Edge of the Apocalypse

Chapter 1266:  Higher than the sky

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Thousands of gray lines swam and flew, forming a gray-white circular barrier that envelops Allen. Under the dark golden beam of light with a diameter of 100 meters, Allen became an unremarkable little gray dot, but when he fits into the beam of light, the beam of light that seems to never stay for anything is born. He resisted. As soon as the countless gray lines that flew past the dark gold beam of light, a trace of energy would be scraped off the beam of light. Under the numerous gray lines spinning, the energy of the beam of light was continuously weakened.

The high altitude where the two sides collided has long been discolored. Under the collision of the two great forces, chaotic energy jets diffused and flew, turning the space measured in kilometers into a forbidden area. The clouds were shattered, and the source power became extremely chaotic. If life enters this area at this time, it will definitely be strangled and shattered in an instant!

At this moment, Alan could no longer see the woman, and there was only the dark golden source power that was constantly flowing in front of him like a torrent. I don't know the nature of a woman's source power, but Allen is sure that it is definitely not under the Void Skyfire, otherwise it would have been broken under the repeated division of the Baidi Sword. But this time pillar was only weakened, but not to the point of collapse. Allen squinted his eyes, stretched out a hand and pressed forward to resist the terrifying impact of the beam of light. Only he can do this, changing to a next-level powerhouse, not to mention the impact of the beam of light with one hand, I am afraid it is difficult to do it with both hands.

The vacated hand was slowly put away, and the sky fire in Allen's eyes turned white, spouting a void secret flame. He gave a sigh, his voice was very penetrating, and instantly went thousands of miles away. The ending sound still disappeared, he smashed it out with a punch, passed through the white circle barrier of the Baidi Sword, and landed on the dark golden source power. The boxing front dominates a circle of gray flames, and the flames spread like a ring, growing bigger and bigger until they are 100 meters long and wide before dissipating in the air.

The dark golden beam of light twisted violently, and an invisible force suppressed the gushing source force and the flood went against the current. As a result, the dark golden beam of light that had been shooting straight was arched in the center, and the front end of the flood wave kept moving away from Allen. After it retreated 100 meters, Allen removed the round barrier of the Baidi Sword and stretched out a finger.

There was blaze burning on the fingertips.

Allen draws a circle with his fingers, and the Void Secret Flame draws a circle of gray lines in the air. When the gray lines are connected to each other, the circle is immediately filled with the translucent gray Secret Flame.

"Lei Guang..." Allen said softly.

At the end of the speech, a gray electric light shot out from the gray circle, and the electric light suddenly appeared for a few kilometers, turning into an intermittent flashing light and flashing into the dark golden light beam. The light beam changed from the beginning to the end. After a while, the shock was transmitted from the inside of the light beam, and circular shock waves appeared on the surface of the entire light beam. Obviously, the internal source force became no longer stable.

That gray electric light is exactly one of Allen's ten forms of thunder. Now Alan is not what it used to be, and there is no need for the lightning to flash out. Alan only takes his spirit and is driven by the Void Secret Flame to reproduce it perfectly. Not to mention the power to a higher level, and the number is far more than that.

In the past, with the Naruto Legion, at best, he could only shoot nine thunder lights at the same time. But now, there was a thunder blast in the gray circle, and there were two, three, and countless rays of thunder blasting continuously. At this time, Allen said the full name of this type of lightning variant: "...baishan."

Thunder light!

The gray circle in front of him is almost like a multi-tube revolving cannon. From the humble gray circle, hundreds of pale electric lights are blasted out, and hundreds of thousands of rays are blasting, and in the blink of an eye, the dark golden beam of light has been blasted. Was riddled with holes. The beam of light was like a giant dragon shot into a sieve, with varying brightness on the surface, and it was not far from the collapse.

