Edge of the Apocalypse

Chapter 1273:  The Curtain of Time (3)

He had a dream.

In his dream, he seemed to have returned to his youth. It was really a golden age. At that time, he was still strong, with excellent force. Looking at the entire wasteland, there is no rival at all. At that time, there were no bone king Zasso and white devil Lucy. That was his era, the era of Gris, the black **** of death.

In his time, only one other person could stand at the same height as him. But that person can stand so high, not because he has a strong combat power, nor because he has many territories and subordinates. Just because he came back from a place, the land of forgotten.

That person was Rodo, and before he joined the expedition, he was just an unknown person. It's a bug hiding in the dark, but when he comes back from the desert and brings back some information about the remains, he becomes a legend. Even Rhodo talked more about it than him, oh yes, that bug also wrote a book, calling himself "The Book of Rhodo."

At the time, he just thought it was funny. But his fate has changed because of this book.

Once he read the book of Rhodo, and read the "she" written by Rhodo. In that book, Rhodo described such a woman as "more cruel than death and more beautiful than Galaxy". This aroused his interest, so he decided to accomplish the great cause that Rhodo's team did not accomplish.

He only walks.

Then, there is no more black death in the wasteland. People thought he was dead, dead on that mysterious land. But he is still alive, even though countless days and nights have passed, he still remembers the day when he met her.

When he followed the route taken by Rhodo's team, he visited the Rhodo Mountains and passed the Rhodo Pass. He passed through the gloomy hills and finally came to the door of sighs. The first thing he did at that time was to announce his arrival to the dark world.

Before long, some powerful and intelligent beings attacked him. There is no shortage of lives that are comparable to him, and even stronger than him. He didn't know at the time that those were her generals, her most loyal and powerful men.

Now he has become a member of these lives. The difference is that he has not become her general, but her steward.

His job changed from fighting to taking care of everything in the castle for her while she was sleeping. In this ancient and deep castle, he spent the most splendid age of his life. Now he is getting old, and she is still young, and always will be.

The singing awakened his dream.

In his dream, he still relived the **** but extremely beautiful scene when he first met her. Then the singing went into his dream, and he woke up. When he woke up, he opened his eyes for the first time, but he couldn't see anything. Then he laughed at himself, seeing her awakening from the iron coffin long ago, and the shock that the skeleton regained the appearance of the allure made him gouging out his eyes without any regrets.

Having seen the most beautiful things in the universe, there is no big difference whether there are these eyes or not.

The fact is also true. Although he is old, his deep source of power still keeps him moving as usual. He followed the singing to perceive and contrast the location and route of the castle. He knew that he was leaving the residential area and walking through a winding outer corridor to the time hall of the castle.

She is there.

She is indeed here. This place called the Hall of Time, no matter the dome or the pillars, is built by abyss crystals glowing with lavender brilliance. The magnificence and dignity of this hall is no less inferior than the so-called deep dark castle made of abyss crystal. At least, every inch of the time hall was covered with abyss crystals, as if the hall was dug out of a complete and huge crystal. As for the Dark Castle of the Black Emperor, there is actually only one hall where the Abyss Crystal is used, and the other places are replaced by the Dark Crystal of similar color and material.

In the center of the time hall, there is a circular pool. The pond was filled with the water of Elendi. Elendi is a waterfall in the valley where the water flows all the year round. The castle brings its water into use and fills the pond all year round. Every day, the pool will automatically change the water, so every day the pool water is clean, even in the countless days of her sleep, the pool water has not stopped changing.

At this moment, she was immersed in the pool water naked, the pool water reflected the purple light of the abyss crystal, transformed into a colorful halo, as if there were precious stones in the pool. She leaned against the pool and sang a song that Grix didn't understand. When there was still a hundred steps away from the pool, Griiss stopped and respectfully said: "You are back."

"Yes, I'm back."

"Have you seen the person you want to meet?"

"I saw it, or it could be said that I didn't see it." With a smile on her face, she didn't seem to be in a bad mood.

"Where are my generals?" she asked again.

"They have already been awakened, I guess..." Griiss raised his head, looked empty at the narrow window outside the hall, and then smiled: "It seems they are coming."

