Edge of the Apocalypse

Chapter 1428: Jeka Temple (3)

The director of the Guangming Academy in the upper palace of the Golden City is in charge of the safety of the floating island and even the royal family. This time Lucy went to Yongyexing. In response, the Guangming Institute set up an emergency response team to provide technical support to the emperor and her party when needed. Every hour, the four starships will have coordinate information feedback, and the data will be entered into the imperial court's database by the brain itself. Since there is no way to talk about confidential information, the coordinate information only uses the first level of confidentiality. . Even so, it requires personnel above the supervisor level to be qualified to read.

Baron Yeka, who served as a small supervisor in the Academy of Light, happened to have this qualification. He was the nephew of Marquis Rowan, and Lucy's whereabouts were leaked out of his authority. Of course Rowan didn't tell him what he meant, otherwise he would not dare to give Yeka ten guts.

The Baron, who was dealing with a daily affairs, received a secret call from Rowan before he had time to take a break. Seeing the request in the message, Yeka frowned and ticked a few times, but still turned on the brain and boarded the database interface. After a few necessary procedures, he got Lucy's latest coordinate data. Not long after sending the data, Zhi Nao reminded him that there was a considerable amount of income in his private account, which relieved Yeka's frowning brows.

Before five minutes arrived, the starship full of mercenaries on Evernight Star received the latest coordinate information. Yilu touched his head and said: "The noble master is still a bit efficient, so we are still there. Wait, get moving, bastards."

The starship turned into a rainbow of light and went away.

A few rubbles rolled to the ground, knocking out the echo of desolation. Lucy walked down the stone bridge and frowned. Beside her, Marquis Main didn't have the kind of gentle smile on his face either. He opened the brain light screen on his wrist, and the light screen was full of messy lines. Marquis Main sighed and said, "Electronic equipment is no longer available here. The geomagnetic chaos here is too serious, and even communication is disturbed. Don't go too far to avoid getting lost."

Not only communication and electronic equipment are disturbed here, but the perceptions of Lucy and others have also become confused here. If they close their eyes, they won't even feel the breath of the people next to them.

"Everyone, please follow me after you enter the imperial city. If you accidentally go away there, and try to keep quiet. There are still night monsters wandering in the imperial city. I don't think they are such hospitable people." Morodo made a gesture and walked forward.

Lucy and Main followed him, Angeloni was behind, and the other soldiers dispersed and maintained a defensive formation. After crossing the stone bridge, you can see the gate of the city wall of Surakar. No matter how brilliant the city was in the past, now, sections of the city wall have collapsed on the ground, and even the gate has disappeared in the gravel. People can only see piles of rubbish, coupled with wind and sand blinding one's eyes, Surakar is like a huge desolate tomb welcoming people.

Going over the piles of rocks and entering the interior of the imperial city, the desolation and the resemblance of people formed a huge gap. Looking far away, you can still imagine the magnificence of this city from the silhouettes of those ancient buildings, but when you really set foot in the imperial city, you know that Surakar has almost disappeared in the dust of time. There are no so-called streets in the city, and the roads are buried in gravel. Only the upper part of the building remains, and the lower one directly exposes the top one or two floors, just like a bungalow in a desolate town.

The ancient buildings are full of the weird styles of alien civilizations. Obviously, the aesthetics of the indigenous people on the Evernight Star are obviously different from that of Idahua. At least Lucy can't see the beauty of those clusters of spikes and awkward doors and windows. Words. In any case, these buildings are now like bones in the desert. They only have a body, and their soul and body have long been decayed.

The buildings are swaying, and some are directly next to each other, and ruined walls can be seen everywhere. Lucy, Main and others only saw a ruin, but Morodo had his eyes shining. Sometimes he picked up some small things from the ruins and threw them into his collection box.

While Morodo was holding a metal disc, Lucy interrupted him helplessly and said: "Mr. Morodo, please don't forget the goal of our trip. I absolutely respect your research spirit, but Now, I think it’s more important to reach the temple of Dzeka as soon as possible. Can you tell me how long it will take to reach the temple?"

Morodo glanced at her, simply squatted down, drew a circle on the sand under his feet with a finger, and said: "The indigenous worship circle of Yongyexing, of course, this symbol of perfection is found in many planetary civilizations. They are all worshipped. Simply put, the imperial city Surakar is a huge circle, and the blocks in it are a pattern of big circles and small circles."

The scholar drew a few circles, and then said a little on the central area: "The Jeka Temple, which is their spiritual symbol, is located in the middle of the imperial city. The topography of the imperial city is the highest in the middle point, and the more it is outside, the terrain The lower. The imperial city has multiple platforms. It can be said that each platform is a block. They seem to divide the class by platform. The more noble people, the higher the platform. As for the temple, it is undoubtedly On the middle and highest platform. It’s worth mentioning that ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Surakar’s palace is a platform shorter than the temple, so it seems that the kingship is still under the power of the gods. We can be similar, back then When the capital is splendid, the priests of the temple must be treated with unparalleled respect."

After listening, Ma Yin gestured to the two soldiers. The two soldiers knew, and climbed up to a tall building nearby. After a while, he came down and pointed to the west and said: "My lord, there seems to be a mountain in that direction, but the wind and sand are too big, and the equipment is out of function, so you can't observe it carefully."

Morodo nodded and said: "You should see the holy mountain Athos. It is behind the palace. Its top is the highest platform in Surakar. The Jeka Temple is on it."

Ma Yin squinted his eyes and said, "Then we decide on the direction and just go straight ahead."

"Theoretically, this is the case." Morodo finished speaking, and suddenly scalp-numbing screams rang from a building above them. The scholar looked up and just saw a gray figure crawling out of a dark window of the building. The thing hung on the outer wall like a gecko, screamed again, and then quickly swam down. Morodo took a deep breath and lost his voice: "Is it a night monster? Impossible, they haven't appeared on the edge of the imperial city."

"Everything has the first time, sir." Ma Yin shouted: "Thorn of Thorns, prepare to fight!"

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