Allen's eyes were gushing with gray flames, and he roared, and people flashed forward. He emptied both hands, and the previously separated Baidi Sword reunited and turned into a gray flame that sprayed a hundred meters thin in Allen's hand. The flame was like a knife, Allen flashed to the beam of light that had shattered, and the flame knife swept across.

A gray arc flashed in mid-air.

The dark gold beam is broken into several pieces.

Then there was an earth-shattering explosion, the intercepting beam exploded, and the entire sky was illuminated by flames. The flames drowned, they rushed upwards and pointed directly at the sky; when they fell, they turned into a rain of fire. Looking up from the ground, the entire sky seemed to be burning. There are no clouds, no sky, all you can see is the flame light rushing towards the earth!

In the surging fire, Allen was falling to the ground. The shock wave when the beam of light exploded even made him lose consciousness for a second or two. When he recovered, he was already falling. The flames were whizzing around, and Alan could not see anything, as if he was sinking into a sea of ​​flames. This familiar scene reminded him that when he first entered the world of constant ancient will, he also fell like this, through the sea of ​​flames.

When thinking like this, he had already passed through the flames and saw the ground below and the horizon in the distance. In a trance, he seemed to have returned to the strange world deep in his consciousness. It's just that in this spiritual world of women, there is no giant figure standing between the sky and the earth on the other side of the horizon.

Suddenly, a flash of light flashed in Allen's mind.

The next moment, he laughed.


At the beginning of the fight, when she pulled the woman into this spiritual world, the woman gave him a set. This set includes those Baal army, and also includes the figure of a woman in the sky in the sun.

This is the spiritual world, this is a war of will. There is no need for the controversy of spirit to be carried out through those specific and subtle forms. The army on the ground, their high-altitude fighting, is just a misleading of women. She wanted to limit Alan's will to a certain level. Obviously, the battle between the two armies on the earth was the lowest level. But Allen got off that level, so she set up another battlefield in the sky, making Allen mistakenly think that it was the final battlefield.

But that still isn't.

Spiritual will should be the product of freedom, and it should not be restricted in any form. Regardless of whether it is the earth or the high altitude, these two battlefields are both a form, and the woman restricts Allen to a certain form, thus occupying a more advantageous position.

His spirits are limited, and Allen can't beat the opponent anyway.

Now it's another matter.

The flame in the sky suddenly shrank and turned into a woman's face. It's just that this face is too huge, it's a huge face over ten kilometers square, but even so, the woman's face is still dignified and beautiful.

She opened her lips slightly: "It looks like you have already appeared."

"That's right." Allen closed his eyes and said softly: "I am angry, I am taller than the sky."

When he opened his eyes again, everything kept shrinking and moving away. The earth, the sky, the fire cloud, the woman, everything keeps going away in Allen's eyes. He is not flying high, but his consciousness in the spiritual world is skyrocketing. In the blink of an eye, he was already like a giant shadow in the world of will, transforming into a figure connected to the sky. But Allen's body still didn't stop growing, so in an instant, this planet could not hold him.

He got out of the planet, saw the universe, saw countless planets, saw the galaxy, saw the unpredictable beautiful nebula.

In the end he saw nothing.

On the snowy field of the Forgotten Realm, on a piece of ice and rock far away from Allen. The woman who had been unmoved for a long time opened her eyes slowly, and a thin layer of wind and snow had accumulated on her body. But as she shook her body, the ice and snow disappeared. Not falling, but completely disappearing, as if it didn't exist at all. The woman looked in the direction where Allen was before, exhaled from her mouth, and pulled a small smile at the corner of her mouth: "You really have you, even my spiritual world can't hold your spirit. This is even that. Children who are already called the Supreme can't do it..."

She stretched out suddenly childishly and murmured: "If you see it, you should go back. But I believe we will meet again soon."

Lifted barefoot, and when stepped on it was already 100 meters away. The woman walked like a walk, but took a hundred meters, and after a few breaths, she disappeared into the distance of the snowy field.

