Edge of the Apocalypse

Chapter 1430: Jeka Temple (5)

"Go to hell!" With a loud shout, Jin Kana's feet wrapped around the neck of a night demon bowed left and right, that is, tore the head of the night demon directly from the neck. He even pulled out a section of his spine from his body and threw it on the ground, like a centipede covered in blood.

The Lovestar looked around and saw that there were no other night monsters and waved his feet to appeal to Yilu who was sitting on a huge rock: "Look here, Captain, I killed more than 20 monsters, you can see if my bonus can be deducted a little less. ?"

Captain Yilu clicked in the other direction with the iron hook: "Asshole, it's just so good to kill so many, look over there."

Jin Ka turned his head to look, and saw a small corpse mountain. There are forty or fifty night monsters on the hill where the corpses are overlapped. The blond and blue Hana is standing on it, she is wiping the long knife.

"Damn, this woman has cut so many terrible newcomers." Jinka thought for a while and exclaimed, "It's not fair, Captain. I have no weapons, of course I kill slowly."

Yilu spit: "You have many hands!"

Jinka looked at her five or six feet and shut up obediently.

Hannah jumped off the pile of corpses, raised a night demon's head with her feet, and frowned, "Are these planet natives? Or are they just local beasts?"

"Follow it, it's not our goal anyway." Yilu stood up, ordered two mercenaries and said: "You stay to repair the starship, and I must make sure it can move when I come back. If it moves No, then you can say goodbye to your head."

The two mercenaries agreed with a bitter face. Yilu jumped off the huge rock and waved his hand: "The others will come with me."

The mercenaries who brought supplies followed the captain around several buildings, and in front of them were the empty ruins of the imperial city. Yilu stood for a moment, and then said: "Damn, this place is so big, how can I find a little girl?"

Hana stepped forward, squinted her eyes and said: "There are signs of active activity over there. It looks like someone is fighting. But they are too far away to observe more specific situations."

Yilu glanced at the woman unexpectedly: "Even I can't feel anything here, how did you know?"

"Women of our family can directly see the changes in the source of space with their eyes. Therefore, some treasure hunters specifically hunt us, dig out our eyes and soak them in specific potions, which are important materials for making special sights. "Hana said bluntly: "It can be said that my eyes are more valuable than me as a person."

The few mercenaries who looked at Hana immediately looked a little different. However, Jinka's face remained as usual, and Yilu snorted: "That's it, then you will have to rely on you to track the target. Don't worry, as long as I am here, whoever dares to hit your idea, I will He became a corpse."

He grinned and looked at the mercenaries behind him: "You are right?"

Several mercenaries hurriedly squeezed out a smile and shouted: "Of course, we are companions. Whoever wants to be against Hana, we will fight him desperately."

Hannah was expressionless and only said: "Come with me."

She walked ahead, leading the team of mercenaries into the imperial city.

Wind and sand blinded one's eyes.

When Morodo climbed the last stone steps, he was brought out of balance by a sudden gust of wind, and almost fell off, if it hadn't been for Angeloni to hold him in time. The scholar climbed onto the platform in embarrassment and said "thank you" to the petite woman.

The soldiers helped him up and Morodo looked behind him. Only a short section of the stone steps connecting the upper and lower platforms could be seen, and the others were submerged in the howling sand. Five or six hours have passed since the stop-and-go. During this time, they encountered the attack of the night demon twelve or three times, and the number of the night demon was also different. When there are more than one hundred, when there are less than ten.

But with Main and his soldiers, plus the escorts of Blade Runner and Angeloni, the journey was thrilling. Morodo counted them down. They had already boarded five or six platforms, and one platform was a block. As we get deeper into the imperial city, the block platform is getting higher and higher, and the area is getting smaller and smaller.

The block where they entered the city was a few kilometers long in a straight line, while the lower block they had just passed was less than one kilometer. The higher the location of the platform block, the smaller the area, but the more exquisite the buildings on it, which is in line with the class view of the imperial city.

Morodo walked to a sculpture and said loudly: "This should be the noble area, and the place where the upper nobles live. In the past, the palace should not be far away. When you reach the platform where the palace is located, you can see The holy mountain."

As soon as he finished speaking, another gust of wind swept in yellow sand, and Morodo had to lower his body to avoid the gust of wind. With the higher the platform, the greater the wind and sand, and the visibility has also declined. Now Morodo can only see things more than a dozen meters away, and can't see clearly no matter how far away.

In order to ensure a smooth advance, Ma Yin selected ten soldiers to jointly erect a source force barrier. Every half an hour, they changed one batch. As a result, they were born in a strong wind and opened up a windless area.

Walking in the barrier, Morodo finally breathed a sigh of relief. He couldn't survive the tenth level of the source force, and his actions were affected here. If there was no screen to isolate the wind and sand, Morodo would probably have to crawl forward.

"Are you all right, Mr. Scholar?" Lucy asked.

Morodo made a sweat wiping action, but because he was blocked by the liquid helmet, his hands could not touch his face at all, so he could only put it down in embarrassment and said: "I am not afraid of your highness' jokes, this is the first time I have come here. Noble area. I used to go deep into the imperial city the most, but I just stayed in the area of ​​the nobles. I didn't expect the wind and sand here would be so big, but this time I had the opportunity to go deep into this area because of my highness. I dare say that since Master Guwa, no one has gone deep here yet. I am really lucky."

"Then please follow Mr.~www.wuxiaspot.com~ I really hope to get to the temple soon."

Morodo said: "The temple is on the sacred mountain, and the road is even harder to walk. I'm afraid we will spend more and more time next."

"As long as I can go up, it doesn't hurt to spend more time. I'm afraid of the power in the temple. I don't know if it has disappeared or is still dormant after so many years." Lucy's eyebrows were a little worried.

Moroduo didn't know much about the temple of Dzeka, and he didn't know how to respond, so he chose to remain silent. Suddenly an aura rose in front of him, Lucy looked up, but saw Ma Yin's body glow rising, the Marquis shouted: "Everyone is on alert, there is a hurricane attack, look for cover!"

"What? Hurricane?" Morodo obviously did not expect to encounter such a natural disaster in the imperial city that only hits in the wilderness.

At this time, Lucy could also feel that the source of space had become violent and chaotic. As she followed the team to a building on the left, she saw the wind and sand that had been whistling before suddenly disappear. The dust in the air was moving in the same direction. After a while, there was a tingling noise coming from a distance, and it was faintly visible that a gray shadow connecting the sky and the earth was moving in the direction of the team!

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