Edge of the Apocalypse

Chapter 1540: Unpredictable

There was a sound of foot stepping on the grass, and the petite woman who was leaning against the tree raised her head and saw a tall figure appearing next to the big tree in front. She is also a woman, which is not difficult to judge from her figure, but she is much taller. A deep voice sounded from the drooping hat brim: "I really don't understand why you did this? You are not afraid of being chased by that person, but instead ran to this planet with his foundation. You know those things. People have something to do with him, but they help me. Tell me, Miss Anne, what are your plans. If you plan to commit suicide, please forgive me for not playing with you."

"Don't say that, dear Hana, we have known each other for a while, don't you think I'm like someone who wastes time on some useless things? If you think like this, it hurts my heart too much. It just means that the two of us don't know each other enough." The brim of the hat was gently lifted, and a short golden hair ran out, shining in the sunlight through the gaps in the leaves. The face under the short hair is Angeloni, and the other is naturally the mercenary Hana who was saved by her on the Evernight Star.

On that day, the two supreme battles fought against Yong Ye Xing, and Angeloni had left the Marquis of Rowan long before that. Before that, she had arranged for Hana to play a dark game. In the end, Hana drove a small starship to pick Angeloni from Yongyexing, and then Angeloni made a bold, even crazy decision. She chose to go to the heavenly star. Of course she knew what was on the heavenly star. Here are Alan's foundation and subordinates. It can be said that it is dangerous here. But she still chose to come to this planet and had contact with Father Miró last night. Her behavior is difficult to predict, and Hannah will not have the thought of breaking up the gang. After all, what Angeloni was thinking, only this woman knew.

"I am a mercenary, but not a gambler. For some unpredictable adventures, please forgive me not to accompany you." Hana said indifferently: "As for your favor to save me, I think it's almost the same. Perhaps, It’s time for us to part ways."

Angeloni shook her head and smiled: "Oh my god, you should have such thoughts. Okay, Hana. What do you think of this, since you say you are a mercenary, then I will hire you to stay and protect me. . Of course, if you judge that there is danger, you can unilaterally terminate the contract. How about?"

Hannah said: "Miss Anne, your strength is above me. Let me protect you, this will only be a joke."

"It's not ridiculous at all." Angeloni's face turned a little gloomy: "I have abandoned Ida Huaxing and left everything. Now I am only you, you know. I hate this kind of loneliness. Feel, so stay with me, Hana."

There was silence in the woods, and after a while, Hannah said, "That's like you said, if I judge it is dangerous, I will leave immediately."

"Deal." Angeloni jumped up: "So, those two people just now?"

"I watched them leave the woods with my own eyes, and I confirmed that no enemy would follow them before returning."

"Okay, then there is nothing for us here for the time being." Angeloni patted her **** and said: "Go, now they should owe me some favors and see if they can ask for something back."

Hana frowned in the hat: "I still think you want to commit suicide."

Ark Harbor.

The cannonball dragging the flame across the sea, leaving a bright trail, disappearing on the other side of the cliff, creating a series of explosions and flames. The cliff was shaking, and those fragile parts continued to fall off, then blackened the flames, and then shattered and fell off for the second wave of explosions, and so on. On the cliff that vibrates from time to time, soldiers in red armor are climbing up with difficulty. On the top of the cliff are the soldiers of the Deep Sea Linji. They will pour hot oil, and then ignite, and the huge mountain wall will burn, burning the enemies who climbed up to death and falling. Even so, the soldiers of the Panlong Empire had no idea of ​​giving up. A dragon head ship sent them to the cliff on the seashore, and then these soldiers would climb up like ants, even if the end point was a **** of flames, they were not afraid.

Fights like this have been going on all morning.

This made a man sitting upstairs in the iron-clad ship very impatient, and finally he stood up and shouted: "When will this be hit? Bring me the weapon. This king will go out himself!"

An officer next to him hurriedly knelt down and said: "The prince is the body of a daughter, so how can he easily risk it."

This man is King Pingxi, as one of the princes of the Panlong Empire, King Pingxi can be called young and promising. Less than forty, but with a single combat power, he squeezed into the forest of the empire's most powerful men. He came from a noble background, had a great family, and he was a fief, and he quickly caught up with the southern territories of the Balkan Empire. King Pingxi had a rare defeat. This time he took the initiative to ask for help and participated in the action of the forward army. I thought that a city like Ark Harbor was not easily captured. Unexpectedly, one night passed, and I couldn't even attack the city. Now another morning has passed, and the soldiers are still attacking the cliff defense line. Even if he was defeated, it was a shame and shame for him.

