Edge of the Apocalypse

Chapter 1269:   only 1 dollar

Picka's expression is ugly, his figure is not tall, and the tailor-made armor is not powerful. Coupled with the ugly expression now, in fact, if it weren't for the breath that naturally escaped from his body, it would be difficult to connect him with a strong man. At this moment, he looked more like the kind of businessman whose business failed, his face was full of sorrow, wrinkles and twists on his face, and he was almost inseparable when he twisted into a ball.

The entire Baixi City has been called for someone to give. As the master of a city, how can Picka let go. He doesn't know how to confess to Lucy. Of course, the premise is that he can survive. Otherwise, if he died today, it wouldn't matter what to confess.

Allen looked at him with a knife and said, "I thought you wouldn't come out."

"As the lord of a city, the city is alive, and the city is dead. I still have this awareness." Picka took a deep breath, staring at Alan with his eyes, not daring to let any of his movements easily. : "If I guessed correctly, you are the Dark King?"

Allen nodded.

"Master Allen is really strong, and he destroyed Master Lucy's Baixi City with a single stab. But didn't you think it was too much? This is an open declaration of war on Master Lucy!" Picka's voice became more severe, and it was difficult to face him I dared to ask aloud about a super power like Allen. Changed to the iron hand of Luguang Town that day, to see Alan's true strength, he was afraid that he would have given up his weapons and surrendered.

Allen said tepidly: "Declare war? If I remember correctly, it was you who killed my subordinates first. According to the rules, it was the white devil who declared war first. I was just fighting."

Pickup choked to this sentence, after all, this is the case. And if Allen held on to this point, he would not be able to drag the bone king Zasso and other big men into the water. After all, in accordance with the rules of the Great Wasteland, it is now considered the White Devil's side to provocate first, and Allen will fight, and other characters will not interfere, nor can they interfere.

Pickup rolled his eyes and wanted to say something. Suddenly Allen surged into a powerful force, and he was so overwhelmed that he could not speak. Allen looked at him coldly and said, "Okay, don't just talk nonsense. Now you have only two choices, one is to serve me, just like Tracey over there. The second is to let me take Your corpse is sent to the Hall of Depravity, and for your loyalty, I think Lucy will bury you lavishly."

"So, tell me, which one do you plan to choose?"

Pickup only felt that Allen's energy was a little loose before he could say: "I don't want to choose either."

"That's worse. It seems that you have chosen a path that cannot be worse." Allen shook his head: "I don't understand, Lucy is worthy of your life."

"It's not what you think. It is true that you are terrible, but I think Master Lucy is even more terrifying, so I just don't like you purely." Pickup was honest, and uttered what he thought.

Allen shrugged helplessly, and suddenly shouted in the direction of the city: "All those who don't want to die, get out of here. Give you three minutes."

Looking at the pickup again: "Are you okay?"

"Not at all, but thank you." Picka sneered: "But you are not hypocritical, my lord? If you want to spare the people in the city, why not say it before the war begins."

Allen said lightly: "Do you think it's useful to just shout without cutting a knife into the city?"

Pickup is speechless again. Think about it, if Allen didn't show that terrifying power, I am afraid that he would only be a joke to the people in the city. Now it was another matter. Residents kept escaping from Baixi City. They crawled and evacuated far away. Seeing Alan and Picka's formation, everyone knew that the next battle would be a shocking battle. The strong confronted and rushed into the circle of war, I'm afraid I didn't even know that he was dead.

Three minutes later, the person was almost gone, and Picka exhaled, "It seems we can start."

"You seem to have confidence in yourself?" Allen held the handle of the knife in his hand and made a move that could be released at any time.

Picka shook his head: "No, in fact I know that this battle will die. But I think I can weaken your strength for Master Lucy, that's enough."

After speaking with a violent shout, the gray flames of Yuanli light gushing out from the pickup, and Yuanli Guanghui condenses behind him into a giant beast with teeth and claws. The pickup's energy is rising steadily, and it seems that he intends to fight with all his strength in one breath . No temptation, only go all out!

Allen glanced at him indifferently and said, "You are wrong. In fact, you can't hurt me at all."

The natural disaster circuit in the body lights up, and the five nodes on Alan's body light up, and the aura on his body immediately becomes lonely and vast, like an ancient behemoth waking up from its deep sleep, still carrying the endless years of passing. the taste of. Allen pointed towards Pickup, and immediately, a circle of purple light appeared under the feet of City Lord Baixi. None of these symbol pickups knew, but from these light symbols, pickups smelled of danger.

He rushed up.

