Edge of the Apocalypse

Chapter 1429: Jeka Temple (4)

On the other side of the imperial city Surakar, there was a sudden burst of air in the sky. The dust rolled in the distance, and an armed starship emerged from the sand. The starship was full of smoke, and the black smoke floating from the hull pulled out a dark smoke screen, like a huge black battle flag being pulled out in the air.

The starship descended swayingly to the ground. In the control room, Captain Yilu's expression was ugly, and he glared at the Lovestar from time to time. The latter tried hard to ignore the captain's murderous gaze, and Yilu finally shouted: "Damn gold card, after this mission, I will deduct half of your bonus!"

"Half of the captain's bonus is too much, right." Jin Ka said with a sad face.

"I think there are still fewer deductions because of your broken shield generator. See what my ship has become!" Yilu said furiously, without shield protection, the starship flew all the way. But there are many tribulations. Lightning for a while and fire for a while, this ship can be considered as good quality if it can support it.

The blond and blue female alien screamed, and Hana leaned against the porthole and whispered, "Where is this?"

Looking down from her perspective, you can see the buildings in Surakar that are buried in the gravel. Even if it is impossible to get a full view, it is not difficult to see that there is a remnant of a huge city underneath.

Captain Yilu glanced down, half-squinting his eyes and said: "It looks like this city is not simple, or we can be a treasure hunter after we complete the mission."

"Don't look for me if you explore the ruins or something. I hate drilling into the gloomy places." Jinka immediately protested.

"You have the least position to say such things, bastard." Yilu cursed, and suddenly the starship shook violently, almost not throwing the captain to the ground again. Yilu put his **** on the seat hard, and shouted, "Damn, can't you just sail the boat?"

"Captain, it's none of our business. All the instruments suddenly lost their function. I suspect the magnetic field in this place is weird!"

"The instrument is malfunctioning? What will happen to us?"

"Nonsense, of course it was a crash."


Regardless of whether Yilu wanted it or not, under the influence of Surakar's special geomagnetic phenomenon, the armed starship lost control, spiraling in mid-air to the ground and descending sharply. Several hills exploded along the way, slid over the stone piles of the city wall, and finally crashed into a building in the inner city. The building was torn apart, exploding numerous boulders like raindrops to the ground.

After a while, a thick smoke rose from the wreckage of the building. The heavy smoke and loud noises shocked something. Obviously, the mercenaries who came out of the starship embarrassedly did not know this.

At the other end of the imperial city, the staggered flying light beams illuminated the broken building, and shot a night demon that had fallen from the outer wall of the building into a sieve. When the Night Demon fell to the ground, a high-energy beam sword struck its neck and cut off its head. No matter how strong the life force of the Night Demon is, the separation of the body is fatal to him, but his strong body is still twitching.

Lucy walked over and nodded to the Warriors of Thorns as a reward. The Thorns is the private army of the Golden Rose family. It is different from the common reformed soldiers of Idahua. The soldiers of the Thorns are all Idahuas who have not been reformed. Among them, there are even members from small families, even if they can't make it. The Golden City has the status of inferior aristocracy on the surface. These fighters are well-trained, with an average level of around 15th level, and two of the captains even possess the strength of level 234. In addition, they are well equipped, as long as they don't hit a large number of night monsters, there is no problem in self-protection.

Lucy also read about the night demon in Gerva's works, and saw the pictures at the same time, but it was the first time to see a living thing. Of course, now this night demon has become a corpse.

The night demon's skin is pale and thin, and the blue-purple blood vessels under the skin can be clearly seen, but if they think that their bodies are very fragile in this way, it is a big mistake. The skin of the Night Demon is thin but tough, and it is difficult to cut through the skin with ordinary sharp instruments. And in the chest and abdomen, there is a layer of bone plate under their skin. That layer of bone plates is like armor, and there are many more bone plates like this, which are distributed on important parts of the night monster's body.

Due to the existence of the bone plate, the skin of the night monsters has almost no pores, so they can only spit out their tongues from time to time to emit heat like dogs. The night demon's tongue is long and full of fleshy thorns, and even metal can be licked off by it. The natives of this evolved planet are slender and have no excess fat all over their body. Their muscles are full of explosive power, making the night monsters flexible and fast.

The palms of the Night Demon evolved into claws like beasts, and their claws were disproportionately large. This allows the Night Demon to easily climb on the outer wall of the building, as long as it is not a vertical and smooth place, there is nothing they can't climb.

The eyes of the indigenous people have degenerated and almost disappeared, and there are only two symbolic eyeballs on their heads. Eyeballs are as small as beans, and it is easy to miss them when placed on a pale face. They have no noses, only two dark nostrils, and their mouths are cracked to the side of the ears. The crocodile-like mouth structure allows them to produce a huge bite force, and the two rows of short and pointed bevel teeth except for the giant claw The most terrifying weapon outside.

"We have to go, Your Highness. The Night Demon is a group of creatures. One of them is here, so there may be a nest nearby." Morodo reminded.