She nodded: "Then go and meet them."

She stood up from the pool, and the drops of water rolled over her body and dropped into the pool, which was called the most beautiful sound in the world. The maid who had been waiting a long time soon put on new clothes for her, re-wrapped up the noble hairstyle, and gently inserted a hair crown studded with crystals into her hair. So the queen of the castle glowed with noble light, dragging a long skirt out of the hall.

The meeting place for the general is in another hall.

This hall is not as gorgeous and elegant as the Hall of Time, but it fits the atmosphere of the old castle. Solemnly and dimly, the hall was illuminated by three giant chandeliers hanging from the dome, each with hundreds of lampstands densely arranged. Even so, the lights still cannot illuminate the entire hall, and there are still many places lingering in the shadows.

When the door tens of meters high in the hall was pushed open, a figure walked in first. This general is burly and tall. His whole body is wrapped in heavy armor. The chest of the armor is carved with a demon-like head. From the eyes of that head, the mouth is constantly spitting out green flames. The tall general dragged a dark giant soldier, the sword shaped like an axe and a sickle. On this axe and sickle, lines full of power appeared, and these lines shone with blue light, which resonated with the blue fire in the portrait on the chest. The axe dragged a series of sparks on the ground, and the general, like a steel statue, walked into the hall in silence.

Then the second general who came in from outside was a lot thinner. He hid himself in a heavy cloak, which was covered with chains decorated with numerous spars. As he walked, the chains collided, making a jingle and sweet sound. The large and wide hat concealed the general's appearance, and from time to time a blue light lit up from the shadow under the hat, as if there was a blue flame hidden under the hat. The two arms protruding from under the cloak actually have dark blue transparent skin, and through the skin you can see the pale golden blood vessels, nerves and dark bones inside. With just these arms, we know that this general is not from Barr.

After the two generals in front entered the hall quietly, there was a loud laugh outside the door. There is no doubt that it was the laughter of a woman. It was sharp, ostentatious, and then a charming face came in first through the door. She has a proud and beautiful face, and it can be seen that the general loves black and red for ten minutes. Otherwise, bright red eye shadow and dark lip gloss will not be applied.

Then she walked into the hall, her red hair tied high and tied into a bright red ponytail swaying behind her head like a burning flame. She is wearing black and red leather armor, which outlines her hot curves. It's just that the area protected by this leather armor is too small, so more of it is the dark red skin exposed to the air. The four slender curved sickles were carried behind her back, and the sickles spread out like a spider with teeth and claws.

Anyone familiar with her knows that this is a difficult mother spider. After all, the name of the Spider Queen is one of the best among her generals.

When the fourth general entered the hall, the temperature in the entire hall dropped, and even the lights in the hall seemed to dim a lot. The general who walked in after the Spider Queen had the weird appearance of an eagle-headed human body. He even had a pair of wings, but now these wings were tightly closed behind his back, like a cloak. What's more weird is that from head to toe, every feather on his body, including his wings, is light blue ice crystals. He is like a moving ice sculpture, leaving a light blue ice road where he walks, exuding a trace of chill.

More generals then walked into the lobby ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ but these generals afterwards apparently did not dare to approach the first four, separated from them by a significant distance. When the door of the hall was closed, she walked out. When she appeared, the lights in the hall were immediately overshadowed, and all the generals knelt down towards her.

She happily swept the generals below, and said lightly: "I'm glad to see you again, my generals. Now that you are all here, the curtain of time can be opened again."

Hearing the figures of the "Curtain of Time", the generals were all shocked. Especially the Spider Queen, she even raised her head, excitedly stretched out her red tongue and licked her dark lips: "Who is it this time? Your lord, are these idiots on the edge?"

"No, it's a human." She shook her head.

"Humans?" The Spider Queen's expression seemed to be a little lost: "You mean those creatures outside the distant star field? Soft eggs called as slaves. Yes, they are quite rare, but we can only be summoned to deal with a mere human. My lord, Is this a fuss?"

She smiled faintly: "If you knew that he could detach from my spiritual kingdom by his own will, dear Yami, I guess you wouldn't say that."

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