When he was ascended, he saw so many light charms on the snowy field. They were densely covered with the entire land, and even the broken buildings in Baixi City were covered with light charms.

Then all the light symbols floated up, and the circles swung into the air, forming a purple beam of light.

Pickup was in this beam of light. He just wanted to rush out of the beam of light, and countless light symbols had already been gathered, all printed on his body. Every time a light talisman is branded, the breath of the pickup drops by one point. After the light charms were printed all over his body, he was shocked to realize that his source power had dropped crazily. In a blink of an eye, it has fallen below the 30th level, and finally stopped at the level of 29th, but the pickup has a face of earth.

He doesn't even have the source power at level 30, how to deal with a super power like Allen? No wonder he said just now that he had no chance to hurt him at all.

"What ability is this?" Pickup exclaimed.

With a flower in front of him, Allen appeared in front of him. The hilt of King Chi's knife hit the city lord's chest, and a strong push made the pickup fall into the city. He flew out obliquely, making an amazing howling sound in the air like a cannonball, and finally disappeared behind the city wall. After a while, a few buildings with only a section left toppled and collapsed.

Allen leaned forward slightly and disappeared. When he reappeared, he had already come to Pickup. Pickup was pushing a few boulders away, and he felt his chest burn. He looked down, a blade of gray flames entangled in his body at some point, and then shocking warmth spread from his body. Suddenly, Pickup felt as if his body had been hollowed out, becoming extremely empty. He looked up with difficulty, but Alan's figure in his eyes became increasingly blurred.

When his consciousness was about to disappear, he heard Alan say: "That is called Judgment Day, but unfortunately, you can't tell Lucy about this trick..."

After Alan finished speaking, he looked down. Pika had stopped breathing, and then blazing blue flames spurted from his eyes and mouth. After the Void Secret Flame burned his five internal organs, he incinerated his corpse, not even a single cell was left. Allen took back the Scarlet King and slapped his head: "Oops, I forgot to leave the body of the strong man for Mitinas..."

Tracey could hardly believe her eyes when she saw Alan walk out of the city gate. She rubbed her eyes vigorously, followed by a flash, and went a hundred meters away. After several flashes, she came to Ellen like a gust of wind, and asked at the beginning: "Master, have you killed the pickup?"

"Yeah." Allen nodded.

Tracey screamed: "So fast? Although the pickup is not as good as Azer's, then this guy is not easy. You, you, you, how many dollars did you make?"

Allen stretched out a finger and shook it in front of her eyes: "Fun, I have pulled his source strength to the twenty-ninth level, and can't kill him with a single blow, then what shall I do to deal with the white devil. But you can a little Render it up and make this battle look more grand, so that Lucy can underestimate me a bit, then I can save a bit of effort."

Tracey nodded vigorously, and then asked: "You still hid such a hand, my God, I have never heard of any ability that can lower the opponent's source power level. Then can't you pull the Supreme? To the same level as myself..."

"It's beautiful." Allen shook his head and said, "This trick is not effective for the Supreme. If it was so convenient, I would have gone to the Magic Ring City. Why would I stay in this place?"

Tracey thought for a while, pestering him and said, "What about Azeroth?"

"It's useful, but the effect will not be too obvious. At most, it will lower the source power level by one or two."

"But that's also an advantage, why didn't you use it at the time."

Allen laughed: "Because that was my first battle in the wasteland, the real battle, to stand up."

He beckoned to the soldiers in the distance~www.wuxiaspot.com~ and then walked back to Baixi City with Tracey, and crossed the fallen city gate, Allen said: "Okay, now we can take over Baixi City Up."

Tracey looked at the city that had been flattened by Allen, and couldn't help but laugh: "I think it takes more effort to rebuild it."

Allen also smiled awkwardly. Indeed, now Baixi City is like a ruin, and it seems that there is no actual meaning to accept it or not. But no matter what, Lucy's site has fallen into his pocket. As for the city as long as it is rebuilt, the two green glaze crystals and the veins of scale iron are still there, so there is no fear that the city will not be able to thrive again. In the great wasteland, as long as there are strong people and resources, there is everything!

Outside the city, among the crowd looking at Baixi City tremblingly, a soldier quietly sent a message to the Fallen Hall. In addition to the text, the message also carried a picture of the current Baixi City. Two hours later, Lucy in the Fallen Hall received this message. When he looked at the low-rise city in the hologram, Lucy's mouth made a light "guck".

Cardan, the captain of his guard, looked at Lucy with a bleak expression. Suddenly Lucy yelled, stepped on the holographic display and yelled, "Asshole! Madman! This just ate the **** territory, You can't wait to shoot at me, you are not afraid to die!"

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