Edge of the Apocalypse

Chapter 1541: Jiwu King

A huge fleet of ships from the east is advancing vigorously on the sea of ​​Santa Terina. The waves swelled against the ship, splashing countless sprays. Especially those tower ships are simply moving islands. When they moved forward, the surging waves were so big that even the iron-clad boats that were closer to each other swayed. Among them, a ship in the center of the ship formation is still conspicuous. The hull of this ship is painted in red, with pavilions and pavilions erected on the ship. The architectural style is very oriental. From a distance, it looks like a palace on the sea. In front of the giant ship, there were four red-scaled sea snakes dragging vigorously. Those sea snakes were better than the others, and they had red scales and strong aura. They were obviously the best among sea snakes. They drag the huge ship to ride the wind and waves, and they are like a unique scenery in the ship formation.

On the highest red pavilion of that ship, the sound of Xiao 箜wind music was sounding. Women in colorful clothes are dancing to the music, and their sleeves are dancing in the attic. In the middle of the attic, someone was lying on his side, with a white hair combed back to his head, braided into dozens of small braids, and then tied into a thick braid to hang down to the waist. He wore a big red dress, a golden crown inlaid with silver and diamonds on his head, a piece of gold and jade pendant hanging from his belt, and even the brocade boots under his feet were dotted with a few red agates. This person is jeweled and precious, and he knows at first sight that he is an indescribable person. In spite of the effort of foot care, those wrinkles and age spots can't be concealed anyhow. Even if you are all expensive, it is difficult to conceal the dusk. The man holding this side was an elderly man.

There was a sound of footsteps at this time, and a man with an empty tulle jacket, tight-fitting clothes inside, and half of his face quickly walked to the couch. The old man on the couch knelt down on one knee and said, "Master, King Pingxi sent an urgent letter, urging me to wait as soon as possible."

The old man sneered and sat up cross-legged on the couch. One of the two girls in palace costumes next to him pinched his shoulders, and the other brought a golden cigarette pistol embedded with jade for the old man. The old man took a mouthful of it, and said: "Yu Yu, why did King Pingxi give his full support for this western expedition, and even invested a lot of his own manpower and material resources. Our little prince is very ambitious, Pingxi Pingxi, after he ascended to the position of the prince? Just use the abacus to quell Xiyi and get the most out of the wild."

The man named Yu Yi just bowed his head, but did not answer.

The old man on the couch continued: "The eight kings of the empire, apart from King Pingxi, which one is not a famous name. He is good, and he has a good fetus and settled in the Anyang king's mansion. His father Anyang king prayed for this kid. After a hereditary resignation, he easily became the prince. But he couldn't hold back the voices of questioning from the ruling and the opposition, so this kid, now I want to get rid of me, the King of Extreme Martial Arts, and do it alone. In that case, let's go slowly. Don't worry. , Let him go with Xiyi Barbarian first."

"What does the prince mean?"

"Tell King Pingxi that we have encountered wind and waves at sea and need to find islands and shelter. The fastest, and we will arrive tomorrow." The old man waved his hand lazily, took a cigarette, and lay down like a maid. Close your eyes on your thighs and sleep soundly.

Yuyao glanced outside the pavilion. The sun was shining in the St. Trina Sea, and the wind and waves were calm. He had no doubt, his sleeves clapped each other. He stood up and retreated and left the attic. After a while, a few trained birds rose into the sky, bringing back King Jiwu's reply.

After sending the letter, the man named Yu Qian was about to go back. Suddenly I felt something, and turned around in a whirlwind to look at the ship in front of him. There was shouts from the ship, and soldiers on the deck slammed their flags. A soldier nearby shouted: "It's not good for Commander Lin, their ship is leaking and sinking!"

The man surnamed Lin and Yuyao said with piercing eyes: "Our Red King battleship is sturdy and extraordinary. Even the violent currents in the center of the ocean never halted a Red King battleship. Why did it get to this inland sea and leaked water. Hurry up and let me take a closer look. Know the specific reason!"


While the soldiers on the battleship agreed to leave, dozens of mosasaur knights were swimming to the keel of the ship under the bottom of the ship, and then their weapons were used to destroy the ship's keel. It's just that the building is huge, and its keel is as thick as a tree trunk. The Mosasaur knight can only release his source power and slash with all his strength to slash the dragon bones apart. Originally, the seawater was used as a natural cover, and the Mosasaurus knight's source power attribute was consistent with water, even if there were masters on the ship, it was difficult to detect. But just as these Mosasaurus knights slashed the keel, the King Jiwu who seemed to have fallen asleep suddenly opened his eyes, and then sneered: "Okay, this world has really changed. Any cat and puppy dare to be this king. Here comes the wild."

Suddenly, the ship's power rose to the sky, and the sunny sea changed drastically. Thick billowing clouds are coming one after another, and in an instant, a storm on the sea is about to come!