In the cave, Alan opened his eyes. He saw the top of the cave first, then Tracey's face. Seeing him wake up, Tracey pulled him up and said, "What's wrong with you?"

Allen asked without answering, "How long did I lie down?"

"It's been two hours, right?" Trisley said, shaking her fingers, and then answered.

"Two hours..." Allen laughed: "Fortunately, I thought it would be longer."

He never mentioned his life with that woman in the spiritual world, but after experiencing that spiritual war, Allen could clearly feel that his will has been tempered to be stronger than that of steel. Especially the last enlightenment, the spirit of being higher than the sky, allowed him to climb to the highest level before.

That breath was the anger of being trapped in the iron prison, the sadness of the family leaving, the cry for freedom, and the unyielding in the face of strength. The various experiences in the past finally blended into Allen's mood perfectly at that moment.

When things are uneven, they will sound, and every sound will be as high as the sky.

It was the injustice that finally caused Allen to get rid of his previous self, the spiritual world of the mysterious woman, and thus return to the body.

"Although you don't seem to have changed much, I always feel that there is something different." Trisili looked at Ellen seriously. It's not unusual for a strong person at her level to observe the smallest details.

She was keenly aware of Alan's differences in some aspects, but she couldn't be more specific, which made her feel terribly uncomfortable. Allen smiled faintly without explaining. He glanced outside the cave, his sight was blocked by the light curtain, but everything outside the cave clearly emerged in his mind like a picture reflected in the water. So he clearly "sees" the snow beast lying around the sled and a few soldiers.

He yelled, but the picture reflected in his mind disappeared. Allen was surprised that not only did his spiritual power greatly increase, but also some mysterious spiritual power appeared, which may be related to the last scene that appeared in the spiritual world.

At that time, he got rid of everything and was above everything. As far as the line of sight is concerned, everything is full. Now I am limited by my body, and I lose that kind of perspective like a god, but it seems that I can see one place and one thing clearly when the will comes.

This is much more convenient than using the source of energy to perceive things, and it is also quite intuitive, and there are no blind spots, so I don’t know what restrictions are there. Allen simply experimented on the spot. He concentrated, and his mental power slowly spread like a tide. So he "see" the cave where he was, and saw the snow beasts and soldiers outside the cave, while the picture was still expanding. As if looking down from the sky, he saw everything underneath.

He thought for a while and then "looked" in the direction of Bai Xicheng. Suddenly the angle of the picture in his eyes changed. What he saw was no longer a plane, but from the angle of standing on the ground, his vision became limited. He can no longer see all directions, his eyes can only focus on the front. Alan was flying straight ahead, the snowy field kept retreating, and after a while, he saw a gray city.

In the next moment, he had already seen the buildings, streets, sculptures, and the people passing by in the city. Alan's heart was shocked, his spirits distracted, and his mind returned to the cave. But he was overjoyed. After the experiment just now, he basically figured out the application of this ability. In simple terms, this ability can be divided into two states: surface and line. When the mental power is spread out in a surface shape with him as the origin, he can observe everything hundreds of meters square. And if the spiritual power is concentrated and extended, you can see farther places.

These two states have their own strengths and weaknesses. Although the planar vision is comprehensive, its scope is limited. Linear can be seen far, but the field of vision is limited.

But overall, it is much more convenient than pure force sensing.

He gave this kind of mental power an appropriate and old-fashioned name, mindful.

When Allen glanced at Baixi City with his heart and eyes, he was carving a pickup truck with a stone statue in his studio. Those hands, which had always been stable as stones, shook suddenly, and the knife shifted a little, making an absolutely impossible scratch in the plaster. He put down the knife and looked up at the dome. Just now, he felt a will flash by. It's a pity that it comes and goes fast, and before the pickup has time to experience the breath of will, it disappears without a trace.

Pickup felt heavy.

