Edge of the Apocalypse

Chapter 1267:  Legend

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The wind whizzed from outside the car, bringing up the pieces of Allen's forehead. <? [(<[

"Huh? Master, why do you ask this question?" Trisley turned her head back: "I am afraid I can't answer how long the wasteland has existed. As far as I know, that place can be traced back a long time ago. I heard that it just started. At that time, the great wasteland was a desolate and crowded place. It was the real wilderness age. Only wild animals lived in that place. In the past few hundred years or even longer, there were few people on that land."

"The change of the great wasteland may have to wait until the establishment of the Shadow Empire. At the beginning, there were some prisoners or slaves who were exiled here waiting to die, and then those who resisted the Demon King or those who could not survive in the Shadow Empire. Gradually, , The great wasteland began to gather people, and after a long period of exhibition, it became what it is now. Now whether it is the Demon Empire or Duobia, people know that if they can’t survive in the country, they can escape to The great wasteland is coming.” Trisili said while driving the car: “And the two supreme lords seem to have reached a consensus. As long as people enter the great wasteland, no matter how serious they have committed before, they will not be held accountable. Of course, if that person If you leave the wasteland, you will still be hunted down."

Allen asked: "Why? Frios and the others have never been to the wasteland?"

Tracey "hush" and said: "Finally, don't directly mention the two supreme names. Maybe one of their unpredictable abilities can hear people calling their names. At least. , We all believe this."

Allen smiled, Frios and Spinak are both supreme, although he has not seen these two. But he had seen Orfascius and had a fight with the King of Justice in the shape of a giant. Perhaps among the hundreds of millions of creatures in the universe, there is probably a person like Allen who survived the fight with the Supreme. For many people, the two supreme beings are unreachable figures, and it is natural for them to feel awe from the bottom of their hearts, even Tracey is no exception. But for Allen, including Orfascius, the Supreme is just that he has no opponents.

He respects such existence, but he is not afraid of it.

Tracey continued: "It is strange to say that the two Supremes have indeed never been to the Great Wasteland and turned a deaf ear to this place. Otherwise, with the power of any one of them, it would be easy to bring the Great Wasteland into the territory. If that were the case, there would be no living space for us people."

"In other words, the great wasteland has actually existed for a long time." Allen looked out, and he had already seen a gray-white guard tower, which showed that they were about to enter the range of Baixi City: "That's strange, since the great wasteland It has existed for so long. Why have you only opened up the edge of the Forgotten Realm for so many years? I heard Nick say that now the territory controlled by a few big people is not all of the edge, even one-tenth of it. As far as the entire Forgotten Realm is concerned, I am afraid that you explore only one percent or even less of the area?"

"Before answering this question, Master, can you tell me. How many points did you use when you killed Azeroth that day?" Tracey asked instead.

Allen laughed, when a beam of light blasted from the front tower. It's just that the guideline was too bad, and the beam fell on the left side of the sled, only blowing up a pile of snow. Allen flicked his finger in the direction of the sentry tower, and a flash of scarlet light flashed away. After a while, the sentry tower was separated in the center, and someone could be seen screaming and falling from the top of the tower, but it was quickly swallowed by flames rising into the sky.

Looking at the exploding guard tower, Tracey was thoughtful, and three sledges passed near the guard tower quickly. Allen said at this time: "Let’s put it this way, if I want to, I can fight against the Supreme. Of course, it’s another matter whether I can win or not. But if I can, I don’t want to do that because I still can’t control it. That power, if you give me time, I think I can control it one day, and the more that power..."

Allen remembered the battle of the Heavenly Star. At that time, in the form of the Twilight Son, even Ofascius had to use the form of a Titan to fight him. However, based on the situation at the time, the difference between him and Orfascius was about 37 points. Moreover, he didn't know whether Orfascius had other hole cards hidden.

In short, in any case, Supreme is an existence that cannot be ignored.

