Edge of the Apocalypse

Chapter 1264:  Want to see far away

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The long night is silent.

The sky fire had long gone out, and Allen leaned against the cave wall and closed his eyes and fell asleep. If there is no accident, he will wait until the hourglass turns to the day time zone before waking up. But when there was one third of the gravel on the black end of the hourglass, he suddenly opened his eyes. It was not that he woke up early, but that he felt a throbbing in his heart. He looked at the dark red hole light curtain, as if something outside the light curtain was calling him. It was an inexplicable feeling, and Tracey was not asleep either. After all, this is in the realm of abandonment, where anything can happen, how can she let herself fall asleep. Feeling Alan's abnormality, she immediately got upset. When he got up, the two curved blades were already in his hands.

She opened her lips, but saw Alan shook her head.

Allen said: "You stay here, I'll go out and have a look." After saying that, without giving Trisli any room to refuse, he picked up the red king and went out of the hole.

From the protective light curtain, the temperature suddenly dropped. Of course, for Alan now, such a low temperature is nothing. At this moment, the snowy field is still dim, with a turning band of light flickering above the head, and the distant sky is shrouded in absolute darkness. The wind was blowing, and there was a low whistle on the empty snowfield. Allen glanced around and found nothing unusual. At this moment, there was a movement in his heart, and he immediately turned to the northwest direction.

The pupils dilated, and Xueyuan quickly retreated in his eyes, and finally his gaze fell on a piece of ice rock and a pair of bare feet standing on the ice rock.

Just seeing these bare feet makes his throat dry. Tracey is already considered a very attractive woman, but the bare feet in her eyes, just those scallop-like toes and the lines of the soles, are enough to make any man crazy. Allen took a deep breath and calmed down, only to realize that these feet were actually fair complexion. It should be known that both men and women have dark skin, and women have lighter skin. Like Trisley, her skin tone will be much lighter than men, but there is absolutely no woman of the Bar ethnic group who has fair skin.

The skin of the bare feet in front of them was white, just like the color of milk. Allen squinted his eyes, looked up, and behind a thrilling calf curve, there was a grated and cracked skirt. It can be seen that the workmanship of this long skirt is exquisite and exquisite, but it is badly worn, and the circle of clothing becomes jagged, but there is another beauty that cannot be described. After passing the gripping waistline, a pair of peaks that almost came out of the neckline made Allen almost stop breathing. On that large white skin, there is an elegant neck like a swan, and at the end is a beautiful face that is almost perfect.

Just looking at this face, it is hard to tell her age. There was a negotiating temperament in her eyebrows like a goddess, and the slightly frowning expression looked like a girl encountering a problem. Allen stayed on this face for three seconds before pulling his eyes back a little, and the whole body of the woman was greeted by the eyes. Under the dim snowy night, she stood on top of the ice rock like a goddess, and the cold wind whizzed her long skirt around. A faint gleam overflowed from her body, like a fine gem in the dark. Exuding elegant fluorescent light.

Stunningly couldn't describe her beauty. If she had to describe it, Alan felt she was more like those beautiful nebulae in the universe. They are magnificent and colorful, but at the same time full of dreamy feeling. Just like the woman in front of me, she is so beautiful that she is so unreal, dreamlike.

Then Ellen saw her two plump lips gently open and close, and then a voice rang softly in her ears: "You are not him, who are you?"

The sound is like the evening breeze blowing, making people intoxicated.

Alan restrained the urge to drag her into his arms and hug her, in fact, he himself felt incredible. To know that Trisili stripped off to seduce him, he did not have such an impulse, which shows that the charm of this woman is so amazing.

"Who are you?" she asked again.

Allen calmed down and replied: "I should ask you this sentence."

He felt ridiculous after speaking, the distance between the two parties was so far, he could ask himself that he did not have the ability of a woman to send his voice to the other's ears from such a long distance. Strangely, the woman seemed to hear her, and her voice rang in Ellen's ear again: "You don't even know who I am? Then it seems that you are really not him..."

"But why do you have his breath? Answer me!" The voice was cold, and the gentle evening breeze was gone, replaced by a lonely and cold taste, just like the loneliness of the cold river for thousands of years. .

Allen frowned and opened his lips: "I don't understand what you mean."

"Don't you want to say it?" The woman obviously understood it in another way: "It's okay, I'll see for myself."

There was a sudden dazzling cold glow in her eyes, which not only illuminates the space, but even the entire snowy field can't be seen. Allen turned away subconsciously and closed his eyes. Even so, I still feel that my eyes are blank. After a few seconds, the dazzling light gradually disappeared, and Allen opened his eyes, but found that he was no longer on the snowy field. He stood on a lonely ground, looking around, it was an empty plain. There are no objects above the ground, no rocks, no trees, nothing, just a dead land.

