Edge of the Apocalypse

Chapter 1272:  The Curtain of Time (2)

[Thanks to the brothers such as Fat Dudu, Qingdong, Doomsday Knight, Xiang, Chuan Fat, Gray Riverbank GZK, etc. for their monthly rewards! Thank you Feng Mu Chunjiang for your approval and suggestions, Lao Chen will work hard~~]

"...We are fortunate that after leaving the ghost place, there is finally a flat ground to rest on. Hawke's leg really broke, and Lord Sinan helped him chop off the bad leg. The old guy screamed in pain. , The cry is shriller than a woman, it really laughs me to death... how should I read this word."

Under the firelight, Tracey had a quietness that she didn't usually have. Now her eyebrows are drooping, her expression is peaceful, and she doesn't have the **** murderousness that usually happens. She looked like a hard-working student, moved the book to Alan, pointed to one of the words and asked.

Allen had finished eating, took the book and smiled: "I'll read it."

Tracey smiled and did not refuse, she hugged her legs, rested her head on her knees, and looked at Ellen with her face sideways.

Allen continued to read: "...but I can't laugh now, because on this flat ground, I see some weird things..."

——Those are some thick and big stones, I guess even if Hawke's leg is still there, he can't hold them. Oh my God, they are so thick that they can only be hugged by two or three people. These rough things are put together, I want to say that such a shape will never be natural. Usually three stone strips are put together, one is placed horizontally, and underneath is two vertical stone strips as supports, they constitute something. Some people say it is a symbol, but I think it looks more like a door.

There are three such "doors" in total, facing the endless darkness of the West. I don’t know who made this kind of thing, let alone what it means, but it’s perfect to be used as a sign on a map. What I have to say at this point is that I did not name it the Gate of Sighs at the time, but just called them "gate". It's just what happened next that made me decide to use the name now.

Then again, it was late when we got near the "door", the hourglass pointed to the middle of the night, and Lord Sinan let everyone rest on the spot. There is no better order than this. The only regret is that I have to sleep with Hawke. The smell of herbs on his broken leg is so strong that I can't sleep. But my body was tired and dying, so in such a contradiction, I finally fell asleep deeply, lost to sleep.

I don't know how long I slept, but I woke up after hearing a sound.

It was singing, someone and a woman were singing. In such a night, it flows slowly through my heart like a stream, and the song is so soft, as gentle as the evening breeze. It appears from time to time, and seems to come from a long distance. The strange thing is that I can't understand the language she sings. I'm sure it's not the language on Agareth. Don't look at me like this, in fact, I can be regarded as half a language expert. There are many dialects on Agareth, and even Great Wasteland has as many as seven or eight. But no matter which language, their pronunciation has some things in common. I am sure that the woman who sings does not use any known language, because her pronunciation and intonation are very different from ours.

But no matter what, because of the beautiful singing, even after so long time, every time I think of it, I never forget it. But at the time, besides being intoxicated, I was also scared. I am a coward and a bug, but I am not a fool. Even Sinan-sama walked to this plain, too tired, I don't think anyone else can come here easily. And is a woman, she even has the heart to sing?

Here I tried to use some homophonic words in Common Language to record the lyrics she sang. Maybe someone will know what language she uses. ——

Alan paused when he saw this, and sure enough there were a few lines of meaningless words below. He read these words in Agareth's language. At first he didn't think there was anything, but the more he read them, the more he felt wrong. Because these pronunciations are 80% similar to Eboins' words! Does that woman use the language of this ancient civilization? If so, her identity is really problematic.

Seeing Alan's face changed, Tracey raised her head: "What's wrong? Is there something wrong?"

"No..." Allen shook his head: "I thought of something, but I'm still not sure. Forget it, let's take a look at what else our Mr. Rodo has experienced since then."

Tracey reached out and took the book and said, "I will read it, where do you see...oh, I found it."

——If it weren't for the explorer who came from the edge like us, who would this woman be? Could it be the indigenous people in the forgotten realm? There are still people living in this mysterious land. No matter who it is, I don't think the background is that simple.

