Edge of the Apocalypse

Chapter 1274:  The Curtain of Time (4)

The general called Yami and the others were shocked. Unbelievable gazes appeared in the generals' eyes, but the owner of the castle was indifferent. Taking advantage of this little spare time, she glanced over the generals below. Except for the four in front, most of the other generals in various forms were unknown to her. Not only did she sigh, in the past three hundred years of sleep, many generals died and many young generals were born.

Life builds reincarnation with life and death.

"My lord." The Spider Queen raised her head and licked her black lips with her tongue: "Is he handsome?"

Sitting on the high platform, she smiled slightly and said, "If power is beauty, then he is very beautiful. His spiritual power is rare among people I know. His spirit is majestic and mad. It's fierce. It spreads like a flame, like a towering mountain..."

Listening to her description, the eyes of the Spider Queen seemed to glow, and finally she couldn't help but screamed: "I want to catch him! He is there, it can only be mine!"

"Shut up!" On the other side, the general whose body made of ice crystals raised his head: "My lord, do you need to catch the prey this time, or kill it?"

She smiled faintly: "Do whatever you like. Just like Yami, if she wants to make a specimen of someone, then catch him alive. Also like you snow wind, as cold as you never leave a way for the enemy, then do your best. Kill him. I am the initiator of this game. As for how to play, you have the final say."

The general known as Xuefeng lowered his head: "I understand, sir."

The Spider Queen squinted her eyes: "This carnival seems to be more fun than last time."

"I hope so..." She waved her hand: "Then go down and prepare, I look forward to your performance."

The generals retired.

After they left the hall, she stood up. Glancing at the butler who was already blind next to him, he said, "Gris, do you have anything to say?"

"My lord, I don't understand." Once the strong man in the wasteland, now the steward in the castle, Gris bowed his head and said: "What is the point of doing this? You met that person, whether you want to capture or kill, The other party has no chance to escape. Why bother to raise the curtain of time now and let the generals take action?"

"Of course it makes sense, my dear Mr. Grice." She walked down the steps: "He is the most powerful person I have seen so far. Maybe he can help me do that."

Hearing these words, Grice shook.

She glanced at the steward lightly: "Yes, he is stronger than you, Mr. Grice. At least when you and I met, in my spiritual realm, your realm only stays at the level of ground warfare. But he It was a series of breakthroughs, and in the end, the spirit was so high that even my spiritual kingdom could not hold it. So I wanted to try, but it is not enough to have a strong spiritual will. I have to look at his other abilities..."

"In other words, you want to use the generals to test him?"

"Yes, it's a test. But it's not only to test him, but also to test my generals. Don't you think they are too lack of opponents, especially those who are evenly matched, just like you back then."

"If that person is eventually captured by the generals, will you let him replace me? In fact, I start to feel powerless, maybe I have to find a successor."

She stopped, shook her head and said, "No, if he can't pass the generals, I will kill him myself. As for the castle, you take care of it very well, and I think you can live until I wake up next time. At that time. It’s not too late to find a successor, right, Mr. Gris?"

The butler lowered his head: "You have the final say."

She smiled softly and drifted away.

The generals walked out of the castle, and the Spider Queen stopped and coughed dryly: "As I said just now, the prey this time is mine. Don't grab me!"

Xuefeng snorted and said, "You are not the only hunting ground, Yami. You and your spiders had better not enter my territory, otherwise, I don't mind adding some ice sculptures to the territory."

Yami said "Oh", walked to Xuefeng and turned around twice: "I'm obviously an iceman, Master Xuefeng is not too angry. If you want to make me an ice sculpture, you have to have that ability."

"Would you like to try it on?"

When there was an obvious smell of gunpowder between the two, a tall figure suddenly squeezed past them. Xuefeng stepped back, and Yami squeezed back a few steps. It was the taciturn General Steel who squeezed them back.

"What are you doing, Tong Wu!" The Spider Queen said in a gloomy voice: "Want to join forces with Xuefeng? All right, would I be afraid of you two."

The general named Tong Wu stopped and turned his head to his colleague, but under the helmet he couldn't even see his eyes and didn't know what he was thinking. He just stood in silence until Ami felt boring herself, and shook her head and said, "Big guy is really boring. Wouldn't he never have to talk?"

"Tong Wu is the one of us who has followed the adults for the longest time, and is also the only one I can't see." The general who was talking was the general who hid himself in the cloak, and he walked behind the Spider Queen and whispered: " I am also interested in that prey. I want to see someone who can detach from the spiritual realm of adults. How about it, do you want to join hands?"