Tracey took a hard breath. Although she hadn't known Ellen for long, she knew that this man could not speak big words. Since he said that he could go all out to fight against the supreme, then the facts are probably not far away. Even in the end, he still couldn't beat the Supreme, but when he was able to play against the Supreme, it was not something ordinary strong men could do. The woman calmed down and said, "That's it, master, your strength is so terrifying, but where are there so many terrifying characters in the wasteland? It takes a lot of manpower and financial resources to explore the Forgotten Realm, and it's not that no one has done it. , There have even been precedents for the strong to go deep into the area. But unfortunately, let alone the depths of the left, it starts from the middle. The terrain environment is more sinister, and dangerous creatures emerge in endlessly, so many expeditions Because of this, there is no return. Only a few people escaped back and brought back sporadic information. As for the strong man who went deep into the lost realm, I never saw him come back. The one at that time The strong, the strength is slightly stronger than the current Bone King..."

"So you see, being able to control some mineral veins in the marginal area, and building towns is already very good. If you want to truly explore the forgotten realm, I am afraid only two supreme can do it, but those two don't talk about themselves, even They are not allowed to approach."

Tracey paused and reminded: "Master, I can already see the walls of Baixi City."

Alan looked from the carriage, and sure enough, on the snowy field in the distance. When several strips of spatial light drifted across the sky, a white city wall could be seen below.

"Traceli, are there any strong women in the wasteland?" Allen asked again.

"Do you mean me?" Trisili laughed, and then seriously said: "If you mean a strong person at the same level as the Bone King, then there shouldn't be any. Why do you ask?"

"I was not in a trance in the cave before. In fact, I was trapped in the spiritual world of a woman at the time." Allen squinted and said: "On the snowy field, I saw her. The other party is extremely powerful. Spiritual power, she easily pulled away from my will, and then threw it into her spiritual world. I almost couldn't get out. Although there was no fight, but with such a strong spiritual power, I guess the strength of the opponent is not mine. Down, even higher."

"Maybe, it's quite close to the supreme level."

"What!" Trisley screamed, and said in a panic: "Close to the supreme level? Woman? God, did you meet her?"

"She?" Alan frowned. "Who is she?"

"She is a legend. No one knows her name, but there is a saying that she is the master of the Forgotten Realm." Trisley calmed down and said: "In the past exploratory team, there used to be a team that passed through silence. The Gate of Silence, that is the deepest place we know so far. But even so, the Gate of Silence should only be located in the middle of the whole territory. That team does not know what happened after the Gate of Silence, in short, most Everyone died, only one guy inside escaped back. His name is Rodo..."

"Rodo is not the strongest person in that team, but he is the one who is most afraid of death. He was forced to participate in that exploration, perhaps because he was afraid of death, so he escaped. In addition to describing what they saw and drawing the route of exploration into a map, he also told people one thing."

"About her..." Tracey's voice was like a dream: "When the sky became extremely dim, and even the firelight was weak, she came from the darkness. She was noble as a goddess, and the glittering fluorescent light came from Her white skin escaped, and the steel gravel that could pierce the boots was as gentle as a harmless carpet under her beautiful pair of bare feet. I swear I have never seen such a beautiful woman, but such a beautiful woman. , She brought death."

"She is the lord of the relic. She will not give or be merciful. She will take her life, bring death and loneliness..." Trisilio stopped, and said, "These words are not what I said. That's the description of her in the "Book of Rhodo". Because Rhodo didn't leave any information about her name, people would use her as the name when they mentioned the Great Wasteland..."

"She?" Allen shook his head, feeling a little confused. If the woman he met and Tracey said were the same person, then what was the meaning of this woman meeting him. And at the beginning ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ she seemed to misunderstand herself as another person, at that time she was gentle and beautiful. But when she realized she was not that person, she changed.

Just as Tracey had just described, she was transformed into death and loneliness. In fact, she almost made Alan's will perish forever.

"If you really met her, then Master, you are probably the first person who has ever seen her but is still alive. Oh my God..." Trisley suddenly pulled the snow beast, and the sleigh stopped on the snow. She smiled lightly and said: "We can only get here, and further ahead, it will be the firepower coverage of others."

Allen took a deep breath and put the thing about the woman in his heart for a while. He looked up and saw that Baixi City was already very close, so close that he could see the forts on the gray city wall.

He jumped out of the carriage.

ps: Let's resume two changes from today~~

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