Edge of the Apocalypse

Chapter 1271:  The Curtain of Time (1)

"...We walked from north to south, along the foot of the mountain." Allen chanted the words of the Book of Rhodo under the firelight, the firelight illuminating his young face. At this moment, he looked like he had studied at Liming Academy, focused, serious, and eager to learn more from books.

——We walked from north to south, along the foot of the mountain. The journey is definitely not a pleasant one. In the dim snowfield, the snow often covers your knees. I swear that if your legs and feet are not flexible in the future, it is definitely the fault of these **** snow. Occasionally, we would stop. At that time, everyone was busy resting. Even if we were still strong, we could barely stand and scare the wandering beasts in the distance. I look up at this ridge that extends to the south on the right side of the team. I wonder if it has an end, or does it just extend to the end of the world?

More than a month has passed since the start of the fight. To be honest, I have no hope of the team's prospects. I bet that the place we are walking now is only the edge of the Land of Forgotten Land, and Lord Sinan, who led the team, always said that maybe we have to look over the ridge. Damn, I hope he doesn't put this idea into action, walking at the foot of the mountain is already dangerous. Over the mountains and mountains, God knows what will happen?

Maybe only Master Sinan survived in the end? That's right, this is what I thought at the time. At least at that time, I didn't expect the strongest person in the team to die, but a bug like me that could be pinched to death survived. This is beyond the fun of fate, you never know what will happen tomorrow. That is a mystery, a mystery that can never be solved. ——

After reading this, Alan couldn't help but quickly scan. This Barr named Rodo likes to waste pen and ink on trivial matters, and it seems to him that recording these trivial matters is far more interesting than the details of the expedition. Of course, if you read it as a travel notebook, Allen doesn't mind savoring it. It's a pity that now, he wants to know more about the Forgotten Realm and the woman.

He quickly turned a page, a whole page of content, Rhodo recorded only a quarrel, complaints about food, and a lot of psychological self-narration. The fateful thing is that the contents of the next two pages are similar, except for a beast's sudden attack, which recorded several attack patterns of alien beasts, which made Alan take a few more glances.

Fortunately, after turning a page, the expedition made a new discovery.

——It took a full 15 days, yes, it took us 15 days to see the end of the mountain range. It starts from the north and winds its way to the southwest. At this point, the mountain has long lost its majesty to the north, the peak has turned into a low slope, and the steep mountain has become a flat ground. We finally found the door to the depths of the desert. At that time, I had already made a very wise decision. That ridge and this gate will definitely be named after me.

In fact, they are now the Rhodo Mountains and Rhodo Pass.

Yes, at the moment the team has arrived at the Rhodo Pass. I originally thought that the team had explored this and the mission was over. After all, the team has been reduced, and the materials are not very sufficient. Even the Sinan-sama who led the team was injured. If you let me say, we better go back. I swear, following the team's control for so long, what I did should have paid off Hawke's bet.

But **** it, Lord Sinan asked to go deeper. At this time, someone finally couldn't help it, but it was a pity that the two disagreeing guys were very weak. Only two quarrels with Lord Sinan, and then he got his head off. This made me realize one thing more clearly. In this land, bed bugs have no right to speak, so I chose to obediently close my mouth.

This is really a wise decision.

After a day's rest, here I have to speak a fair word for Sir Sinan, who is not eager to explore and lose his head. At least, he let everyone rest for a day. I know this is not a big deal for everyone who is reading at this moment, but if you consider our situation at the time, then you will know how extravagant it is to have a precious rest time one day.

Praise adults.

In fact, I want to talk about what happened during the day. Trust me, it's fun. But when I think about what happened after going deep into the legacy, I can’t wait to share with you. That was the best time in my life. Although it was only a few tens of seconds, this beauty made me remember it in my heart. It will be carved in the depths of my soul, if I have that thing.

In short, whether we like it or not, Sinan drove us out of the warm blanket like a livestock. We sorted our supplies, brought equipment, and passed this great gate in the dim light. Yes, Rhodo Pass, it is an important journey monument in our exploration of the heritage. Our predecessors have never been so far. We paid a huge price and we passed this gate under the leadership of a stubborn adult.

