Edge of the Apocalypse

Chapter 1592:  Meet

Today, the Golden Firebird Space Base is very busy, because there will be a big event today, that is, the meeting between Orfascius and the Emperor of the Shadow Kingdom. Orfascius had arrived at this base on the interstellar defense line three days ago, and the golden firebird was just like its name. The entire space base was dominated by gold, and it was very eye-catching in the dim space. Its left and right turret clusters spread out like the wings of a bird of flame. Facing such two clusters of turrets, any offender would feel tremendous pressure.

Orfascius was standing in a corridor at the moment, looking through the window to the boundless space outside the base. Duke Grifo stood behind him, and the Duke smiled and said, "The world is unpredictable. Who would have thought that the young man who was driven around the world by you and me that day turned out to be the emperor of the Shadow Empire. Think about us. I'm all getting old."

"I was also very surprised. When I first heard the news, I thought I heard it wrong." Orfascius smiled and said: "And recently, it seems that the Demon Shadow Nation has carried out a military operation against Omisga, and now even Omis Jia has also become a vassal of Demon Shadow Nation. I have to say that Allen’s abilities are beyond your imagination."

"But the demon king's actions are indeed worrying, your majesty, he took it from the royal cemetery, but it is a real golden fire." Griffo's face became gloomy because of the heaviness of the topic.

Ofasis squinted his eyes and said: "Spinak's behavior is really unpredictable. The gold tinder is at best a commemorative meaning for us. I really don't know what he wants that thing for."

"The devil will not do meaningless things, just watch him directly throw away the entire empire after he obtains the fire, and let Allen take over. How can this kind of courage be available to ordinary people, and moreover, it is not clear that the value of gold fire Bigger than the entire empire."

The King of Justice shook his head and said: "I should know Spinnak better than you. Regarding the value, for the devil, the importance of the two cannot be measured with a secular perspective. It can only be said that the golden fire is more than the empire. It’s even more attractive to Spinak. It’s strange here, what is the significance of the gold fire to him, he did not hesitate to set up such a big game, and in the end even the empire was gone, just to get it."

"I'm afraid this answer is only known by the devil himself."

Ofascius coughed now.

Griffith glanced at him nervously, and the King of Justice smiled and said: "It's okay, the injury has been taken care of. Even if the rest is left alone, it will recover by itself. Look, our emperor is here. "

A dark shadow gradually appeared in the space outside the window. After a while, a huge starship was approaching the space base. The starship was completely dark with dark red lines. The hull was streamlined, simple and mysterious, which was the hallmark of the Barren.

"I'm going to meet your majesty the emperor." Griffith bowed back.

When I saw the Barren starship, all the Idahua people in the entire space base became nervous. Although I have been prepared before, it is another matter to wait until I see it. Especially in the command hall of the base, more than half of the people stopped their work and stared blankly at the approaching starship on the screen. It wasn't until the Barren starship sent a message that the people in the command hall woke up like a dream. Next is a series of busy operations, including cumbersome things such as guiding the starship into the base.

In the end, the Barren starship stopped at Pier 2 of the space base.

At Pier 2, the Duke Grievous brought all the important members of the base to the scene. They watched the starship enter the mooring pier. After it finally landed and secured, a beam of light hung from the bottom of the starship. Stepped out from the beam of light. Walking in the forefront is a majestic figure, under the silver-white hair, a pair of red pupils reveals majestic eyes that are not in accordance with the age. Through those eyes, Grifo seemed to be able to see a world of flames. The familiar face is now a bit less green, and more mature after tempering and precipitation. Still wearing the Demon King's armor, Allen walked towards Grifo. He didn't deliberately release his qi, but when he raised his hands and feet, that kind of unpretentious prestige came to life.

Grifo is okay, but the other Idahua stars behind are beginning to be somewhat unable to withstand the invisible pressure of Allen. Griffith raised his hand slightly and released a bit of energy to make them feel better. Then he hurried forward and smiled: "Welcome to Your Majesty Allen."

He bowed to the young man before him.

For a moment, Allen felt extremely unreal. The past can be vividly remembered, and the great Duke who almost suppressed him, now shows his unreserved humility. For a while, Allen felt a little uncomfortable. He raised his hand and nodded and said: "It's been a long time since I've seen you, how is the Duke?"

"Thanks to your majesty, there is no pain and no illness~www.wuxiaspot.com~Grifo straightened up and said: "Please come with me, your majesty is already waiting for you. "

"Then don't let His Majesty Ofasis wait long."

Despite this, Grievous led Allen to visit most of the Firebird base. On the float at the base, Allen suddenly asked, "Is Lucy not here?"

As if he knew that Ellen would ask such a question, Grievous smiled and replied: "His Royal Highness Lucy has made a big discovery, and he can't get out of it at the moment. As for the specifics, let your Majesty tell you."

The meeting place where the two emperors met was arranged in the discussion hall of the base, but the discussion hall that was full of people in the past is now only prepared for two people. All the unnecessary things were cleared away, and the huge space was only placed with a long table and two big chairs. Apart from this, there are no other extra furnishings. Orfasis sat on one of the large chairs, facing the side of the door, without any expression on his face. He didn't smile until the door opened.

finally come.

He stood up and watched the now majestic young man walk into the hall. Ofasis opened his arms and said, "Welcome, Allen."

Seeing that he didn't call himself His Majesty, Allen still used the previous address. Not only did he not feel bad, but he felt more comfortable. After the door closed, he nodded and said: "Your Majesty can see me, I am very happy."

"Of course I want to see you, because I have foreseen a glorious future. In that future you have Lucy and you."

Allen was surprised and said: "Why, is there a breakthrough in the Origin Slate?"

"As you would expect." Orfascius nodded his head: "After the war in the Gart Star Territory, the newly reopened Temple of Truth found that the Origin Slate released some information on its own for unknown reasons. Now the Academy of Truth analyzes those information After that, the conclusion was..."

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