Edge of the Apocalypse

Chapter 1574:   ask the heart

Night fell.

The land vehicle drove on the wilderness, the lamppost shining lonely on the ground. Inside the carriage, Tarot looked at Himir who was sitting in the corner from time to time. The girl was silent all the way, and the old man's eyebrows frowned. Alan closed his eyes and slumbered, but he knew everything about the situation in the carriage, especially Shimir. Her current breath was totally lacking in vitality, almost like a dead thing, unlike what she saw yesterday. Allen knows her heart knot, but whether it can be solved depends on her. And if a high-ranking person can't even make a choice, Alan doesn't need to cooperate further with the Guss, everything will stop at getting Omisgar's intelligence.

Suddenly light was shining from behind, and Allen looked back. There were several land vehicles behind him. After a long distance, they opened fire without any explanation. Beams of light came from the back of the car, hitting the ground near to the left, and exploded a lot of flames. Allen sneered, opened the car door and raised his hand to the rear, and immediately a line of fire spanned hundreds of meters from left to right. The road vehicles behind hit the line of fire and exploded one by one, forming several bright fire clusters in the wilderness. Allen returned to the car and closed the door. This little episode did not take him to heart. There are too many things like this on a planet like Roz without laws and restrictions.

Shimir didn't say a word until he reached the anchorage of the starship. He just silently gave the storage that recorded a large amount of information to Allen, and then drilled on the starship. Tarot sighed: "We will send His Majesty back to Agareth, and then back to Vega."

"That planet is not safe." Allen reminded.

Tarot nodded: "Fini died at the Grey Sheep Fair, and the Kidd people will definitely intervene. We go back to prepare and leave." After the old man bowed to Alan, he went to direct the others to take Andorra’s The remains and other items were transported to the starship. After the starship left Loz, it set a route to Agareth. At the speed of this starship, it would take about four hours to reach Agareth. It should be morning when the calculation time is up. Allen intends to return to Mocdan first and hand over the data in the storage to Melanie for copying and analysis. I went to the Demon Ring City to see who is currently in the capital of Demon Shadow Nation, and of course it was settled with the Kidd people.

Time passed bit by bit. After a short nap, Allen woke up and looked at the Zhibra screen next to him. The data had been refreshed on it. According to Zhibra's calculations, he had reached Agareth for forty-five minutes. Allen began to take off the armor of the clothes Simmel had given him and put on the armor that was very devilish. After the dressing was completed, Shimir's voice sounded from the intercom next to the automatic door: "Can I come in?"

Allen opened the door, and the girl outside the door bowed her head and walked in from her side. She raised her head, looked at Ellen who was putting on the Demon King's armor, and whispered: "Tarot said, if I want to, Your Majesty will still cooperate with us, is that right?"


"Then, we are willing to cooperate with your majesty. In addition to the data that has been handed over to you, we can also provide more internal information about Omisga. In exchange, I hope that your majesty can rescue our people."

Alan looked at her in silence.

Ximir gritted his teeth and said: "Your Majesty thinks the conditions are not enough?"

"That's not true. Given your current situation, Gus, I don't think there is any way to increase the bargaining chips, right?" Allen said: "But I want to ask, is this what you mean or is it Tarot? "

Himir lowered his head and looked away: "Does it make a difference?"

"Of course there is."

"I don't understand." Ximir shook his head and said, "It shouldn't matter who meant it. Anyway, it's all about cooperation. In any case, I will provide you with what I know."

Allen said, "What about after that?"

Himir didn't seem to understand, and asked, "After what?"

"What about after you rescue your people? Your home planet is gone, where are you going? Also, even if you get rid of the Kidd, but the tyrannical race in the Yorton Star Territory is not only the Kidd. That's why I am I ask you, what do you plan to do afterwards. Will you lead the tribe to wander between the stars, or be enslaved by another strong tribe, and repeat your past destiny?"

Obviously, Simir hadn't thought about this problem. She rubbed the corners of her clothes vigorously, her eyes flustered and tried to avoid Alan's sight. Allen said: "So this is the difference. If it is your own intention, then you will carefully consider what to do next, and you will consider how to take the people out of the predicament, instead of being completely unthought. Just proposed cooperation hastily."

"Furthermore, considering that you are such a leader, I think I will take back the foreword." Allen said indifferently: "I have obtained a lot of data from Omisga~www.wuxiaspot.com~ even if it is not clear. The internal situation of the mechanical star has little effect. So you see, the value of your Gus is not irreplaceable to me. This time I can help you, but after saving you, the Gus Because of your relationship, you will repeat the fate of the past, then what I have done is completely worthless. And in order to understand and save you, I have to consider more factors. Instead of this, it is better to put you in need at the beginning Outside of the scope of consideration, isn't it more convenient for me to act?"

"No, how can this be done? You obviously promised." Himir was finally anxious.

At this moment, Alan’s expression was cold, and there was no emotion in his eyes. He smiled and said: “As a superior, every decision is based on the actual situation. I promised to help before because I saw There is still hope for the Gus. What I have done will not be worthless. But now they are two different things. Tell me Shimir, why should I waste manpower and material resources to save a race destined to extinction?"

"I..." Simmel suddenly shouted: "I don't know! Don't ask me about this. I don't want to be born as a princess. I am a guy who can slap my mouth but has no practical ability. I hate it. I’m like this, but I don’t know how to do it, no one helps me, no one teaches me, I don’t know how I will go next!"

She cried and beat Allen almost uncontrollably, venting her despair, fear, and confusion.

Allen took her hand and said, "Then ask yourself, Himir, and ask your own heart. Putting everything aside, ask if you want to save your people. When you have the answer At that time, you will naturally know what to do."

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