Edge of the Apocalypse

Chapter 1539: Return

The oriental warrior who suddenly appeared in the woods was wearing dark red soft armor. These armors cover a much smaller area than the standard armors of the Bairegang Empire Army, and only protect a few important parts such as the chest. Under the soft armor are black combat uniforms. They are fastened with twine at the cuffs and trousers to avoid affecting their actions. These warriors can be roughly divided into two categories: archers and swordsmen. The former holds a long bow and hangs a quiver on his back. Shooting arrows while walking is fast and accurate. There was a gunpowder pistol hanging on his waist. When the feather arrow in the bag was shot, it should be the gunpowder's turn. As for the swordsmen, they usually carry long swords and two short swords hanging from the waist belt. There are also one or two who don't have short knives on their waists, but they carry double swords behind them. These swordsmen who made double swords were obviously the elite of this group of warriors. There were only three of them, but the double swords danced, and a Crusader knight could not get a few moves under their swords, so he cut his throat. Regardless of the archer or the swordsman, their attacks are simple and direct, without too much fancy, they are purely crafts for murder.

The oriental warriors cooperated tacitly, and the Crusader guards that protected Miró and Vera quickly reduced their staff. However, the blinking Kung Fu infantry was dead, and only five knights remained struggling. The knight raised a shield to organize defenses, barely blocked several waves of attacks, and killed two swordsmen. But when the three double-sword warriors joined the battle circle, the situation of the Crusader knights seemed precarious. Soon one of the knights was beheaded, and the other cut into the gap of the leg armor with a long sword, and almost a calf was removed. The knight's line of defense immediately collapsed, and was rushed by other swordsmen. The remaining knights were divided and killed in twos or twos.

Milo dragged Vera to sprint through the woods, but neither of them were combat personnel, and their physical strength and speed were relatively limited. It took a few minutes to catch up. Milo smiled bitterly and dragged Vera behind, and whispered softly: "I knew I should learn a few tricks from Willick to save my life."

Vera was breathing fast, but she didn't panic. There was a delicate pistol in her hand. This is a magic pistol, but it has limited power and is only used for self-defense. Obviously, having such an extra gun will not help the situation.

Seeing the samurai approaching, Milo wiped the sweat on his forehead and asked with the idea of ​​delaying time: "Who are you! Do you know who we are? Tell you, we are all great men. If we die, you Hundreds of thousands of angry believers will be torn to pieces! If I were you, I would catch these two people in front of me. You can go to Bauhinia Ridge to spread the news, and Earl Edward will pay you enough ransom."

Vera whispered, "This is too shameful, Father?"

"Miss, life matters." Milo hummed, repeating it again.

At this time, there was laughter from behind the samurai, and several swordsmen knelt down with their swords, and a burly figure walked out from behind them. Different from these agile warriors, this burly warrior who strode out wore a very heavy dark red armor. In addition to the Tamron pattern, the armor also had bright yellow patterns as decorations, which looked like a piece of Pieces of flying flames. The burly warrior was dragging a long-handled horse-cutting knife in his hand, and a dark red flying dragon was engraved on the spine of the blade. The blade was dragging on the ground, and a crack was cut by the blade in every place it passed. He stood in front of Miro and said loudly: "We are the special marching army of the fire department under King Pingxi. It sounds like you are the big men in the fan barbarians?"

"King Pingxi? Special march?" Milo said to himself: "I didn't understand any of them." Hearing the following sentence, he nodded busyly: "Yes, we are big shots!"

"That's great, catch them and take them back to see the prince. These two guys should be able to provide us with the necessary information."

"Be a cocoon." Vera whispered.

Milo was crying, too, which was a little different from what he expected. But the other party obviously didn't consider the priest's mood. A dozen archers raised their bows and aimed at the two of Miró, while four swordsmen took out the thick rope and walked over, intending to tie them together.

At this moment, a gust of wind blew in the woods. The surrounding trees rustled, hundreds of leaves were blown down by the wind, and drifted past the forest crowd.

The burly warrior said "Huh", and just had time to call "Caution", but the warriors who had been rubbed by the fallen leaves were already covered in flesh. It was the seemingly inconspicuous leaves, but they easily cut their throats, and suddenly fell a piece of samurai, blood staining the surrounding grass. The burly warrior exploded in time with a black-blue source force, shook the floating leaves away, and then shouted: "Who is pretending to be a god!"

A woman’s laughter rang out in the woods, and then footsteps came. A petite woman walked out of the woods and came to Miro. Seeing this woman, Milo said "Huh": "Is it you?"

Her whole body was wrapped in an airtight cloak, and even her head was covered in a low-hanging hat, but judging from her figure and voice, it was the mysterious woman who asked Miró to confess in the church last night. She whispered: "I got the priest's help yesterday. Let me do something in return today. You go quickly, I have solved the other samurai~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Now only this big man is left."

When the burly soldier heard this, his eyes glared: "You killed all my people?"

"Yes, why, do I have to report it to you?" the petite woman said in a provocative tone.

Milo picked up Vera and turned around and ran, and soon disappeared in the woods. The woman snorted and said, "I didn't even say a word of thanks. As expected, a good person is unhappy."

The burly warrior over there has already exploded, dragging a knife and rushing. The blade of the long-handled horse-cutting sword spewed a faint black-green sword aura, and slashed its head at the woman.

The woman floated back like a fallen leaf, and smiled faintly: "Big man, you know? This is my home court, so you shouldn't be too arrogant!"

As he was running, he suddenly heard a screaming scream behind him, and he heard the voice of a man. Milo shrugged and said to Vera: "I didn't expect that woman is still a master."

"Don't worry about that much," Vera said.

Milo nodded, using all his strength to escape.

In the woods, the petite woman raised her head. In front of her was a big tree, but the head of a burly warrior was drilled out of the trunk. The samurai was bleeding from seven holes and looked at the woman under the tree in horror, as if she was more terrifying than the devil.

The woman chuckled and said, "Well, the feeling of tree roots swimming in the body is uncomfortable. I have said that the woods are my home court, but you don't listen. Now I regret it."

The samurai said hoarsely: "Don't be proud, bitch. Lord Pingxi will kill you barbarians!"

"When you die, your mouth really smells bad." The woman snapped her fingers, and suddenly a few branches came out from the samurai's eyes and mouth. The samurai gradually disappeared, but a few green buds grew on the branch.

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