Edge of the Apocalypse

Chapter 1572: Modo Mine

Allen looked forward, and they were at the end of a remote alley. There are low buildings on both sides of the alley, and a ditch on the left is full of sewage. At the end was a building similar to a warehouse. A land vehicle with wheels was parked in front. Three or five Luozi people squatted or stood, casting unfriendly eyes at them.

Tarot stepped forward and said, "We are going to see Coogee. Sayelul introduced it."

The two men in front exchanged glances, and a Luozi holding a beam rifle stood up and walked into the warehouse. It didn't take long before he walked out again and beckoned to Allen and his party. When entering the door, the Luozi raised his gun and said, "Weapons stay."

Several people walked into the warehouse after handing over their weapons. The light in the warehouse was dim, and boxes were piled up everywhere. From the open boxes, you can see guns, metal parts and even the engine of the airship. There was a clearing in the depths of the warehouse, and there was a table on the clearing. It was filled with various things. A strong Luozi was holding a piece of metal and was watching carefully. Hearing the footsteps, he raised his head and said: "You were introduced by Sayalud?


Tarot took out the key and threw it on the table with a poisonous snake wrapped around it. The man took the key and took a look, nodded and said, "What deal do you want to do. Guns? Spaceships? Slaves?"

"Neither, we have to inquire about one thing." Himir said.

The man laughed: "I am not a news dealer."

"Yes, but there is something that flows out of you." Shimir raised his hand and threw something out, which fell on the table. Under the light, you can see a broken sword, the front half of the sword has been broken. But this sword is full of gems, and you can sell these gems for a lot of money.

The man squinted his eyes and said, "I have a rule here. I will never reveal any news about guests."

Shimir gave Tarot a wink, and the old man threw a bag over. The mouth of the bag was loosened, and a few blue spars were rolled out of it. Unexpectedly, the man didn't look at it, and threw the bag back.

"Too little?" Himir frowned.

The man shook his head: "The rules are the rules. Once the rules are broken, how will I do business in the future."

Allen took a step forward and said, "I'm in a hurry."

"What?" The man looked at him.

When the line of sight fell, Alan's figure was gradually blurred. Then his left wrist tightened and he looked down. The man was shocked. It turned out that Allen had moved to his side and held him with one hand.

Alan looked at him indifferently through the goggles and said, "I'm in a hurry, so please answer that lady's question as soon as possible. As for your so-called rules, I advise you to forget them for the time being. The rules are important, but you can So I lost my life, and I don’t think you need to worry about business anymore."

"Do you dare to threaten..."

At the end of the speech, the man was shocked to see that his arm suddenly turned into a twist, and he screamed in pain. At the moment, four or five men ran in from behind the warehouse and aimed various guns at Himir and Allen.

Allen raised his hand, the temperature of the warehouse rose sharply, and the cold gun shell suddenly became hot. The process from cold to hot was almost completed in an instant, and the men immediately let go of their hands. One of them was about to bend down to pick it up. Alan snorted coldly, and a gray pillar of fire suddenly rose on the ground. The man didn't even hum, and turned into a charred corpse in the pillar of fire. Allen looked at the underground businessman named Coogee and said, "This is not a threat, but an order."

There was a blush in the man's field of vision, and all the lights in the warehouse went on and exploded one by one. In the light and darkness, Ellen's figure looked like a demon in the eyes of the man, and he trembled: "I said, I said..."

Putting away his energy and power, Alan walked back to Himir. Coogee shuddered to look at the sword swordsmanship: "As long as I handled it, everything has a detailed record. But I have too many things here, and it takes at least half an hour to find it."

"You only have five minutes." Allen said.

"grown ups..."

"Four minutes."

"Okay, please wait a moment." Coogee gave up struggling and called several other men over to check the records with him. After a while, he yelled: "Found it, this remnant sword came from the Moduo mining area.


After asking for the specific address, Allen and his party left the warehouse, left the town, and drove to the Moduo Mine. According to Coogee, this remnant sword was shot by a miner, and it seems to have been in the collection for many years. The Moduo mining area has been abandoned for many years now, and a vein where the mining area is located has almost been dug out, and naturally there is no value for continued existence.

The mining area is not far from the town. This town was originally built because of the existence of the mining area. The town was once prosperous, but with the closure of the mining area, the town gradually declined.

The land vehicle drove into the opening gate of the mine ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ and stopped in a clearing. You can see rows of collapsed buildings in the distance. From these ruins, you can roughly imagine the scene of the mining area. Tarot and others found multiple mines, but most of the mines were either closed or collapsed, and only two were still accessible. For safety's sake, Tarot and several others went down to explore in two groups, while Alan and Himir stayed in the car to wait for news.

Himir lay the broken sword flat on his lap and muttered: "This is the sword of His Majesty Andorra. Today we can find the Sunstrider. In that case, everyone will be saved."

Allen frowned, but chose to remain silent.

Not long after, Tarot came back and said: "We found that one of the mines can not only go down, but also can lead to the depths of the veins. The air is good and it should be considered safe."

"Then let's go down." Himir stood up holding the broken sword.

Came to the side of the mine with Tarot. The vicinity of the mine has been cleaned up. There were originally lifting machines leading to the bottom of the mine. Of course, there is no such condition now. The Tarot people set up several downhill cables around the mine, through which they can quickly reach the depths of the mine. Alan and Simir each slid to the bottom of the well with one. After unbuttoning the button, Allen turned on the lighting beside the goggles. A beam of light was cast over. You can see that there are several mine tunnels in front of them. People came out of those mine tunnels one after another. After they had a conversation with Tarot, Tarot pointed to one of them and said, "Go here."

Coogee mentioned that the old miner got the remnant sword in the mining area, and mentioned that he saw a suspicious person in the depths of the mine. The miners confirmed that the man was not a worker in the mining area. At that time, they saw the man after breaking through a rock formation. The broken sword was dropped when the man hurried away.

Alan is quite skeptical of this statement. Will a dignified emperor live in the belly of the mountain?

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