Edge of the Apocalypse

Chapter 1538: My blood is still hot

It was also the morning, when the first ray of morning light fell on the Palace of Dawn Fortress in the capital of Olisga, the court hall was already full of people. Everyone who can enter this hall is a big man. On the majestic throne, sitting in it is naturally the newly succeeded empire, Julian. After going through all kinds of events, the face of the former second prince has lost a little bit of childishness, and has more than three points of perseverance tempered out, and the majesty of being a superior. It's just that the figure is still a bit thin, and it's not like the previous emperor Tangliou's combination of the king's majesty and domineering seamlessly. Obviously, the new empire needs more training.

On the left side of the throne, stood an old man in armor. With a red feather golden fury beast helmet in his hand, his hair was frosty white, and his face was wrinkled like tree bark, but no one in the temple dared to look down upon this old man, because he was the Imperial Marshal Rodek. There was an invasion by the Principality of Shadow before, and two princes fought north and south. In these two wars, Rodek was also a lot of effort. The whole person was a few years old. The most obvious was his frosty hair, which was already white and shiny.

Opposite Rodek, the former Prime Minister Nebot standing on the right side of the throne. This old man who has experienced the turmoil in the royal capital and once lost the position of prime minister is now back to the throne of prime minister. Nebot's complexion looks much better than Rodek's, his face is ruddy, full of energy, and his complexion is three points better than before, even people look much younger. Indeed, as the powerful arm of the first emperor and the teacher of the new emperor, he also experienced the most turbulent period together. Nowadays, in the ruling and opposition parties, Nebot is the person most trusted by Julian, and he is naturally a well-deserved red man in the empire at this time.

Under the marshal and prime minister, the commanders of the various corps and the important ministers in the DPRK. For example, Woodrick, the leader of the Dragon Army, has fought for thousands of miles with Julian, and now has a prosperous reputation, only behind Rodek. As for the Captain Arkham of the Bear Armour who pushed out Julian's conscription repeatedly that day, he was not seen at all. Everyone with a discerning eye knows that even though Arkham still stayed in Moseoor as his legion commander, Julian would only mention the things he dodge that day. But in the heart of this new emperor, Arkham is already a person who needs to be replaced at any time. It's just that he is very prestigious in the Bear Armour and cannot easily move him. But sooner or later, he will be kicked out of the Bear Armour, but it is a certainty.

The atmosphere under the hall was depressed, and the officials couldn't help but relax by three points. Julian swept over the people below and said in a slightly low voice: "Presumably you already know that, just last night, a number of coastal port cities in our country were suddenly attacked. Overnight, seven cities have fallen. Only the third and fourth cities, including Ark Port, are still struggling. As for the specific situation, Marshal Rodke added."

Rodk coughed lightly, and stepped forward and said: "According to the information we have obtained, this time the invading of our country is an enemy from the East. Many people should be familiar with the name Panlong Empire, yes, it is The overlord on the land east of the ocean. The history of the Panlong Empire is even longer than ours. It is a powerful and profound country. Regardless of the number of troops or strong, it is only a lot more than ours. I believe that it is only their forwards who are attacking Zhucheng now, and their main force should still be at sea. It is worth mentioning that before their invasion, our naval forces did not have any feedback at all. And after the invasion, I and the Navy Contact has been lost. From this point of view, our maritime fleet may have been wiped out!"

Hearing this news from Rodek's mouth, except for a few people, all the others changed. Although the imperial navy can't talk about how strong it is, it still has an organization of tens of thousands of people. The navy stationed on the sea islands of St. Trina for many years at least has more than 10,000 people, and so many people have not even returned any news. So as long as you have a little brain, you can roughly estimate how many people there will be the main enemy.

"In addition to being a transportation hub between north and south, the port city is also an important gateway to the inland. Today, seven seaport cities have fallen into the hands of the adversary. If there is no accident, the enemy will pass through these cities as a springboard and begin to attack our country. The inland spread. If you can't stop it in time and retake the occupied city at this time. Then it won't be long before you can see those battle flags depicting Tamron patterns in Olísca."

"We also have a lot of business dealings with the Panlong Empire, Marshal Rodek, do you see if there is a possibility of negotiation." A minister asked.

Rodke said blankly: "Of course there is a possibility of negotiation, but that will have to be after we show a evenly matched situation, given that losses and gains are disproportionate, the enemy will sit on the negotiating table. Now the opponent is aggressive, I don’t think there will be negotiations in a short time."

"The lion will not negotiate with the rabbit, not to mention that there is a dragon from the east over the sea. If we can't even talk about a lion, do you think the dragon will negotiate with us?" Nebot also said: " Therefore, it is imperative that you should put aside those unrealistic ideas. The next thing we have to do is to attack head-on. We must tell the invaders that we are not rabbits, but tigers, lions, and even giants comparable to them. Long!"

