Edge of the Apocalypse

Chapter 1275:  Space fault


Lucy suddenly jumped out of the carriage of the snowmobile and landed on the snow, raising her hand to drink.

"What's the matter, my lord?" Cardan, the captain of the guard, ran over quickly, for fear of something wrong. After meeting with the Bone King Zasso, Lucy gathered his army and began to march towards the Land of Lost. The White Devil’s army is naturally much more numerous than the Blood Eyes, and the military discipline and military capacity are not comparable to Azeroth. Lucy's army "White Frost" is fully equipped with off-white armor. In addition to the conventional beam gun configuration, it is also equipped with beam knives and physical bombs. In addition, the formed snow combat vehicles are also a special landscape. They are an important means of transportation across the relics and snowfields, and they are also war machines on the snowfields.

Of course, Cardan's guards are even more elite. In addition, Lucy also brought two powerful arms with him, both of whom can be compared to Baixicheng pickups. It is no exaggeration to say that Lucy has made a lot of money this time, and intends to build his prestige on the wasteland.

This place was very close to the realm of the relics, and Lucy suddenly called to stop, no matter Kadan, no matter the other soldiers, they all looked surprised. Because it was not like Lucy's style, Lucy looked up at the sky. In the Land of Lost, the sky is always dim, there is no difference between day and night. Outside, it’s like it’s daytime, the sun is violent, and ordinary people don’t need a moment to dazzle the sun.

Of course Lucy would not be dazzled, so what he saw was the blue cloudless sky. It was reasonable to say that there was nothing unusual, but just now, he clearly felt a surge of energy fall. I thought it was an enemy attack, but now it seems that there is nothing unusual. For Lucy, this was the first time he was confused. Seeing Kadan and the others looking at him, he coughed and said, "It's okay, keep going."

He returned to the car, closed his eyes and made an unpredictable look. The army continued to advance, and at noon on this day one after another entered the land of forgotten.

At the same time, on the other side of the planet, in the shadow fort in the magic ring city, the shadow hall suddenly gushed out like a tide of coercion, making all the people in the castle scared. The devil's mood seems to be unstable recently. In the past week, corpses have been removed from the gloomy hall almost every day. Those corpses that can leave a complete body are considered extremely lucky, and they are usually a pile of fleshy pieces of indistinguishable shape, which shows the difference in the temper of the devil.

When the majesty surged from the Hall of Shadows, a Miki who was in charge of accompanying Spinak today was hiding in the corner shivering. She was even incontinent because of fear, but now she doesn't care about her image at all, she only knows how to hold herself and shake. Just now, after Spinnak, who was still calm, suddenly exploded with that power, he moved to the long and narrow floor-to-ceiling windows of the hall like a black mist, just like that.

Maggie couldn't see through the darkness, she could barely identify a vague figure inside. In fact, even if she stayed by the Demon King's side, she couldn't see Spinak clearly. When her hand passed through that layer of darkness, it was like a probing hand reaching into the cold tomb, and there was still a mass of rotten flesh in the tomb, and there was no worse feeling than this.

Spinak looked into the distance in the dark breath, no one knew where his gaze fell, probably except himself. After a while, his low voice came from the dark breath: "Yes, that is the curtain of time. Why did she raise the curtain of time? This is to block the fallen realm. Is there anyone or something? Is she unable to let it go?"

Although Miki on one side barely heard the demon lord's voice, she didn't know the meaning of the words. The darkness around Spinak suddenly boiled, and it seemed that the devil was in agitated mood. After a few seconds, the darkness calmed down again, and Spinak flicked towards the throne. As soon as it sounded, the distant bell sounded out. After a while, the door of the hall opened, and a Baer, ​​who was wrapped in a cloak, lay on the ground, giving a five-body salute.

"His Majesty, I don't know what to order." That humanity.

Spinak's voice sounded from the darkness: "Go and inform Lamer, so that he will immediately stop all actions in the wasteland and return today."

"Yes, Your Majesty." The man shouted to Spinak just as he was about to retreat.

"Take the corpse over there by the way." The Demon King's cold voice sounded, and at the same time stretched out a finger from the dark breath, pointing to the corner next to the throne.

The face of Miki, who was pointed by him, became stiff, and she even thought: Am I dead? This is impossible. Then the picture in my eyes suddenly became distorted, and finally I couldn't see anything. Of course, she didn't feel anything anymore. No matter who's body muscles including bones are twisted into twists, I am afraid they will not feel anything. She died before she could even taste the pain, even without knowing why.

So today, another corpse was moved out of the Hall of Shadows, a corpse like a twist.

In Baixi City, Ellen and Tracey emerged from Picka's house, and the two came to the street. On the long street, the workers who were repairing the building stopped their work, and everyone looked up at the sky, as if something incredible was happening in the sky.