Lucy nodded, and just turned around, she heard screams in front of her. Ma Yin flew up to the heights, making his eyes look. Amid the howls of the wind and sand, a black shadow came from directly in front of them. However, in the blink of an eye, a gray figure emerged from the sand screen, running quickly with both hands and feet, like a stripped hound, Ma Yin frowned.

"Mr. Scholar is right, we have to go. Come with me!" Ma Yin drew out a long sword decorated with dazzling spar, with a gushing source, and immediately greeted the night demons.

Morodo shouted from behind: "My lord, we can take a detour. I know there are other ways to go to the palace city."

"Sir, believe me, those things run so fast, we will catch them. Instead of wasting our energy to chase them, it is better to defeat them here." Ma Yin responded loudly.

Lucy followed Ma Yin, and saw Morodo shook her head.

With a flick of her wrist, the silver bracelet on Lucy's hand slipped out. It twists and deforms in midair, and its volume increases sharply. When this mass of mercury-like substance fell to the ground, it had transformed into a silver-grey hound. The body of the hound deformed by the Blade Runner shook, and a cluster of blades bounced from the back, and the end of the tail was also stretched and flattened to form a blade. This is more than that, the pocket twin barrels protruding from the hound's mouth are shocking.

Morodo is also very knowledgeable, and when he saw this mechanical dog, he cried, "Blade Runner?"

Lucy smiled slightly and said softly: "Go, Xiao Qi. Free to hunt."

The Silver Dog lowered his body, then swept out like a string of light smoke, and even ran into the Night Demon group faster than Main. I saw a large area of ​​icy knife light flashing in the distance, and the few night monsters rushing to the front separated their homes for the first time.

Blade Runner’s attack is deadly and efficient, sometimes shrinking into a high-speed rotation, using the blade on the back like a harvester to swipe the night monster; occasionally swinging the tail of the blade, dipping the prey like a whip; The machine gun fired quickly, and the silver bullet formed from its own substance easily exploded the night demon's head. Blade Runner's attacks always fall on the fragile parts of the night monster, such as the joints, and the head. As for their parts protected by the bone plate, there was not even a wound at all. If efficiency is also a kind of beauty, then at this moment, there is no more beautiful picture than the silver shadow flying through flesh and blood.

Angeloni lowered her head slightly and tried her best to conceal the three-point morbidly excited smile on her face. Purple silk thread escaped from her body and went back into her body. So Angeloni's strength, speed and body The intensity continues to increase by multiples.

"Your Highness, please don't be too far away from me." When Angeloni raised her head, a ray of purple fire rose from the center of her pupils, like the vertical pupils of a snake. Her petite body suddenly became extremely heavy, and shallow pits were constantly pressed on the ground as she lifted her steps. It would be fine if it were hard ground, but now the Surakar imperial city was covered with yellow sand, and shallow pits could be pressed out. That was the manifestation of strength and skill.

What made people daunted was Angeloni's momentum at the moment. Not only did Lucy glance at her, Ma Yin also looked back frequently. If it weren't for Lucy nodded, the Marquis would be afraid to take Angeloni down first, because at this moment the murderous intent on this woman is far greater than that on the other side of the night demon!

Now that Lucy nodded, Ma Yin let go of his mind. The long sword flicked, and a small rose flower at the tip of the sword fluttered in the wind. The rose formed purely by the force of the sword energy is so vivid that even the texture on the flower is clearly visible, which shows that Ma Yin has a fine control over the force Be careful. This alone shows that his sword skills are superb.

At this time, four or five night demons jumped past Blade Runner and rushed forward, and Ma Yin moved gently, as if to participate in a feast instead of rushing to the battlefield.

But this is indeed an elegant banquet for Main ~www.wuxiaspot.com~. In any case, those golden roses that grew slowly on the night demon's body as he swept through with a sword, no matter how you look at it, shouldn't appear on the battlefield, but are the decorations at the banquet.

After these beautiful and even delicate flowers were in full bloom, when the petals drifted away like being blown by the wind, there was a crisp sound of swords in the air. The movements of several night monsters became stiff at the same time, and then their limbs separated, and they became flesh and blood. The blood spread on the yellow sand, and a huge blood flower was painted on the yellow sand!

Morodo's mouth was not closed at the beginning of the blow, and the scholar's eyes continuously reflected interlaced light beams, falling roses and lavender fist winds. When these things were intertwined, a channel was created in the Night Demon Group.

Not only did the scholar pass through this passage, he was also fortunate to witness the natives of the planet whom he regarded as the devil in the past, but are now torn to pieces like delicate flowers and plants in the hands of these people. Of course he knew that Night Demon was not weak, but these people were too strong.

When the remaining Night Demon retreated, Lucy didn't even touch the handle of Golden Rose's gun. Her body was not even contaminated with a drop of blood. On the contrary, Morodo was unconsciously caught by a dying Night Demon, leaving the blood handprint of the Night Demon on his leg.

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