Edge of the Apocalypse

Chapter 1268:   tyrannical

[Thanks to brothers such as Paradise, Brother Xiang, Lin Fengyuan, Book Friends 31440850, Yi Dongtian, hehe32423, Game World 9, Qingwu Qihuang and other brothers for their monthly rewards! Thank you for your support! ]

The fire illuminates Picka's face, and in front of him is a stove. There was a large pot on the stove with boiling paste. The cauldron stood on the stove and was close to three meters high. Pickup had to stand on a ladder to stir the contents of the pot with an iron rod. From time to time, he would pour some dyes and let their pastes mix together. After stirring, these things cooled and became materials of various colors.

In fact, if the pickup is willing, it doesn't have to be so troublesome. Some machines replace these primitive tools. But he would rather use these primitive tools, and personally, and said that the works produced in this way have a soul.

Like the sculpture of Lucy in the hall, it is said that even Lucy himself was full of praise when he saw it.

When the second pot of colored paste for pickup is about to be completed, soldiers should not report: "My lord, our No. 3 guard tower is under attack..."

Pickup didn't look back, still staring at the cauldron intently. He has to master the heat well, and he won’t be able to get one point late or one point faster: "Who did it?"

"It's not clear at the moment, I only know that the other party has three sleds."

"That's a blow up."

"Yes, sir. There is another thing. The soldiers who hunted down the remaining party in Luguang Town have not returned. Did they send a search team?"

Pickup snorted, "That bunch of trash can't even do this. Leave them alone, if they tell the other party to slaughter them, it will only prove the fact that they are useless. I don't raise trash..."

Suddenly the sound of cannons rang out from the window.

Pika squinted his eyes, finally leaving the cauldron and looking out the window: "What's the matter?"

The soldier could not answer, but soon there were footsteps outside, and another soldier ran in and reported: "Oh, my lord, we were attacked."

"Oh? Who did it?"

"...A man whose identity is unknown." the soldier said hesitantly.

Picka sneered: "When did you not even handle a single person. I thought it was an army... Wait, you said a man. What does he look like?"

The soldier gestured for a while and said: "White skin, short hair, looks like a human..."

"Human?" Pickup jumped off the ladder: "Could it be the master of Greenlight Town? But didn't his messenger arrived yesterday? How could it be so fast? Have you seen it clearly? He is indeed the only one without an army?"

"No, sir. The opponent has only a few entourages, but those entourages don't seem to be ready to participate in the battle."

After listening to Pika, instead of letting go, he frowned even more: "In other words, that person thinks that he is strong enough to match an army..."

He remembered the will that swept over Baixi City not long ago. If the new owner of Green Light Town was not far away from Baixi City, then all this would make sense. But because of this, Picka felt extremely heavy in his heart: "Report to Master Lucy, and order the city defense to use the main energy gun for me immediately. No, all weapon systems are used, come on!"

Seeing that the pickup truck looked like an enemy, the two soldiers looked at each other. They had never seen the city lord so angrily and frustrated, and they always remembered that the pickup was always calm, but now his eyes were bloodshot and his expression was terrifying.

The two soldiers hurriedly left and separated to complete the city lord's order. Pickup sighed and walked out of the studio with heavy steps. He returned to his room, pressed a light button on the wall, and a metal bracket protruded from the opposite wall, on which a set of gray-white armor was placed. Pickup took a deep breath: "I hope I can still wear it..."

At this time, the paste in the studio had broken down, which was the first time for pickups.

The flames flickered outside the city.

Tracey was sitting on the sleigh with her chin in her hands, and she smiled and watched the flying light and fireworks in the distance. Behind her, several soldiers were already dumbfounded. Just now, Allen asked them to stand by and walked towards Baixi City. He doesn't walk fast, like walking in his courtyard. Of course, the defenders of Baixi City couldn't let him sway on the wall, so the opponent tentatively shot a few beams of light.

It's a pity that those few beams were either too bad in the guideline or just bounced off Allen.

In this way, Baixicheng is also not welcome. The defensive turrets and multiple beam cannons on the city wall were activated one by one, plus the beam guns in the soldiers' hands. For a time, hundreds of thousands of light spots bloomed on the head of the city, and the next moment a massive attack fell on Allen's head.

Allen just stretched out a finger and drew a circle in front of him, and a circular space crack opened immediately, and an arc-shaped barrier was formed in front of Allen. Those attacks that fell on Allen's head all fell into the Skyfire Void, but they didn't even hurt Alan's hair. This hand was learned from Stark, and Allen had learned the same way, but he also protected well, which was more effective than any defensive barrier.

In this way, Allen walked towards the wall of Baixi City with the sky of artillery fire. This scene fell in the eyes of the opposing defender, naturally frightened. It's not that they haven't seen the strong, but they haven't seen anyone who can treat the sky like nothing like Alan. To be honest, under such firepower bombing, even if they usually respect the gods of the city owner Pickup, they will never be able to be as leisurely as Alan.

