Edge of the Apocalypse

Chapter 1270:  Rhodo Book

"My lord, what should we do?" Cardan asked cautiously.

Lucy jumped beside him with punches and kicks, like a madman. Fortunately, he paid more attention to the severity, so he didn't beat his guard captain alive. After a breathtaking, Lucy cursed: "Idiot, what else can we do, of course, send troops. If we didn't do anything. , What do you think the old fellow Zasso would think? And the people we sent to Greenlight Town did not come back, I'm afraid they won't come back either. The fellow Ramer is still waiting for news. I'm afraid he will be impatient."

"Alright, let's send troops, first razing the town of Luguang, and then regaining Baixi City, and inquiring about the guy Ramer by the way." Lucy turned the hall a few times: "But I have to pull the old guy at Zasso Just let me know, so I don’t want the two **** Kegasi and Rebeek to move around when I am away."

"I'll tell Master Zasso for you." Despite his bruise and swollen face, Kadan jumped up neatly, and then backed away from the hall of corruption.

Lucy turned a few more times before stopping. He faced the direction of Green Light Town and said bitterly: "Wait for me, that **** named Allen. You will soon find that you have chosen the wrong opponent! "

Three days after receiving Baixi City.

Allen came to the second floor of Picka’s house alone, which originally had four floors and a spacious roof. But after Allen smashed the city that day, there were barely two floors left in the house. The ceiling of the second floor was long gone, so the original room became a terrace. Allen stood on this "terrace" and looked into the city. There was a scene of busy work everywhere.

After taking over Baixi City, Allen was generous and hid the pickup in a few boxes in the basement to wait for the green crystals to take out and distribute them to the residents in the city for the purpose of restoring the city. With money, there is motivation, and those who have survived are devoted to reconstruction. For them, there is no big difference between who is the owner of the city, and Alan seems to be much more generous than the original owner, so the city reconstruction work started smoothly.

It is not a job that can be completed in a short period of time just to restore it to the original state.

"Master, it turns out that you are here, see what I found!" Trisili rushed over, and now the healing ring she was wearing was taken off. The wrist bones have been reconnected, and apart from a faint red trace on the skin, there is nothing unusual. But Tracey was still unable to make a full shot, and it would take at least ten days to return to normal levels.

At the moment she was holding a thick book in her hand, and she placed the book on a broken post next to Alan. You can see that the writing is still covered with dust. It looks like the book is quite old. There is a line of Aregas on the cover. Allen read it out: "The Book of Rhodo?"

"Yes, the book of Rhodo, and it is Rondo's manuscript." Trisili patted the cover of the book, but coughed a few times at the dust coming up. She simply blew on the book cover, blowing away the dust, and said: "Unexpectedly, Pickup is still a collector, and it is really interesting to collect Rondo's manuscripts."

On the snowy field that day, Tracey also mentioned this Barr named Rodo, who was a survivor of an expedition that year. The border map of the Forsaken Realm now uses the version handed down by the Bal people named Rodo. In addition to the map, the Baer also wrote a book about his adventure experience, and it is also the "Book of Rhodo" spread in the wasteland. It is almost a textbook for people to understand the Land of Lost.

However, the manuscript that Trisili found now was Rodo's manuscript, which was naturally much more precious than the current version. Because the current version is reduced on the basis of the original version, and some parts that most people think are of no value have been removed. But if you want to truly understand all that Rodo experienced back then, naturally you have to read his manuscripts. Allen was trying to learn more about the mysterious woman, and now Rondo's manuscript is in front of him, of course he would not let it go.

"This is really an unexpected gain, how can I thank you?" Allen held up the book of Rhodo and looked at Tracey.

Tracey opened her mouth to say something, but Allen said in advance: "Only that matter will not work."

Tracey immediately became angry and exclaimed: "Do you really think I am more anxious than your men? I just want to hear your previous stories, bastard!"

She ran away angrily, and Allen shook his head and laughed. He looked downstairs, Tracey was rushing out of the door with a violent aura. Alan stopped her and said, "I was wrong this time. As for my story, I will tell you when I have a chance. of."

The woman downstairs paused, then turned her head and compared her **** rudely to Alan, but the evil spirit on her face was reduced a bit, and finally there was a smile on her face when she left.

Allen held the book and sat down, and a skyfire popped out with his fingers, and a small fire was built nearby. By the light of the fire, he opened the cover of the book, and the first thing he saw was a map. Obviously, this map is not finished yet, and it can't even be semi-finished. Because this map occupies two pages, in fact, only one corner is marked. Allen recognized this corner, it was the edge of the Forgotten Realm.

As for more places, it is a blank, only a circle of dotted lines outlines the territory of the Lost Realm. It's just that Rhodo never walked into the perfect state, so except for the marginal area, other places are only represented by dotted lines. However, in the large unfilled space on the map, only a circle was drawn in the center, on which the word was written in Agareth's text: She!

she was? Could it be that woman. Allen thought, with this question, he turned to the next side.

When the first notice was a date, followed by the text, Allen looked at these words, and then read them out lightly: "...When I dragged the **** Hawk up from the warm bed, I thought that bad luck was about to come. The truth is the same for me. But my later experience let me know that in addition to nightmares and some unfortunate things, there are actually beautiful things in this trip. So I recorded them, I am Rhodo, a bad luck Lucky fool."

Rhodo’s book basically records everything that the expedition went through in a diary, but the author of this book has a lot of ink and recorded too much detail, so he even recorded some of his own trivial matters. It's no wonder that the later version will be cut a lot, otherwise who can watch it, and who has such a great interest to see the trivial things of a Baer, ​​especially these things are not interesting.

Allen glanced at ten lines, skipping the unimportant events in the book one by one. After turning over ten pages in a row, I saw the description of the expedition's departure, which shows how long-winded this guy named Luo Duo should be. Allen shook his head as he watched, but the content of the book finally got to the point, so he slowed down his reading and looked at it carefully.

"...Sure enough, there are treasures everywhere in the Forsaken Realm~www.wuxiaspot.com~No, we just discovered the scale iron mine. Hawke said that when he comes back, he will make his home here, and he will not give his life to any big man in the future. , He concentrated on digging his scale iron. Well, this guy really thinks he is the same thing, and I don’t know who the scale iron ore here will fall into the hands of a big man after he returns. Anyway, no matter who it is, also It won't be me or Hawke, after all we are all small characters..."

The part recorded in the book should be the former site of Baixi City. At that time, it was still a wasteland. It was not until Lodo and his team discovered the veins of green glaze and scale iron that they were gradually developed. During the next journey of that expedition, they discovered other mineral deposits one after another, and Allen believed that those places were now controlled by the Bone King Zasso and other big figures.

In addition to recording the mineral veins found in the book, it also describes the dangers encountered during the expedition. The biggest danger is the force field that affects various instruments and the endless emergence of ferocious alien beasts. Especially the latter, in Rhodo's record, it seems that the expedition encounters these beasts every day, and there are successive casualties. It can be imagined that it was difficult to explore this land.

Rhodo used two-thirds of the content to record the exploration of the entire edge zone. For the division of this area, Rhodo used the Rhodo Mountains as the boundary between the edge zone and the central area, and entered the central area. There is only one gate, and that is the southern end of the mountain range, close to the Lodo Pass in Baixi City.

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