Tracey was about to rush out of the hole like angrily, and suddenly she held her hand. When she turned her head, Allen reached out and took her.

"Sorry, it seems that I hurt you." Allen raised his head and his eyes were clear: "You are very attractive, if I say that I am not heart-warming, it would be a lie. But you know how I came to Agareth Is it? As a human being, why should I come here? You don’t know, don’t you, what I can tell you is that I paid a great price to come here. And in that price, including My beloved girl separated."

"I'm sorry, here..." Allen pointed to his chest: "It can't accept other people for the time being."

Tracey looked at him seriously, squinted her eyes and said, "What you said is true?"

"Do you think I need to lie?"

"Yes." Tracey sighed and said: "Well, if this is the case, I can still accept it. But you are the master. I should do the work of the night watch. Go to sleep."

"No." Allen shook his head: "I can't sleep, just think of something."

Tracey didn’t insist on ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ and picked up the dry food again. After eating, she clapped her hands and fell asleep on the cushion. She wrapped herself in a quilt and confirmed that Alan could not see herself. Then he patted his chest and said: "It's dangerous, I almost can't get off the stage. But he looks like a story. Well, sooner or later I will dig out these stories..."

After hearing Tracey's even breathing sound. Allen breathed a sigh of relief, and he blew a flame on the snow, the flame turning from white to red. Even if there is no combustible material, the sky fire is still burning on the snow. The vermilion fire made Alan wake up some things from a long time ago, when he was a teenager and didn't know Lucy's identity. But in the death arena of the year, in those nights, it was this kind of fire that illuminated two equally young faces.

It turned out to have been years before unconsciously. Alan thought of many things, those happy, sad, and helpless, one by one came to his heart.

Tonight, memories are like waves.

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