The officer next to him was also sweating coldly. After they used the Dragon Head Clippers to attack the Shanfu Pier of Ark Harbor last night, they encountered a tough confrontation from Deep Sea Linji in the Corridor of Tough Waves. After that, the Deep Sea Lin Ji blew up the Twisting Wave Corridor, cutting off the only passage from the dock to the city. In desperation, Pingxishan could only send a special march of the Fire Department to land from other places to find passages. On the other side, they used the clumsy way of soldiers climbing up the cliff. If it were other port cities, it might not be able to withstand the panlong Empire's desperate offensive, but the environment of Ark Harbor was special. After blowing up the Stormy Corridor, the cliffs facing the sea became a natural barrier. The Panlong Empire’s offensive continued to be frustrated, and due to the lack of ordnance of the forward, King Pingxi could only use his life to pile up the advantage of Ark Harbor. Judging from the current situation, if there is no other channel, I am afraid that it will pay ten times more losses than the original estimate if you want to attack the boat port.

This is exactly the reason why King Pingxi was so restless.

"Is there no news from the special marching army?" the angry prince asked loudly.

The special marching army is an army dedicated to several princes in the empire. This army is divided into four parts: wind, fire, mountain, and forest. The functions and specialties of each department are different. Take the fire department as an example, it is the most adept at infiltration and mobile operations, which is exactly the answer to aggression. But now that this fire department is sent out, there is still no news back in the morning, which is really intolerable. Not to mention King Pingxi, even the officer was puzzled. At this moment, when the prince asked, he had to bite the bullet and whispered: "Perhaps they are planning a route, please do not rush. The loss in front of you is nothing at all. The prince can wait for the arrival of the main force of our army with peace of mind. By then, these western barbarians will have the place It's just because the praying man's arm blocks the car."

King Pingxi hummed: "Wait for the main force to arrive? Once the main force arrives, isn't the old thing of King Jiwu also here? I acted with the front army, just to let King Jiwu know that the empire is not only old guys like them, how can this king lose half of them? But now, even a small city has to wait for the main force to arrive, so it's better to return to the country directly."

The officer could only sigh secretly that King Pingxi was arrogant. When I came here, I was so proud, I didn't expect to suffer here. With his temperament, it would be nice to be able to suppress it up to now. But although King Pingxi has superb combat power, there are also strong players in this Western country, and I am afraid that King Pingxi will go out to provoke the enemy strong. If Pingxi Wangzhe were here, he couldn't imagine what would happen next. I am afraid that his family will have to bury the prince.

So in any case, the officer made up his mind to drag the prince here. As for whether it can be delayed, that is another matter.

At the moment when the coast of the Balegun Empire was lit by the flames of war, on the other side of the St. Trin Sea, the sea was terribly calm. On the horizon, a shadow gradually appeared. This black shadow occupies more than half of the sea level, and it didn't take long for the tranquility of the sea to be broken by the sound of surging waves. Accompanied by the sound of the waves, there were exciting drums, and then a sailing ship wrapped in iron skin appeared on the sea~www.wuxiaspot.com~ This is a huge fleet, and only the kind of iron-clad ships can board. Thousands. In the camp of this fleet, there are more than ten huge ships. In addition, there is a sea snake comparable to an iron-clad ship from time to time. The shadow of this sea keeps advancing, judging from the speed of the fleet, the fleet can arrive at the shore by tomorrow at the latest.

On an island far away from the fleet, there is a petite girl sitting on the rocky reef of the island. The girl looked at the moving shadow in the distance with a deep worry. At this time, the sound of the water was loud, and several figures rose from the sea not far in front of the rocky beach, but they were the vicissitudes of the Naga. Dragon knight. As for that girl, it was Princess Lily of Naga. One of the Mossaurus knights reported the situation of the fleet to Lily. After listening, Lily sighed and said: "Such a thing happened, the humans from the East came across the ocean. To death, our allies are now in great health. , Let’s have another fight like this, I’m afraid..."

"His Royal Highness, then what should we do?"

Lily bit her lip and said, "We live in the deep sea, and what happens on land is not our business. But Balekan will be over. Unless we migrate as a family, we will be our turn next. So now , We have to do something."

"But your Highness, there are too many opponents, even if we dispatch all the soldiers, it won't help."

"Idiot, who told you to fight hard. Didn't you just say that there are very big giant ships in the fleet? Then we will scuttle them. Those giant ships are not used to transport soldiers, or the seats of important people. If you sink them, you should be able to delay some time. As allies, we can only do this." Lily stood up and reached out to the shadow of the fleet: "Go!"

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