As I said before, tomorrow will always be unknown, a mystery. And now, we plunged headlong into the unknown world, like a blind man crossing the river by feeling the stones, we don't know what is waiting for us.

Okay, now I know. That is the abyss, the abyss that swallows everything. But if I was given another chance to choose, I would still plunge into the abyss without hesitation. Because in the abyss, there is her. ——

After reading this, Alan stopped: "She? Is that woman?"

Footsteps rang, he raised his head, and Tracey came over. Behind her there were two soldiers. They brought food and blankets. After asking them to put the things down, Tracey sent them away, then spread the blankets for Allen, and said: "It seems that you plan to finish this book today. I think you will not be anywhere before you finish. Will go, so I asked them to bring food..."

"Thank you, Tracey." Allen was not polite, although he was not hungry, but out of politeness, he picked up the food next to him and ate it.

"How about it, did you see something useful?" Trisley asked.

Allen nodded and said, "Just read the interesting part."

"Really? I think I disturbed you."

"Nothing, if you want, you can stay and watch it together."

Tracey smiled and said, "I can't find a reason to refuse."

She spread the quilt, walked to Alan and sat down, holding the book of Rodo, and said: "Let me read it to you, you eat. Where do you read it, oh, Rodo Pass... Let me see. Let’s start from here..."

"...It took us a whole day just to go through the gate..."

Trisley's low voice sounded in her ears, her voice seemed to be coming from far away, like the wind telling stories from a long time ago. Allen ate, but listened engrossedly, refusing to let go of any details.

——Just passing through the gate took us a whole day. This is still passing through the ground. It is conceivable that if it was really like what Sir Sinan said, it would take several days even if everything went well. Fortunately, there was no danger on this day, as if the **** of luck was watching us. That guy Hawke bit an alien beast the other day, and now he can only lie on a stretcher. Poor fellow, Lord Sinan said that his leg might not be able to keep it, so in the future, maybe people will call him Lame Hawk? That's not bad, the **** won't want to catch me anymore.

Oh, I shouldn't seem to be so sympathetic. But the fact is, I don't like that guy, and of course I don't like anyone on the team. Including Lord Sinan, because without him, I might be on the way back happily now. But if I go back at this time, I won't see her again. So life is often full of contradictions. Sometimes you want to get something, but you often have to abandon others first.

After passing the Rhodo Pass, he walked for more than half a day, passing through an undulating hill. Let me talk about this hill, this is the most depressing and eerie hilly area I have ever seen. When we came out of the pass, I saw it. A gray bag of soil is piled on the earth, and there is a band of icy light drifting in the sky, and the oppressive cold light is like the starlight under the deep night before dawn. Even though the sky is dim for many years in the remains, it is no different from the night, but it has never given me such a depressed feeling at this moment. Especially when the temperatureless rays of light fell on the gray dirt bags on the ground, I seemed to see a cemetery.

An ancient cemetery.

Since those soil bags are tombs, are the bodies of gods and demons buried under the tombs?

In short, even Sinan-sama couldn't stand the depressed atmosphere here. We used the fastest speed to pass through this hilly area~www.wuxiaspot.com~ This place should be called the shadowy hill now. Isn't the name very apt?

In these three days of crossing the gloomy hills, I spent my heart beating. Even if nothing dangerous happened, the dangerous atmosphere could not surround it. Even the wind blowing from the mountain package made me feel scared. Behind those dirt bags, it seemed that there were even more eyes staring at me. I thought more than once that those resentful souls were always telling their misfortunes and wanted to drag me into the same misfortune.

For the first time, I was troubled by such a rich imagination.

But looking at other people, it seems that I am not the only one who is annoyed, and even Lord Sinan is a lot more silent than usual, and more than once looked east at the place where we came during the rest.

I think he may regret it, but the dignity of the strong prevents him from going back. Finally, three days later, we passed through the hill, a flat ground spread under our feet, and the other end was hidden in darkness. Although everyone was tired and lacking, everyone wanted to stay as far away from the hills as possible, so the team continued to advance until we saw something weird.

Those were some stone bars that were put in the shape of a gate. This place is now called the Gate of Sighs. ——

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