Edge of the Apocalypse

Chapter 1591:  Ambition and advice

In the sun, a metal plate shone brilliantly in Allen's hands. He squinted his eyes, looking up from the garden outside the palace, a brilliant beam of light was cast on the Shadow Castle, so dazzling that it was difficult to look directly at it. Originally, the shadow castle was backed by the smooth mountain wall of the large fault, and it was impossible to bathe in any sunlight. However, the newly appointed castle manager just asked the craftsman to make a circular gap above the large fault, and then insert a diffuse mirror surface, so in the daytime, the shadow castle can also be bathed in the sun. Allen had no objection. Human beings were also creatures yearning for light. The Shadow Castle was a bit brighter and less gloomy, and he did not object. Only in this way, the name of the shadow castle is not true.

Looking at the Demon Kingdom again, in fact, after Allen took over, the empire was also quietly changing. First, the great nobles of the imperial capital went to the third, and the rest of the Thunder Wolf family also existed in name only. Coupled with Lamer's rebellion and many personnel changes in the empire, many visible and invisible changes have taken place in the entire empire. The most intuitive point is that the ten generals of the empire have almost been replaced by half, and the many vacancies created by the rebellion are also filled by young and promising empire talents. On the point of employing people, Allen used his talents, making the empire invisibly changed a batch of new blood, and in many ways showed great vitality.

Now the Guss are also integrated into the empire, and the technical department now has 40% of their seats. Himir also wears the official hat of the deputy supervisor of technology, she is responsible for leading, and also in charge of the Gus technicians. At the beginning, these technicians entered the technical department and naturally had a lot of friction with the old man, but with the support of Allen, coupled with the strength shown by Himir and the almost instinctive talent of the Guss for the fort and other weapons, these voices are very fast. disappear. Today's Guthian princess is no longer as timid as she was when she first arrived in the magic circle. Yesterday, she had a big argument with the director of the technical department and almost came to Alan. When he heard these things from the Castle Master, Allen smiled slightly without commenting on it. However, the general manager observed his words, and saw that the emperor was neither affirmed nor furious, and he already had a conclusion in his heart on how to deal with it.

At this moment, the metal plate in Allen's hand is exactly the fragment of the secret map found in the secret vault of the Kidd Palace. Safo and Cagaso both attached great importance to these two fragments, which shows that there must be a huge secret, or benefit, hidden in this so-called secret map. Adding the fragment obtained from Baal now, Allen can be considered to have collected the secret map. When he put this last fragment on the secret map, the fragment and the secret map bite on their own, and the metal blended with each other, a light flashed, and the joint was seamless. Appearing in Allen's hand is a complete metal plate with many lines on it. These lines are somewhat like electronic circuits. Allen can't see anything famous, and intends to hand it over to the Technical Department for analysis. Now he is the honor of a country, many things do not need to be done by himself, and it is much more convenient to act.

"This is probably the smell of power." He smiled.

Footsteps sounded, and both hands were gently placed on his shoulders and gently pressed. Alan closed his eyes, felt Lola's long hair hanging down the side of his face, and then kissed her lips. After a hot kiss, Laura said in his ear: "Lucy is here, and he also brought a gift."

Lucy is Allen's designated agent to manage Omisgar and a member of the original platinum royal family. Overwhelmed by Allen's power in the palace that day, the Kidd is now obedient to Allen. When visiting at this moment, apart from expressing his loyalty, Allen couldn't think of the second possibility.

In the Hall of Shadows, Allen saw the Kidd. He half-kneeled on the ground, and when he saw Alan, he stretched out his hand and gently pressed his chest, buried his head deeply and said: "His Majesty, look at what I have brought."

He clapped his palms, and a Kidd came to the side carrying a metal box, knelt and opened it. There was a head in the box. The brother of the former Wildhammer Vasak, the Gatu named Montparn, is now lying quietly in the box with his head, his eyes glaring, not staring at him.

Allen tilted his body slightly, resting his cheek in his hand, and said, "Just deal with your ally?"

"When Omisga was bathed in His Majesty’s glory, I sent a message to Montparn to tell him to give up resistance. Unfortunately, he was stubborn and I could only take his head off personally to show my loyalty to His Majesty. ."

"Very well, I have seen your loyalty, Lucy." Allen said, "But because of your intervention, the new warchief is very busy with Barbarian Star. I think you should know how to express it?"

"This is natural, Your Majesty, Warchief Hubble is also your important ally. He will be my own person in the future. Helping him is also helping me. Why not do it." Lucy looked up and said, "If you want, I You can let Mosuoxing join the sequence of allies~www.wuxiaspot.com~Nelmers." Allen laughed: "Lucy, you have a lot of ambitions. But I admire you, an ambitious person. In order to do great things, if you can make the Nirm people obedient, then you will be the governor of Omisgar and Mosuoxing."

"Thank your Majesty!" Lucy pressed his head to the ground.

"However, I hope you remember how Sarver died. Don't make the same mistakes as him."

Lucy was physically alive, and of course he knew how Sarver died. Sarfo wanted to kill the emperor in front of him, so as to annex the Demon Empire, but he didn't want to swallow a hard bone because of it, so he had better break his stomach. This warning was like a splash of cold water, calming his eagerly powerful heart. He lay on the ground and did not dare to move, until the manager said in his ear: "Get up, Master Lucy, your Majesty, he has already left."

The future two-star governor raised his head and smiled gratefully at the governor.

A few days later, there was no news about the polar secret map that was analyzed by the technical department, and Allen did not intend to wait any longer. Notify the Starship Port to make some arrangements. On the next day, Lola and Twilight took a general ship to leave the magic circle city. This is an appointment to go to Omisis. The place where the two met was set on the interstellar defense line, which was also within the defense zone of the Idahua star. This meeting was not a secret. The director had reminded him to be careful about the setting of the Idahua star. Allen laughed at this. With Ofascism's power, if he wanted to deal with him, there was no need to set up any game, so he didn't even bring the guard.

But he was looking forward to what information Ofascism would bring.

ps: The New Year will be coming next month, all kinds of busy, the update will be changed to a change, will be restored after the year. If there are no accidents, this book will end next year. Thank you for your company all the way, and hope that in the new year, you will still be there!

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