Edge of the Apocalypse

Chapter 1537: Oriental Dragon

Even the longest night will pass.

As the sun just rose, people walked in one after another in the main hall of Dawn Castle City Lord's Mansion, and each of these faces entering the hall was a very important person. Especially Edward, although this young man was only an earl, he was already famous in the south. So when he walked into the hall, the hall immediately quieted down to show respect for him.

The former Maritan star boy is now a graceful man. He glanced at everyone in the hall and said, "I believe you have heard that Ark Harbor was attacked last night. However, thanks to the efforts of Deep Sea Lin Ji and the Church Crusades, the Ark Harbor is not lost. The Ark Harbor has already been issued to us. For help, I have sent an army of about 10,000 people to support. I believe it can withstand it for a while. But this is not the most serious thing. What is more serious is that last night, not only Ark Harbor was attacked."

Behind Edward, a topographic map of the empire was hung on the wall, and some red triangles were inserted on the map. Edward stepped back a little, looked at the map and said, "As you can see, last night, including the Ark Harbor, Tiger Shark Harbor, Bingxing Harbor, and other port cities were severely attacked. According to our placement According to the information sent back by the members of Dark Blade this morning, there are now seven cities that have fallen. The invaders are not prepared to stay in the cities. They rely on these cities as a springboard to invade the inland of the empire, and they are going to other cities. The city is sprawling."

Edward held a pen and scribbled on the map, only to see the lines spreading inland from the cities with triangle marks. In Edward's pen, the coastal area of ​​the empire is almost covered with red lines. Everyone looked at these red lines, and even the most optimistic people became serious. Those red lines are the areas covered by war. It is conceivable that soon, the empire’s coastline will be in flames.

"Yes, this time the invaders came from the sea. The imperial navy fleet did not send any warnings back, either there was an inside line in the navy, or the imperial navy had been wiped out. If it were the latter, then the next situation in the empire would be It will be more severe." Edward sighed: "Although I don't want to admit it, this time, I think the danger is more dangerous than the civil war in the empire. One is not good, I am afraid that the empire will change hands."

Edward is not alarmist. The invasion of the Shadow Principality and the subsequent civil war in the empire cost both the strong and the army. Now that the new emperor succeeds, the next Julian policy will undoubtedly focus on recuperation. But when the empire's national power was empty, an invader from the sea came, which was undoubtedly a huge blow to the current Balekan Empire. From the fact that the invaders almost drove straight into the seven coastal port cities, it is not difficult to see that the empire’s forces are in an extremely weak state.

"My lord, do you know the identity of the intruder?" someone asked below.

Edward looked at someone who was the dragon of staff from the East. Edward said: "Maybe Mr. Long will know this better than me."

Everyone glanced at the dragon. Even though the oriental man became the focus of his sight, he still calmly stood up and said: "From the news, the invader’s battleship is painted with the pattern of Tamron, and Tamron is a source of origin. Since the ancient oriental art creation, the giant dragon has condensed the imagination and spirit of the ancestors, and has always been regarded as a symbol of honor and auspiciousness in the East. The dragon as a symbol will only be the Panlong Empire of the human country in the East. That is A human kingdom that is older than the Balkan Empire. It can be traced back thousands of years and has a long history of culture. The depth of its heritage is far beyond Balkan’s comparison. That kingdom is an oriental dragon, once it crosses the ocean Come, the earth will be turned upside down, the ground will be broken and the mountains will collapse!"

After Long finished speaking, someone in the hall chuckled and said, "Mr. Long, it sounds a bit exaggerated."

"There are ten strong men in the Bairegang Empire. As far as I know, there are at least twenty or even more strong men in the Panlong Empire. And this information is still before I came across the ocean. Information, after so many years, God knows how many powerhouses the Panlong Empire has added. As for the army, as long as you know that the population of the Panlong Empire is more than ten times that of Bairegang, you can guess how many of their imperial troops are. Believe me, it is only the forwards of the Panlong Empire who are attacking the port cities, and their main force should still be at sea."

Long glanced at Edward lightly and said: "I haven't been in the Panlong Empire for many years. Before crossing the ocean, I was an ignorant child. But at that time, I had heard the elders in the family say that in the court of the Panlong Empire, There is a plan to move westward. When an empire becomes powerful and has been so for hundreds of years, then a small continent can no longer satisfy it, at least, it cannot satisfy the appetite of the emperor. But the plan to move west has been delayed. Because the two continents are separated by a large enough sea ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ It is well known that even with the relatively mature navigation technology nowadays, the trade groups traveling between the two continents still suffer casualties from time to time. The sea is worthy of awe. Anything can happen on the sea, so if you want to move troops from the east to the west, you just need to think about the huge expenditure. Besides, not everyone in the DPRK and China supports the westward plan. Critics are called conservatives. They believe that it is not easy to defend the huge foundation of the empire. If they send troops to the west, they are simply throwing their ancestors’ property into the sea. Of course, the radicals who support the westward plan don’t think so. The dragon empire has developed for thousands of years, and the mainland's resources have been depleted day by day. If new territories cannot be opened up, the glory of the empire will be inherited. The two factions have been arguing, so the emperor of the empire has not made up his mind. But now it seems that it seems that The imperial emperor has already decided."

Edward asked, "So what advice can Mr. Long give us?"

"It's difficult. I have left the empire for decades. I didn't know the news from the other side of the sea. I can only say, be careful not to have any contempt. The dragon from the east is far more threatening. Everyone’s imagination." Long leaned forward: "The next meeting, Lord Edward, should I avoid suspicion?"

Edward laughed: "Don't say that Mr. Long left the Panlong Empire for many years, even if it is not like this. As long as the husband is in this hall, there is no need to avoid suspicion. If Mr. betrays us, it is also my ignorant vision. The fault is not Mr. at me."

This is Edward's measure, and everyone in the hall nodded. Long sat back quietly, his head lowered, his face expressionless with his hands folded, and he didn't know what he was thinking now. Edward coughed lightly, "So now, if you have any suggestions, please feel free to put them forward."

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