The fact is also true.

A light curtain gleaming with blurred colors continues to expand, sweeping across the sky, and falling into the distance. The original dim sky of Lost Realm has been replaced by this light curtain. The colorful light is so beautiful, especially the people of Baer who are used to seeing the dark sky. Now the brilliant and beautiful light curtain makes them suspicious of dreams. in. They even stretched out their hands to squeeze themselves, in exchange for a low whisper.

This is not a dream, but a reality!

Allen and Tracey exchanged glances quickly, and both of them looked solemn. Especially Alan, his heart is full of strong anxiety. The light curtain seemed too familiar, it was almost like the light emitted by a space crack, but if this light curtain was a space crack, it would be too exaggerated. What's more, it is different from Space Crack in that the air mechanism of the light curtain is quite stable.

In a blink of an eye, the sky is like a wall with a changed wallpaper. From the previous dim sky screen, to the current colorful light screen. The light curtain is still far away, as if covering the entire remains.

Allen's eyes turned red and bright, and he raised his hand to the sky to pop out a crack in the sky. This vermilion band of light quickly went away, blinking into the colorful light curtain in the sky, but there was no feeling of collision. Instead, it disappeared, like entering another world, completely disappearing in that colorful light curtain.

"This is..." Tracey glanced at Alan nervously.

Allen squinted his eyes: "It is true that there is a space crack. No, there can be no such large-scale space crack. This is already called a space fault. I don't know if it is a natural phenomenon or man-made, in short. That light curtain We are sealed off. If we don’t know the source and cause of the space fault, I’m afraid we can’t leave..."

Tracey lost her voice: "It can't be a natural phenomenon. As far as I know, such a phenomenon has never occurred in the three hundred years that can be traced back. But if it is artificial..."

"That's even more terrifying." Allen frowned: "Could it be her?"

Tracey was shocked, of course she knew who Allen was referring to. The woman described in the Book of Rhodo, the woman who had had a mental war with Allen. Looking at the entire abandoned realm, if anyone can set up such an exaggerated spatial fault, then she is the only one!

Lucy flashed through Allen's mind. If he couldn't leave, he would never see Lucy.

Such things are absolutely not allowed! Allen's eyes flashed into the sky.

On the surface of a smooth crystal ball, Lucy's face was reflected. She changed into the leather armor that she wore everyday, and put on a royal dress with white and gold as the main color. She used to comb her long hair with two ponytails at will. Now she is also **** high, and then in the crown. Insert hairpins dotted with sparkling diamonds. On the graceful neck like a white swan, there is a luxurious gemstone necklace. The pendant is designed in the shape of a crescent, and the surrounding is made of gold wire with complex and elegant patterns.

At this moment, she was no longer the girl Lucy who followed Alan around, but the Royal Highness of Ida Huaxing, and Jin Qiangwei had awakened to the second stage. Today Lucy is noble, beautiful and majestic. She stood there with a solemn and holy expression on her face, and she nodded with satisfaction when seeing Orfascius who was secretly looking at her from a long distance away.

"Lucy this child is more and more like her mother." The emperor said softly.

Duke Griffith coughed and said, "Your Majesty, I think you'd better go out soon. Since her return, Her Royal Highness Lucy has locked herself in her palace, and she was not willing to come to see you until today. If you dare to continue, I'm afraid that your Highness will leave, and you won't know when you will come out by yourself next time."

As one of the three Supremes in the universe, Ofascius, who wouldn't frown even when facing Agareth's two Supremes joining forces, now listened to Grifo's words but hurriedly left. The Duke laughed and shook his head, and in the hall, Ofascius came behind Lucy. He coughed softly and said softly: "Child, are you okay?"

Lucy turned around, lifted the skirt with both hands, and after a court ceremony to her father, she said, "As you can see, it's not bad or good."

Ofasis looked at her helplessly and said: "I know you don't want to be separated from Alan~www.wuxiaspot.com~ But this may be the best way to solve the problem."

"The best way is to let me stay by his side. With me looking after him, he won't become what you think."

Ofasis waved his hand: "Perhaps we can change the subject. To be honest, I don't want to quarrel with you on this. Are we not arguing enough?"

Lucy took a deep look at her father and sighed, "I was rude."

"Well, how do you think we have lunch together?" Ofasius suggested.

"I'm sorry, I don't think my appetite has been very good recently. Another day, I want to get your permission today, father..." Lucy said in a deep voice, "I want to read the information about the Son of Twilight, including documents. father!"

Orfasis stretched out his hand and stroked his forehead, "Are you so unwilling to give up?"

Lucy's eyes shone with light: "Of course, there must be some way to avoid the worst result, there must be some!"

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