At this time, pickup's order was finally passed down. The biggest killer in the city defense weapon system, the main energy gun "White Devil" named after Lucy's name has been lifted. A building behind the city wall was separated from the two sides, and a gray-white gun barrel was stretched out. There is a circle of blood-red lines around the barrel. When all the red lines lit up, the muzzle buzzed, and a group of white light lit up.

Allen finally stopped.

He removed the space barrier and raised his eyes to look at the main energy gun on the opposite side. It can be felt that the energy breath of the muzzle is getting stronger. After charging for three seconds, a blazing white light beam blasted out from the muzzle. This light beam was as thick as an oil barrel and brought an astonishing sense of oppression. It slid across the snowy field outside the city, as if to divide the world into two, diagonally towards Allen.

"It's amazing. A white tin city has weapons like the main energy gun. Lucy is really a big business." Allen took a deep breath, his complexion turned red, red and purple. Immediately, the mighty power rose to the sky, and the majestic energy flowed around him. He looked at the expanding white light, and said lightly: "Compared to that, it's not enough."

What he was talking about was the dark gold beam of light blasted by the mysterious woman in the spiritual world. Compared with that beam of light, this energy beam was nothing short of a shame.

Allen swept across.

Zhang Feng wrapped a circle of gray and white secret flames, and he swept on the energy beam. Suddenly shouting, the palm front pressed the energy beam to change the trajectory, turning along the palm to the right side of Allen. The soldiers on the wall were dumbfounded, everyone felt that their jaws were falling. The energy beam blasted by the white devil was unexpectedly changed by Allen with the palm of his hand, and flew to the far side of the snowy field on the right, finally exploding a blazing flame in the distant darkness.

The ground vibrated strongly, telling the power of this gun from another side. But compared to the power of the main gun, Allen, who changed the beam trajectory, was even more surprising. Putting on the armor, the pickup standing on the roof top just saw this scene, so the look on the city lord's face became more solemn.

On the snow outside the city, after Alan swept the beam of light, he held on to the hilt of the Scarlet King, his power rose instead of decreasing. He looked at the open guard wall of Baixi City and murmured: "After this cut, the righteous should be on the court."

With a thumb on the handle of the knife, Chi Wang unsheathed.

A gray light rose on the snowy field.

The gray light flashed towards Baixi City.

Every time it advances, the light stretches for tens of meters. When it was about to get close to the guard wall, the gray light was more than kilometer long. The gray light instantly submerged into the guard wall, and the guard wall reinforced with scale iron seemed nothing in front of the light. The soldiers on the wall watched the gray light flashing from behind the city wall, and then continued to advance, continuing to go away, like a gray tide spreading across the city. From a high altitude, Baixi City is like a piece of milky white cheese cut through.

On the rooftop, watching the gray tide enter the city. Pickup just wanted to intercept, the light had already passed by the building under him, and he went away in a blink of an eye.

Eventually it disappeared from the sight of the city lord.

After a while, a gray flame rose from the direction of the city wall, and then the whole city was like a mouthful. Erupting like a volcano. Taking the height crossed by the gray light as the boundary, no matter the building or the space above the boundary line, a gray fire is sprayed toward the sky! Under the horrible high temperature of the Void Secret Flame, both matter and life were burned into nothingness in an instant. The soldiers on the walls disappeared into the Cangyan with many weapon systems before they even had time to shout.

After the eruption of Cangyan was over ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Pickup got up from the ground embarrassedly. He was keenly aware that the source force of the entire space surged crazily, but the space below the gray light was surprisingly calm. Thanks to his decisive action, he immediately rushed to the ground from the rooftop to escape the disaster. Otherwise, he would be unlucky even if he was exposed to the breath of Void Secret Flame.

At this moment, Pika looked at the city where he had stayed for many years in a daze, and he was flattened by the knife just now. He had tried his best to overestimate Alan, but only then did he know that the new owner of Green Light Town was so powerful!

Until this moment, the surviving residents crawled out of the remaining half of the building screaming, and all fell on the street. The cry made Picka come back to his senses and reminded him that there is a powerful enemy outside the city. With a bitter smile, he raised his foot and walked outside the city.

Outside the city, Alan was not surprised at Baixicheng whose vision had clearly widened. In the state of the second stage of blood reversal, if the one-style burst of the city cut out with the void secret flame does not have this power, then it is really a hell. His complexion has returned to normal, and the Scarlet King has returned to his sheath, but he did not rush into the city.

He is waiting.

Then he saw that only half of the remaining city gate fell to the ground, and a figure that could not be called a tall figure emerged from the inside, so he knew the waiting person was coming.

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