He looked up and the sky was red as blood. Behind those clouds, there was blood-like flaming lava pouring down on the ground, causing an explosion, setting off a foe wind, and bringing a smell of destruction.

This is a dying world!

Allen settled down, he was sure that this was definitely not Agareth, or even any planet in the universe. This should be in the world of a certain will, in the spiritual world of that woman. Otherwise, such a vision would not appear. The glare just now was probably a certain ability of that woman. That kind of ability pulled his mental life into this world of will, and Alan snorted. He repeatedly entered and exited the spiritual world of strong will deep in his genes. Although this woman was surprisingly strong, Alan didn’t think she could Stronger than that ancient will.

He waited, trying to see what tricks the woman wanted to play.

After a while, the sky rang loudly: "Your will is strong enough to stay in shape in my world, which surprised me. But in this way, you will only suffer more."

Allen raised his head, the fire clouds in the sky changed and twisted, forming a woman's face. Even with a face magnified countless times, the clouds still carved out fine textures, and her beauty is still impeccable.

"Who are you? What do you want to do!" Allen raised his voice.

"I want to shred your body and look at the things deep in the will. Or, if you open up your spirit, then you don't have to be too painful, and I also save a lot of time." The woman's voice was full of pride.

Allen said flatly: "Impossible!"

There is no need to think about this at all, open up your spirit, and wait for yourself to be naked under the eyes of a woman, even worse than that. A woman can easily see through the secrets in his heart, even those things that Alan himself has forgotten. By then all his weaknesses will be exposed, and women can easily control him.

Alan refused even the "favorable" conditions offered by Ophasis, how could he agree to the almost unreasonable request made by this mysterious woman at this moment?

The woman didn’t seem to be surprised at all, her voice rumbling in the sky: “Then my people can only tear your consciousness to pieces, and then your will will be shattered. Even in the material world. The body is immortal, but it is no different from the walking dead...it's a pity..."

Her face was hidden in the clouds.

Then the earth began to roar, and this broad plain without ups and downs began to bulge out of the soil, and then black figures crawled out of the soil. Those were all people from Baer, ​​they had different appearances, only the dark red complexion was their common feature. The black figure occupies the entire world. Alan looked around and saw that the densely packed Baal warriors occupies all of his vision, as if a woman had gathered the entire Agareth warrior.

Allen looked back, but his back was empty. He thought for a while and suddenly laughed: "It turns out to be like this. Even in your world, it turns out that I have a place."

This can be seen from Alan's ability to maintain a shape in a woman's spiritual world. It can be imagined that this woman possesses a very strong spiritual power, otherwise he would not be able to forcibly pull Alan's will into it. She also said just now that she was surprised that Alan was able to stay in shape. In other words, if someone else enters this world, it will probably grind the woman's mental power into pieces, so that the woman can easily explore the other's inner world.

But Allen retained his body, which meant that Allen's will was so strong that even a woman's mental power could not easily destroy it. With the spiritual power she showed, a large number of troops could easily emerge to surround Allen and annihilate him. But now the ground behind Alan was silent, and there was no Barr warrior. That is equivalent to saying that Ellen also has a certain advantage in her world. Thinking of this, Ellen moved his heart and raised his arm.

The ground in front of him began to vibrate, and there was a trace of fire from inside. Different from the way that the Bar clan emerged from the uplifted soil pack, the fire-lit ground in front of Allen collapsed first, exposing a fiery red space below. As if under the earth, there is an abyss of flames. At this time, something crawled out of that abyssal world.

It is a fire horned demon.

After it came to the ground, it uttered a long howl to the sky.

The earth quaked.

Fires continued to shine through, and the army belonging to Allen continued to emerge from the ground. Rows of flaming horns obscured Alan's sight, and their fiery red figures became a bright color in the world. After the firehorn demon, groups of fireboys soared into the sky, and they wandered on top of the firehorn demon's head, making all kinds of weird expressions at the Bal people over there.

There was the sound of horseshoes again, and Allen looked back. Teams of flame knights were riding their horses. Behind the knights are the Flame Guards in rock armor. The guards who are dragging huge weapons come to Allen's side and use their broad bodies to build a steel line of defense for Allen.

The ground was still shaking, and Allen saw a huge soil pack bulging. After the soil bag rose 100 meters, it burst into pieces. A black-red volcano rose from the inside, this volcano was flowing lava, and the crater was spewing flames and thick smoke. The volcano struck the ground thousands of feet, and the thick smoke spit out spread, slowly forming a gray cloud in the sky. There was a long roar from the gray cloud, and suddenly a fire burst down, and then a bird and beast bursting into the cloud with fire all over the cloud, behind it, there were more firebirds. It can be seen that these firebirds do not have, only a skeleton, and flames are constantly ejected from their bone marrow, enriching their bodies.

