Edge of the Apocalypse

Chapter 1571:  Pale hope

Himir's face became worse.

Allen didn’t intend to stop, and continued: “Furthermore, it’s ridiculous to pin one’s hopes on one person. It’s about the fate of your whole family, so casually put it on a legendary character. Is it really okay? Besides, how do you know that Andorra is definitely worthy of hope? Even if that person is still alive, where was he when your people were captured? Where was he when the planet was destroyed? A surviving race People who dare not stand up before the catastrophe, do you still expect him to lead you to resist?"

"Stop talking! Stop talking!" Shimir cried, covering his ears.

She is a strong girl, but for a while, there are tears in her eyes. The long-held belief was brutally overthrown by Allen, and it was pretty good that she did not immediately collapse. Although he didn't want to admit it on the surface, there was another voice in Simir's mind that kept reminding her: Allen might be right. If someone else said so, Himir would laugh it off. But if that person is the emperor of Demon Shadow Kingdom, the weight is completely different. So she didn't want to admit it, but reason told her that Ellen was right, which made the girl quite contradictory.

Allen parted her hands and said, "Rather than placing the bet on a sunstrider, it is better to consider cooperating with me. Shimir, give me Omisgar's information, and Star Roz will not need to go. I go back to Agares. After I put down the rebellion, I will fight Omisga with all my strength. Your people will be saved, and I can give you a place to rest."

"No, the Sunstrider must be alive. Your Majesty Andorra will liberate us. I believe him, I believe him!" Shimir shook Alan's hand, jumped out of the bed and rushed out the door.

Alan looked at the door with a sigh, and when he walked over to close the door, his heart moved. One hand pressed the edge of the door, and Tarot's face appeared in Allen's eyes. The old man whispered: "Sorry, Majesty Ellen. I have heard all of your conversations, but I agree with your proposal. But miss...no, princess. Princess Himmel has always believed in the legend of the sunstrider, and that As a man of her great-grandfather, I believe that Andorra will liberate the Guss. These beliefs are the driving force that supports her along the way, so she cannot accept your opinion for a while, even if what you say is a better solution now The way."

"It's okay, I just make a suggestion. Of course, she insists on going to Luozixing, and I will also take a trip. Only after that, you must hand over Omisga's information to me as agreed."

"Of course." Tarot stepped back and said, "Excuse me."

Allen nodded and was about to close the door. Tarot added: "Actually, you are right. We Guss did not have the courage to resist the Kidd. In the hundreds of years of slavery, those with courage have long been tragically killed by the Kidd. The rest is nothing more than just wanting to live. The princess also knows this, and also knows that she does not have the power to awaken the courage of her compatriots, so she will be struggling to pursue a legend. She thinks that perhaps His Majesty Andorra can rejuvenate everyone... …"

"I see." Allen closed the door.

Looking at the closed door, the old man sighed before moving a heavy step away.

The next day, Alan was eating breakfast on the ground floor of the tavern, and Seamill came over. Her eyes are a little swollen, and it seems that she has cried a lot last night. The girl leaned to Ellen: "Good morning, Your Majesty."

"are you OK?"

"Thanks for your concern, everything is fine." Himir said politely, but he felt a sense of alienation: "If your majesty has nothing to say, I will go to dinner."

Allen said, "Yeah," he naturally didn't need to please a little girl, even if he knew that she was angry, he would use this attitude to talk to himself. In fact, this is also an immature practice, but it is normal to think that Himir is just an adult.

After they had breakfast, Old Blow called in a land vehicle to take them to the starship anchorage. Before leaving, Old Blow said to Himmel: "Please be careful, Your Highness."

"I see." Himir closed the door.

It took two hours to get to the Star of Roz. After the starship took off, Allen stayed in a small room. He planned to **** Himir back to Agareth after this last trip. Then go to the Magic Circle City first to see if Lamer has the guts to sit on the throne of the Hall of Shadows. If Lamer dared to do this, Alan wouldn't mind making him the shortest-lived emperor. The next step was naturally to deal with Omisgar. Since Sarf gave him such a big gift, it would be too unreasonable if there was no return. The knock on the door just sounded, Allen yelled "Come in", the automatic door opened, and Tarot got in. The old Gusi drilled into the room, and the space immediately seemed crowded. Tarot touched his head and said, "Sorry, your majesty. It would be better if the young lady came here..."

