Edge of the Apocalypse

Chapter 1602:  Dead battle


Text Chapter 1602 Deadly Battle

With his gaze falling on the sand table, Edward moved the model on the sand table and started deduction.

"It's not King Pingxi, but it has comparable combat power. In other words, there are two Saint-level powerhouses in the enemy army... It's really difficult." Edward rubbed his eyebrows: "No matter what the calculation is, we are at the top of the battle. The aspect is too lacking, it is not their opponent at all. Even if there is an Annie, at best, they can only take one... Or, can only fight for both sides?"

"In this case, can the bauhinia be sent out?"

"Do you want the main force to retreat now? If you retreat now, you can still maintain a relatively complete combat power, but if you retreat first without a fight, morale will definitely be affected. Although it can be motivated by other means, can it be pulled back to the previous state? It's hard to tell."

"If the main force retreats, the strength of the city defense alone will not be able to stop the advance of the enemy. Moreover, it will take time..."

Edward sighed: "I can only make a slight modification, first contain the enemy's main force, and buy time for Annie. At least one strong enemy must be killed, no, even if both lose, otherwise there will be no way to fight the next battle. "

"Although this will cause losses to the main force, there should be no impact on morale. As long as the battle damage is controlled, the counterattack will not be lost."

"That's it." Edward said loudly: "For the message, our main force rounded into the battlefield from the rear to contain the enemy army."

Self-proclaimed soldiers to send signals.

"Where is the gunpowder burial in the city?" Edward asked again.

A Dark Blade member said solemnly: "It's ready, my lord."

"What about the dead man?"

The Dark Blade clapped his hands, and a group of people came in from outside the conference hall, a total of twenty people, and all of them showed desperate eyes. Edward looked at them and bowed deeply: "At that time, the task of exploding gunpowder everywhere will be handed over to everyone."

According to his plan, once Bauhinia City could not be kept, the dead men would detonate the explosives buried in the city in advance. The timing of the detonation was naturally that after the enemy entered the city, even if he wanted to hand the city off, Edward was not generous enough to give the opponent a good city. In addition to destroying the city, he also took this opportunity to reap a large number of the opposing army to prepare for the next battle.

However, he did not say goodbye to this plan, only he knew and prepared silently.

At this time, the City Lord's Mansion flickered again.

Apparently Angeloni and Hong Lie are fighting fiercely!

Orlando was covered in blood on the wall. He carried a war gun and stabbed out with lightning, and picked off an enemy soldier who had climbed up the city wall. At this time, the line of defense under the city wall was no longer formed under the repeated impact of the Eastern army, and the enemy army had entered the stage of climbing the city. The guards on the city wall are desperately guarding the city head, if the enemy is allowed to enter the city, everything is over.

Orlando looked down, and there were dense enemies everywhere in his sight. Although the artillery at the head of the city was still bombarding, the enemy flooding from below did not decrease at all. Orlando gritted his teeth and looked in the direction of the City Lord's Mansion, and whispered: "What do you plan to do, treat us people as abandoned children and let the main force evacuate to preserve vitality?"

As soon as the voice fell, I heard the soldiers cheering. Orlando turned around, and a soldier pointed to the back of the battlefield: "Look, it's our main force! They are here!"

Orlando squinted, looking far away. Sure enough, a cavalry unit sprang out from the back of the battlefield, followed by a large number of infantrymen. The spears they held high formed a moving steel forest, biting behind the eastern army.

In the Panlong Empire’s army, King Pingxi, sitting on the big seat, looked back and frowned, "Ambush?"

A general next to him said: "The number of opponents is limited, not enough."

After continuously sending out signals with military flags, the Eastern army also began to mobilize, and the tailed army turned to the rear to fight, and the number was only about one-third of the total force. Obviously, Panlong Empire was fighting against Edward's main force, and used superior forces to take Bauhinia City first.

King Pingxi stood up, stretched out his hands and feet and said: "You can't tell Hong Lie to take away all the prestige. Since he has the strong man who greets the other party, then we are not welcome. Let's take down the city first. Get the horse! "

Seeing that King Pingxi was going to go on horseback himself, the general accompanying him was refreshed and shouted: "Are you all deaf? Get your horse for the prince!"

In Bauhinia City, the city street near the city gate has been cleared, and two figures on the street are constantly moving and sometimes colliding. With each collision, the shock wave generated will level the surrounding buildings. Angeloni and Hong Lie wandered down the street and fought fiercely. Their escaped aura formed an invisible storm, chasing and colliding like two tornadoes~www.wuxiaspot.com~ So wherever they went, the room The whole house was razed, and walls were broken everywhere, and a block of good end was turned into rubble in less than a moment.

After another collision, Angeloni connected a few toss and fell to the spire of a bell tower. She squatted on the spire like a cat, licking her lips to show an exuberant smile.

Hong Lie exhaled and raised his hand to strike at a distance. The fist front blasted a spiral wave towards the bell tower.

Angeloni leaped high.

The bell tower exploded into powder in the next moment.

The petite woman fell to the ground, rushing over with her arms and legs. Naturally, Hong Lie was not afraid, raising his fist with another ripple. Angeloni flickered left and right, evading Hong Lie's attack, smoothly cut into the opponent's battle circle, and blasted with a punch. Hong Lie closed his fists and smashed them heavily. Angeloni just raised her left hand to block the grid, one hand was naturally lost to both arms, and she immediately smashed her arm with a click, and fractured on the spot! But Angeloni also slammed Hong Lie's chest with a punch, causing the burly man to spit out blood. Angeloni's boxing edge moved back slightly, and after recharging her strength, she released her fist into a palm, and a palm knife was inserted into Hong Lie's chest, digging straight into his heart.

Hong Lie yelled, grabbed the woman's arm with both hands and pulled it hard. A wave of ripples rolled over Angeloni's arm, and there was a burst of fracture in her arm. Angeloni gritted her teeth and leaped, stepping on Hong Lie's chest. The latter was kicked by her, and crashed into the ruins behind her like a cannonball, and went a hundred meters away. Angeloni fell to the ground, Yuan Li went through her arms, and she used Yuan Li to move the broken bones back to their original position, and then clamped and fixed them with muscles. She moved her fingers slightly, laughed and crashed into the ruins.

After a while, the two flew out of a piece of rubble, Angeloni pinched Hong Lie's neck with one hand, and tore off Hong Lie's left arm with the other. Hong Lie's right hand was thrust into the woman's lower abdomen, and the tip of his palm came out from behind. Both of them were bloody, and the battle was extremely tragic!

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