After the flocks of firebirds appeared, smaller hills rose up near the volcano. The flames burst in the hills, and a huge claw protruded from one of the hills. If it was this claw, it was the size of a hill. The giant claw caught the ground and pulled hard, pulling out a giant beast with only a skeleton. As soon as the giant beast came out of the ground, flames spurted from the depths of its skeleton, turning out to be a behemoth of fire.

The giant fire beast only climbed out of the hill, hundreds of giant fire beasts strode towards the battlefield, and the magnificent scene was enough to stop breathing.

Then there were headless giants, turrets, and other combat units that Alan could not name to join his army. At this time, there was a commotion in the flaming horns in front. They scrambled to get away, but a hundred-meter-long bag of soil bulged from the ground, sand and rocks poured down, but inside was a huge fireball. As soon as this fireball appeared, it was sprinkled with awe-inspiring power, it turned out to be Mittinas, the fire of the abyss!

Allen was surprised, and then there was a huge force on the left and right sides of the army, and the two armies also rioted, and two new kings broke out. Until this moment, Allen's army was assembled. This burning army, based on three kings, assembled high, middle and low-level combat units, with an army of more than a million and the opposing Barr tribe army facing away.

After the confrontation between the two armies for a while, the Barra army began to charge, and their army had no division of arms. There were no tactics, and the whole army made a surprise attack from the very beginning. So on the earth, a black tide rolled over. Alan stood on a behemoth of fire and looked at the land that had become a battlefield. That army, just the forwards, does not know how many there are. I saw this black peak line from left to right, almost covering the entire horizon. When the striker pressed in, the ground seemed to be swallowed inch by inch.

That kind of huge pressure, even Allen could not ignore it.

He has assembled a lot of troops, but they are still inferior to women's troops. If the number of armies on both sides is ten, then women account for seven points, and Allen has only three. At this time, the black tide surged, and Allen's army was like a red island on a black ocean. But he has a high morale in his heart, and the number of troops can intuitively reflect the comparison of the strength of the two sides' mental strength, but the war on the spiritual level is a struggle of will and resistance. The strength of mental power is important, but the strength of will is also a factor that cannot be ignored.

As long as there is an indomitable will, Alan may not lose!

Without hesitation, Allen raised his finger on the Fire Behemoth, and the Fire Horn Demon in the front row immediately roared, rushing up with both hands and feet. The fire boy in the sky screamed and flew forward, and then the army advanced steadily. Compared with the Barr army, the advancement of Allen's Burning Army appears to be much more layered. Under his instruction, the forward, main force, and two wing forces have a clear division of labor.

The forwards of the flaming demon and the fire boy moved, and the turrets and other combat units with long-range attack methods began to attack, so the flames crossed the battlefield, past the flaming demon and the fire boy and fell to each other first. In the army. Looking around, hundreds of fireballs rushed to bloom, and then hundreds of fire pillars were sprayed, and the temperature on the battlefield immediately rose linearly.

After two rounds of attacks, Allen's striker hit the opposite line of Kuroshio, so the two colors of black and red burst into the strongest collision on the ground. Thousands of soldiers died almost immediately after the collision. The place where the strikers of the two sides collided was immediately blank, and the shock was beyond words.

After the initial collision, the war really began.

Trisili gritted her teeth and resolutely drilled out of the light curtain. Alan has been out for too long, but there has been no movement outside. She couldn't sit still anymore, and decided to look outside. Coming out of the light curtain, the temperature felt cold at first, but for a master at the level of Trisli, the low temperature was no longer fatal. Then she saw Alan, he was not far away at all, he was standing not far from the entrance of the cave, beside a pile of snow beasts, facing northwest.

"What's the matter?" Trisley was a little confused, and walked to Alan's side and said, "Master, is there anything abnormal?"

Allen was last moved.

Trisley was surprised ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ and she didn't want many to flash up to Alan. She looked at Ellen, whose eyes were blank, but fortunately the vital characteristics such as breathing and body temperature were still normal, Tracey was relieved. She shook her hand in front of Alan's eyes, and Alan stared at it, and Tracey frowned and said, "What's wrong?"

She tried to look to the northwest, but she saw nothing except a snowy field with few undulations in dim light. Tracey could only shook her head, planning to take Alan back to the cave first.

At this time, a firelight lit up in the southwest direction. In the flames, there seemed to be figures galloping in their direction.

Tracey frowned, picked up Alan and ran into the cave. After putting him on the cushion, she came out of the cave again. At this time, the voice of people approached, and from there came the proud laugh and the roar of battle. It sounded like two groups of people chasing on the snowy field. .

Who will it be? she thinks.

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