Alan knew that Seamill was still angry and nodded: "It's okay, let's talk, what's the matter?"

"That's the case, I want to explain to you some things that need to be paid attention to when you get to Luozi Star." Tarot said: "Although there is Mr. Thom's intelligence, we still need to conduct a low-key operation to search for the Sunstrider this time. Although Zixing is not a colonial star of the Kidd, the Kidd also deployed several armies on that planet. If it is not necessary, we do not want to conflict with the Kidd."

Allen said "Oh" and said, "No problem, I will settle the account with Kidd later."

Tarot thanked him, and said: "Your Majesty, in case we cannot find the Sunstrider, I wonder if you can help us get rid of the slavery of the Kidd."

Allen smiled and said, "Don't you think it would be better for Himmel to tell me about this kind of thing?"

"In this case, then I understand."

"I don't understand." Allen asked: "Your Majesty Andorra has been missing for so long, how do you determine that he is still alive?"

"This incident, it is said that it was two years ago. At that time, we accidentally found an item of His Majesty Andorra. Through tracing, we found the person who brought it out. In contact with him, he seemed to see A man who looks like your Majesty. Unfortunately, he was killed soon. We believe it was done by the Kidd. So we downloaded the information about Omisgar, especially the data about that space weapon, and then fled. Came out."

"If you say that, you are planning to use Omisgar's intelligence to threaten the Kidd when necessary."

Tarot nodded: "Yes, if that information is made public, Omisgar is equivalent to an undefended fortress. The Kidd people will be jealous. They will not dare to kill before they can take the things back. Otherwise, yesterday. , Fini didn't catch Thom threatening, but went straight in."

"Understood." Alan finished speaking without talking. Tarot was also wise, got up and quit.

Luozixing is poor in resources, but a special mineral material is produced on the planet, which can be refined to produce huge energy. It is a pity that the Luozixing people do not have this kind of extraction technology, and have never discovered the value of this precious mineral material. When the Kidders discovered it, they easily occupied hundreds of important mineral veins on this planet. Under continuous excavation, the environment of Luozi star quickly became bad, and it was an even worse disaster for the natives on the planet. This kind of mineral material, Kidd people only gave it a number, the Luozi star people call it the blood of Luozi.

If the entire Yorton star field is regarded as a huge city, then Agareth must be the place of the rich, and the star of Luozi is undoubtedly the slum area. The Guthian starship landed on a wilderness, and when Allen walked off the deck, a rusty wind came on her face. With a large number of metal particles in the wind, it hit the outer armor of the starship and made a bean-like sound, and it even rubbed blood when it hit people's faces. Therefore, Himir and others have wrapped themselves from head to toe ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ and even wear goggles for the eyes, otherwise it is difficult to move on the ground in this climate. As for Alan, he is not afraid of such bad weather, but in order not to be noticeable, he also put on protective clothing like Himir.

Tarot was commanding the crew on the ship to put down a land vehicle, which looked like a starship and looked dilapidated, as if it could be thrown into the garbage dump at any time. But after sitting on it, I found that the space inside was spacious, and the performance was good after starting, so I was fully camouflaged with the starship. The land vehicle left the starship anchorage and drove into a town after more than an hour. The town’s buildings are low and low, and a row of chimneys can be seen from a distance, which is continuously emitting thick black smoke towards the sky. The town was filled with filthy air. When Allen jumped out of the car, his keen senses turned into a trouble at the moment. He could easily distinguish that the air contained rust, motor oil, and a dozen different smells. These odors are all caused by heavy pollution. Green fluorescent sewage can be seen everywhere on the ground of the town, and there is a foul smell in the drains without any protective measures.

Right next to the drains, there are Luozi children playing, seemingly not caring about the sewers beside them.

Luozi's head is big and small, and they look a bit like a green baby walking upright. Their skin is dark and they have hyperplastic bodies, but they don't know whether it is due to environmental pollution or because of the mutation. Except for children, the grown-ups of Luozi are all godless eyes, like walking corpses without souls. They just glanced at the outsiders like Alan, don't pass by, seemingly not alert to strangers at all.

Perhaps they had lost any hope after living on this planet for too long. In their eyes, Allen saw the despair deep in the bones.

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