"Blue Devils..." Yami turned around, squinted and said with a smile: "Interesting, you used to hunt for lack of interest, this is the first time you are willing to take the initiative. But what if I refuse?"

"Then I think Xuefeng might be happy to cooperate with me."

"Yeah, isn't it? You all know threats." Yami nodded and said: "That's it, we two will join hands to catch that guy. No matter what you want to do, you have to promise me that I can't kill him. In my spider nest, there is also a lack of a housekeeper like an adult."

At this time, Tong Wu, who had always been silent, suddenly heard a low voice from his helmet: "Don't imitate an adult, that's a dangerous thing."

The Spider Queen showed a surprised expression. She walked up to Tong Wu and stretched out her hand in front of his helmet and said: "So you can talk. I have known you for so long. This is the first time I have heard you speak. Let me say a few more words. Listen..."

However, the general fell into silence again, and a moment later, he raised his head.

Then the other generals gradually noticed a huge aura rising from the castle behind them. They all looked up and saw a group of colorful light shining from the direction of the Hall of Time in the castle. Up. After rushing straight to the sky, the circles spread out, pulling out a light curtain of blurred colors. It seemed to extend slowly and quickly, swallowing the long, monotonous and dim sky above the remains.

"It's started..." Even if he raised his head, the general Blue Devils, who didn't show his face, said softly: "The curtain of time has risen, and this party can begin."

"Have fun!" The Spider Queen screamed, her voice echoing over the castle.

Allen posted a map on the wall. This was a relic of the relic from the Book of Rhodo. Allen only enlarged it three times. It can be seen that there are still large blanks on the map, and those places are still blank and mysterious places for people. Perhaps one day, the blanks of this map will be filled. At that time, there will be no more secrets in the Forsaken Realm.

Tracey stood behind him with her arms folded and asked: "Then next, you want to explore the remains?"

"No." Alan's return sign surprised her: "I don't want to do those thankless tasks, not to mention that we have more important things to do than in the legacy."

Tracey glanced at the Book of Rhodo, which was standing next to her, "I thought you would chase that woman?"

"If she wants to find me, she will meet again in the future. If I am just a passer-by in her eyes, then I have no reason to find her, not to mention that she doesn't look like the kind of person who treats others." Allen shrugged.

Tracey laughed: "Be kind to people. Not to mention the remains, I'm afraid there are very few people like this on this planet. Well, we don’t explore the remains, so what do you plan to do next, my dear Master?"

Allen turned around and said: "The news of Bai Xicheng should have spread. Could it be that Lucy in the Fallen Hall will not move. Counting the time, I am afraid that he has already arrived in the ruins. If you are Lucy, you What do you think you will do?"

Tracey stretched her hands and said, "It seems that there is nothing worth considering. If someone slaps you so much, of course you have to get it back right away. Otherwise, other big people in the wasteland might think you have become weak. And weak, It's deadly in this land."

"I think so too, so Lucy will pounce here immediately."

"Then you are going to fight the white devil here?"

"No, I didn't think so."

Tracey began to feel that she couldn't keep up with Alan's thinking, and her face was filled with a bright smile: "I have been in this ghost place for too long. It's time to go to the wasteland, what do you think?"

"What?" Trisili's eyes widened~www.wuxiaspot.com~Alan went to the wasteland at this time, wouldn't he give Baixi City back to Lucy.

Allen laughed: "I guess the Fallen Hall must be very empty at this time. When Lucy rushed to the air, but found that the Fallen Hall fell into my hands, I guess his expression must be very wonderful. At that time, he should be again. Babadi back to the wasteland, we can take advantage of this time to take over Bloodhand Town, and wait for Lucy to return. Maybe we can also use this time to meet the lunatics or bad luck or something, if we get together, then Lucy will come Then you will find that the pattern of the wasteland has completely changed."

"Even if he wants to fight, I doubt how much combat power is left in a tired army?"

Tracey opened her mouth slightly. Although the big figures in the wasteland are vying for power, although they will use some tactics, no one will consider the overall situation in the way of military action like Allen. Suddenly, Allen frowned and looked up at the ceiling. Then Tracey also felt an abnormality, a huge, but unnoticeable aura passed over their heads.

Then the soldiers ran in panic: "Two adults, you have to come and see. The sky, the sky becomes so strange..."

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