I'll shake Hawk up, but this guy is so tired. I guess even if I kill him now, he won't know, he will only die in a dream. I really want to do this, but forget it after thinking about it. It’s not that I’m kind, but Lord Sinan will kill me.

I left the account alone, and then I saw the unforgettable beauty of my life.

Those of you who are reading this book, you can’t imagine that the sky in the Land of Lost will be so beautiful. This ever-groggy sky, occasionally only with dangerous lights, was surprisingly beautiful that night. As if the gloomy sky had disappeared, I saw the gleaming fluorescent lights in the sky, just like the stars in the sky in the night. When I was intoxicated by the beautiful scenery, I heard footsteps.

I saw her!

At first, I only saw a hazy shadow. As if coming from a dream, she came from the middle of the three "doors". There was darkness behind the door, but her body was glowing in the darkness. Countless flashes of light flew away from every inch of her skin, illuminating the darkness. Even though I can't remember her appearance, I will never forget her fair skin and the beautiful barefoot walking on steel gravel.

She is a goddess, the most beautiful thing I have ever seen in my life. Even if she exhausts the most gorgeous words in the world, she cannot sing her beauty. She just passed the "door" and walked towards me. At the time I thought, if she wanted to take my life away, I would follow her at will.

But I finally came back.

She didn't take me, but other people. Of course, it is their lives. When I saw her, of course she saw me too. She smiled at me, curious or two in her eyes. And she did nothing, just stood in the middle of the camp, her slender and beautiful fingers were naturally tied in front of her, but under her feet, there was a circle of darkness spreading away.

Even now, I still remember. When she broadcasted the darkness, she also said to me: "This is not where you should come, and I don't welcome outsiders to set foot in this place. So, only let you stay here forever."

At first I didn't understand what she meant by staying. When I saw the circle of darkness she spread climbing up the camp, over our equipment and guards, I understood. Regardless of the camp or other things, in addition to the original things on the plain, other foreign things, including us, are disappearing. I saw more than one guard with my own eyes, and when darkness spread over them, they dissipated like sand. So I wondered whether this is how the gravel on this plain came from.

Darkness also climbed on my feet, and I felt my body disappear. At this time, Lord Sinan rushed out. He deserves to be the strongest person in this team, his strength is against the darkness. But for such a powerful person, I saw fear in his face. He threw on the woman, trying to attack the other person, but the woman didn't know what method she used, she just waved gently. It's like sweeping away an annoying mosquito, and our Lord Sinan scattered into a cloud of black smoke. Once again blown by the wind, it disappeared completely.

At this time I don’t know the fear anymore, my brain is blank, until she asks: "Do you think I am beautiful?"

"Your beauty is better than billions of galaxies, madam." I blurted out these words.

She frowned slightly: "Madam?"

I quickly changed my words: "No, miss."

Then she laughed, and she waved, and the darkness retreated from under my feet. She glanced at me and said, "Go back and tell others. I allow you to move on the other side of the mountain, but no one is allowed to walk through this side of the mountain. Otherwise, your companions are their future."

She walked back, and I knew she was leaving. When she was about to leave, the shimmering sky above her head gradually turned dark. I wanted to keep her, as if it would be good to just listen to her last sentence, so I asked casually: "Why let me go?"

She stopped and said, "No matter how beautiful things are, no one appreciates them in vain. You know how to appreciate, so I let you go back, but you don't want to come again, because that condition is just as effective for you.

she left.

When she returned to the other side of the "door" ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ the darkness of the camp also receded. After retreating, I could not see any remaining traces. Everything is gone, only I survived.

I am lucky because I can come back.

I am also unfortunate because I was not able to stay. ——

Seeing this, Allen reclosed the Book of Rhodo. Judging from the description in this book, the woman Rhodo met should be the same woman that Allen met not long ago. Allen looked at Trisley: "When was Rodo from?"

"His book has been circulating for more than three hundred years. When did you say it?" Trisley blinked and asked.

Allen groaned: "That is to say, this woman has not been old at all in 300 years. And it seems that she may have been there for a long time, at least it should have been there before you have explored the Forgotten Realm... "

Tracey sighed and said, "Then she is also a supreme?"

There is no answer to this question in Alan's mind.

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