Edge of the Apocalypse

Chapter 1575:   framing

Tarot kept walking back and forth, and an alien warrior next to him shouted: "Can't you sit down? It dazzles me." The old man glared at him without saying a word, and continued walking. Himir has been in for half an hour, Tarot didn't know what was going on inside, so he was anxious. He finally moved Himir to meet Alan, just to catch the last straw. If you can cooperate with the emperor of the Demon Shadow Kingdom, you will get twice the result with half the effort to save yourself the Omisga tribe. Old Tarot could see that Alan was not malicious towards Himir. If Himir can show enough sincerity, then this matter has a great chance of success.

The problem is that girl, Tarot almost watched him grow up, he knew this girl better than anyone else. Simir is often a strong and optimistic look, but Tarot knows that she also has a vulnerable side. And now the death of Andorra is undoubtedly a huge blow to her. Tarot can imagine what it would be like when the tower of faith collapses. In fact, even he feels that the future is bleak, let alone the girl who puts hope on Andorra.

"Be strong, Your Royal Highness." The old man said softly.

Suddenly the door opened and Himmel and Allen walked out of the room. Tarot looked at him, Shimir nodded to him, and then said loudly: "Let everyone come, I have something to say."

Except for one person in the cockpit, all the others gathered on the starship's transit platform. Shimir saw that everyone was coming, and said loudly: "Everyone, I have reached an agreement with His Majesty Allen. His Majesty will rescue our people and set aside a territory for us to recuperate. In return, we must provide your Majesty about Omisga’s detailed information, as well as a group of outstanding technicians who have long been provided to your Majesty."

Upon hearing the last condition, everyone except Tarot showed unnatural expressions. Hemir, who seemed to have known this a long time ago, smiled and said: "Don't get me wrong, your majesty will pay the corresponding compensation according to the technician's ability, not what everyone thinks."

Tarot asked excitedly: "Your Majesty, is this true?"

"Of course." Alan smiled and said: "After I go back, I will return to the Magic Circle City to solve some problems, and you will temporarily settle in Mokdan. After the problems in the Magic Circle City are resolved, I will send someone to pick you up, and then Everyone carefully discuss how to attack Omisga and rescue your people."

There was cheers in the starship right now.

Tarot even lifted Himir up, and the old Gus shed two lines of murky tears and said: "Your Royal Highness, I think you are proud."

Shimir blushed and said, "Hurry up and put me down, I'm not a kid anymore."

Tarot put her down and couldn't help asking: "What exactly did your majesty talk to you? I feel that your whole person has changed."

Himir glanced at Alan and said, "It's nothing, your majesty just asked me to ask my own heart, and then everything has an answer."

"Ask your heart?"


Old Tarot touched his head and smiled dryly: "This is really unpredictable."

At this time, the broadcast of the transit platform rang: "We will enter the atmosphere of Agares in ten minutes. Please come back to your seats now."


In Magic Circle City, the palace of the Shadow Castle, Lamer was wearing a luxurious long dress, standing on the edge of the terrace outside the palace, looking around the city in the dark. At this moment, it was the darkest moment before dawn, and the whole city was submerged in the thick night, even with Elamer's eyesight, he couldn't see things far away. He slowly took a sip of the wine provided only for the emperor, and held his finger on the guardrail.

One click is one second.

After a few minutes, the sky gradually appeared gray, and then the light gradually brightened over time. When the first ray of light fell on the Moying Avenue connecting the big fault, Lamo raised his glass and said to the cold morning air: "To myself, the third emperor of the great Moying Kingdom, Lamo His Majesty!"

It's so bright.

Today, there is a execution in the square in front of Shadow Castle, and residents of Shadow City can spontaneously watch the square. So the execution was still in the end, but the square edge was filled with people early. A full three rows of Shadow Army separated the crowd from the square to prevent anyone from affecting the execution process. But now, the Devil's Ring City is under Ramer's control, and no one dares to do this even if it is intentional.

When the long horn sounded in the shadow castle, the gate of the city gradually opened, and Ganli led a shadow army out of the gate. Behind them is the protagonist of today's execution. These "prisoners" have their mouths closed, their hands and feet are locked with iron handcuffs, and there are light beams between the iron handcuffs, so the prisoners rushed into a team and were taken by the Shadow Army. On the square, and forced to kneel to the ground.

When they saw the prisoners, many people exclaimed, because among these prisoners, there are people who should have died~www.wuxiaspot.com~ such as the Patriarchs of the Black Ice and Hongyan families. The residents of the Great Noble Demon Ring City are no strangers, and their death sentences were just announced not long ago, but they will be seen in the square again.

On the top square of the Shadow Castle, Lamer stood in front of the carved stone fence with a wine glass and looked down at the square. From his position, the square is only a black spot. But Ramo didn't care, after all, he had predicted the end.

Today is the end of many people, including the two Patriarchs Gron and Bai Luo. Before that, they would never have imagined that they were Lamer’s ally yesterday, and today they will become Lamer’s prisoners.

"The world is often unexpected." Lamer said to a beautiful woman serving him next to him, holding a wine glass.

At this time, Gan Li on the square said in a loud voice: "Today, here is here to announce the crimes of these thieves to the subjects of Demon Shadow Nation. Just two days ago, our Majesty Allen was on his mission to Omisga, On the way, he was attacked by the Kidders. Under Omisga’s space weapons, it has been confirmed that His Majesty Allen and the fleet are dead. On the same day, the rebels led by Gronn and Bayro launched a riot. It proves that Gron and others are in harmony with the Kidd people. The rebels intend to use the Kidd’s hands to remove His Majesty Allen in order to seek the throne. Fortunately, their conspiracy was seen through by General Lamer and arrested one by one.

"Now I announce that Gronn, Bairro and others have been convicted of treason for the murder of His Majesty Allen, and that they will be punished by capital punishment here!"

Gan Li's voice reverberated continuously in the magic ring city, and Ramo squinted his eyes. Until then, his plan went smoothly. Gelong and others were arrested, and Lamer was asked to impose all charges on them, and acted as a surrogate for himself. After executing them, the next step was when he truly took charge of the empire.

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