Looking at the edge of the entire Forgotten Realm, there is probably only one who can make the will pass through the city of Baixi. The strong man who killed the blood eye, the new master of Green Light Town. But as far as Picka knows, even his boss, Lucy the White Devil, can never do this. After all, Green Light Town is not close here. If the will span such a large distance in a non-combat state, how strong is the opponent to do?

Could the new owner of Green Light Town be better than the owner? Picka thought nervously, this was something he would never admit. Because he was killed by the messenger who had just arrived in Greenlight Town not long ago, and now the man named Yanshan was sealed in the plaster under his hands. Picka intends to make a plaster sculpture and send it to Greenlight Town. When the guy named Allen found the body of his own in the sculpture, Picka believed that his expression must be very wonderful.

The corpse was also the battle book that replaced Lucy.

But now, Pickup hesitated. Before, he absolutely believed that Lucy would not lose to a foreign guy, but at this moment his confidence began to shake, even if the "war book" in his hand was going to go out, he couldn't decide.

After thinking about it, Picka left the studio. He went to the Hall of Depravity to ask for a message, and he needed Lucy's confirmation before he dared to continue the previous plan. Due to the influence of the force field in the Forgotten Realm, communication with the Great Wasteland can only be carried out with one-way information. After the message, the next thing Pickup can do is wait, he has no intention of returning to the studio.

Suddenly he realized that he would be nervous.

At the snow cave, Allen walked out of the light curtain at the entrance of the cave. Behind him was Tracey. Seeing the two of them, the soldiers who had been resting on the leeward hurriedly got up. They almost crawled to Ellen’s side, and Ellen looked at them and said: "Listen to Tracey, the pickup in Baixi City killed Yanshan, and sent someone to chase you down?"

"Yes, sir." Bowed his head for one person: "If it weren't for Miss Tracey, I'm afraid even a few of us would have to die on this snowy field."

"Very well, it seems that the White Devil does not intend to negotiate peacefully. Since he wants a war, then I will give him a war." Allen looked in the direction of Bai Xicheng: "Pack your things and set off immediately."

The soldier hesitated: "My lord, are we alone?"

Allen didn't answer, turned and left. Tracey stepped up and lifted her long legs and kicked him on the snow twice. Then she smiled and said, "Nonsense, is there anyone else here? I don't expect you trash to fight. What you have to do Just staring at it from behind, witnessing how Bai Xicheng was folded into the master's hand!"

The soldiers were dumbfounded.

After a while, the three sledges made new marks on the snow, all the way towards the direction of Baixi City.

When the hourglass that can be seen everywhere in the city turns to the daytime time zone, people on the streets gradually increase. In addition to controlling the two green-glazed veins, Baixi City also produces a rare metal, white iron. Although there is an iron word in the name of white iron, its hardness is far higher than that of steel. It has a natural grayish-white color and has scaly textures, so it is also called scale iron.

The use of scale iron is very extensive ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ The Shadow Empire acquires a large number of them every year, so the mining of tinplate has become Lucy's major source of interest. The residents of Baixi City mostly work as miners or work in refineries. Only a few will be engaged in hunting alien beasts. In addition to hunting beasts, these people will also be engaged in exploring and collecting information on the deeper parts of the lost realm. The pay for this work is higher, and of course, the risk factor is also high.

Baixi City has an army of about 300 people, and the army is well-equipped, far from being comparable to that of Luguang Town. In addition, Lucy has also equipped the city with a complete weapon system, which includes an energy main gun, multiple defensive turrets, and multiple beam cannons. It can be said that since the completion of Baixi City, it has never been captured. Even if the bone king coveted the scale iron ore here for a long time, he did not dare to start a war hastily.

Possessing a powerful weapon system is undoubtedly a great boon for the soldiers of Baixi City. In addition, it has been in a state of peace for many years. Therefore, when three sleds came from the northeast of the sentry tower one kilometer in front of Baixi City, the soldiers in the sentry tower did not take that as the same thing.

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