Rodk glanced at this old opponent who had always disagreed with each other, and said: "It is rare that this time I have the same opinion as the Prime Minister. The Prime Minister is right to say that we must not only meet, but also be tough enough. Only in this way, the enemy I would only consider sitting down and talking instead of seeing each other. Of course, the final decision depends on your Majesty."

Right now, everyone turned their eyes to the young emperor on the throne.

Julian stood up and said: "Originally, after experiencing so many disasters, as the lord of a country, I should return the people to a peaceful age of recuperation. But now the enemy from the East has ignited the flames of war. If we retreat at this time, I am afraid. It will bring greater disasters to the people. So here, I agree with the views of the Marshal and the Prime Minister. Here I declare that our Balekan Empire will fight back with all our strength. Don’t forget that our ancestors built this empire in suffering and flames. Don’t forget, the longing for freedom is flowing in our blood. My life is dead, my blood is still hot!"

There was a silence in the hall, and everyone roared, "My blood is still hot!"

This sentence is what the first emperor of the past roared out in the face of desperation. For many years, it has inspired the soldiers of the empire to move forward so as to create a country under the threat of the shadow Principality. Now Julian uses it to inspire everyone, and the blood of everyone is stunned at the moment, all with red eyes waiting to rush to the battlefield immediately.

This is of course impossible.

Next, Rodek announced the details of the counterattack plan, including the decision to transfer the Ursa Army stationed in Moser to the nearby city of Tiger Shark Harbor. Tiger Shark Harbor has fallen, and there are a lot of enemy troops there, and it really needs an elite division like the Bear Armour to fight. What's more, in the previous prince battle, the Armoured Bears can be said to be unscathed, so no matter from which point of view, there is nothing wrong with sending Armoured Bears to Tiger Shark Harbor. It's just that everyone in the temple vaguely felt that it was a sign that Julian took Arkham's knife.

The entire counterattack plan will be in action at the same time, requiring hundreds of thousands of troops to be mobilized, and the combat scope encompasses the entire coastline of the empire.

Such wars fought on the North and South fronts at the same time seldom occurred in the history of the past, but in the past two years, the Balkan Empire has seen the third such large-scale operation. After this battle, regardless of victory or defeat, it is an indisputable fact that the empire's vitality is severely injured. It's just that the crisis is right in front of us, and this battle cannot prevent the empire from fighting.

As the empire was being mobilized from north to south, a group of people was walking in a forest leading to Bauhinia Ridge. This team was exactly the Father Miró and others who evacuated from Ark Harbor last night. They ran around all night. At this time, the energetic Crusaders were also faintly tired, so the team did not go fast, and they were looking for an open woodland. Stop to rest at the moment.

Milo and Vera also got out of the carriage, and the priest stretched his waist and murmured: "The war was finally over, and it was fought again. It didn't make people have a good life."

A knight brought water and bread, and said with a smile: "Don't complain, Father. I think this must be a test given by God, and I believe everyone will survive~www.wuxiaspot.com~ The faithful knight, Milo smacked his lips and finally swallowed the shocking words back into his stomach. He took the food, walked under an old tree, and sat on the thick root of the tree to eat bread.

Vera floated over like a black cloud and sat next to the priest. Milo drank and swallowed the bread and asked, "I said, can you see the outcome of this war?"

Vera tore off a small piece of bread with her hands and threw it into her mouth, and whispered softly: "I often don't see the future that involves too many people. Even if I can see it, it's probably just one of the many possibilities in the future. We. They're all just human beings, don't be a god, and think that you are really a **** after a long time."

A certain slobber choked, and said grimly: "I don't want everyone to live a good life."

Just as Vera was about to say something, the girl's eyes suddenly became blank. Milo jumped up immediately: "What's wrong, what do you see?"

"Someone is coming towards us, the number is quite large. I saw armor that I had never seen before. Well, this is the sign of a dragon." Vera's eyes brightened: "It's an enemy from the East!"

Hearing Vera's words, a knight captain in charge of the team's completeness immediately shouted: "Pull the sword, be on guard!"

At the end of the speech, the sound of feather arrows pierced through the air sounded in the forest. A crusader infantry was still holding bread in his hand, and a feather arrow was nailed into his neck. While the end was still shaking, the bread in the soldier's hand fell to the ground, and the blood dripping from his body stained the bread red.

Then one by one warriors dressed in dark red soft armor and half masks on their faces jumped out from the tree canopy and behind the rocks. Or draw a bow and shoot, or raise a sword to meet each other. Regardless of whether it is an archer or a swordsman, their chests have Tamron patterns on their soft armor!

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