At the same time as the war on the heaven star reignited, Allen returned to Agareth. The war in the Gart star field has ended, and Spinak led Orfascius to the Evernight Star and invaded Idahua Star alone. No one knows what he got on Idahua, only knowing that the devil got some kind of "clue" through the message he left. What's shocking is that the demon king actually changed hands of Agareth's huge foundation and gave it to Allen, giving Allen the feeling of falling pie in the sky, and it was the kind of gold inlaid.

After Spinak's disappearance, the two supreme battles on Evernight Star also ended. After fighting for three days and two nights, the dying planet has now become a supernova. Orfascius returned to Ida Huaxing, and heard that as soon as he arrived in the Golden City, he avoided the quiet room to recover. Frius returned to the Garter Star Territory and announced his withdrawal directly. As soon as Duobia's army withdrew, Moying Nation naturally had no reason to insist, so an interstellar expedition with heavy thunder and rain came to an end. From the beginning to the end, looking at the whole war, it is not difficult to see that Spinak united the forces of Alan and Frios to pave the way for himself to invade Idahua. Regardless of the so-called "clues" that Spinak got from Idahua, there are a lot of such handicrafts on expedition to the Xinghai with the power of the whole country.

After getting the clues, the Demon King directly played the missing piece. Although he threw the Demon Kingdom to Allen, it is still unknown whether Allen can eat this cake. After all, there is a Duobia outside of the Demon Shadow Kingdom. On the other side, there is a supreme. Fortunately, Frius seems to have been hit hard in the battle of the supreme. Otherwise, there is no Sponak’s Demon Kingdom, and I am afraid that the Alan Throne has not covered the heat, and it will have to be snatched by Dobia. Even so, Allen had no bottom in whether he could control the Demon Shadow Kingdom. Such a turning point was too unexpected, and with this plan, he could only take one step.

After returning to Agareth, he basically didn't stay in Mokdan. Don't just miss Melanie's side, and after briefly explaining the situation, he followed Ramo to the magic ring city. Before their return, the disappearance of Spinak and the loss of the empire to Allen had spread in the city, and the magic circle city suddenly exploded. For Spinak, a huge empire may not be seen in his eyes. For him, one person is a country. If you want to lose something like an empire, you can lose it, and you can build another one if you want. However, some people in the Magic Ring City are far short of the mindset of Spinak. Handing over the empire to Allen is Spinak's last will to the Shadow Kingdom. But it seems impossible to want everyone to buy it, especially after learning that the devil is missing, there are many people who have such active minds. So before Allen returned to the magic ring city, the city had long been undercurrents. In particular, the four families of the Demon King came down in the same line. Aside from the Thunder Wolf family, who had crippled Allen for a while, the other three high-level families who had never been injured frequently met. Large and small gatherings in just a few days. No less than ten times in between. It is important to know that the senior executives of these families have never met more than three times in the past year.

When the news that Alan appeared in the port of Oculus City, the voices in the city disappeared. But it was definitely not that they had acquiesced to Spinnaker's approach, it was just the calm before the storm.

This time, Allen was taken directly to Shadowhold.

In the car, Lamo said in a deep voice: "Your Majesty, I think you should also feel that this succession will not come too easy. The empire that the previous Majesty created is very big and there are many people. And there are too many people. , There are many voices. Although you are the designated successor, it is difficult to say that no one will come forward to object. I can already foresee that when the matter is announced tomorrow~www.wuxiaspot.com~Shadow Castle Fryer."

Allen nodded and said, "Speaking of which, Lord Lamer didn't seem to have thought of opposing after hearing the message?"

Lamer laughed: "Your Majesty doesn't need to test me. I don't know about others, but I have served the one for a long time, and I know his style of conduct. His Majesty Spinnak doesn't interfere much in the affairs of the Empire, and neither do we Knowing that in his eyes, this empire is simply dispensable. But as long as your majesty makes a decision every time, then you don’t shift with the will of others. What your majesty has to do has never failed, and after a long experience, it will not Will doubt his approach. Just like this time, since he appointed you to be the new master of this empire, no matter how casual outsiders think he is, in my opinion, he will never make a mistake. The most important thing is , He just disappeared. The missing person, God knows when he will come back suddenly. In case we don’t follow his instructions, hey, I don’t dare to resemble that consequence."

"You see, General Devlin may not really support you, but she has no objections. With her character, if you want to object, you will show it at that time. And she doesn't, so she should think of going with me. "

Allen sighed in his heart, not so much that Lamer and Devlin didn't oppose his succession, but rather that they actually did not dare to resist the will of the devil. Although Spinak has gone, he has accumulated a lot of power, and even a murderous figure like Devlin chose to be silent. But in the Magic Ring City, not everyone would obey orders obediently. In the face of huge interests, there would probably be a lot of people who were so dizzy that they would have forgotten the horror of Spinak.

But it doesn't matter, what they forget is to make them remember. Only this time, they will see Allen's means, that's all.

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